Esempio n. 1
void TileView::render( ImageObject& img, const Rect& r )
  int startX = (int)( (r.left + pScrollX) / pTileWidth );
	int startY = (int)floor( (double)(( + pScrollY) / pTileHeight) );
	int stopX = (int)ceil( (double)((r.left + pScrollX + r.width) / pTileWidth) ) + 1;
	int stopY = (int)ceil( (double)(( + pScrollY + r.height) / pTileHeight) ) + 1;

  if ( startX < 0 ) startX = 0;
  if ( startY < 0 ) startY = 0;
  if ( stopY < 0 ) stopY = 0;
  if ( stopY < 0 ) stopY = 0;

	if ( startX >= (int)pNumX ) startX = pNumX;
	if ( startY >= (int)pNumY ) startY = pNumY;
	if ( stopX >= (int)pNumX ) stopX = pNumX;
	if ( stopY >= (int)pNumY ) stopY = pNumY;

//  cout << "startX: " << startX << " startY: " << startY << " stopX: " << stopX << " stopY: " << stopY << endl;

  int x = pScrollX + (startX * pTileWidth);
  int y = pScrollY + (startY * pTileHeight);

//  cout << "absX: " << absoluteXPos() << " absY: " << absoluteYPos() << endl;
//  cout << "x: " << x << " y: " << y << endl;

  for ( int iy = startY; iy < stopY; iy++ ) {
    for ( int ix = startX; ix < stopX; ix++ ) {
      for( int i = 0; i < tiles(ix, iy).numTiles(); i++ ){
        if ( tiles(ix, iy).tileImage( i ) >= 0 ) {
          gui().screen().drawImage( *tileImages().get( tiles(ix, iy).tileImage( i ) ), Rect( x, y, pTileWidth, pTileHeight ) );
      for( int i = 0; i < tiles(ix, iy).numObjects(); i++ ){
        if ( tiles(ix, iy).objectImage( i ) >= 0 ) {
          gui().screen().drawImage( *objectImages().get( tiles(ix, iy).objectImage( i ) ), Rect( x, y, pTileWidth, pTileHeight ) );
      x += pTileWidth;
    x = pScrollX + (startX * pTileWidth);
    y += pTileHeight;

Esempio n. 2
  // Tile images in a width x height rectangle.
  // xOrigin and yOrigin represent the location of this rectangle relative to the canvas
  // minDraw represents the minimum number of pixels to scale an image down to
  // tileType determines whether it tiles horizontally or vertically first
  void Tiler::tileImages(size_t width, size_t height, size_t xOrigin, size_t yOrigin, size_t minDraw, bool tileType)
    size_t x = xOrigin, y = yOrigin;
    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<DrawOperation>> drawBatch;
    size_t imageNum;

    // Tile Horizontally
    if(tileType == 0)
        imageNum = randNum(0, imageFilePaths.size()-1);
        Magick::Image image(popImagePath(imageNum));
        image.resize(Magick::Geometry("x" + std::to_string(height)));
        const size_t imageWidth = image.columns();
        // If the last image wont fit, tile images in the empty space
        if(((x-xOrigin) + imageWidth) > width)
          tileImages(width-(x-xOrigin), height, x, y, minDraw, 1);

        // Put this draw operation in the queue
        drawBatch.emplace_back(std::make_unique<DrawOperation>(std::move(image), x, y));

        x  += imageWidth;
        // If we run out of room to draw, center what we have then stop
        if(((x-xOrigin) + minDraw) > width)
          for(auto &&drawOperation : drawBatch)
            drawOperation->x += (width-(x-xOrigin))/2;
    // Tile Vertically
        imageNum = randNum(0, imageFilePaths.size()-1);
        Magick::Image image(popImagePath(imageNum));
        const size_t imageHeight = image.rows();
        // If the last image wont fit, tile images in the empty space
        if((y-yOrigin+imageHeight) > height)
          tileImages(width, height-(y-yOrigin), x, y, minDraw, 0);

        // Put this draw operation in the queue
        drawBatch.emplace_back(std::make_unique<DrawOperation>(std::move(image), x, y));

        y += imageHeight;
        // If we run out of room to draw, center what we have then stop
        if((y-yOrigin + minDraw) > height)
          for(auto &&drawOperation : drawBatch)
            drawOperation->y += (height-(y-yOrigin))/2;
    drawQueue.insert(drawQueue.end(), std::make_move_iterator(drawBatch.begin()), std::make_move_iterator(drawBatch.end()));