Esempio n. 1
void Triangle::Collide(SecondaryContext &ctx, int idx, int first, int last) const {
	Vec3q tnrm(plane.x, plane.y, plane.z);
	Vec3q ta(a), tca(ca), tba(ba);
	floatq zero(0.0f), one(1.0f), tit0(it0);

	int count = last - first + 1;
	for(int q = 0; q < count; q++) {
		int tq = q + first;

		const Vec3q dir = ctx.rayDir[tq];
		floatq idet = Inv(dir | tnrm);

		Vec3q tvec = ctx.rayOrigin[tq] - ta;
		floatq dist = -(tvec | tnrm) * idet;
		Vec3q tvec0 = tba ^ tvec;
		Vec3q tvec1 = tvec ^ tca;

		idet *= tit0;
		floatq v = (dir | tvec0) * idet;
		floatq u = (dir | tvec1) * idet;

		f32x4b test = Min(u, v) >= zero && u + v <= one;
		test = test && /*idet > zero &&*/ dist >= zero && dist < ctx.distance[tq];

		ctx.distance[tq] = Condition(test, dist, ctx.distance[tq]);
		ctx.normals[tq] = Condition(test, tnrm, ctx.normals[tq]);
		ctx.triIds[tq] = Condition(i32x4b(test), idx, ctx.triIds[tq]);
		ctx.barycentric[tq] = Condition(test, Vec2q(u, v), ctx.barycentric[tq]);
Esempio n. 2
void testsl() {

  TStarLight* sl = new TStarLight("starlight generator", "title", "");

  sl->SetParameter("baseFileName = slight	#suite of output files will be saved with this base name");
  sl->SetParameter("BEAM_1_Z = 82    #Z of projectile");
  sl->SetParameter("BEAM_1_A = 208   #A of projectile");
  sl->SetParameter("BEAM_2_Z = 82   #Z of target");
  sl->SetParameter("BEAM_2_A = 208   #A of target");
  sl->SetParameter("BEAM_1_GAMMA = 1470.0 #Gamma of the colliding ion 1");
  sl->SetParameter("BEAM_2_GAMMA = 1470.0 #Gamma of the colliding ion 2");
  sl->SetParameter("W_MAX = -1   #Max value of w");
  sl->SetParameter("W_MIN = -1    #Min value of w");
  sl->SetParameter("W_N_BINS = 50    #Bins i w");
  sl->SetParameter("RAP_MAX = 9.    #max y");
  sl->SetParameter("RAP_N_BINS = 200    #Bins i y");
  sl->SetParameter("CUT_PT = 0 #Cut in pT? 0 = (no, 1 = yes)");
  sl->SetParameter("PT_MIN = 1.0 #Minimum pT in GeV");
  sl->SetParameter("PT_MAX = 3.0 #Maximum pT in GeV");
  sl->SetParameter("CUT_ETA = 0 #Cut in pseudorapidity? (0 = no, 1 = yes)");
  sl->SetParameter("ETA_MIN = -10 #Minimum pseudorapidity");
  sl->SetParameter("ETA_MAX = 10 #Maximum pseudorapidity");
  sl->SetParameter("PROD_MODE = 2     #gg or gP switch (1 = 2-photon, 2 = coherent vector meson (narrow), 3 = coherent vector meson (wide), 4 = incoherent vector meson)");
  sl->SetParameter("N_EVENTS = 1000   #Number of events");
  sl->SetParameter("PROD_PID = 443013   #Channel of interest; this is j/psi --> mu+ mu-");
  sl->SetParameter("RND_SEED = 5574533 #Random number seed");
  sl->SetParameter("BREAKUP_MODE = 5     #Controls the nuclear breakup; a 5 here makes no requirement on the breakup of the ions");
  sl->SetParameter("INTERFERENCE = 0     #Interference (0 = off, 1 = on)");
  sl->SetParameter("IF_STRENGTH = 1.    #percent of intefernce (0.0 - 0.1)");
  sl->SetParameter("INT_PT_MAX = 0.24  #Maximum pt considered, when interference is turned on");
  sl->SetParameter("INT_PT_N_BINS =120   #Number of pt bins when interference is turned on");
  sl->SetParameter("XSEC_METHOD = 1 # Set to 0 to use old method for calculating gamma-gamma luminosity");
  sl->SetParameter("PYTHIA_FULL_EVENTRECORD = 0 # Write full pythia information to output (vertex, parents, daughter etc).");

  TClonesArray tca("TParticle", 100);

  TLorentzVector v[2], vSum;
  TH1* hM  = new TH1D("hM",  "STARLIGHT;M#(){#pi^{+}#pi^{-}}",    200, 3.0, 3.2);
  TH1* hPt = new TH1D("hPt", "STARLIGHT;P_{T}#(){#pi^{+}#pi^{-}}", 80, 0., 2.);
  TH1* hY  = new TH1D("hY",  "STARLIGHT;Y#(){#pi^{+}#pi^{-}}",    100,-10., 10.);

  std::ofstream ofs("sl.txt");
  TParticle *p;
  for (Int_t counter(0); counter<20000; ) {
    sl->ImportParticles(&tca, "ALL");
    Bool_t genOK = kTRUE;
    TLorentzVector vSum;
    for (Int_t i=0; i<tca.GetEntries() && genOK; ++i) {
      p = (TParticle*)tca.At(i);
      vSum += v[i];
//       genOK = TMath::Abs(v[i].Rapidity()) <= 1.5;
    if (!genOK) continue;
    Printf("%5d %d", counter, genOK);
    vSum = v[0] + v[1];
    ofs << std::fixed << std::setprecision(4)
	<< vSum.M() << " " << vSum.Perp() << " " << vSum.Rapidity() << " "
	<< v[0].Eta() << " " << v[0].Px() << " " << v[0].Py() << " " << v[0].Pz() << " "
	<< v[1].Eta() << " " << v[1].Px() << " " << v[1].Py() << " " << v[1].Pz()
	<< std::endl;
  TFile::Open("sl.root", "RECREATE");

Esempio n. 3
void Triangle::Collide(ShadowContext &ctx, int idx, int first, int last) const { //40%
	Vec3q tnrm(plane.x, plane.y, plane.z);
	Vec3q tvec0, tvec1;
	floatq tmul; {
		Vec3q ta(a), tca(ca), tba(ba);

		Vec3q tvec = ctx.rayOrigin - ta;
		tvec0 = (tba ^ tvec) * floatq(it0);
		tvec1 = (tvec ^ tca) * floatq(it0);
		tmul = -(tvec | Vec3q(plane.x, plane.y, plane.z));
	floatq zero(0.0f), one(1.0f);

	while(first <= last) {
		int q = first; first += 4;

		Vec3q dir[4] = { ctx.rayDir[q + 0], ctx.rayDir[q + 1], ctx.rayDir[q + 2], ctx.rayDir[q + 3] };
		f32x4 distance[4] = { ctx.distance[q + 0], ctx.distance[q + 1], ctx.distance[q + 2], ctx.distance[q + 3] };

		floatq det[4] = { dir[0] | tnrm, dir[1] | tnrm, dir[2] | tnrm, dir[3] | tnrm };
		floatq idet[4] = { Inv(det[0]), Inv(det[1]), Inv(det[2]), Inv(det[3]) }; 
		floatq dist[4] = { idet[0] * tmul, idet[1] * tmul, idet[2] * tmul, idet[3] * tmul };

		f32x4b test[4] = {
			dist[0] >= zero && dist[0] < distance[0]/* && det[0] >= zero*/,
			dist[1] >= zero && dist[1] < distance[1]/* && det[1] >= zero*/,
			dist[2] >= zero && dist[2] < distance[2]/* && det[2] >= zero*/,
			dist[3] >= zero && dist[3] < distance[3]/* && det[3] >= zero*/ };

		floatq tv[4] = {
			(dir[0] | tvec0) * idet[0],
			(dir[1] | tvec0) * idet[1],
			(dir[2] | tvec0) * idet[2],
			(dir[3] | tvec0) * idet[3] };
		floatq tu[4] = {
			(dir[0] | tvec1) * idet[0],
			(dir[1] | tvec1) * idet[1],
			(dir[2] | tvec1) * idet[2],
			(dir[3] | tvec1) * idet[3] };

		test[0] = (test[0] && tu[0] >= zero) && (tv[0] >= zero && tu[0] + tv[0] <= one);
		test[1] = (test[1] && tu[1] >= zero) && (tv[1] >= zero && tu[1] + tv[1] <= one);
		test[2] = (test[2] && tu[2] >= zero) && (tv[2] >= zero && tu[2] + tv[2] <= one);
		test[3] = (test[3] && tu[3] >= zero) && (tv[3] >= zero && tu[3] + tv[3] <= one);

		ctx.distance[q + 0] = Condition(test[0], dist[0], distance[0]);
		ctx.distance[q + 1] = Condition(test[1], dist[1], distance[1]);
		ctx.distance[q + 2] = Condition(test[2], dist[2], distance[2]);
		ctx.distance[q + 3] = Condition(test[3], dist[3], distance[3]);
	if(0) while(first <= last) {
		int q = first++;
		Vec3q dir = ctx.rayDir[q];
		floatq distance = ctx.distance[q];

		floatq det = dir | tnrm;
		floatq idet = Inv(det);

		floatq dist = idet * tmul;
		floatq v = (dir | tvec0);
		floatq u = (dir | tvec1);

		f32x4b test = u >= zero && v >= zero && u + v <= det;
		test = test /*&& idet > zero*/ && dist >= zero && dist < distance;

		ctx.distance[q] = Condition(test, dist, distance);
Esempio n. 4
void Triangle::Collide(PrimaryContext &ctx, int idx, int first, int last) const { //40%
	Vec3q tnrm(plane.x, plane.y, plane.z);
	Vec3q tvec0, tvec1;
	floatq tmul; {
		Vec3q ta(a), tca(ca), tba(ba);

		Vec3q tvec = ctx.rayOrigin - ta;
		tvec0 = (tba ^ tvec) * floatq(it0);
		tvec1 = (tvec ^ tca) * floatq(it0);
		tmul = -(tvec | Vec3q(plane.x, plane.y, plane.z));
	floatq zero(0.0f), one(1.0f);

	//TODO: nany i denormalne z koncowek moga wplywac na wydajnosc
	while(first <= last) {
		int q = first; first += 4;

		Vec3q dir[4] = { ctx.rayDir[q + 0], ctx.rayDir[q + 1], ctx.rayDir[q + 2], ctx.rayDir[q + 3] };
		i32x4 triIds[4] = { ctx.triIds[q + 0], ctx.triIds[q + 1], ctx.triIds[q + 2], ctx.triIds[q + 3] };
		f32x4 distance[4] = { ctx.distance[q + 0], ctx.distance[q + 1], ctx.distance[q + 2], ctx.distance[q + 3] };

		floatq idet[4] = { Inv(dir[0] | tnrm), Inv(dir[1] | tnrm), Inv(dir[2] | tnrm), Inv(dir[3] | tnrm) };
		f32x4b test[4] = { true, true, true, true };//idet[0] > zero, idet[1] > zero, idet[2] > zero, idet[3] > zero };
		floatq dist[4] = { idet[0] * tmul, idet[1] * tmul, idet[2] * tmul, idet[3] * tmul };

		floatq v[4] = {
			(dir[0] | tvec0) * idet[0], (dir[1] | tvec0) * idet[1],
			(dir[2] | tvec0) * idet[2], (dir[3] | tvec0) * idet[3] };
		Vec2q barycentric[4] = { ctx.barycentric[q + 0], ctx.barycentric[q + 1], ctx.barycentric[q + 2], ctx.barycentric[q + 3] };

		floatq u[4] = {
			(dir[0] | tvec1) * idet[0], (dir[1] | tvec1) * idet[1],
			(dir[2] | tvec1) * idet[2], (dir[3] | tvec1) * idet[3] };
		Vec3q normals[4] = { ctx.normals[q + 0], ctx.normals[q + 1], ctx.normals[q + 2], ctx.normals[q + 3] }; 

		test[0] = ((test[0] && u[0] > zero) && (v[0] > zero && u[0] + v[0] < one))
				&& (dist[0] > zero && dist[0] < distance[0]);
		test[1] = ((test[1] && u[1] > zero) && (v[1] > zero && u[1] + v[1] < one))
				&& (dist[1] > zero && dist[1] < distance[1]);
		test[2] = ((test[2] && u[2] > zero) && (v[2] > zero && u[2] + v[2] < one))
				&& (dist[2] > zero && dist[2] < distance[2]);
		test[3] = ((test[3] && u[3] > zero) && (v[3] > zero && u[3] + v[3] < one))
				&& (dist[3] > zero && dist[3] < distance[3]);

		ctx.distance[q + 0] = Condition(test[0], dist[0], distance[0]);
		ctx.distance[q + 1] = Condition(test[1], dist[1], distance[1]);
		ctx.distance[q + 2] = Condition(test[2], dist[2], distance[2]);
		ctx.distance[q + 3] = Condition(test[3], dist[3], distance[3]);

		ctx.normals[q + 0] = Condition(test[0], tnrm, normals[0]);
		ctx.normals[q + 1] = Condition(test[1], tnrm, normals[1]);
		ctx.normals[q + 2] = Condition(test[2], tnrm, normals[2]);
		ctx.normals[q + 3] = Condition(test[3], tnrm, normals[3]);

		ctx.triIds[q + 0] = Condition(i32x4b(test[0]), idx, triIds[0]);
		ctx.triIds[q + 1] = Condition(i32x4b(test[1]), idx, triIds[1]);
		ctx.triIds[q + 2] = Condition(i32x4b(test[2]), idx, triIds[2]);
		ctx.triIds[q + 3] = Condition(i32x4b(test[3]), idx, triIds[3]);

		ctx.barycentric[q + 0] = Condition(test[0], Vec2q(u[0], v[0]), barycentric[0]);
		ctx.barycentric[q + 1] = Condition(test[1], Vec2q(u[1], v[1]), barycentric[1]);
		ctx.barycentric[q + 2] = Condition(test[2], Vec2q(u[2], v[2]), barycentric[2]);
		ctx.barycentric[q + 3] = Condition(test[3], Vec2q(u[3], v[3]), barycentric[3]);
	if(0) while(first <= last) {
		int q = first++;

		Vec3q dir = ctx.rayDir[q];
		floatq distance = ctx.distance[q];
		i32x4 triIds = ctx.triIds[q];

		floatq idet = Inv(dir | tnrm);

		floatq dist = idet * tmul;
		Vec2q barycentric = ctx.barycentric[q];
		Vec3q normals = ctx.normals[q];

		floatq v = (dir | tvec0) * idet;
		floatq u = (dir | tvec1) * idet;

		f32x4b test = Min(u, v) >= zero && u + v <= one;
		test = test && /*idet > zero &&*/ dist >= zero && dist < distance;

		ctx.distance[q] = Condition(test, dist, distance);
		ctx.normals[q] = Condition(test, tnrm, normals);
		ctx.triIds[q] = Condition(i32x4b(test), idx, triIds);
		ctx.barycentric[q] = Condition(test, Vec2q(u, v), barycentric);