Esempio n. 1
static int
test_comments ()
  th_comment tc;
  int n;
  char * value;

  INFO ("+ Initializing th_comment");
  th_comment_init (&tc);

  INFO ("+ Adding ARTIST1");
  th_comment_add (&tc, "ARTIST=" ARTIST1);

  INFO ("+ Adding LICENSE by tag");
  th_comment_add_tag (&tc, "LICENSE", LICENSE);

  INFO ("+ Adding ARTIST2 by tag");
  th_comment_add_tag (&tc, "ARTIST", ARTIST2);

  INFO ("+ Querying value of LICENSE");
  value = th_comment_query (&tc, "LICENSE", 0);
  printf("foo %s\n", value);

  if (strcmp (value, LICENSE))
    FAIL ("Incorrect value for LICENSE");

  INFO ("+ Querying count of ARTIST comments");
  n = th_comment_query_count (&tc, "ARTIST");

  if (n != 2)
    FAIL ("Incorrect count of ARTIST comments");

  INFO ("+ Querying value of ARTIST index 0");
  value = th_comment_query (&tc, "ARTIST", 0);
  if (strcmp (value, ARTIST1))
    FAIL ("Incorrect value for ARTIST index 0");

  INFO ("+ Querying value of ARTIST index 1");
  value = th_comment_query (&tc, "ARTIST", 1);
  if (strcmp (value, ARTIST2))
    FAIL ("Incorrect value for ARTIST index 1");

  INFO ("+ Querying value of ARTIST index 2 (out of bounds)");
  value = th_comment_query (&tc, "ARTIST", 2);
  if (value != NULL)
    FAIL ("Non-NULL value for ARTIST index 2 (out of bounds)");

  INFO ("+ Querying value of UNDEF index 7 (tag not defined)");
  value = th_comment_query (&tc, "UNDEF", 7);
  if (value != NULL)
    FAIL ("Non-NULL value for UNDEF index 7 (tag not defined)");

  INFO ("+ Clearing th_comment");
  th_comment_clear (&tc);

  return 0;
Esempio n. 2
 * Theora beginning of stream
    int i;
    nsresult rv;
    PRUint32 wr;
    ogg_uint32_t keyframe;

    if (ogg_stream_init(&vState->os, rand())) {
        PR_LOG(log, PR_LOG_NOTICE, ("Failed ogg_stream_init\n"));
        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;


    /* Must be multiples of 16 */
    vState->ti.frame_width = (params->width + 15) & ~0xF;
    vState->ti.frame_height = (params->height + 15) & ~0xF;
    vState->ti.pic_width = params->width;
    vState->ti.pic_height = params->height;
    vState->ti.pic_x = (vState->ti.frame_width - params->width) >> 1 & ~1;
    vState->ti.pic_y = (vState->ti.frame_height - params->height) >> 1 & ~1;
    vState->ti.fps_numerator = params->fps_n;
    vState->ti.fps_denominator = params->fps_d;

    /* Are these the right values? */
    keyframe = 64 - 1;
    for (i = 0; keyframe; i++)
        keyframe >>= 1;
    vState->ti.quality = (int)(params->qual * 100);
    vState->ti.colorspace = TH_CS_ITU_REC_470M;
    vState->ti.pixel_fmt = TH_PF_420;
    vState->ti.keyframe_granule_shift = i;

    vState->th = th_encode_alloc(&vState->ti);

    /* Header init */
    th_comment_add_tag(&vState->tc, (char *)"ENCODER", (char *)"rainbow");
    if (th_encode_flushheader(
        vState->th, &vState->tc, &vState->op) <= 0) {
        PR_LOG(log, PR_LOG_NOTICE, ("Internal Theora library error\n"));
        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

    ogg_stream_packetin(&vState->os, &vState->op);
    if (ogg_stream_pageout(&vState->os, &vState->og) != 1) {
        PR_LOG(log, PR_LOG_NOTICE, ("Internal Ogg library error\n"));
        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

    rv = WriteData(vState->og.header, vState->og.header_len, &wr);
    rv = WriteData(vState->og.body, vState->og.body_len, &wr);

    return NS_OK;
Esempio n. 3
void theora_comment_add_tag(theora_comment *_tc, char *_tag, char *_value){
  th_comment_add_tag((th_comment *)_tc,_tag,_value);