Esempio n. 1
File: context.c Progetto: CCJY/ACE
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  int ncorr, t1arg, t0arg, orig_ncorr;
  thread_t tid1, tid0;
  float rate;

  if (argc != 6)
      printf ("usage: %s t0_bound t0_new_lwp t1_bound t1_new_lwp ncorr\n", argv[0]);
      exit (1);
  t0arg = THR_DETACHED;
  if (atoi (argv[1]))
    t0arg |= THR_BOUND;
  if (atoi (argv[2]))
    t0arg |= THR_NEW_LWP;

  t1arg = THR_DETACHED;
  if (atoi (argv[3]))
    t1arg |= THR_BOUND;
  if (atoi (argv[4]))
    t1arg |= THR_NEW_LWP;

  ncorr = atoi (argv[5]);

  if (thr_create (0, 0, work, 0, t0arg, &tid0) != 0)
    perror ("couldn't create thread 0");
  if (thr_create (0, 0, work, (void *) 1, t1arg, &tid1) != 0)
    perror ("couldn't create thread 1");

  orig_ncorr = thr_getconcurrency ();
  if (ncorr)
    thr_setconcurrency (ncorr);
  sleep (NSLEEP);
  rate = (count[0] + count[1]) / ((float) NSLEEP);
    printf ("\n------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
  printf ("t0arg 0x%x (%s, %s, %s)\nt1arg 0x%x (%s, %s, %s)\ncount[0] %d count[1] %d\n\
           ncorr_orig %d ncorr_set %d ncorr_end %d rate %.3f per_cxt %.2f usec\n",
          (t0arg & THR_DETACHED) ? "THR_DETACHED" : "Not Detached",
          (t0arg & THR_BOUND) ? "THR_BOUND" : "Not Bound",
          (t0arg & THR_NEW_LWP) ? "THR_NEW_LWP" : "No New_LWP",
          (t1arg & THR_DETACHED) ? "THR_DETACHED" : "Not Detached",
          (t1arg & THR_BOUND) ? "THR_BOUND" : "Not Bound",
          (t1arg & THR_NEW_LWP) ? "THR_NEW_LWP" : "No New_LWP",
          count[0], count[1],
          orig_ncorr, ncorr, thr_getconcurrency (), rate, 1.0e6 / rate);
Esempio n. 2
	return pthread_getconcurrency();
	return thr_getconcurrency();
	return 0;
Esempio n. 3
ParallelInit(int n, pxgstrf_relax_t *pxgstrf_relax, 
	     pdgstrf_options_t *pdgstrf_options, 
	     pxgstrf_shared_t *pxgstrf_shared)
    int      *etree = pdgstrf_options->etree;
    register int w, dad, ukids, i, j, k, rs, panel_size, relax;
    register int P, w_top, do_split = 0;
    panel_t panel_type;
    int      *panel_histo = pxgstrf_shared->Gstat->panel_histo;
    register int nthr, concurrency, info;

#if ( MACH==SUN )
    register int sync_type = USYNC_THREAD;
    /* Set concurrency level. */
    nthr = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);
    thr_setconcurrency(nthr);            /* number of LWPs */
    concurrency = thr_getconcurrency();

#if ( PRNTlevel==1 )    
    printf(".. CPUs %d, concurrency (#LWP) %d, P %d\n",
	   nthr, concurrency, P);

    /* Initialize mutex variables. */
    pxgstrf_shared->lu_locks = (mutex_t *) 
        SUPERLU_MALLOC(NO_GLU_LOCKS * sizeof(mutex_t));
    for (i = 0; i < NO_GLU_LOCKS; ++i)
	mutex_init(&pxgstrf_shared->lu_locks[i], sync_type, 0);

#elif ( MACH==DEC || MACH==PTHREAD )
    pxgstrf_shared->lu_locks = (pthread_mutex_t *) 
        SUPERLU_MALLOC(NO_GLU_LOCKS * sizeof(pthread_mutex_t));
    for (i = 0; i < NO_GLU_LOCKS; ++i)
	pthread_mutex_init(&pxgstrf_shared->lu_locks[i], NULL);
    pxgstrf_shared->lu_locks = (mutex_t *) SUPERLU_MALLOC(NO_GLU_LOCKS * sizeof(mutex_t));
#if ( PRNTlevel==1 )
    printf(".. ParallelInit() ... nprocs %2d\n", pdgstrf_options->nprocs);

    pxgstrf_shared->spin_locks = intCalloc(n);
    pxgstrf_shared->pan_status = 
        (pan_status_t *) SUPERLU_MALLOC((n+1)*sizeof(pan_status_t));
    pxgstrf_shared->fb_cols    = intMalloc(n+1);

    panel_size = pdgstrf_options->panel_size;
    relax = pdgstrf_options->relax;
    w = MAX(panel_size, relax) + 1;
    for (i = 0; i < w; ++i) panel_histo[i] = 0;
    pxgstrf_shared->num_splits = 0;
    if ( (info = queue_init(&pxgstrf_shared->taskq, n)) ) {
	fprintf(stderr, "ParallelInit(): %d\n", info);
	ABORT("queue_init fails.");

    /* Count children of each node in the etree. */
    for (i = 0; i <= n; ++i) pxgstrf_shared->pan_status[i].ukids = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
	dad = etree[i];

    /* Find the panel partitions and initialize each panel's status */

#ifdef PROFILE
    num_panels = 0;

    pxgstrf_shared->tasks_remain = 0;
    rs = 1;
    w_top = panel_size/2;
    if ( w_top == 0 ) w_top = 1;
    P = 12;

    for (i = 0; i < n; ) {
	if ( pxgstrf_relax[rs].fcol == i ) {
	    w = pxgstrf_relax[rs++].size;
	    panel_type = RELAXED_SNODE;
	    pxgstrf_shared->pan_status[i].state = CANGO;
	} else {
	    w = MIN(panel_size, pxgstrf_relax[rs].fcol - i);
#ifdef SPLIT_TOP
	    if ( !do_split ) {
	  	if ( (n-i) < panel_size * P ) do_split = 1;
	    if ( do_split && w > w_top ) { /* split large panel */
	    	w = w_top;
	    for (j = i+1; j < i + w; ++j) 
		/* Do not allow panel to cross a branch point in the etree. */
		if ( pxgstrf_shared->pan_status[j].ukids > 1 ) break;
	    w = j - i;    /* j should start a new panel */
	    panel_type = REGULAR_PANEL;
	    pxgstrf_shared->pan_status[i].state = UNREADY;
#ifdef DOMAINS
	    if ( in_domain[i] == TREE_DOMAIN ) panel_type = TREE_DOMAIN;

	if ( panel_type == REGULAR_PANEL ) {
	    /*printf("nondomain panel %6d -- %6d\n", i, i+w-1);

	ukids = k = 0;
	for (j = i; j < i + w; ++j) {
	    pxgstrf_shared->pan_status[j].size = k--;
	    pxgstrf_shared->pan_status[j].type = panel_type;
	    ukids += pxgstrf_shared->pan_status[j].ukids;
	pxgstrf_shared->pan_status[i].size = w; /* leading column */
	/* only count those kids outside the panel */
	pxgstrf_shared->pan_status[i].ukids = ukids - (w-1);
#ifdef PROFILE
	panstat[i].size = w;
	pxgstrf_shared->fb_cols[i] = i;
	i += w;
    } /* for i ... */
    /* Dummy root */
    pxgstrf_shared->pan_status[n].size = 1;
    pxgstrf_shared->pan_status[n].state = UNREADY;

#if ( PRNTlevel==1 )
    printf(".. Split: P %d, #nondomain panels %d\n", P, pxgstrf_shared->tasks_remain);
#ifdef DOMAINS
    EnqueueDomains(&pxgstrf_shared->taskq, list_head, pxgstrf_shared);
    EnqueueRelaxSnode(&pxgstrf_shared->taskq, n, pxgstrf_relax, pxgstrf_shared);
#if ( PRNTlevel==1 )
    printf(".. # tasks %d\n", pxgstrf_shared->tasks_remain);

    /* Set up structure describing children */
    for (i = 0; i <= n; cp_firstkid[i++] = EMPTY);
    for (i = n-1; i >= 0; i--) {
	dad = etree[i];
	cp_nextkid[i] = cp_firstkid[dad];
	cp_firstkid[dad] = i;

    return 0;
} /* ParallelInit */
Esempio n. 4
main(int argc,char **argv)
  int *ev, len, i, j, status, numread, totalread=0, nevents_max, event_size, chunk;
  et_event      **pe;
  et_openconfig   openconfig;
  et_statconfig   sconfig;
  et_att_id       attach;
  et_stat_id      my_stat;
  et_sys_id       id;
  sigset_t        sigblock;
  struct timespec timeout;
  pthread_t       tid;

  BOSIOptr BIOstream;
  char *ch;

  char *str1 =
"OPEN UNIT=11 FILE='/scratch/boiarino/test.A00' WRITE RECL=32768 SPLITMB=2047 RAW SEQ NEW BINARY";
/*"OPEN UNIT=11 FILE='/work/clas/disk1/boiarino/test.A00' WRITE RECL=32768 SPLITMB=2047 RAW SEQ NEW BINARY";*/
  if(argc != 3) {
    printf("Usage: et2bos_test <et_filename> <station_name>\n");

  timeout.tv_sec  = 0;
  timeout.tv_nsec = 1;
  /* setup signal handling */
  /* block all signals */
  status = pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &sigblock, NULL);
  if (status != 0) {
    printf("et2bos: pthread_sigmask failure\n");
  #ifdef sun
    thr_setconcurrency(thr_getconcurrency() + 1);
  /* spawn signal handling thread */
  pthread_create(&tid, NULL, signal_thread, (void *)NULL);


  /* open ET system */
  et_open_config_setwait(openconfig, ET_OPEN_WAIT);
  if (et_open(&id, argv[1], openconfig) != ET_OK) {
    printf("et2bos: et_open problems\n");

   * Now that we have access to an ET system, find out how many
   * events it has and what size they are. Then allocate an array
   * of pointers to use for reading, writing, and modifying these events.
  if (et_system_getnumevents(id, &nevents_max) != ET_OK)
    printf("et2bos: ET has died\n");
  if (et_system_geteventsize(id, &event_size) != ET_OK)
    printf("et2bos: ET has died\n");
  if ( (pe = (et_event **) calloc(nevents_max, sizeof(et_event *))) == NULL)
    printf("et2bos: cannot allocate memory\n");

  et_station_config_setuser(sconfig, ET_STATION_USER_MULTI);
  et_station_config_setrestore(sconfig, ET_STATION_RESTORE_OUT);
  et_station_config_setprescale(sconfig, 1);
  /* old "all" mode */
  et_station_config_setselect(sconfig, ET_STATION_SELECT_ALL);
  et_station_config_setblock(sconfig, ET_STATION_BLOCKING);
  et_station_config_setcue(sconfig, 150);  /* if ET_STATION_NONBLOCKING */

  /* set debug level */
  et_system_setdebug(id, ET_DEBUG_INFO);

  /* create station */
  if ((status = et_station_create(id, &my_stat, argv[2], sconfig)) < 0)
    if (status == ET_ERROR_EXISTS)
      /* my_stat contains pointer to existing station */;
      printf("et2bos: set ptr to the existing station\n");
    else if (status == ET_ERROR_TOOMANY)
      printf("et2bos: too many stations created\n");
      goto error;
      printf("et2bos: error in station creation\n");
      goto error;

  printf("et2bos: station ready\n");

  if (et_station_attach(id, my_stat, &attach) < 0)
    printf("et2bos: error in station attach\n");
    goto error;

  /* open FPACK file for writing */
  /*if( (status = FParm(str1,&fd)) !=0)
	printf("FParm status %d \n",status);
	printf("command was >%s<\n",str1);

  /* set file descriptor pointer */
  BIOstream = (BOSIOptr)fd;

  /* initialize BOS array */

  while (et_alive(id))
    /* read data  */

    /* example of single, timeout read */
    /* status = et_event_get(&id, attach, &pe[0], ET_TIMED, &timeout); */

    /* example of single, asynchronous read */
    /* status = et_event_get(&id, attach, &pe[0], ET_ASYNC, NULL);*/

    /* example of reading array of up to "chunk" events */
    /* chunk = 500; */
    /* numread = status = et_events_get(&id, attach, pe, ET_SLEEP, NULL, chunk, &numread);*/

    chunk   = 500;
    status = et_events_get(id, attach, pe, ET_SLEEP, NULL, chunk, &numread);
    if (status == ET_OK) {
    else if (status == ET_ERROR_DEAD) {
      printf("et2bos: ET system is dead\n");
      goto end;
    else if (status == ET_ERROR_TIMEOUT) {
      printf("et2bos: got timeout\n");
      goto end;
    else if (status == ET_ERROR_EMPTY) {
      printf("et2bos: no events\n");
      goto end;
    else if (status == ET_ERROR_BUSY) {
      printf("et2bos: station is busy\n");
      goto end;
    else if (status == ET_ERROR_WAKEUP) {
      printf("et2bos: someone told me to wake up\n");
      goto end;
    else if ((status == ET_ERROR_WRITE) || (status == ET_ERROR_READ)) {
      printf("et2bos: socket communication error\n");
      goto end;
    else if (status != ET_OK) {
      printf("et2bos: get error\n");
      goto error;

    /* print data, write data to FPACK file */

    for (j=0; j<numread; j++)
      et_event_getdata(pe[j], (void **) &ev);

      et_event_getlength(pe[j], &len);
      printf("et2bos: recname=>%4.4s%4.4s<, run#=%d, event#=%d, reclen=%d\n",
           (char *)&ev[3],(char *)&ev[4],ev[5],ev[6],ev[10]);
      printf(" temp = %d, pri = %d, len = %d\n",
      et_event_getcontrol(pe[j], con);
      for (i=0; i < ET_STATION_SELECT_INTS; i++)
        printf("control[%d] = %d\n",i,con[i]);

      /* drop banks from previous event */

      bosLdrop(jw, "E");

      /* create banks in BOS array */

      status = et2bos(ev, jw, "E");
      if (status != 0)
        printf ("et2bos_test: error %d in et2bos()\n",status);

      /* call next if want to use ET record header; otherwise
      record name will be "RUNEVENT" and other info from HEAD bank */


      /* write down BOS banks to file */
      status = bosWrite(fd, jw, "E");
      if (status != 0)
        printf ("et2bos_test: error %d in bosWrite()\n",status);


    /* return data to ET */

    /* example of writing single event */
    /* status = et_event_put(id, attach, pe[0]);*/

    /* example of writing array of events */
    status = et_events_put(id, attach, pe, numread);

    if (status == ET_ERROR_DEAD) {
      printf("et2bos: ET is dead\n");
      goto end;
    else if ((status == ET_ERROR_WRITE) || (status == ET_ERROR_READ)) {
      printf("et2bos: socket communication error\n");
      goto end;
    else if (status != ET_OK) {
      printf("et2bos: put error\n");
      goto error;
    totalread += numread;

    /* print something out after having read NUMEVENTS events */
    if (totalread >= NUMEVENTS)
      totalread = 0;
      printf(" et2bos: %d events\n", NUMEVENTS);

    /* if ET system is dead, wait here until it comes back */
	while (!et_alive(id)) {
	  status = et_wait_for_alive(id);
	  if (status == ET_OK) {
	    int locality;
	    et_system_getlocality(id, &locality);
	    /* if Linux, re-establish connection to ET system since socket broken */
	    if (locality == ET_LOCAL_NOSHARE) {
              printf("et2bos: try to reconnect Linux client\n");
	      goto restartLinux;

  } /* while(alive) */
  printf("et2bos: ERROR\n");
Esempio n. 5
	return thr_getconcurrency();