Esempio n. 1
static pwr_tStatus tlog_qual_to_time( 	char 		*in_str, 
					pwr_tTime 	*time)
	pwr_tStatus	sts;
	char		*s;
	pwr_tDeltaTime	one_day_time;
	pwr_tTime	current_time;
	char			str[64];
	char			timstr[64];

	if ( !strcmp( in_str, "") ||
	     !strncmp( in_str, "TODAY", strlen(in_str)))
	  time_GetTime( &current_time);
	  time_AtoAscii( &current_time, time_eFormat_DateAndTime,
			timstr, sizeof(timstr));
	  timstr[12] = 0;
	  strcat( timstr, " 00:00:00.00");
	  sts = time_AsciiToA( timstr, time);
	else if ( !strncmp( in_str, "YESTERDAY", strlen(in_str)))
	  time_GetTime( &current_time);
	  time_AtoAscii( &current_time, time_eFormat_DateAndTime,
			timstr, sizeof(timstr));
	  timstr[12] = 0;
	  strcat( timstr, " 00:00:00.00");
	  sts = time_AsciiToA( timstr, &current_time);
	  strcpy( timstr, "1 00:00:00");
	  sts = time_AsciiToD( timstr, &one_day_time);
	  time_Dneg( &one_day_time, &one_day_time);
	  time_Aadd( time, &current_time, &one_day_time);
	  strcpy( str, in_str);
	  if ( s = strchr( str, '-'))
	    /* Date is supplied, replace ':' to space */
	    if ( s = strchr( str, ':'))
	      *s = ' ';
	    strcpy( timstr, str);
	    /* No date is supplied, add current date as default */
	    time_GetTime( &current_time);
	    time_AtoAscii( &current_time, time_eFormat_DateAndTime,
			timstr, sizeof(timstr));
	    timstr[12] = 0;
 	    strcat( timstr, " ");
 	    strcat( timstr, str);
	  sts = time_AsciiToA( timstr, time);
	  if (EVEN(sts)) return sts;
	return TLOG__SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 2
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_jpwr_rt_Mh_outunitAck
  (JNIEnv *env, jclass obj, jobject id)
  int sts = 1;

  //char *str;
  char *str_copy;
  mh_sEventId eventId;
  jfieldID nix_fid;
  jfieldID idx_fid;
  jfieldID birthTime_fid;
  jclass mhrsEventId_class;
  pwr_tTime t;

  jclass pwrtStatus_id = NULL;
  static jmethodID pwrtStatus_cid = NULL;

  jint jsts;  
  jobject return_obj;

  jstring jstr;
  pwrtStatus_id = (*env)->FindClass( env, "jpwr/rt/PwrtStatus");
  if(pwrtStatus_id == NULL)
    printf("fel vid PwrtStatus classidhämtning\n");
    return NULL;
  if(pwrtStatus_cid == NULL)

    //hämta upp classid och sedan pekare till konstruktorn för PwrtStatus
    pwrtStatus_cid = (*env)->GetMethodID( env, pwrtStatus_id,
    	                                  "<init>", "(I)V");  
    if(pwrtStatus_cid == NULL)
      printf("fel vid PwrtStatus methodidhämtning\n");
      return NULL;
  //hämta upp classid till MhrsEventId-objektet
  mhrsEventId_class =(*env)->GetObjectClass(env,id);
  nix_fid =(*env)->GetFieldID(env,mhrsEventId_class,"nix", "I");
  if (nix_fid ==NULL)
    printf("hittade inte nix\n");
    sts = -2;//lyckades inte hitta fältet
  //printf("efter nix hämtning\n");
  idx_fid =(*env)->GetFieldID(env,mhrsEventId_class,"idx", "I");
  if (idx_fid ==NULL)
    printf("hittade inte idx\n");
    sts = -2;//lyckades inte hitta fältet
  //printf("efter idx hämtning\n");
  birthTime_fid =(*env)->GetFieldID(env,mhrsEventId_class,"birthTime",
  if (birthTime_fid ==NULL)
    printf("hittade inte birthTime\n");
    sts = -2;//lyckades inte hitta fältet
  eventId.Nix = (pwr_tNodeIndex)(*env)->GetIntField(env,id,nix_fid);
  eventId.Idx = (pwr_tUInt32)(*env)->GetIntField(env,id,idx_fid);
  jstr = (*env)->GetObjectField(env,id,birthTime_fid);
  str_copy = (char *)(*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env,jstr,NULL);

  if (str_copy ==NULL)
    sts = -1;//out of memory
  t = net_NetTimeToTime( &eventId.BirthTime);
  time_AsciiToA(str_copy, &t);
  sts = mh_OutunitAck(&eventId);
  jsts = (jint) sts; 
  //skapa returobjekt
  return_obj = (*env)->NewObject( env, pwrtStatus_id,
  	pwrtStatus_cid, jsts);
  return return_obj;
Esempio n. 3
void GeCurveGtk::activate_export_ok( GtkWidget *w, gpointer data)
  GeCurve *curve = (GeCurve *)data;
  char *value;
  pwr_tTime from, to;
  int rows = 5000;
  pwr_tFileName filename;
  pwr_tStatus sts;
  int nr;
  int idx = 0;

  from = pwr_cNTime;
  time_GetTime( &to);

  value = gtk_combo_box_get_active_text( GTK_COMBO_BOX(((GeCurveGtk *)curve)->export_attrcombo_widget));
  if ( !value) return;

  if ( strcmp( value, CoWowGtk::translate_utf8("All Attributes")) == 0)
    idx = -1;
  else {
    for ( int i = 0; i < curve->cd->cols; i++) {
      if ( strcmp( value, CoWowGtk::convert_utf8(curve->cd->y_name[i])) == 0) {
	idx = i;
  g_free( value);

  if ( ((GeCurveGtk *)curve)->layout_mask & curve_mEnable_ExportTime) {
    value = gtk_editable_get_chars( GTK_EDITABLE(((GeCurveGtk *)curve)->export_fromtime_widget), 0, -1);
    sts = time_AsciiToA( value, &from); 
    g_free( value);

    if ( EVEN(sts)) {
      curve->wow->DisplayError( "Syntax Error", "From time syntax error");

    value = gtk_editable_get_chars( GTK_EDITABLE(((GeCurveGtk *)curve)->export_totime_widget), 0, -1);
    sts = time_AsciiToA( value, &to); 
    g_free( value);
    if ( EVEN(sts)) {
      curve->wow->DisplayError( "Syntax Error", "To time syntax error");

    value = gtk_editable_get_chars( GTK_EDITABLE(((GeCurveGtk *)curve)->export_rows_widget), 0, -1);
    nr = sscanf( value, "%d", &rows);
    g_free( value);
    if ( nr != 1)

  value = gtk_editable_get_chars( GTK_EDITABLE(((GeCurveGtk *)curve)->export_filename_widget), 0, -1);
  strcpy( filename, value);
  g_free( value);

  g_object_set( ((GeCurveGtk *)curve)->export_widget, "visible", FALSE, NULL);

  if ( curve->export_cb) {
    sts = (curve->export_cb)( curve->parent_ctx, &from, &to, rows, idx, filename);
    if ( EVEN(sts)) {
      curve->wow->DisplayError( "Export error", "Export error");
Esempio n. 4
int XttLog::play(XNav* xnav, char* filename, double speed, int pid)
  std::ifstream fp;
  pwr_tFileName fname;
  char line[1000];
  int ind;
  int lpid;
  char t1[20], t2[20];
  char type[40];
  char user[40];
  char attr[512];
  char value[1000];
  xttlog_eCategory category;
  int num;
  char timstr[40];
  pwr_tTime log_time;
  pwr_tTime prev_time;
  pwr_tDeltaTime diff_time;
  float diff_time_f;
  int first = 1;

  if (speed < 0.01)
    speed = 1;

  dcli_translate_filename(fname, filename);;
  if (!fp)
    return 0;


  while (fp.getline(line, sizeof(line))) {
    num = sscanf(line, "%d %s %s %d %s %s", &ind, t1, t2, &lpid, type, user);

    if (pid != 0 && pid != lpid)

    strcpy(timstr, t1);
    strcat(timstr, " ");
    strcat(timstr, t2);

    time_AsciiToA(timstr, &log_time);
    if (!first) {
      time_Adiff(&diff_time, &log_time, &prev_time);
      diff_time_f = time_DToFloat(0, &diff_time);
    } else
      diff_time_f = 0;

    if (diff_time_f / speed > 0.01) {
      xnav->wow->Wait(diff_time_f / speed);

    char* s;
    int cnt = 0;
    for (s = line; *s; s++) {
      if (s > line && (*(s - 1) == ' ' || *(s - 1) == '	')
          && (*s != ' ' && *s != '	'))
      if (cnt == num)

    string_to_category(type, &category);
    switch (category) {
    case xttlog_eCategory_Command:
    case xttlog_eCategory_OpenGraph:
    case xttlog_eCategory_CloseGraph:
    case xttlog_eCategory_ApplNew:
    case xttlog_eCategory_ApplDelete: {
      int sts = xnav->command(s);
      printf("%8.3f %-14s %9d %s\n", diff_time_f, type, sts, s);
    case xttlog_eCategory_SetObjectInfo: {
      unsigned char buf[500];
      unsigned int size;
      pwr_tStatus sts = 0;

      sscanf(s, "%s %s", attr, value);

      octstring_to_value(value, buf, sizeof(buf), &size);

      if (size) {
        sts = gdh_SetObjectInfo(attr, buf, size);
        if (EVEN(sts)) {
          printf("gdh_SetObjectInfo error: %s %s\n", attr, value);
      printf("%8.3f %-14s %9d %s %s\n", diff_time_f, type, sts, attr, value);
    case xttlog_eCategory_Event: {
      unsigned char buf[500];
      unsigned int size;
      pwr_tStatus sts;
      char graph[600];
      pwr_tAName instance;
      char* t;

      sts = 0;
      sscanf(s, "%s %s", graph, value);

      octstring_to_value(value, buf, sizeof(buf), &size);

      t = strchr(graph, ':');
      if (!t)

      *t = 0;
      strcpy(instance, t + 1);

      xnav->ge_event_exec(xttlog_eCategory_Event, graph, instance, buf, size);

          "%8.3f %-14s %9d %s %10.10s\n", diff_time_f, type, sts, graph, value);
    case xttlog_eCategory_GeConfirmOk:
    case xttlog_eCategory_GeConfirmCancel: {
      pwr_tStatus sts;
      char graph[600];
      pwr_tAName instance;
      char* t;

      sts = 0;
      strcpy(graph, s);

      t = strchr(graph, ':');
      if (!t)

      *t = 0;
      strcpy(instance, t + 1);

      xnav->ge_event_exec(category, graph, instance, 0, 0);

      printf("%8.3f %-14s %9d %s\n", diff_time_f, type, sts, graph);
    case xttlog_eCategory_LogStart:
      printf("%8.3f %-14s\n", diff_time_f, type);

    prev_time = log_time;
    if (first)
      first = 0;
  printf("         %-14s\n", "EndOfFile");
  return 1;