Esempio n. 1
void QgsAtlasComposition::computeExtent( QgsComposerMap* map )
  // compute the extent of the current feature, in the crs of the specified map

  const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem& coverage_crs = mCoverageLayer->crs();
  // transformation needed for feature geometries
  const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem& destination_crs = map->composition()->mapSettings().destinationCrs();
  mTransform.setSourceCrs( coverage_crs );
  mTransform.setDestCRS( destination_crs );

  // QgsGeometry::boundingBox is expressed in the geometry"s native CRS
  // We have to transform the grometry to the destination CRS and ask for the bounding box
  // Note: we cannot directly take the transformation of the bounding box, since transformations are not linear
  QgsGeometry tgeom( *mCurrentFeature.geometry() );
  tgeom.transform( mTransform );
  mTransformedFeatureBounds = tgeom.boundingBox();
Esempio n. 2
void QgsAtlasComposition::prepareForFeature( int featureI )
  if ( !mComposerMap || !mCoverageLayer )

  if ( mFeatureIds.size() == 0 )
    emit statusMsgChanged( tr( "No matching atlas features" ) );

  // retrieve the next feature, based on its id
  mCoverageLayer->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterFid( mFeatureIds[ featureI ] ) ).nextFeature( mCurrentFeature );

  QgsExpression::setSpecialColumn( "$atlasfeatureid", );
  QgsExpression::setSpecialColumn( "$atlasgeometry", QVariant::fromValue( *mCurrentFeature.geometry() ) );
  QgsExpression::setSpecialColumn( "$feature", QVariant(( int )featureI + 1 ) );

  // generate filename for current feature

  // compute the new extent
  // keep the original aspect ratio
  // and apply a margin

  // QgsGeometry::boundingBox is expressed in the geometry"s native CRS
  // We have to transform the grometry to the destination CRS and ask for the bounding box
  // Note: we cannot directly take the transformation of the bounding box, since transformations are not linear

  QgsGeometry tgeom( *mCurrentFeature.geometry() );
  tgeom.transform( mTransform );
  QgsRectangle geom_rect = tgeom.boundingBox();

  double xa1 = geom_rect.xMinimum();
  double xa2 = geom_rect.xMaximum();
  double ya1 = geom_rect.yMinimum();
  double ya2 = geom_rect.yMaximum();
  QgsRectangle new_extent = geom_rect;
  QgsRectangle mOrigExtent = mComposerMap->extent();

  if ( mFixedScale )
    // only translate, keep the original scale (i.e. width x height)

    double geom_center_x = ( xa1 + xa2 ) / 2.0;
    double geom_center_y = ( ya1 + ya2 ) / 2.0;
    double xx = geom_center_x - mOrigExtent.width() / 2.0;
    double yy = geom_center_y - mOrigExtent.height() / 2.0;
    new_extent = QgsRectangle( xx,
                               xx + mOrigExtent.width(),
                               yy + mOrigExtent.height() );
    // auto scale

    double geom_ratio = geom_rect.width() / geom_rect.height();
    double map_ratio = mOrigExtent.width() / mOrigExtent.height();

    // geometry height is too big
    if ( geom_ratio < map_ratio )
      // extent the bbox's width
      double adj_width = ( map_ratio * geom_rect.height() - geom_rect.width() ) / 2.0;
      xa1 -= adj_width;
      xa2 += adj_width;
    // geometry width is too big
    else if ( geom_ratio > map_ratio )
      // extent the bbox's height
      double adj_height = ( geom_rect.width() / map_ratio - geom_rect.height() ) / 2.0;
      ya1 -= adj_height;
      ya2 += adj_height;
    new_extent = QgsRectangle( xa1, ya1, xa2, ya2 );

    if ( mMargin > 0.0 )
      new_extent.scale( 1 + mMargin );

  // evaluate label expressions
  QList<QgsComposerLabel*> labels;
  mComposition->composerItems( labels );

  for ( QList<QgsComposerLabel*>::iterator lit = labels.begin(); lit != labels.end(); ++lit )
    ( *lit )->setExpressionContext( &mCurrentFeature, mCoverageLayer );

  // set the new extent (and render)
  mComposerMap->setNewAtlasFeatureExtent( new_extent );

  emit statusMsgChanged( QString( tr( "Atlas feature %1 of %2" ) ).arg( featureI + 1 ).arg( mFeatureIds.size() ) );
void QgsAtlasComposition::prepareForFeature( size_t featureI )
  if ( !mComposerMap || !mCoverageLayer )

  // retrieve the next feature, based on its id
  mCoverageLayer->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterFid( mFeatureIds[ featureI ] ) ).nextFeature( mCurrentFeature );

  if ( !mSingleFile && mFilenamePattern.size() > 0 )
    QgsExpression::setSpecialColumn( "$feature", QVariant(( int )featureI + 1 ) );
    QVariant filenameRes = mFilenameExpr->evaluate( &mCurrentFeature );
    if ( mFilenameExpr->hasEvalError() )
      throw std::runtime_error( tr( "Filename eval error: %1" ).arg( mFilenameExpr->evalErrorString() ).toLocal8Bit().data() );

    mCurrentFilename = filenameRes.toString();

  // compute the new extent
  // keep the original aspect ratio
  // and apply a margin

  // QgsGeometry::boundingBox is expressed in the geometry"s native CRS
  // We have to transform the grometry to the destination CRS and ask for the bounding box
  // Note: we cannot directly take the transformation of the bounding box, since transformations are not linear

  QgsGeometry tgeom( *mCurrentFeature.geometry() );
  tgeom.transform( mTransform );
  QgsRectangle geom_rect = tgeom.boundingBox();

  double xa1 = geom_rect.xMinimum();
  double xa2 = geom_rect.xMaximum();
  double ya1 = geom_rect.yMinimum();
  double ya2 = geom_rect.yMaximum();
  QgsRectangle new_extent = geom_rect;

  // restore the original extent
  // (successive calls to setNewExtent tend to deform the original rectangle)
  mComposerMap->setNewExtent( mOrigExtent );

  if ( mFixedScale )
    // only translate, keep the original scale (i.e. width x height)

    double geom_center_x = ( xa1 + xa2 ) / 2.0;
    double geom_center_y = ( ya1 + ya2 ) / 2.0;
    double xx = geom_center_x - mOrigExtent.width() / 2.0;
    double yy = geom_center_y - mOrigExtent.height() / 2.0;
    new_extent = QgsRectangle( xx,
                               xx + mOrigExtent.width(),
                               yy + mOrigExtent.height() );
    // auto scale

    double geom_ratio = geom_rect.width() / geom_rect.height();
    double map_ratio = mOrigExtent.width() / mOrigExtent.height();

    // geometry height is too big
    if ( geom_ratio < map_ratio )
      // extent the bbox's width
      double adj_width = ( map_ratio * geom_rect.height() - geom_rect.width() ) / 2.0;
      xa1 -= adj_width;
      xa2 += adj_width;
    // geometry width is too big
    else if ( geom_ratio > map_ratio )
      // extent the bbox's height
      double adj_height = ( geom_rect.width() / map_ratio - geom_rect.height() ) / 2.0;
      ya1 -= adj_height;
      ya2 += adj_height;
    new_extent = QgsRectangle( xa1, ya1, xa2, ya2 );

    if ( mMargin > 0.0 )
      new_extent.scale( 1 + mMargin );

  // evaluate label expressions
  QList<QgsComposerLabel*> labels;
  mComposition->composerItems( labels );
  QgsExpression::setSpecialColumn( "$feature", QVariant(( int )featureI + 1 ) );

  for ( QList<QgsComposerLabel*>::iterator lit = labels.begin(); lit != labels.end(); ++lit )
    ( *lit )->setExpressionContext( &mCurrentFeature, mCoverageLayer );

  // set the new extent (and render)
  mComposerMap->setNewExtent( new_extent );
Esempio n. 4
void QgsAtlasComposition::prepareForFeature( int featureI )
  if ( !mCoverageLayer )

  if ( mFeatureIds.size() == 0 )
    emit statusMsgChanged( tr( "No matching atlas features" ) );

  // retrieve the next feature, based on its id
  mCoverageLayer->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterFid( mFeatureIds[ featureI ] ) ).nextFeature( mCurrentFeature );

  QgsExpression::setSpecialColumn( "$atlasfeatureid", );
  QgsExpression::setSpecialColumn( "$atlasgeometry", QVariant::fromValue( *mCurrentFeature.geometry() ) );
  QgsExpression::setSpecialColumn( "$feature", QVariant(( int )featureI + 1 ) );

  // generate filename for current feature

  // evaluate label expressions
  QList<QgsComposerLabel*> labels;
  mComposition->composerItems( labels );
  for ( QList<QgsComposerLabel*>::iterator lit = labels.begin(); lit != labels.end(); ++lit )
    ( *lit )->setExpressionContext( &mCurrentFeature, mCoverageLayer );

  // update shapes (in case they use data defined symbology with atlas properties)
  QList<QgsComposerShape*> shapes;
  mComposition->composerItems( shapes );
  for ( QList<QgsComposerShape*>::iterator lit = shapes.begin(); lit != shapes.end(); ++lit )
    ( *lit )->update();

  // update page background (in case it uses data defined symbology with atlas properties)
  QList<QgsPaperItem*> pages;
  mComposition->composerItems( pages );
  for ( QList<QgsPaperItem*>::iterator pageIt = pages.begin(); pageIt != pages.end(); ++pageIt )
    ( *pageIt )->update();

  emit statusMsgChanged( QString( tr( "Atlas feature %1 of %2" ) ).arg( featureI + 1 ).arg( mFeatureIds.size() ) );

  //update composer maps

  //build a list of atlas-enabled composer maps
  QList<QgsComposerMap*> maps;
  QList<QgsComposerMap*> atlasMaps;
  mComposition->composerItems( maps );
  for ( QList<QgsComposerMap*>::iterator mit = maps.begin(); mit != maps.end(); ++mit )
    QgsComposerMap* currentMap = ( *mit );
    if ( !currentMap->atlasDriven() )
    atlasMaps << currentMap;

  if ( atlasMaps.isEmpty() )
    //no atlas enabled maps

  // compute the new extent
  // keep the original aspect ratio
  // and apply a margin

  const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem& coverage_crs = mCoverageLayer->crs();
  // transformation needed for feature geometries. This should be set on a per-atlas map basis,
  // but given that it's not currently possible to have maps with different CRSes we can just
  // calculate it once based on the first atlas maps' CRS.
  const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem& destination_crs = atlasMaps[0]->mapRenderer()->destinationCrs();
  mTransform.setSourceCrs( coverage_crs );
  mTransform.setDestCRS( destination_crs );

  // QgsGeometry::boundingBox is expressed in the geometry"s native CRS
  // We have to transform the grometry to the destination CRS and ask for the bounding box
  // Note: we cannot directly take the transformation of the bounding box, since transformations are not linear

  QgsGeometry tgeom( *mCurrentFeature.geometry() );
  tgeom.transform( mTransform );
  mTransformedFeatureBounds = tgeom.boundingBox();

  //update atlas bounds of every atlas enabled composer map
  for ( QList<QgsComposerMap*>::iterator mit = atlasMaps.begin(); mit != atlasMaps.end(); ++mit )
    prepareMap( *mit );