bool TemplateImage::WorldFile::load(const QString& path) { QFile file(path); if (! | QIODevice::Text)) { loaded = false; return false; } QTextStream text_stream(&file); bool ok = false; double numbers[6]; for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { double number = text_stream.readLine().toDouble(&ok); if (!ok) { file.close(); loaded = false; return false; } numbers[i] = number; } file.close(); pixel_to_world.setMatrix( numbers[0], numbers[2], numbers[4], numbers[1], numbers[3], numbers[5], 0, 0, 1); pixel_to_world = pixel_to_world.transposed(); loaded = true; return true; }
void auto_smzdm::onActImportComment() { QString path = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, QStringLiteral("请选择文件路径"), "", QStringLiteral("Txt(*.txt)")); if (path.isEmpty()) //判断用户是否选择了文件 { //emitLogMessage(QStringLiteral("取消打开文件")); return; } QFile file(path); if (! { QMessageBox::critical(NULL, QStringLiteral("提示"), QStringLiteral("无法打开文件")); return ; } QTextStream text_stream(&file); //QString str = text_stream.readAll(); int n_row = 0; ui.listWidget_comment_id->clear(); while(!text_stream.atEnd()) { QString line_str = text_stream.readLine(); ui.listWidget_comment_id->addItem(new QListWidgetItem(line_str)); } file.close(); }
bool WorldFile::load(const QString& path) { QFile file(path); if (! | QIODevice::Text)) { loaded = false; return false; } QTextStream text_stream(&file); bool ok = false; double parameters[6]; for (auto& parameter : parameters) { auto value = text_stream.readLine().toDouble(&ok); if (!ok) { file.close(); loaded = false; return false; } parameter = value; } file.close(); pixel_to_world.setMatrix( parameters[0], parameters[2], parameters[4], parameters[1], parameters[3], parameters[5], 0, 0, 1); pixel_to_world = pixel_to_world.transposed(); loaded = true; return true; }
void SlideshowController::ensure_folder_structure() { // Check for profile folder and create one if it does not exist if (!QDir(slideshow_data_model_->profile_folder_path()).exists()) { QDir().mkdir(slideshow_data_model_->profile_folder_path()); } if (!QDir(slideshow_data_model_->main_image_folder_path()).exists()) { QDir().mkdir(slideshow_data_model_->main_image_folder_path()); } // Check for config file and create one if it does not exist if (!QFile::exists(slideshow_data_model_->config_file_path())) { QFile config_file(slideshow_data_model_->config_file_path()); if ( { QTextStream text_stream(&config_file); save_config_file(slideshow_data_model_->config_file_path()); } } /* Qt automatically closes files in * this context. */ }
void autobots_toutiao::onActImportComment() { QString path = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, QStringLiteral("请选择文件路径"), "", QStringLiteral("Txt(*.txt)")); if (path.isEmpty()) //判断用户是否选择了文件 { //emitLogMessage(QStringLiteral("取消打开文件")); return; } QFile file(path); if (! { QMessageBox::critical(NULL, "提示", "无法打开文件"); return ; } QTextStream text_stream(&file); //QString str = text_stream.readAll(); int n_row = 0; ui.treeWidget_comment_id->clear(); //m_comment_item_list.clear(); m_comment_list.clear(); while(!text_stream.atEnd()) { QString line_str = text_stream.readLine(); if (!line_str.isEmpty()) { AddToTree(line_str); } } file.close(); }
void NassiPlugin::OnInsertCFromDiagram(wxCommandEvent &event) { // check if user can isert an opened diagram unsigned idx = 0; for ( int i = 0 ; i < Manager::Get()->GetEditorManager()->GetEditorsCount() ; i++ ) { EditorBase *ed = Manager::Get()->GetEditorManager()->GetEditor( i ); if ( NassiEditorPanel::IsNassiEditor( ed ) ) { NassiEditorPanel *ned = (NassiEditorPanel *)ed; if ( event.GetId() == insertCFromDiagram[idx] ) { EditorManager* emngr = Manager::Get()->GetEditorManager(); if ( !emngr ) return; EditorBase *edb = emngr->GetActiveEditor(); if ( !edb || !edb->IsBuiltinEditor() ) return; unsigned int indent = ((cbEditor*)edb)->GetLineIndentInSpaces(); // from current line cbStyledTextCtrl *stc = ((cbEditor*)edb)->GetControl(); if ( !stc ) return; wxStringOutputStream ostrstream; wxTextOutputStream text_stream(ostrstream); if ( !ned ) return; ned->GetCSource(text_stream, indent); stc->InsertText(wxSCI_INVALID_POSITION, ostrstream.GetString()); } //some comment idx++; } } }
void ex6::on_generateButton_clicked() { qsrand(QTime(0, 0, 0).secsTo(QTime::currentTime())); QString string; QTextStream text_stream(&string); for (int i = 0; i < ui.randomNumberCounter->value(); ++i) text_stream << qrand() << " "; ui.dataInput->setPlainText(string); }
void Skip_Comment(wxInputStream &stream) { wxTextInputStream text_stream(stream); if (stream.Peek()==wxT('#')) { text_stream.ReadLine(); Skip_Comment(stream); } }
void ex6::receiveSortingResult(QVector<int>* ip_result) { ui.manipulatingButton->setText("&Start sorting"); ui.progressBar->setValue(ip_result->size()); QString string; QTextStream text_stream(&string); for (int i = 0; i < ip_result->size(); ++i) text_stream << ip_result->operator[](i) << " "; ui.dataResult->setPlainText(string); }
void reteneitor3000::crearTexto(){ QFile text_file("/tmp/reteneitor3000"); qApp->processEvents(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents); if ({ QTextStream text_stream(&text_file); text_stream << ui->texto->toPlainText(); } else error("No se pudo crear archivo temporal"); text_file.close(); }
bool wxPNMHandler::SaveFile( wxImage *image, wxOutputStream& stream, bool WXUNUSED(verbose) ) { wxTextOutputStream text_stream(stream); //text_stream << "P6" << endl //<< image->GetWidth() << " " << image->GetHeight() << endl //<< "255" << endl; text_stream << wxT("P6\n") << image->GetWidth() << wxT(" ") << image->GetHeight() << wxT("\n255\n"); stream.Write(image->GetData(),3*image->GetWidth()*image->GetHeight()); return stream.IsOk(); }
void auto_dirvers_fatie::onActImportComment() { QString path = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, QStringLiteral("请选择文件路径"), "", QStringLiteral("Txt(*.txt)")); if (path.isEmpty()) //判断用户是否选择了文件 { //emitLogMessage(QStringLiteral("取消打开文件")); return; } QFile file(path); if (! { QMessageBox::critical(NULL, "提示", "无法打开文件"); return; } QTextStream text_stream(&file); if (ui.tabWidget_comments->currentIndex() == 0) { ui.listWidget_comment_id1->clear(); while (!text_stream.atEnd()) { QString line_str = text_stream.readLine(); ui.listWidget_comment_id1->addItem(new QListWidgetItem(line_str)); } } else if(ui.tabWidget_comments->currentIndex() == 1) { ui.listWidget_comment_id2->clear(); while (!text_stream.atEnd()) { QString line_str = text_stream.readLine(); ui.listWidget_comment_id2->addItem(new QListWidgetItem(line_str)); } } else { ui.listWidget_comment_id3->clear(); while (!text_stream.atEnd()) { QString line_str = text_stream.readLine(); ui.listWidget_comment_id3->addItem(new QListWidgetItem(line_str)); } } file.close(); }
void Indicadores::UpdateLog(QString file) { QString Path=QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath().toLatin1(); QFile text_file(Path + "/Logs/" + file ); // link the text file with the QFile object if ( // try to open the file. Mode: Read only { QTextStream text_stream(&text_file); // set the interface for reading the text TLog->setText(text_stream.readAll()); } text_file.close(); // close the file }
void EXPORT::ExportToTxt(QString file_name, QSqlTableModel *model, QString table_name) { QFile file(file_name); | QIODevice::Append); QTextStream text_stream(&file); QString message = ""; int col_size = model->columnCount(); int row_size = model->rowCount(); QVector<QString> head_data; QString head_message = ""; for(int i = 0; i < col_size; i ++) { if(i) { head_message += ","; } head_data.push_back(model->headerData(i, Qt::Horizontal, Qt::DisplayRole).toString()); QString temp = ""; QString temp2 = QString::fromUtf8(head_data[i].toUtf8().data()); temp.sprintf("%s", temp2.toUtf8().data()); head_message += temp; } message += head_message; message += "\n"; for(int i = 0; i < row_size; i ++) { for(int j = 0; j < col_size; j ++) { QModelIndex index = model->index(i, j); QString val = model->data(index).toString(); QString temp = ""; QString temp2 = QString::fromUtf8(val.toUtf8().data()); temp.sprintf("%s", temp2.toUtf8().data()); message += temp; if(j < col_size - 1) { message += ","; } } message += "\n"; } text_stream << message; file.close(); }
void VoiceCommands::parse_text(const std::string &text) throw() { std::stringstream text_stream(text); // Skip to the appropriate position std::string word; for (int i = 0; i < m_num_parsed_words; ++i) { text_stream >> word; if (!text_stream.good()) return; } int word_location = m_num_parsed_words - 1; while (text_stream.good()) { text_stream >> word; word_location++; word = to_lower(remove_punctuation(word)); bool found_trigger = false; for (std::string trigger : m_trigger_list[m_trigger_index]) { if (trigger == word) { found_trigger = true; break; } } // If we haven't yet found the trigger word, panic and move to the next state. if (word_location >= m_trigger_locations[m_trigger_index] + MAX_WORD_OFFSET) found_trigger = true; if (found_trigger) { m_num_parsed_words = std::min(m_trigger_locations[m_trigger_index] + MAX_WORD_OFFSET, word_location) + 1; m_active_state = m_state_list[m_trigger_index]; m_trigger_index = std::min(static_cast<int>(m_state_list.size() - 1), 1 + m_trigger_index); break; } } }
void auto_dirvers_fatie::onActFromTxt() { QString path = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, QStringLiteral("请选择文件路径"), "", QStringLiteral("Txt(*.txt)")); if (path.isEmpty()) //判断用户是否选择了文件 { //emitLogMessage(QStringLiteral("取消打开文件")); return; } QFile file(path); if (! { QMessageBox::critical(NULL, "提示", "无法打开文件"); return; } QTextStream text_stream(&file); //QString str = text_stream.readAll(); int n_row = 0; ui.tableWidget_account_id->clearContents(); ui.tableWidget_account_id->setRowCount(0); m_account_list.clear(); m_account_order = 0; m_account_row_list.clear(); while (!text_stream.atEnd()) { QString line_str = text_stream.readLine(); QStringList str_list = line_str.split("----"); if (str_list.size() >= 2) { ui.tableWidget_account_id->setRowCount(ui.tableWidget_account_id->rowCount() + 1); QString name = str_list[0]; QString password = str_list[1]; QTableWidgetItem* item = new QTableWidgetItem(name); ui.tableWidget_account_id->setItem(n_row, 0, item); item = new QTableWidgetItem(password); ui.tableWidget_account_id->setItem(n_row, 1, item); n_row++; } } file.close(); }
wxInputStream& DrawingDocument::LoadObject(wxInputStream& stream) { wxDocument::LoadObject(stream); wxTextInputStream text_stream( stream ); wxInt32 n = 0; text_stream >> n; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { DoodleSegment *segment = new DoodleSegment; segment->LoadObject(stream); doodleSegments.Append(segment); } return stream; }
void customMessageHandler(QtMsgType type, const char *msg) { static QMutex mutex; mutex.lock(); QString text; switch(type) { case QtDebugMsg: text = QString("Debug:"); break; case QtWarningMsg: text = QString("Warning:"); break; case QtCriticalMsg: text = QString("Critical:"); break; case QtFatalMsg: text = QString("Fatal:"); } QString current_date_time = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); QString current_date = QString("(%1)").arg(current_date_time); QString message = QString("%1 %2 %3").arg(text).arg(current_date).arg(msg); QFile file("log.txt"); if (file.size() > 104857600)//size large than 100M split { QString filedate = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("yyyy-MM-dd--hh-mm-ss"); file.rename(QString("log_%1.txt").arg(filedate)); file.setFileName("log.txt"); } | QIODevice::Append); QTextStream text_stream(&file); text_stream.setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForName("System")); text_stream << message << "\r\n"; file.flush(); file.close(); mutex.unlock(); }
wxInputStream &DoodleSegment::LoadObject(wxInputStream& stream) { wxTextInputStream text_stream( stream ); wxInt32 n = 0; text_stream >> n; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { DoodleLine *line = new DoodleLine; text_stream >> line->x1 >> line->y1 >> line->x2 >> line->y2; lines.Append(line); } return stream; }
wxOutputStream &DoodleSegment::SaveObject(wxOutputStream& stream) { wxTextOutputStream text_stream( stream ); wxInt32 n = lines.GetCount(); text_stream << n << _T('\n'); wxList::compatibility_iterator node = lines.GetFirst(); while (node) { DoodleLine *line = (DoodleLine *)node->GetData(); text_stream << line->x1 << _T(" ") << line->y1 << _T(" ") << line->x2 << _T(" ") << line->y2 << _T("\n"); node = node->GetNext(); } return stream; }
/*! * \brief outputMessage * \param type * \param context * \param msg * */ void outputMessage(QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext &context, const QString &msg) { static QMutex mutex; mutex.lock(); QString text; switch(type) { case QtDebugMsg: text = QString("Debug:"); break; case QtWarningMsg: text = QString("Warning:"); break; case QtCriticalMsg: text = QString("Critical:"); break; case QtFatalMsg: text = QString("Fatal:"); break; default: text = QString("undefine: "); } QString context_info = QString("File:(%1) Line:(%2)").arg(QString(context.file)).arg(context.line); QString current_date_time = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss ddd"); QString current_date = QString("(%1)").arg(current_date_time); QString message = QString("%1 %2 %3 %4").arg(text).arg(context_info).arg(msg).arg(current_date); QFile file("rocherlog.txt"); | QIODevice::Append); QTextStream text_stream(&file); text_stream << message << "\r\n"; file.flush(); file.close(); mutex.unlock(); }
wxOutputStream& DrawingDocument::SaveObject(wxOutputStream& stream) { wxDocument::SaveObject(stream); wxTextOutputStream text_stream( stream ); wxInt32 n = doodleSegments.GetCount(); text_stream << n << _T('\n'); wxList::compatibility_iterator node = doodleSegments.GetFirst(); while (node) { DoodleSegment *segment = (DoodleSegment *)node->GetData(); segment->SaveObject(stream); text_stream << _T('\n'); node = node->GetNext(); } return stream; }
void MainWindow::on_actionCargar_partida_triggered() { SimpleCrypt processSimpleCrypt(89473829); int i,j; QString linea; QStringList listaLinea; QFile file("../savedGame.sud"); | QIODevice::ReadOnly); QTextStream text_stream(&file); for (i=0;i<9;i++){ for (j=0;j<9;j++){ linea = text_stream.readLine(); linea = processSimpleCrypt.decryptToString(linea); listaLinea = linea.split(","); creacionNumeros(i*9+j, listaLinea[0].toInt(), i, j, !listaLinea[2].toInt()); if (listaLinea[1].toInt()!=-1){ numeros[i*9+j]->editarBoton(listaLinea[1].toInt()); } } } connect(sgnlMprNumero, SIGNAL (mapped (int)), SLOT (obtenerCasilla(int))); creacionBotones(); inicializarTimer(); ui->btnLlenar->setEnabled(false); ui->btnFinalizar->setEnabled(true); file.flush(); //close the file file.close(); }
bool wxPNMHandler::LoadFile( wxImage *image, wxInputStream& stream, bool verbose, int WXUNUSED(index) ) { wxUint32 width, height; wxUint16 maxval; char c(0); image->Destroy(); /* * Read the PNM header */ wxBufferedInputStream buf_stream(stream); wxTextInputStream text_stream(buf_stream); Skip_Comment(buf_stream); if (buf_stream.GetC()==wxT('P')) c=buf_stream.GetC(); switch (c) { case wxT('2'): // ASCII Grey case wxT('3'): // ASCII RGB case wxT('5'): // RAW Grey case wxT('6'): break; default: if (verbose) { wxLogError(_("PNM: File format is not recognized.")); } return false; } text_stream.ReadLine(); // for the \n Skip_Comment(buf_stream); text_stream >> width >> height ; Skip_Comment(buf_stream); text_stream >> maxval; //cout << line << " " << width << " " << height << " " << maxval << endl; image->Create( width, height ); unsigned char *ptr = image->GetData(); if (!ptr) { if (verbose) { wxLogError( _("PNM: Couldn't allocate memory.") ); } return false; } if (c=='2') // Ascii GREY { wxUint32 value, size=width*height; for (wxUint32 i=0; i<size; ++i) { value=text_stream.Read32(); if ( maxval != 255 ) value = (255 * value)/maxval; *ptr++=(unsigned char)value; // R *ptr++=(unsigned char)value; // G *ptr++=(unsigned char)value; // B if ( !buf_stream ) { if (verbose) { wxLogError(_("PNM: File seems truncated.")); } return false; } } } if (c=='3') // Ascii RBG { wxUint32 value, size=3*width*height; for (wxUint32 i=0; i<size; ++i) { //this is very slow !!! //I wonder how we can make any better ? value=text_stream.Read32(); if ( maxval != 255 ) value = (255 * value)/maxval; *ptr++=(unsigned char)value; if ( !buf_stream ) { if (verbose) { wxLogError(_("PNM: File seems truncated.")); } return false; } } } if (c=='5') // Raw GREY { wxUint32 size=width*height; unsigned char value; for (wxUint32 i=0; i<size; ++i) { buf_stream.Read(&value,1); if ( maxval != 255 ) value = (255 * value)/maxval; *ptr++=value; // R *ptr++=value; // G *ptr++=value; // B if ( !buf_stream ) { if (verbose) { wxLogError(_("PNM: File seems truncated.")); } return false; } } } if ( c=='6' ) // Raw RGB { buf_stream.Read(ptr, 3*width*height); if ( maxval != 255 ) { for ( unsigned i = 0; i < 3*width*height; i++ ) ptr[i] = (255 * ptr[i])/maxval; } } image->SetMask( false ); const wxStreamError err = buf_stream.GetLastError(); return err == wxSTREAM_NO_ERROR || err == wxSTREAM_EOF; }
/** Main Setty constructor, parses the given text. */ Setty(const std::string& text) : m_text(text) { std::stringstream text_stream(std::move(text)); std::string line; bool empty_line_allowed = true; // Iterate over the lines while (std::getline(text_stream, line)) { m_line++; m_count = 0; // Character count of the currently parsed unit (section/key/value) m_tab_count = 0; bool found_whitespace = false; // Found whitespace after key name and before value size_t line_length = line.length(); // Handle CRLF line endings if (!line.empty() && line[line.length() - 1] == '\r') { line_length--; } // Iterate over the characters in the current line for (m_at = 0; m_at < line_length; m_at++) { char c = line[m_at]; // Count indentation if (m_count == 0 && m_state != State::SINGLE_VALUE) { if (c == '\t') { m_tab_count++; continue; } else if (c == ' ') { throw ParseException("Only tabs allowed for indentation.", m_line, m_at); } } bool end_of_line = (m_at == line_length - 1); switch (m_state) { case State::UNKNOWN: { if (m_count == 0) { switch (c) { case '#': m_state = State::COMMENT; m_count++; break; case '}': if (end_of_line) { _handle_section_end(); } break; default: m_count++; } } else { switch (c) { case ' ': { std::string section = line.substr(m_at - m_count, m_count); if (!_is_valid_name(section)) { throw ParseException("Invalid section name.", m_line, _get_true_at()); } for (const auto& node : m_current_section->m_children) { if (node->m_name == section) { throw ParseException("Two sections/keys with the same name in the same scope aren't allowed.", m_line, _get_true_at()); } } Node* new_node = new Node; new_node->m_type = Node::Type::SECTION; new_node->m_name = section; new_node->m_parent = m_current_section; m_current_section->m_children.push_back(std::unique_ptr<Node>(new_node)); m_current_section = new_node; m_state = State::SECTION_START; } break; case ':': { std::string key = line.substr(m_at - m_count, m_count); if (!_is_valid_name(key)) { throw ParseException("Invalid key name.", m_line, _get_true_at()); } if (m_tab_count != m_depth) { throw ParseException("Key is not indented correctly.", m_line, m_at); } _save_key(key); if (end_of_line) { m_depth++; m_current_key->m_type = Node::Type::LIST; empty_line_allowed = false; m_state = State::LIST_VALUE; } else { m_state = State::SINGLE_VALUE; m_count = 0; } } break; case '\t': continue; break; default: m_count++; } } } break; case State::COMMENT: { if (end_of_line) { m_state = State::UNKNOWN; } continue; } break; case State::SECTION_START: { switch (c) { case '{': { if (!end_of_line) { throw ParseException("Section opening must be followed by a new line.", m_line, m_at); } m_open_section_count++; m_depth++; m_state = State::UNKNOWN; } break; default: throw ParseException("Expected section opening, got something else.", m_line, m_at); } } break; case State::SINGLE_VALUE: { if (_is_whitespace(c)) { found_whitespace = true; if (m_count == 0 && end_of_line) { throw ParseException("Empty values are not allowed.", m_line, m_at); } } else { if (found_whitespace) { m_count++; if (end_of_line) { m_current_key->m_content.push_back(line.substr(m_at + 1 - m_count, m_count)); m_state = State::UNKNOWN; } } else { throw ParseException("Key name must be followed by at least one space or tab.", m_line, m_at); } } } break; case State::LIST_VALUE: { m_count++; if (end_of_line) { if (m_count == 1 && c == '}') { m_depth--; // Decrement to key depth _handle_section_end(); continue; } if (m_tab_count != m_depth) { throw ParseException("List value is not indented correctly.", m_line, m_at); } m_current_key->m_content.push_back(line.substr(m_at - m_count, m_count)); } } break; } } if (m_count == 0 && !empty_line_allowed) { throw ParseException("An empty line is not allowed here.", m_line, m_at); } } if (m_count > 0) { throw ParseException("Unknown symbol.", m_line, m_at); // Playing with overflow } if (m_open_section_count > 0) { throw ParseException("There are unclosed sections.", m_line, m_at); } }