Esempio n. 1
static error_t target_flash_erase_chip(void)
    error_t status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
    const program_target_t *const flash = target_device.flash_algo;

    if (0 == swd_flash_syscall_exec(&flash->sys_call_s, flash->erase_chip, 0, 0, 0, 0)) {
        return ERROR_ERASE_ALL;

    // Reset and re-initialize the target after the erase if required
    if (target_device.erase_reset) {
        status = target_flash_init();

    return status;
Esempio n. 2
void usbd_msc_write_sect(uint32_t block, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t num_of_blocks)
    FatDirectoryEntry_t tmp_file = {0};
    extension_t start_type_identified = UNKNOWN;
    target_flash_status_t status = TARGET_OK;
    uint32_t i = 0;
    if (!USBD_MSC_MediaReady) {
    debug_msg("block: %d\r\n", block);
    // indicate msd activity
    // this is the key for starting a file write - we dont care what file types are sent
    //  just look for something unique (NVIC table, hex, srec, etc) until root dir is updated
    if (0 == file_transfer_state.transfer_started) {
        // look for file types we can program
        start_type_identified = identify_start_sequence(buf);
        if (start_type_identified != UNKNOWN) {
            debug_msg("%s", "FLASH INIT\r\n");
            // binary file transfer - reset parsing
            file_transfer_state.start_block = block;
            file_transfer_state.amt_to_write = 0xffffffff;
            file_transfer_state.amt_written = USBD_MSC_BlockSize;
            file_transfer_state.last_block_written = block;
            file_transfer_state.transfer_started = 1;
            file_transfer_state.file_type = start_type_identified;
            // prepare the target device
            status = target_flash_init(file_transfer_state.file_type);
            if (status != TARGET_OK) {
                goto msc_fail_exit;
            // writing in 2 places less than ideal but manageable for the time being
            debug_msg("%d: %s", __LINE__, "FLASH WRITE - ");
            //debug_data(buf, USBD_MSC_BlockSize);
            status = target_flash_program_page((block-file_transfer_state.start_block)*USBD_MSC_BlockSize, buf, USBD_MSC_BlockSize*num_of_blocks);
            debug_msg("%d\r\n", status);
            if ((status != TARGET_OK) && (status != TARGET_HEX_FILE_EOF)) {
                goto msc_fail_exit;
            goto msc_complete;
    // if the root dir comes we should look at it and parse for info that can end a transfer
    else if ((block == ((mbr.num_fats * mbr.logical_sectors_per_fat) + 1)) || 
             (block == ((mbr.num_fats * mbr.logical_sectors_per_fat) + 2))) {
        // start looking for a known file and some info about it
        for( ; i < USBD_MSC_BlockSize/sizeof(tmp_file); i++) {
            memcpy(&tmp_file, &buf[i*sizeof(tmp_file)], sizeof(tmp_file));
                , tmp_file.filename, tmp_file.attributes, tmp_file.filesize, tmp_file.first_cluster_low_16
                , tmp_file.creation_time_ms, tmp_file.modification_time, tmp_file.accessed_date);
            // test for a known dir entry file type and also that the filesize is greater than 0
            if (1 == wanted_dir_entry(tmp_file)) {
                file_transfer_state.amt_to_write = tmp_file.filesize;

    // write data to media
    if ((block >= file_transfer_state.start_block) && 
        (file_transfer_state.transfer_started == 1)) {
        if (block >= file_transfer_state.start_block) {
            // check for contiguous transfer
            if (block != (file_transfer_state.last_block_written+1)) {
                // this is non-contigous transfer. need to wait for then next proper block
                debug_msg("%s", "BLOCK OUT OF ORDER\r\n");
            else {
                debug_msg("%d: %s", __LINE__, "FLASH WRITE - ");
                //debug_data(buf, USBD_MSC_BlockSize);
                status = target_flash_program_page((block-file_transfer_state.start_block)*USBD_MSC_BlockSize, buf, USBD_MSC_BlockSize*num_of_blocks);
                debug_msg("%d\r\n", status);
                if ((status != TARGET_OK) && (status != TARGET_HEX_FILE_EOF)) {
                    goto msc_fail_exit;
                // and do the housekeeping
                file_transfer_state.amt_written += USBD_MSC_BlockSize;
                file_transfer_state.last_block_written = block;
    // see if a complete transfer occured by knowing it started and comparing filesize expectations (BIN)
    //  finding an EOF from hex file (HEX)
    if (((file_transfer_state.amt_written >= file_transfer_state.amt_to_write) && (file_transfer_state.transfer_started == 1 )) || 
         (TARGET_HEX_FILE_EOF == status)) {
        // hex file complete exit needs to look like binary file complete exit
        status = TARGET_OK;
        // do the disconnect - maybe write some programming stats to the file
        debug_msg("%s", "FLASH END\r\n");
        // we know the contents have been reveived. Time to eject
        file_transfer_state.transfer_started = 0;
    // There is one more known state where the root dir is updated with the amount of data transfered but not the whole file transfer was complete
    //  To handle this we need a state to kick off a timer for a fixed amount of time where we can receive more continous sectors and assume
    //  they are valid file data. This is only the case for bin files since the only known end is the filesize from the root dir entry.
    file_transfer_state.transfer_started = 0;
    USBD_MSC_MediaReady = 0;