Esempio n. 1
/** -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Recieve Datagram from a UDP socket.
 * \param   L  The lua state.
 * \lparam  socket socket userdata.
 * \lreturn rcvd   number of bytes recieved.
 * \lreturn ip     ip endpoint userdata.
 * \return  int    # of values pushed onto the stack.
static int
lt_net_udp_recvfrom( lua_State *L )
	struct t_net       *s;
	struct t_buf       *buf;
	struct sockaddr_in *si_cli;
	int                 rcvd;
	char                buffer[ BUFSIZ ];
	char               *rcv = &(buffer[ 0 ]);
	int                 len = sizeof( buffer )-1;

	unsigned int        slen = sizeof( si_cli );

	s = t_net_udp_check_ud( L, 1, 1 );
	if (lua_isuserdata( L, 2 )) {
		buf  = t_buf_check_ud ( L, 2, 1 );
		rcv  = (char *) &(buf->b[ 0 ]);
		len  = buf->len;
	si_cli = t_net_ip4_create_ud( L );

	if ((rcvd = recvfrom(
	  rcv, len, 0,
	  (struct sockaddr *) &(*si_cli), &slen )
	  ) == -1)
		return t_push_error( L, "Failed to recieve UDP packet");

	// return buffer, length, IpEndpoint
	lua_pushlstring( L, rcv, rcvd );
	lua_pushinteger( L, rcvd );
	lua_pushvalue( L, -3 );
	return 3;
Esempio n. 2
 * update  NOT ALLOWED.
 * \param   L    The lua state.
 * \lparam  Http.Connection instance.
 * \lparam  key   string/integer
 * \lparam  value LuaType
 * \return  The # of items pushed to the stack.
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
static int
lt_htp_con__newindex( lua_State *L )
	t_htp_con_check_ud( L, -3, 1 );

	return t_push_error( L, "Can't change values in `"T_HTP_CON_TYPE"`" );
Esempio n. 3
 * update  NOT ALLOWED.
 * \param   L    The lua state.
 * \lparam  Http.Connection instance.
 * \lparam  key   string/integer
 * \lparam  value LuaType
 * \return  The # of items pushed to the stack.
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
static int
lt_htp_con__newindex( lua_State *L )
	t_htp_con_check_ud( L, -3, 1 );

	return t_push_error( L, "Can't change values in `T.Http.Connection`" );
Esempio n. 4
 * update  NOT ALLOWED.
 * \param   L    The lua state.
 * \lparam  Http.Message instance.
 * \lparam  key   string/integer
 * \lparam  value LuaType
 * \return  int    # of values pushed onto the stack.
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
static int
lt_htp_str__newindex( lua_State *L )
	t_htp_str_check_ud( L, -3, 1 );

	return t_push_error( L, "Can't change values in `T.Http.Stream`" );
Esempio n. 5
/** -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Send Datagram over a UDP socket to an IP endpoint.
 * \param   L  The lua state.
 * \lparam  socket socket userdata.
 * \lparam  ip     sockaddr userdata.
 * \lparam  msg    luastring.
 *       or
 * \lparam  T.Buffer   lua-t BUffer type.
 * \lreturn sent   number of bytes sent.
 * \return  int    # of values pushed onto the stack.
static int
lt_net_udp_sendto( lua_State *L )
	struct t_net       *s;
	struct sockaddr_in *ip;
	struct t_buf       *buf;
	int                 sent;
	int                 len;
	const char         *msg;

	s = t_net_udp_check_ud( L, 1, 1 );
	ip  = t_net_ip4_check_ud( L, 2, 1 );
	if (lua_isstring( L, 3 ))
		msg   = lua_tostring( L, 3 );
		len   = strlen( msg );
	else if (lua_isuserdata( L, 3 ))
		buf  = t_buf_check_ud( L, 3, 1 );
		msg  = (char *) &(buf->b[ 0 ]);
		len  = buf->len;
		return t_push_error( L, "ERROR sendTo(socket,ip,msg) takes msg argument" );

	if ((sent = sendto(
	  msg, len, 0,
	  (struct sockaddr *) &(*ip), sizeof( struct sockaddr ))
	  ) == -1)
		return t_push_error( L, "Failed to send UDP packet to %s:%d",
					 inet_ntoa( ip->sin_addr ),
					 ntohs( ip->sin_port ) );

	lua_pushinteger( L, sent );
	return 1;
Esempio n. 6
 * Sets the onData method in T.Http.Message.
 * \param   L    The lua state.
 * \lparam  Http.Message instance.
 * \lparam  function to be executed when body data arrives on connection.
 * \return  int    # of values pushed onto the stack.
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
static int
lt_htp_str_onbody( lua_State *L )
	struct t_htp_str *m = t_htp_str_check_ud( L, 1, 1 );
	if (lua_isfunction( L, 2 ))
		m->bR = luaL_ref( L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX );
		return 0;
	if (lua_isnoneornil( L, 2 ))
		m->bR = LUA_NOREF;
		return 0;
		return t_push_error( L, "Argument must be function or nil" );