Esempio n. 1
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int my_rank, num_procs;

    const int max_iters = 10000;    /// maximum number of iteration to perform

    /** Simulation parameters parsed from the input datasets */
    int nintci, nintcf;    /// internal cells start and end index
    /// external cells start and end index. The external cells are only ghost cells.
    /// They are accessed only through internal cells
    int nextci, nextcf;
    int **lcc;    /// link cell-to-cell array - stores neighboring information
    /// Boundary coefficients for each volume cell (South, East, North, West, High, Low)
    double *bs, *be, *bn, *bw, *bl, *bh;
    double *bp;    /// Pole coefficient
    double *su;    /// Source values

    double residual_ratio;    /// the ratio between the reference and the current residual
    double *var;    /// the variation vector -> keeps the result in the end

    /** Additional vectors required for the computation */
    double *cgup, *oc, *cnorm;

    /** Geometry data */
    int points_count;    /// total number of points that define the geometry
    int** points;    /// coordinates of the points that define the cells - size [points_cnt][3]
    int* elems;    /// definition of the cells using their nodes (points) - each cell has 8 points

    /** Mapping between local and remote cell indices */
    int* local_global_index;    /// local to global index mapping
    int* global_local_index;    /// global to local index mapping

    /** Lists of cells requires for the communication */
    int neighbors_count = 0;    /// total number of neighbors to communicate with
    int* send_count;    /// number of elements to send to each neighbor (size: neighbors_count)
    /// send lists for the other neighbors(cell ids which should be sent)(size:[#neighbors][#cells]
    int** send_list;
    int* recv_count;    /// how many elements are in the recv lists for each neighbor
    int** recv_list;    /// send lists for the other neighbor (see send_list)

    /** Metis Results */
    int* epart;     /// partition vector for the elements of the mesh
    int* npart;     /// partition vector for the points (nodes) of the mesh
    int objval;    /// resulting edgecut of total communication volume (classical distrib->zeros)

    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);    /// Start MPI
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank);    /// Get current process id
    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &num_procs);    /// get number of processes

    if ( argc < 3 ) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ./gccg <input_file> <output_prefix> <partition_type>\n");
        MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1);

    char *file_in = argv[1];
    char *out_prefix = argv[2];
    char *part_type = (argc == 3 ? "classical" : argv[3]);

    /********** START INITIALIZATION **********/

    int init_status = initialization(file_in, part_type, &nintci, &nintcf, &nextci, &nextcf, &lcc,
                                     &bs, &be, &bn, &bw, &bl, &bh, &bp, &su, &points_count, &points,
                                     &elems, &var, &cgup, &oc, &cnorm, &local_global_index,
                                     &global_local_index, &neighbors_count, &send_count, &send_list,
                                     &recv_count, &recv_list, &epart, &npart, &objval);
    if ( init_status != 0 ) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to initialize data!\n");
        MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, my_rank);

    if ( my_rank == 2 ) {
        char file_vtk_out[1000];
        file_vtk_out[0] = '\0';
        strcat(file_vtk_out, out_prefix);
        strcat(file_vtk_out, "_");
        strcat(file_vtk_out, file_in);
        strcat(file_vtk_out, ".vtk");

        test_distribution(file_in, file_vtk_out, local_global_index, nintcf, cgup);

        test_communication(file_in, file_vtk_out, local_global_index, nintcf,
                            neighbors_count, send_count, send_list, recv_count, recv_list);

    /********** END INITIALIZATION **********/
    /********** START COMPUTATIONAL LOOP **********/
    // int total_iters = compute_solution(max_iters, nintci, nintcf, nextcf, lcc, bp, bs, bw, bl,
    // bn,
    //                                 be, bh, cnorm, var, su, cgup, &residual_ratio,
    //                               local_global_index, global_local_index, neighbors_count,
    //                             send_count, send_list, recv_count, recv_list);
    /********** END COMPUTATIONAL LOOP **********/
    /********** START FINALIZATION **********/
    // finalization(file_in, out_prefix, total_iters, residual_ratio, nintci, nintcf, points_count,
    //     points, elems, var, cgup, su);
    /********** END FINALIZATION **********/
    // free(cnorm);
    // free(oc);
    // free(var);
    // free(su);
    // free(elems);

    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < nintcf + 1; i++) {

    for(i = 0; i < points_count; i++) {

    MPI_Finalize();    /// Cleanup MPI

    return 0;
Esempio n. 2
int initialization(char* file_in, char* part_type, char* read_type, int nprocs, int myrank,
		   int* nintci, int* nintcf, int* nextci,
		   int* nextcf, int*** lcc, double** bs, double** be, double** bn, double** bw,
		   double** bl, double** bh, double** bp, double** su, int* points_count,
		   int*** points, int** elems, double** var, double** cgup, double** oc,
		   double** cnorm, int** local_global_index) {
  /********** START INITIALIZATION **********/
  int i = 0;
  // read-in the input file
  int f_status = read_binary_geo(file_in, &*nintci, &*nintcf, &*nextci, &*nextcf, &*lcc, &*bs,
				 &*be, &*bn, &*bw, &*bl, &*bh, &*bp, &*su, &*points_count,
				 &*points, &*elems);
  // ====================== For testing purposes ======================
  // For allread  
  //       int *loc_global_index;
  //       int *rank = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)*(*nintcf + 1));
  //       int nintci_loc, nintcf_loc, nextci_loc, nextcf_loc;
  //       int r;
  //       int numproc = 3;
  //       for (r=0; r<numproc; r++)
  //       {
  //         allread_calc_global_idx(&loc_global_index, &nintci_loc, &nintcf_loc, &nextci_loc,
  //     			    &nextcf_loc, part_type, read_type, numproc, r,
  //     			    *nintci, *nintcf, *nextci,
  //     			    *nextcf, *lcc, *elems, *points_count);
  //         for (i=nintci_loc; i <= nintcf_loc; i++) {
  // 	  rank[loc_global_index[i - nintci_loc]] = r;
  //         }
  //         free(loc_global_index); 
  //       }
  // For oneread
  int **loc_global_index;
  int *rank = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)*(*nintcf + 1));
  int *nintci_loc, *nintcf_loc, *nextci_loc, *nextcf_loc;
  int r;
  int numproc = 4;
  oneread_calc_global_idx(&loc_global_index, &nintci_loc, &nintcf_loc, &nextci_loc,
			  &nextcf_loc, part_type, read_type, numproc,
			  *nintci, *nintcf, *nextci,
			  *nextcf, *lcc, *elems, *points_count);
  for (r=0;r<numproc;r++)
    printf("%d\t%d\n", r, nintcf_loc[r]);
    for (i=nintci_loc[r]; i <= nintcf_loc[r]; i++) {
      rank[(loc_global_index[r][i - nintci_loc[r]])] = r;
//     for (r=0; r<numproc; r++)
//   {
//     free(loc_global_index[r]); 
//   }
//   free(loc_global_index); 
//   free(nintcf_loc);
//   free(nintci_loc);
//   free(nextci_loc);
//   free(nextcf_loc);
  //      vtk_write_unstr_grid_header("a", "b.vtk", *nintci, *nintcf, *points_count, *points, *elems);
  //      vtk_append_integer("b.vtk", "rank", *nintci, *nintcf, rank);
  double *scalars = (double*) calloc(nextci_loc[2], sizeof(double));
  for (i=0; i<nextci_loc[2]; i++)
    scalars[i] = 1.0;
  test_distribution(file_in, "bb.vtk", loc_global_index[2], nextci_loc[2], scalars);
    for (r=0; r<numproc; r++)
  // ====================== For testing purposes ======================
  if ( f_status != 0 ) return f_status;
  *var = (double*) calloc(sizeof(double), (*nextcf + 1));
  *cgup = (double*) calloc(sizeof(double), (*nextcf + 1));
  *cnorm = (double*) calloc(sizeof(double), (*nintcf + 1));
  // initialize the arrays
  for ( i = 0; i <= 10; i++ ) {
    (*cnorm)[i] = 1.0;
  for ( i = (*nintci); i <= (*nintcf); i++ ) {
    (*var)[i] = 0.0;
  for ( i = (*nintci); i <= (*nintcf); i++ ) {
    (*cgup)[i] = 1.0 / ((*bp)[i]);
  for ( i = (*nextci); i <= (*nextcf); i++ ) {
    (*var)[i] = 0.0;
    (*cgup)[i] = 0.0;
    (*bs)[i] = 0.0;
    (*be)[i] = 0.0;
    (*bn)[i] = 0.0;
    (*bw)[i] = 0.0;
    (*bh)[i] = 0.0;
    (*bl)[i] = 0.0;
  return 0;