static void ow_timer_init(void) { timer1_mode_normal(); timer1_clock_off(); timer1_count_set(0); timer1_compare_a_set(0xffff); timer1_interrupt_a_enable(); }
int door_main(void) { serial_init(9600, 8e2); pin_mode_output(PIN_RFID_ENABLE); pin_mode_input(PIN_CLK); /* clk */ pin_mode_input(PIN_DATA); /* data */ pin_mode_output(PIN_GREEN_LED); /* green led lock */ pin_mode_output(PIN_YELLOW_LED); /* yellow led lock */ pin_mode_output(PIN_OPEN_LOCK); /* open */ pin_mode_output(PIN_DAYMODE); /* stay open */ pin_mode_output(PIN_STATUS_LED); /* yellow status */ pin_high(PIN_OPEN_LOCK); pin_high(PIN_DAYMODE); pin_high(PIN_GREEN_LED); pin_high(PIN_YELLOW_LED); /* trigger pin2 interrupt when the clock * signal goes high */ pin2_interrupt_mode_rising(); pin2_interrupt_enable(); data_reset(); /* setup timer1 to trigger interrupt a 4 times a second */ timer1_mode_ctc(); timer1_compare_a_set(62499); timer1_clock_d64(); timer1_interrupt_a_enable(); softserial_init(); pin_mode_output(PIN_RFID_ENABLE); pin_low(PIN_RFID_ENABLE); init_mfrc522(); sleep_mode_idle(); while (1) { /* * sleep if no new events need to be handled * while avoiding race conditions. see * */ cli(); if (events == EV_NONE && !ev_softserial) { sleep_enable(); sei(); sleep_cpu(); sleep_disable(); continue; } sei(); if (events & EV_SERIAL) { handle_serial_input(); continue; } if (ev_softserial) { handle_rfid_input(); } events &= ~EV_DATA; if (cnt > 0 && data[cnt - 1] == 0xB4) { if (cnt >= 10) { struct sha1_context ctx; char digest[SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH]; sha1_init(&ctx); sha1_update(&ctx, (char *)data, 256); sha1_final(&ctx, digest); serial_print("HASH+"); serial_hexdump(digest, SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH); serial_print("\n"); } data_reset(); continue; } if (events & EV_TIME) { char buf[20]; uint8_t len; len = check_mfrc522(buf, sizeof(buf)); handle_mfr_input(buf, len); } events &= ~EV_TIME; /* This code can be used during development, to simulate the press of the '#' button 8 seconds after every idle timeout: if (second == 32 && cnt < 255) { data[cnt] = 0xB4; cnt++; events |= EV_DATA; } */ if (second > 10*4) { serial_print("ALIVE\n"); second = 0; data_reset(); continue; } } }