Esempio n. 1
Node *  Astar::startSearch(Pose start,double targetCov, int coord)
    int      ID = 1;
    int      NodesExpanded = 0;
    if(this->tree.size() > 0)
        openList   = new LList;
        closedList = new LList;
    // Be sure that open and closed lists are empty
    if (!this->search_space) // Make sure that we have a map to search
        //        LOG(Logger::Warning,"Read the map and generate SearchSpace before Searching !!!")
        return NULL;

    this->start.p.position.x = start.p.position.x;
    this->start.p.position.y = start.p.position.y;
    this->start.p.position.z = start.p.position.z;
    this->start.p.orientation.x = start.p.orientation.x;
    this->start.p.orientation.y = start.p.orientation.y;
    this->start.p.orientation.z = start.p.orientation.z;
    this->start.p.orientation.w = start.p.orientation.w;

    this->targetCov = targetCov;

    std::cout<<"\n	--->>> Search Started <<<---";

//    std::cout<<"\n"<<QString("	---->>>Target is Set to be X=%1 Y=%2 Z=%3<<<---").arg(end.p.position.x).arg(end.p.position.y).arg(end.p.position.z).toStdString();
    openList->add(root);				// add the root to OpenList
    // while openList is not empty
    int count = 0;
    ros::Time search_begin = ros::Time::now();
    while (openList->Start != NULL)
        if((count++%1) == 0)
        current = openList->getHead(); 	// Get the node with the highest cost (first node) (it was the cheapest one before since we were taking the lower cost but now it is converted to a reward function)
        openList->next();				// Move to the next Node
        // We reached the target pose, so build the path and return it.
        ros::Time reached_check_begin = ros::Time::now();
        if (surfaceCoverageReached(current) && current!= root)//change goalReached to surfaceCoverageReached
            // build the complete path to return
            //			qDebug("Last Node destination: %f %f",current->pose.p.x(),current->pose.p.y());
            current->next = NULL;//the last node in the path
            covFilteredCloud->points = current->cloud_filtered->points; //getting the accumelated cloud to check the coverage and display it in the test code
            std::cout<<"*************commulative distance : "<<current->distance<<"************ \n";
            std::cout<<"*************commulative coverage : "<<current->coverage<<"************ \n";

            std::cout<<"\n"<<QString("	--->>> Goal state reached with :%1 nodes created and :%2 nodes expanded <<<---").arg(ID).arg(NodesExpanded).toStdString();
            //			qDebug("	--->>> General Clean UP <<<---");
            //			int m=0;
            //	   		while (p != NULL)
            //				{
            //					cout<<"\n	--->>> Step["<<++m<<"] X="<<p->pose.p.x()<<" Y="<<p->pose.p.y();
            //					//cout<<"\n	--->>> Angle is="<<RTOD(p->angle);
            //					fflush(stdout);
            //					p = p->parent;
            //				}
            //			Going up to the Root
            p = current;
            path = NULL;
            while (p != NULL)
                //				cout<<"\n Am Still HERE Step["<<++m<<"] X="<<p->pose.x<<" Y="<<p->pose.y;
                //				fflush(stdout);
                // remove the parent node from the closed list (where it has to be)
                if(p->prev != NULL)
                    (p->prev)->next = p->next;
                if(p->next != NULL)
                    (p->next)->prev = p->prev;
                // check if we're removing the top of the list
                if(p == closedList->Start)
                // set it up in the path
                p->next = path;
                path = p;
                p = p->parent;
            // now delete all nodes on OPEN and Closed Lists
            return path;
        ros::Time reached_check_end = ros::Time::now();
        double check_elapsed =  reached_check_end.toSec() - reached_check_begin.toSec();
        std::cout<<"surface coverage check duration: "<< check_elapsed <<"\n";
        // Create List of Children for the current NODE
        if(!(childList = makeChildrenNodes(current))) // No more Children => Search Ended Unsuccessfully at this path Branch
            std::cout<<"\n	--->>> Search Ended On this Branch / We Reached a DEAD END <<<---";
        ros::Time make_children_end = ros::Time::now();
        double make_elapsed =  make_children_end.toSec() - reached_check_end.toSec();
        std::cout<<"make children duration: "<< make_elapsed <<"\n";
        // insert the children into the OPEN list according to their f values
        ros::Time childrentest_begin = ros::Time::now();
        std::cout<<" <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< new children SET >>>>>>>>>>>>>\n";
        while (childList != NULL)
            ros::Time childtest_begin = ros::Time::now();

            curChild  = childList;
            childList = childList->next;
            // set up the rest of the child node details
            curChild->parent = current;
            curChild->depth  = current->depth + 1;
            curChild->id = ID++;
            curChild->next = NULL;
            curChild->prev = NULL;
            //************displaying the tested child point***********
//            std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point> pts;
//            geometry_msgs::Point pt;
//            pt.x = curChild->pose.p.position.x; pt.y = curChild->pose.p.position.y; pt.z = curChild->pose.p.position.z;
//            pts.push_back(pt);
//            visualization_msgs::Marker ptsList = drawPoints(pts,2,1000000000);
//            testPointPub.publish(ptsList);

            ros::Time all_begin = ros::Time::now();
            pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr tempCloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
            pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> temp_cloud, collective_cloud;
            ros::Time extract_begin = ros::Time::now();
            temp_cloud = obj->extractVisibleSurface(curChild->senPose.p);
            ros::Time extract_end = ros::Time::now();
            double extract_elapsed =  extract_end.toSec() - extract_begin.toSec();
            std::cout<<"Extract visible surface duration: "<< extract_elapsed <<"\n";

            collective_cloud.points = curChild->parent->cloud_filtered->points;
//            std::cout<<"Parent cloud size: "<<collective_cloud.size()<<"\n";
//            std::cout<<"child cloud size: "<<temp_cloud.size()<<"\n";
            collective_cloud +=temp_cloud;
//            std::cout<<"collective cloud size: "<<collective_cloud.size()<<"\n";
            tempCloud->points = collective_cloud.points;

            ros::Time filtering_begin = ros::Time::now();
            pcl::VoxelGrid<pcl::PointXYZ> voxelgrid;
            voxelgrid.setInputCloud (tempCloud);
            voxelgrid.setLeafSize (0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
            voxelgrid.filter (*curChild->cloud_filtered);
            ros::Time filtering_end = ros::Time::now();
            double filtering_elapsed =  filtering_end.toSec() - filtering_begin.toSec();
            std::cout<<"filtering duration: "<< filtering_elapsed <<"\n";
//            std::cout<<"\nchild collective cloud after filtering size: "<<curChild->cloud_filtered->size()<<"\n";
            ros::Time calc_begin = ros::Time::now();
            curChild->coverage = obj->calcCoveragePercent(curChild->cloud_filtered);
            ros::Time calc_end = ros::Time::now();
            double calc_elapsed =  calc_end.toSec() - calc_begin.toSec();
            std::cout<<"calculate percentage duration: "<< calc_elapsed <<"\n";
            ros::Time all_end = ros::Time::now();
            double all_elapsed =  all_end.toSec() - all_begin.toSec();
            std::cout<<"all the part duration: "<< all_elapsed <<"\n\n";

            curChild->distance = curChild->parent->distance + Dist(curChild->pose.p,curChild->parent->pose.p);
//            curChild->g_value = heuristic->gCost(curChild);
            curChild->h_value = heuristic->hCost(curChild);
            curChild->f_value = curChild->h_value;//curChild->g_value + curChild->h_value;

            Node * p;

            // check if the child is already in the open list
//            std::cout<<" OPEN LIST NODES\n"<<std::endl;
//            openList->print();
            if (debug == true)
                std::cout<<"curChildren f value= "<<curChild->f_value<<"\n";
                std::cout<<"\n Finding the curchild : "<<curChild->pose.p.position.x<<" "<< curChild->pose.p.position.y<<" "<<curChild->pose.p.position.z<<" "<<curChild->pose.p.orientation.x<<" "<<curChild->pose.p.orientation.y<<" "<<curChild->pose.p.orientation.z<<" "<<curChild->pose.p.orientation.w<< std::endl;

            if( (p = openList->find(curChild)))
                if (debug == true)
                    std::cout<<"check if the child is already in the open list"<<"\n";
                if (p->f_value >=curChild->f_value)// it was <= (to take least cost) but now it is changed to be reward function && (p->direction == curChild->direction))
                    if (debug == true)
                        std::cout<<"Free the node the openlist check"<<"\n";
                    curChild = NULL;
                // the child is a shorter path to this point, delete p from  the closed list
                else if (p->f_value < curChild->f_value )//&& (p->direction == curChild->direction))//************IMPORTANT******************
                    if (debug == true)
                        std::cout<<"removing the p from the openlist"<<"\n";
//                    std::cout<<"*****SELECTED child h value: "<<curChild->f_value<<"********\n";
//                    std::cout<<"parent :"<<"position x:"<<curChild->pose.p.position.x<<" y:"<<curChild->pose.p.position.y<<" z:"<<curChild->pose.p.position.z<<"\n";
//                    std::cout<<"parent :"<<"orientation x:"<<curChild->pose.p.orientation.x<<" y:"<<curChild->pose.p.orientation.y<<" z:"<<curChild->pose.p.orientation.z<<" w:"<<curChild->pose.p.orientation.w<<"\n";

                    //cout<<"\n	--->>> Opened list -- Node is deleted, current child X="<<curChild->pose.x<<" Y="<<curChild->pose.y<<" has shorter path<<<---";
//             test whether the child is in the closed list (already been there)
            if (curChild)
                if (debug == true)
                    std::cout<<" check if the current child in the closed list\n"<<std::endl;
                    std::cout<<" CLOSED LIST NODES\n"<<std::endl;
                    std::cout<<" Finding the curchild : "<<curChild->pose.p.position.x<<" "<< curChild->pose.p.position.y<<" "<<curChild->pose.p.position.z<<" "<<curChild->pose.p.orientation.x<<" "<<curChild->pose.p.orientation.y<<" "<<curChild->pose.p.orientation.z<<" "<<curChild->pose.p.orientation.w<< std::endl;
                if((p = closedList->find(curChild)))
                    if (debug == true)
                        std::cout<<"the child is already in the closed list"<<"\n";
                    if (p->f_value >=curChild->f_value)// && p->direction == curChild->direction)//************IMPORTANT******************
                        if (debug == true)
                            std::cout<<"Free the node the closed list check, parent is bigger than the child"<<"\n";
                        curChild = NULL;
                    // the child is a shorter path to this point, delete p from  the closed list
                        if (debug == true)
                            std::cout<<"the parent f value is less than the child"<<"\n";
                        /* This is the tricky part, it rarely happens, but in my case it happenes all the time :s
                                                 * Anyways, we are here cause we found a better path to a node that we already visited, we will have to
                                                 * Update the cost of that node and ALL ITS DESCENDENTS because their cost is parent dependent ;)
                                                 * Another Solution is simply to comment everything and do nothing, doing this, the child will be added to the
                                                 * Open List and it will be investigated further later on.
                        //TODO : this SHOULD be fixed, very very DODGY
                        //						Node *ptr = closedList->Start;
                        //						while(ptr)
                        //						{
                        //							if(ptr->parent == p)
                        //								ptr->parent = NULL;
                        //							ptr = ptr->next;
                        //						}
                        //						closedList->Remove(p);
                        //cout<<"\n	--->>> Closed list -- Node is deleted, current child X="<<curChild->pose.x<<" Y="<<curChild->pose.y<<" has shorter path<<<---";

                if (debug == true)
                    std::cout<<"DID NOT find the child in the closed list\n";

            ros::Time current_end = ros::Time::now();
            double current_elapsed =  current_end.toSec() - search_begin.toSec();

            if (debug == true)
                std::cout<<"#################Duration of the SEARCH till now (s)= "<<current_elapsed<<"####################\n\n\n";

            // ADD the child to the OPEN List
            if (curChild)
                if (debug == true)
                    std::cout<<"adding the cur child to the openlist"<<"\n";

            ros::Time childtest_end = ros::Time::now();
            double childtest_elapsed =  childtest_end.toSec() - childtest_begin.toSec();

            if (debug == true)
                std::cout<<"****Child Test duration (s)= "<<childtest_elapsed<<"****\n";
        ros::Time childrentest_end = ros::Time::now();
        double childrentest_elapsed =  childrentest_end.toSec() - childrentest_begin.toSec();

//        if (debug == true)
            std::cout<<"****Children Test duration (s) of node "<<current->id<<"= "<<childrentest_elapsed<<"****\n\n\n";

        ros::Time search_end = ros::Time::now();
        double current_elapsed1 =  search_end.toSec() - search_begin.toSec();

        if (debug == true) {
            std::cout<<"*********************SEARCH DURATION (s)= "<<current_elapsed1<<"*****************\n\n\n\n";

        // put the current node onto the closed list, ==>> already visited List
        // Test to see if we have expanded too many nodes without a solution
        if (current->id > this->MAXNODES)
            //            LOG(Logger::Info,QString("	--->>>	Expanded %d Nodes which is more than the maximum allowed MAXNODE=%1 , Search Terminated").arg(current->id,MAXNODES))
            //Delete Nodes in Open and Closed Lists
            std::cout<<"the closed list and open list is freed"<<"\n";
            path = NULL;
            return path; // Expanded more than the maximium nodes state
    }	//...  end of OPEN loop

    /* if we got here, then there is no path to the goal
     *  delete all nodes on CLOSED since OPEN is now empty
    if (debug == true)
        std::cout<<"counter for displaying the tree: "<<count<<" \n";
    std::cout<<"\n	--->>>No Path Found<<<---";
    return NULL;
Esempio n. 2
ccQuadric* ccQuadric::Fit(CCLib::GenericIndexedCloudPersist *cloud, double* rms/*=0*/)
	//number of points
	unsigned count = cloud->size();
		ccLog::Warning(QString("[ccQuadric::fitTo] Not enough points in input cloud to fit a quadric! (%1 at the very least are required)").arg(CC_LOCAL_MODEL_MIN_SIZE[HF]));
		return 0;

	//project the points on a 2D plane
	CCVector3 G, X, Y, N;
		CCLib::Neighbourhood Yk(cloud);
		//plane equation
		const PointCoordinateType* theLSQPlane = Yk.getLSQPlane();
		if (!theLSQPlane)
			ccLog::Warning("[ccQuadric::Fit] Not enough points to fit a quadric!");
			return 0;

		G = *Yk.getGravityCenter();

		//local base
		N = CCVector3(theLSQPlane);
		assert(Yk.getLSQPlaneX() && Yk.getLSQPlaneY());
		X = *Yk.getLSQPlaneX(); //main direction
		Y = *Yk.getLSQPlaneY(); //secondary direction

	//project the points in a temporary cloud
	ccPointCloud tempCloud("temporary");
	if (!tempCloud.reserve(count))
		ccLog::Warning("[ccQuadric::Fit] Not enough memory!");
		return 0;

	for (unsigned k=0; k<count; ++k)
		//projection into local 2D plane ref.
		CCVector3 P = *(cloud->getNextPoint()) - G;


	CCLib::Neighbourhood Zk(&tempCloud);
		//set exact values for gravity center and plane equation
		//(just to be sure and to avoid re-computing them)
		PointCoordinateType perfectEq[4] = { 0, 0, 1, 0 };
		Zk.setLSQPlane(	perfectEq,

	uchar hfdims[3];
	const PointCoordinateType* eq = Zk.getHeightFunction(hfdims);
	if (!eq)
		ccLog::Warning("[ccQuadric::Fit] Failed to fit a quadric!");
		return 0;

	//we recenter the quadric object
	ccGLMatrix glMat(X,Y,N,G);

	ccBBox bb = tempCloud.getBB();
	CCVector2 minXY(bb.minCorner().x,bb.minCorner().y);
	CCVector2 maxXY(bb.maxCorner().x,bb.maxCorner().y);

	ccQuadric* quadric = new ccQuadric(minXY, maxXY, eq, hfdims, &glMat);


	//compute rms if necessary
	if (rms)
		const uchar& dX = hfdims[0];
		const uchar& dY = hfdims[1];
		const uchar& dZ = hfdims[2];

		*rms = 0;

		for (unsigned k=0; k<count; ++k)
			//projection into local 2D plane ref.
			const CCVector3* P = tempCloud.getPoint(k);

			PointCoordinateType z = eq[0] + eq[1]*P->u[dX] + eq[2]*P->u[dY] + eq[3]*P->u[dX]*P->u[dX] + eq[4]*P->u[dX]*P->u[dY] + eq[5]*P->u[dY]*P->u[dY];
			*rms += (z-P->z)*(z-P->z);

		if (count)
			*rms = sqrt(*rms / count);
	return quadric;
Esempio n. 3
// find the nearest node to the start
void Astar::findRoot() throw (SSPPException)
    SearchSpaceNode * temp;
        throw(SSPPException((char*)"No SearchSpace Defined"));
    double distance,shortest_distance = 100000;
    // allocate and setup the root node
    root = new Node;
    temp = this->search_space;
        distance = Dist(temp->location,start.p);
        // Initialize the root node information and put it in the open list
        if (distance < shortest_distance)
            shortest_distance = distance;
            root->pose.p.position.x = temp->location.position.x;
            root->pose.p.position.y = temp->location.position.y;
            root->pose.p.position.z = temp->location.position.z;//newly added
            root->pose.p.orientation.x = temp->location.orientation.x;
            root->pose.p.orientation.y = temp->location.orientation.y;
            root->pose.p.orientation.z = temp->location.orientation.z;
            root->pose.p.orientation.w = temp->location.orientation.w;
            root->senPose.p.position.x = temp->sensorLocation.position.x;
            root->senPose.p.position.y = temp->sensorLocation.position.y;
            root->senPose.p.position.z = temp->sensorLocation.position.z;
            root->senPose.p.orientation.x = temp->sensorLocation.orientation.x;
            root->senPose.p.orientation.y = temp->sensorLocation.orientation.y;
            root->senPose.p.orientation.z = temp->sensorLocation.orientation.z;
            root->senPose.p.orientation.w = temp->sensorLocation.orientation.w;
            root->id = temp->id;

        temp = temp->next;
    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr tempCloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> temp_cloud;
    temp_cloud = obj->extractVisibleSurface(root->senPose.p);//extract visible surface at the sensor position
    tempCloud->points = temp_cloud.points;
    pcl::VoxelGrid<pcl::PointXYZ> voxelgrid;
    voxelgrid.setInputCloud (tempCloud);
    voxelgrid.setLeafSize (0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
    voxelgrid.filter (*root->cloud_filtered);
    std::cout<<"root cloud before filtering size: "<<tempCloud->size()<<"\n";
    std::cout<<"root cloud after filtering size: "<<root->cloud_filtered->size()<<"\n";

    root->id = 0;
    root->parent = NULL;
    root->next = NULL;
    root->prev = NULL;
    root->g_value = 0;
    root->distance = 0;
    root->coverage =0;
    root->h_value = 0;//heuristic->gCost(root);
    root->f_value = root->g_value + root->h_value;
    root->depth = 0;
//    root->pose.phi = start.phi;
//    root->direction = FORWARD;
    std::cout<<"\n"<<QString("	---->>>Root is Set to be X=%1 Y=%2 Z=%3").arg(root->pose.p.position.x).arg(root->pose.p.position.y).arg(root->pose.p.position.z).toStdString();