Esempio n. 1
void BtrfsBalancer::checkLastBalanced()
    QDir cacheDir(CACHE_DIR);
    if ( {
        QFileInfo timeStampFile(cacheDir.absoluteFilePath(TIMESTAMP_FILE));
        if (timeStampFile.exists()) {
            emit lastBalanced(timeStampFile.lastModified().toMSecsSinceEpoch());
        } else {
            emit lastBalanced(0);
    } else {
        emit lastBalanced(0);
Esempio n. 2
void osaOpenAL::OpenFile(const mtsStdString & fName)

    if (Data) {
        alDeleteBuffers(1, SoundBuffer);
        alDeleteSources(1, SoundSource);
        delete[] Data;
        Data = 0;

    if (SoundFile) {
        CMN_LOG_CLASS_RUN_DEBUG << "Closing file" <<std::endl;
        SoundFile = 0;

    double startTime = 0;
    double bytesPerWholeSample = 0;

    FileName = fName.Data;
    int pos = FileName.Data.find_last_of('.');
    if (pos == std::string::npos
            || pos == 0
            || (SoundFile = ::fopen(FileName.Data.c_str(), "rb")) == 0 ) {
        CMN_LOG_CLASS_RUN_ERROR << "OpenFile: file name is not valid: " << FileName.Data << std::endl;
        Time = 0;

    // using CAI format
    if (FileName.Data.substr(pos + 1) == "cai") {
        CMN_LOG_CLASS_RUN_VERBOSE << "FileOpen: opening CAI file "<< FileName.Data << std::endl;
        FType = osaOpenAL::CAI;

        if (::fread(CAIHeader, 1, sizeof(osaOpenALCAIHeader), SoundFile)) {
            unsigned int tmpCurrent = ftell(SoundFile);

            fseek(SoundFile, 0, SEEK_END);
            NumDataBytes = ftell(SoundFile) - tmpCurrent;
            fseek(SoundFile, tmpCurrent, SEEK_SET);
            //this is the whole file in memory.

            double bytesPerWholeSample =  CAIHeader->nBytesPerSample * CAIHeader->nChannels;

            LengthInSec = (double)NumDataBytes / bytesPerWholeSample  / (double)CAIHeader->frequency;
            CMN_LOG_CLASS_RUN_VERBOSE << "OpenFile: file length is : "
                                      << LengthInSec.Data << " seconds" << std::endl;

            StartTimeAbsolute = CAIHeader->StartTime;
            CMN_LOG_CLASS_RUN_VERBOSE << std::setprecision(3) << std::fixed
                                      <<"OpenFile: absolute start time: " << StartTimeAbsolute.Data << std::endl;

            Data = new char[NumDataBytes];

            ::fread(Data, 1, NumDataBytes, SoundFile);

            ALenum tmpFormat;

            if (CAIHeader->nChannels == 1) {
                if (CAIHeader->nBytesPerSample == 1) {
                    tmpFormat = AL_FORMAT_MONO8;
                } else {
                    tmpFormat = AL_FORMAT_MONO16;
            } else {
                if (CAIHeader->nBytesPerSample == 1) {
                    tmpFormat = AL_FORMAT_STEREO8;
                } else {
                    tmpFormat = AL_FORMAT_STEREO16;

            *SoundSettings = *CAIHeader;

            alGenBuffers(1, SoundBuffer);
            std::string err;
            if (CheckALError(err)) {
                CMN_LOG_CLASS_RUN_ERROR << "OpenFile: OpenAL error: " << err
                                        <<" - while generating data BUFFER" << std::endl;
            alBufferData(SoundBuffer[0], tmpFormat, Data, NumDataBytes, CAIHeader->frequency);
            alGenSources(1, SoundSource);

            if (CheckALError(err)) {
                CMN_LOG_CLASS_RUN_ERROR << "OpenFile: OpenAL error: " << err
                                        << "- while creating data buffer and SOURCES" << std::endl;

            alSourcei(SoundSource[0], AL_BUFFER, SoundBuffer[0]);

    // WAV format
    else if (FileName.Data.substr(pos+1) == "wav") {
        CMN_LOG_CLASS_RUN_VERBOSE << "FileOpen: opening WAV file " << FileName.Data << std::endl;
        FType = osaOpenAL::WAV;

        //! \todo at the moment we can't read other wav files. To fix, look for tags first.
        //Test if we are using the old waveheader

        osaOpenALCISSTWAVHeader  cisstWAVHeader;

        ::fread(&cisstWAVHeader, 1, sizeof(osaOpenALCISSTWAVHeader), SoundFile);

        if (strcmp(cisstWAVHeader.szTime, "abTM") == 0) {

            CMN_LOG_CLASS_RUN_WARNING << "Using old wav file version" <<std::endl;
            unsigned int tmpCurrent = ftell(SoundFile);

            fseek(SoundFile, 0, SEEK_END);
            NumDataBytes = ftell(SoundFile) - tmpCurrent;
            fseek(SoundFile, tmpCurrent, SEEK_SET);
            //this is the whole file in memory.

            if (cisstWAVHeader.wfex.wFormatTag != 1) {
                CMN_LOG_CLASS_RUN_ERROR << "OpenFile: wrong WAV format for file: " << FileName.Data << std::endl;

            SoundSettings->nBytesPerSample   = cisstWAVHeader.wfex.wBitsPerSample / 8;
            SoundSettings->nChannels         = cisstWAVHeader.wfex.nChannels;
            SoundSettings->frequency         = cisstWAVHeader.wfex.nSamplesPerSec;

            bytesPerWholeSample =  cisstWAVHeader.wfex.nBlockAlign;  // WAV_Header->wfex.nChannels * WAV_Header->wfex.wBitsPerSample / 8
            startTime =   cisstWAVHeader.timeStamp;
        else {

            fseek(SoundFile, 0, SEEK_SET);
            ::fread(WAVHeader, 1, sizeof(osaOpenALWAVHeader), SoundFile);

            unsigned int tmpCurrent = ftell(SoundFile);

            fseek(SoundFile, 0, SEEK_END);
            NumDataBytes = ftell(SoundFile) - tmpCurrent;
            fseek(SoundFile, tmpCurrent, SEEK_SET);
            //this is the whole file in memory.

            if (WAVHeader->wfex.wFormatTag != 1) {
                CMN_LOG_CLASS_RUN_ERROR << "OpenFile: wrong WAV format for file: " << FileName.Data << std::endl;

            SoundSettings->nBytesPerSample   = WAVHeader->wfex.wBitsPerSample / 8;
            SoundSettings->nChannels         = WAVHeader->wfex.nChannels;
            SoundSettings->frequency         = WAVHeader->wfex.nSamplesPerSec;

            bytesPerWholeSample =  WAVHeader->wfex.nBlockAlign;  // WAV_Header->wfex.nChannels * WAV_Header->wfex.wBitsPerSample / 8


        LengthInSec = (double)NumDataBytes / bytesPerWholeSample  / (double) SoundSettings->frequency;

        CMN_LOG_CLASS_RUN_VERBOSE << "OpenFile: file length is: "
                                  << LengthInSec.Data << " seconds" << std::endl;

        Data = new char[NumDataBytes];

        ::fread(Data, 1, NumDataBytes, SoundFile);

        CMN_LOG_CLASS_RUN_VERBOSE << "OpenFile: audioData size is: " << NumDataBytes <<std::endl;
        // << " bytes; WAV header reports Data Size: " << WAVHeader->lDataSize
        // << " bytes" << std::endl;

        ALenum tmpFormat;

        if (SoundSettings->nChannels == 1) {
            if (SoundSettings->nBytesPerSample == 1) {
                tmpFormat = AL_FORMAT_MONO8;
            } else {
                tmpFormat = AL_FORMAT_MONO16;
        else {
            if (SoundSettings->nBytesPerSample == 1) {
                tmpFormat = AL_FORMAT_STEREO8;
            else {
                tmpFormat = AL_FORMAT_STEREO16;

        //Open text file containing the datatimestamps:
        std::string headerLine;
        std::string timeStampFileName = FileName.Data + std::string(".txt");
        std::ifstream timeStampFile(timeStampFileName.c_str());
        double startTime = 0;
        int    bytePos   = 0;
        double timestamp = 0;

        if (timeStampFile.is_open())
            getline (timeStampFile,headerLine);
            while (!timeStampFile.eof()) {