Esempio n. 1
* Update slot items based on tcStores state
void tcStoresGui::UpdateGui()
	tcStores* stores = GetStores();
	if (stores == 0) return;

    // mark all slots not updated
    for (size_t n=0; n<slots.size(); n++)
    std::string s;
	size_t nTypes = stores->GetNumberItemTypes();
	for (size_t n=0; (n<nTypes)&&(n<slots.size()); n++)
		tcContainerSlot& slot = slots[n];

        const tcStores::StoreItemInfo& itemInfo = stores->GetItemInfo(n);
        const std::string& itemName = itemInfo.className;
        unsigned int itemQuantity = itemInfo.quantity;
        unsigned int itemId =;

		AddOrUpdateItem(slot, itemName, itemQuantity, false, itemId, stores);

    // add items that are on-the-move
    const std::vector<tcStores::StoreItemInfo>& moveSummary = stores->GetMoveSummary();
    size_t nMoves = moveSummary.size();
	for (size_t n=0; (n<nMoves)&&((n+nTypes)<slots.size()); n++)
		tcContainerSlot& slot = slots[n+nTypes];

        const std::string& itemName = moveSummary[n].className;
        unsigned long itemQuantity = moveSummary[n].quantity;

		AddOrUpdateItem(slot, itemName, itemQuantity, true, moveSummary[n].id, stores);

	// delete items that were not updated
	for (size_t n=0; n<slots.size(); n++)
		if (!slots[n].IsUpdated())

    nPages = ((slotsPerPage - 1 + stores->GetNumberItemTypes()) / slotsPerPage);
    size_t maxPages = (maxSlots - 1 + slotsPerPage) / slotsPerPage;
    if (nPages > maxPages) nPages = maxPages;

    // update page boxes
    if (nPages > 1) // don't bother showing icon for single page
        float xPageBox = float(mnWidth) - 10.0f;
        float yPageBox = 30.0f;
        float wPageBox = 7.0f;

        for (size_t n=0; n<nPages; n++)
//            float yOffset = float(n)*wPageBox;
            pageBoxes.push_back(tcRect(xPageBox, xPageBox + wPageBox, yPageBox, yPageBox + wPageBox));
            yPageBox += wPageBox + 2.0f;
Esempio n. 2
CGVEditTail::OnDraw( DrawStruct *DrawStc )
	char tOut[2];

	CBrush	tBrush;
	tOut[1] = 0;

	CGenedocDoc *pDoc = ((CGenedocView *)DrawStc->pView)->GetDocument();

	if ( DrawStc->pDC->IsPrinting() ) {
		if ( pDoc->m_UserVars.m_PrintShading ) return;
		DrawStc->pDC->SetBkMode ( TRANSPARENT );

	POSITION tPos = ViewDataList.GetHeadPosition();
	DWORD CurrentDisplayLoc = m_YPosition;

	while ( tPos != NULL ) {
		CString * tGStr = (CString *)ViewDataList.GetNext(tPos);

		if ( (CurrentDisplayLoc + m_LineHeight) > DrawStc->ReDrawTop 
//			&& CurrentDisplayLoc <= DrawStc->ReDrawBottom 
			&& CurrentDisplayLoc < DrawStc->ReDrawBottom 
		) {

			int cCount = tGStr->GetLength();
			for ( int tCount = 0; tCount < cCount; tCount++ ) {

				UINT tXLoc1 = tCount*m_CharWidth + m_CharWidth + m_XPosition;
				UINT tXLoc2 = tCount*m_CharWidth + m_XPosition;

				if ( tXLoc1 > DrawStc->ReDrawLeft && tXLoc2 <= DrawStc->ReDrawRight ) {

					COLORREF TextColor, BkColor;

					pDoc->GetLevelColors(&pDoc->m_UserVars.m_Vars, 0, &TextColor, &BkColor );

					CRect tcRect( 
						tXLoc2 - DrawStc->DisplayXPosition, 
						(int)(CurrentDisplayLoc - DrawStc->DisplayYPosition) + DrawStc->PrintYOffset, 
						tXLoc1 - DrawStc->DisplayXPosition, 
						(int)(CurrentDisplayLoc + m_LineHeight - DrawStc->DisplayYPosition) + DrawStc->PrintYOffset

					if ( DrawStc->pDC->IsPrinting() ) {

						tBrush.CreateSolidBrush( BkColor );
						DrawStc->pDC->FillRect ( tcRect, &tBrush );


					DrawStc->pDC->SetBkColor( BkColor );

					tOut[0] = (*tGStr)[tCount];

					DrawStc->pDC->SetTextColor( TextColor );

					if ( DrawStc->pDC->IsPrinting() ) {
							tXLoc2 - DrawStc->DisplayXPosition, 
							(int)(CurrentDisplayLoc - DrawStc->DisplayYPosition) + DrawStc->PrintYOffset, 
							tOut, 1 
					} else {

							tXLoc2 - DrawStc->DisplayXPosition, 
							(int)(CurrentDisplayLoc - DrawStc->DisplayYPosition) + DrawStc->PrintYOffset, 
							tOut, 1 , (int *)(&m_CharWidth) 


//					DrawStc->pDC->DrawText( tOut, 1, tcRect, 
//					);

		CurrentDisplayLoc += m_LineHeight;

	if ( !DrawStc->pDC->IsPrinting() ) {
		if ( Selected ) {
			DrawStc->pDC->InvertRect( ViewRect);

// |aTexCoordRect| is the rectangle from the texture that we want to
// draw using the given program.  The program already has a necessary
// offset and scale, so the geometry that needs to be drawn is a unit
// square from 0,0 to 1,1.
// |aTexSize| is the actual size of the texture, as it can be larger
// than the rectangle given by |aTexCoordRect|.
CompositorOGL::BindAndDrawQuadWithTextureRect(ShaderProgramOGL *aProg,
                                              const Rect& aTexCoordRect,
                                              TextureSource *aTexture)
  NS_ASSERTION(aProg->HasInitialized(), "Shader program not correctly initialized");
  GLuint vertAttribIndex =
  GLuint texCoordAttribIndex =
  NS_ASSERTION(texCoordAttribIndex != GLuint(-1), "no texture coords?");

  // Given what we know about these textures and coordinates, we can
  // compute fmod(t, 1.0f) to get the same texture coordinate out.  If
  // the texCoordRect dimension is < 0 or > width/height, then we have
  // wraparound that we need to deal with by drawing multiple quads,
  // because we can't rely on full non-power-of-two texture support
  // (which is required for the REPEAT wrap mode).

  GLContext::RectTriangles rects;

  GLenum wrapMode = aTexture->AsSourceOGL()->GetWrapMode();

  IntSize realTexSize = aTexture->GetSize();
  if (!mGLContext->CanUploadNonPowerOfTwo()) {
    realTexSize = IntSize(NextPowerOfTwo(realTexSize.width),

  // We need to convert back to actual texels here to get proper behaviour with
  // our GL helper functions. Should fix this sometime.
  // I want to vomit.
  IntRect texCoordRect = IntRect(NS_roundf(aTexCoordRect.x * aTexture->GetSize().width),
                                 NS_roundf(aTexCoordRect.y * aTexture->GetSize().height),
                                 NS_roundf(aTexCoordRect.width * aTexture->GetSize().width),
                                 NS_roundf(aTexCoordRect.height * aTexture->GetSize().height));

  // This is fairly disgusting - if the texture should be flipped it will have a
  // negative height, in which case we un-invert the texture coords and pass the
  // flipped 'flag' to the functions below. We can't just use the inverted coords
  // because our GL funtions use an explicit flag.
  bool flipped = false;
  if (texCoordRect.height < 0) {
    flipped = true;
    texCoordRect.y = texCoordRect.YMost();
    texCoordRect.height = -texCoordRect.height;

  if (wrapMode == LOCAL_GL_REPEAT) {
    rects.addRect(/* dest rectangle */
                  0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f,
                  /* tex coords */
                  texCoordRect.x / GLfloat(realTexSize.width),
                  texCoordRect.y / GLfloat(realTexSize.height),
                  texCoordRect.XMost() / GLfloat(realTexSize.width),
                  texCoordRect.YMost() / GLfloat(realTexSize.height),
  } else {
    nsIntRect tcRect(texCoordRect.x, texCoordRect.y,
                     texCoordRect.width, texCoordRect.height);
                                              nsIntSize(realTexSize.width, realTexSize.height),
                                              rects, flipped);

  DrawWithVertexBuffer2(mGLContext, mVBOs,
                        LOCAL_GL_TRIANGLES, rects.elements(),
                        vertAttribIndex, rects.vertexPointer(),
                        texCoordAttribIndex, rects.texCoordPointer());