// --------------------------------------
    ReferenceFile* ReferenceManager::processReferenceFile(const MString& filename)
        ReferenceFile* file = new ReferenceFile();
        file->filename = filename;

        return file; // Versions 8.00 and 8.50 of Maya don't allow us to create references inside a plug-in.

#elif MAYA_API_VERSION >= 600

        // Get the original transformations for this file.
        // 1. Create a new reference
        MString tempFilename;
        MObject tempReferenceNode;

            MString command = MString("file -r -type \"COLLADA importer\" -namespace \"_TEMP_EXP_NAMESPACE\" \"") + filename + "\";";
            MGlobal::executeCommand(command, tempFilename);

            tempFilename = getLastReferenceFilename ( tempFilename );

            MObject tempReferenceNode = getReferenceNode ( tempFilename );
            MString tempNodeName = MFnDependencyNode(tempReferenceNode).name();
            command = MString("file -loadReference \"") + tempNodeName + "\" \"" + tempFilename + "\";";

        // 2. Get the original transformations for the root transforms of the temporary reference object
        MDagPathArray tempRoots;
        MObjectArray subReferences;
        getRootObjects ( tempReferenceNode, tempRoots, subReferences );
        uint tempRootCount = tempRoots.length();
        for (uint j = 0; j < tempRootCount; ++j)
            MFnTransform tempT(tempRoots[j]);
            file->originalTransformations.push_back( tempT.transformation() );

        // 3. Get the original node names. This will be used as the URL for export
        for (uint j = 0; j < tempRootCount; ++j)
            MString& originalName = file->rootNames[j];
            originalName = tempRoots[j].partialPathName();
            originalName = originalName.substring ( originalName.index(':') + 1, originalName.length() );

        // 4. Cleanup: remove this reference
        MString command = MString("file -rr \"") + tempFilename + "\";";
        MGlobal::executeCommand ( command );

#endif // MAYA >= 600

        return file;
Esempio n. 2
ostream& operator<<(ostream&s, timeLength z) {
  timeLength tUser = z;
  int years = static_cast<int>(tUser.getI(timeUnit::year()));
  timeLength tempT(years,timeUnit::year());
  tUser -= tempT;
  int days  = static_cast<int>(tUser.getI(timeUnit::day()));
  tUser -= timeLength(days,timeUnit::day());
  int hours = static_cast<int>(tUser.getI(timeUnit::hour()));
  tUser -= timeLength(hours,timeUnit::hour());
  int mins  = static_cast<int>(tUser.getI(timeUnit::minute()));
  tUser -= timeLength(mins,timeUnit::minute());
  int secs  = static_cast<int>(tUser.getI(timeUnit::sec()));
  tUser -= timeLength(secs,timeUnit::sec());
  int ms    = static_cast<int>(tUser.getI(timeUnit::ms()));
  tUser -= timeLength(ms,timeUnit::ms());
  int us    = static_cast<int>(tUser.getI(timeUnit::us()));
  tUser -= timeLength(us,timeUnit::us());
  int ns    = static_cast<int>(tUser.getI(timeUnit::ns()));

  bool prev = false, compact = false;
  char cSt[5] = ", ";
  // this is a hack for those that want to print the time compressed
  if(s.flags() & ostream::oct) {  compact=true;  s.flags(ostream::dec);  }
  if(compact == true) strcpy(cSt,",");
  s << "[";
  if(z.get_ns() == 0) {  s << "0 time"; }
  else {
    if(years!=0) {  s << (prev? cSt:"") << years << " years";   prev=true; }
    if(days!=0)  {  s << (prev? cSt:"") << days  << " days";    prev=true; }
    if(hours!=0) {  s << (prev? cSt:"") << hours << " hours";   prev=true; }
    if(mins!=0)  {  s << (prev? cSt:"") << mins  << " mins";    prev=true; }
    if(secs!=0)  {  s << (prev? cSt:"") << secs  << " secs";    prev=true; }
    if(ms!=0)    {  s << (prev? cSt:"") << ms    << " ms";      prev=true; }
    if(us!=0)    {  s << (prev? cSt:"") << us    << " us";      prev=true; }
    if(ns!=0)    {  s << (prev? cSt:"") << ns    << " ns";      prev=true; }
  s << "]";
  return s;