Esempio n. 1
void StudentInformation::Insert(string str)
	char s[256];
	strcpy(s, str.c_str());
	char* arr[5] = {0}; 
	int i = 0;   //访问字符数组s
	int index = 0; //访问arr数组
	arr[index++] = s;
	while(s[i]  != '\0')
		if(s[i] == ' ')
			s[i] = '\0';
			arr[index++] = &s[i];
	size_t id = atoi(arr[0]);
	string name(arr[1]);
	char sex[6];
	strcpy(sex, arr[2]);
	size_t homeNum  = atoi(arr[3]);
	string telephone(arr[4]);

//	cout << "id: " << id << endl;
//	cout << "name: " << name << endl;
//	cout << "sex: " << sex << endl;
//	cout << "homeNum: " << homeNum << endl;
//	cout << "telephone: " << telephone << endl;
	if(_list == NULL)
		_list = new StudentNode(id, name, sex, homeNum, telephone);
		StudentNode *end = _list;
		while(end->_next != NULL)
			end = end->_next;

		end->_next = new StudentNode(id, name, sex, homeNum, telephone);
Esempio n. 2
EnabledLocalesModel::data( const QModelIndex& index, int role ) const
    if ( index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= m_locales.count() )
        return QVariant();
    const QString& localeCode = m_locales[index.row()];

    Locale locale( localeCode.toLatin1() );

    // Get language and country in current system locale
    UnicodeString uDisplayLanguage;
    UnicodeString uDisplayCountry;
    locale.getDisplayLanguage( locale, uDisplayLanguage );
    locale.getDisplayCountry( locale, uDisplayCountry );

    // Capitalize language and country
    UErrorCode status;
    BreakIterator* titleIterator = BreakIterator::createTitleInstance( locale, status );
    uDisplayLanguage = uDisplayLanguage.toTitle( titleIterator );
    uDisplayCountry = uDisplayCountry.toTitle( titleIterator );

    QString displayLanguage = unicodeStringToQString( uDisplayLanguage );
    QString displayCountry = unicodeStringToQString( uDisplayCountry );

    switch ( role )
    case Qt::DisplayRole:
        return QString( "%1 - %2 (%3)" ).arg( displayLanguage ).arg( displayCountry ).arg( localeCode );
    case LocaleCodeRole:
        return localeCode;
    case CountryRole:
        return displayCountry;
    case LanguageRole:
        return displayLanguage;
    case AddressRole:
        return address();
    case CollateRole:
        return collate();
    case CtypeRole:
        return ctype();
    case IdentificationRole:
        return identification();
    case LangRole:
        return lang();
    case LanguageLcRole:
        return language();
    case MeasurementRole:
        return measurement();
    case MonetaryRole:
        return monetary();
    case MessagesRole:
        return messages();
    case NameRole:
        return name();
    case NumericRole:
        return numeric();
    case PaperRole:
        return paper();
    case TelephoneRole:
        return telephone();
    case TimeRole:
        return time();

    return QVariant();