Esempio n. 1
    bool ZeroInflationIndex::needsForecast(const Date& fixingDate) const {

        // Stored fixings are always non-interpolated.
        // If an interpolated fixing is required then
        // the availability lag + one inflation period
        // must have passed to use historical fixings
        // (because you need the next one to interpolate).
        // The interpolation is calculated (linearly) on demand.

        Date today = Settings::instance().evaluationDate();
        Date todayMinusLag = today - availabilityLag_;

        Date historicalFixingKnown =
            inflationPeriod(todayMinusLag, frequency_).first-1;
        Date latestNeededDate = fixingDate;

        if (interpolated_) { // might need the next one too
            std::pair<Date,Date> p = inflationPeriod(fixingDate, frequency_);
            if (fixingDate > p.first)
                latestNeededDate += Period(frequency_);

        if (latestNeededDate <= historicalFixingKnown) {
            // the fixing date is well before the availability lag, so
            // we know that fixings were provided.
            return false;
        } else {
            // we're not sure, but the fixing might be there so we
            // check.  Todo: check which fixings are not possible, to
            // avoid using fixings in the future
            Real f = timeSeries()[latestNeededDate];
            return (f == Null<Real>());
Esempio n. 2
 Rate ZeroInflationIndex::fixing(const Date& aFixingDate,
                                 bool /*forecastTodaysFixing*/) const {
     if (!needsForecast(aFixingDate)) {
         const TimeSeries<Real>& ts = timeSeries();
         Real pastFixing = ts[aFixingDate];
         QL_REQUIRE(pastFixing != Null<Real>(),
                    "Missing " << name() << " fixing for " << aFixingDate);
         Real theFixing = pastFixing;
         if (interpolated_) {
             // fixings stored flat & for every day
             std::pair<Date,Date> lim =
                 inflationPeriod(aFixingDate, frequency_);
             if (aFixingDate == lim.first) {
                 // we don't actually need the next fixing
                 theFixing = pastFixing;
             } else {
                 Date fixingDate2 = aFixingDate + Period(frequency_);
                 Real pastFixing2 = ts[fixingDate2];
                 QL_REQUIRE(pastFixing2 != Null<Real>(),
                            "Missing " << name() << " fixing for " << fixingDate2);
                 // now linearly interpolate
                 Real daysInPeriod = lim.second+1 - lim.first;
                 theFixing = pastFixing
                     + (pastFixing2-pastFixing)*(aFixingDate-lim.first)/daysInPeriod;
         return theFixing;
     } else {
         return forecastFixing(aFixingDate);
Esempio n. 3
    Rate ZeroInflationIndex::fixing(const Date& aFixingDate,
                                    bool /*forecastTodaysFixing*/) const {
        if (!needsForecast(aFixingDate)) {
            std::pair<Date,Date> lim = inflationPeriod(aFixingDate, frequency_);
            const TimeSeries<Real>& ts = timeSeries();
            Real pastFixing = ts[lim.first];
            QL_REQUIRE(pastFixing != Null<Real>(),
                       "Missing " << name() << " fixing for " << lim.first);
            Real theFixing = pastFixing;
            if (interpolated_) {
                // fixings stored on first day of every period
                if (aFixingDate == lim.first) {
                    // we don't actually need the next fixing
                    theFixing = pastFixing;
                } else {
                    Real pastFixing2 = ts[lim.second+1];
                    QL_REQUIRE(pastFixing2 != Null<Real>(),
                               "Missing " << name() << " fixing for " << lim.second+1);

                    // Use lagged period for interpolation
                    std::pair<Date, Date> reference_period_lim = inflationPeriod(aFixingDate + zeroInflationTermStructure()->observationLag(), frequency_);
                    // now linearly interpolate
                    Real daysInPeriod = reference_period_lim.second + 1 - reference_period_lim.first;
                    theFixing = pastFixing
                        + (pastFixing2 - pastFixing)*(aFixingDate - lim.first) / daysInPeriod;
            return theFixing;
        } else {
            return forecastFixing(aFixingDate);
Esempio n. 4
    Rate YoYInflationIndex::fixing(const Date& fixingDate,
                                   bool /*forecastTodaysFixing*/) const {

        Date today = Settings::instance().evaluationDate();
        Date todayMinusLag = today - availabilityLag_;
        std::pair<Date,Date> lim = inflationPeriod(todayMinusLag, frequency_);
        Date lastFix = lim.first-1;

        Date flatMustForecastOn = lastFix+1;
        Date interpMustForecastOn = lastFix+1 - Period(frequency_);

        if (interpolated() && fixingDate >= interpMustForecastOn) {
            return forecastFixing(fixingDate);

        if (!interpolated() && fixingDate >= flatMustForecastOn) {
            return forecastFixing(fixingDate);

        // four cases with ratio() and interpolated()

        const TimeSeries<Real>& ts = timeSeries();
        if (ratio()) {

            if(interpolated()){ // IS ratio, IS interpolated

                std::pair<Date,Date> lim = inflationPeriod(fixingDate, frequency_);
                Date fixMinus1Y=NullCalendar().advance(fixingDate, -1*Years, ModifiedFollowing);
                std::pair<Date,Date> limBef = inflationPeriod(fixMinus1Y, frequency_);
                Real dp= lim.second + 1 - lim.first;
                Real dpBef=limBef.second + 1 - limBef.first;
                Real dl = fixingDate-lim.first;
                // potentially does not work on 29th Feb
                Real dlBef = fixMinus1Y - limBef.first;
                // get the four relevant fixings
                // recall that they are stored flat for every day
                Rate limFirstFix = ts[lim.first];
                QL_REQUIRE(limFirstFix != Null<Rate>(),
                            "Missing " << name() << " fixing for "
                            << lim.first );
                Rate limSecondFix = ts[lim.second+1];
                QL_REQUIRE(limSecondFix != Null<Rate>(),
                            "Missing " << name() << " fixing for "
                            << lim.second+1 );
                Rate limBefFirstFix = ts[limBef.first];
                QL_REQUIRE(limBefFirstFix != Null<Rate>(),
                            "Missing " << name() << " fixing for "
                            << limBef.first );
                Rate limBefSecondFix =
                QL_REQUIRE(limBefSecondFix != Null<Rate>(),
                            "Missing " << name() << " fixing for "
                            << limBef.second+1 );

                Real linearNow = limFirstFix + (limSecondFix-limFirstFix)*dl/dp;
                Real linearBef = limBefFirstFix + (limBefSecondFix-limBefFirstFix)*dlBef/dpBef;
                Rate wasYES = linearNow / linearBef - 1.0;

                return wasYES;

            } else {    // IS ratio, NOT interpolated
                Rate pastFixing = ts[fixingDate];
                QL_REQUIRE(pastFixing != Null<Rate>(),
                            "Missing " << name() << " fixing for "
                            << fixingDate);
                Date previousDate = fixingDate - 1*Years;
                Rate previousFixing = ts[previousDate];
                QL_REQUIRE(previousFixing != Null<Rate>(),
                           "Missing " << name() << " fixing for "
                           << previousDate );

                return pastFixing/previousFixing - 1.0;

        } else {  // NOT ratio

            if (interpolated()) { // NOT ratio, IS interpolated

                std::pair<Date,Date> lim = inflationPeriod(fixingDate, frequency_);
                Real dp= lim.second + 1 - lim.first;
                Real dl = fixingDate-lim.first;
                Rate limFirstFix = ts[lim.first];
                QL_REQUIRE(limFirstFix != Null<Rate>(),
                            "Missing " << name() << " fixing for "
                            << lim.first );
                Rate limSecondFix = ts[lim.second+1];
                QL_REQUIRE(limSecondFix != Null<Rate>(),
                            "Missing " << name() << " fixing for "
                            << lim.second+1 );
                Real linearNow = limFirstFix + (limSecondFix-limFirstFix)*dl/dp;

                return linearNow;

            } else { // NOT ratio, NOT interpolated
                    // so just flat

                Rate pastFixing = ts[fixingDate];
                QL_REQUIRE(pastFixing != Null<Rate>(),
                           "Missing " << name() << " fixing for "
                           << fixingDate);
                return pastFixing;


        // QL_FAIL("YoYInflationIndex::fixing, should never get here");

Esempio n. 5
inline Real FxIndex::pastFixing(const Date &fixingDate) const {
               fixingDate << " is not a valid fixing date");
    return timeSeries()[fixingDate];
Esempio n. 6
double TimeSeriesMotion::maxDisp(const QVector<std::complex<double> > &tf) const
    return findMaxAbs(timeSeries(Displacement, tf, false));
Esempio n. 7
double TimeSeriesMotion::maxVel(const QVector<std::complex<double> > &tf) const
    return findMaxAbs(timeSeries(Velocity, tf, false));