Esempio n. 1
void LoadTexture()

    u32 * texture_mem = tiny3d_AllocTexture(64*1024*1024); // alloc 64MB of space for textures (this pointer can be global)    

    if(!texture_mem) return; // fail!

    texture_pointer = texture_mem;

    texture_pointer = (u32 *) AddFontFromBitmapArray((u8 *) font  , (u8 *) texture_pointer, 32, 255, 16, 32, 2, BIT0_FIRST_PIXEL);

    // here you can add more textures using 'texture_pointer'. It is returned aligned to 16 bytes

    jpg1.jpg_in= (void *) psl1ght_jpg_bin;
	jpg1.jpg_size= sizeof(psl1ght_jpg_bin);

    LoadJPG(&jpg1, NULL);

    jpg1_offset = 0;
    if(jpg1.bmp_out) {

        memcpy(texture_pointer, jpg1.bmp_out, jpg1.wpitch * jpg1.height);

        jpg1.bmp_out= texture_pointer;

        texture_pointer += (jpg1.wpitch/4 * jpg1.height + 3) & ~3; // aligned to 16 bytes (it is u32) and update the pointer

        jpg1_offset = tiny3d_TextureOffset(jpg1.bmp_out);      // get the offset (RSX use offset instead address)
Esempio n. 2
bool Init( u32 size )
	//printf("RsxMem::Init( %08x )\n", size );

	//make sure we're not already inited
	if( memSize )
		printf("RsxMem::Init( %08x ) failed:  init is already called\n", size );
		return false;

    //create mutex
    mutex_init( &rsxMutex );

	//try to grab the big chunk of memory
	memStart = (u32*)tiny3d_AllocTexture( size );
	if( !memStart )
		printf("RsxMem::Init( %08x ) failed to allocate memory\n", size );
		return false;

	//set variables
	memSize = size;
	//memset( (void*)&ptr, 0, sizeof( MemItr ) * RSX_MEM_MAX_TEXTURES );

	//printf("memSize: %08x\nmemStart: %p\n", memSize, memStart );
	return true;
Esempio n. 3
void LoadTexture()
    int i;

    u32 * texture_mem = tiny3d_AllocTexture(64*1024*1024); // alloc 64MB of space for textures (this pointer can be global)
    u32 * texture_pointer; // use to asign texture space without changes texture_mem

    if(!texture_mem) return; // fail!

    texture_pointer = texture_mem;


    // copy texture datas from PNG to the RSX memory allocated for textures

    for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        texture_ghost_offset[i]   = 0;
        if(texture_ghost[i].bmp_out) {

            memcpy(texture_pointer, texture_ghost[i].bmp_out, texture_ghost[i].wpitch * texture_ghost[i].height);

            texture_ghost[i].bmp_out= texture_pointer;

            texture_pointer += (texture_ghost[i].wpitch * texture_ghost[i].height + 3) & ~3; // aligned to 16 bytes (it is u32) and update the pointer

            texture_ghost_offset[i] = tiny3d_TextureOffset(texture_ghost[i].bmp_out);      // get the offset (RSX use offset instead address)
Esempio n. 4
void LoadTexture()

    u32 * texture_mem = tiny3d_AllocTexture(64*1024*1024); // alloc 64MB of space for textures (this pointer can be global)
    u32 * texture_pointer; // use to asign texture space without changes texture_mem

    if(!texture_mem) return; // fail!


    texture_pointer = texture_mem;

    texture_pointer = (u32 *) AddFontFromBitmapArray((u8 *) msx   , (u8 *) texture_pointer,  0, 254,  8,  8, 1, BIT7_FIRST_PIXEL);
Esempio n. 5
void LoadTexture()

    u32 * texture_mem = tiny3d_AllocTexture(64*1024*1024); // alloc 64MB of space for textures (this pointer can be global)    

    u32 * texture_pointer; // use to asign texture space without changes texture_mem

    if(!texture_mem) return; // fail!

    texture_pointer = texture_mem;

    texture_pointer = (u32 *) AddFontFromBitmapArray((u8 *) font  , (u8 *) texture_pointer, 32, 255, 16, 32, 2, BIT0_FIRST_PIXEL);
    texture_pointer = (u32 *) AddFontFromBitmapArray((u8 *) font_b, (u8 *) texture_pointer, 32, 255, 16, 32, 2, BIT0_FIRST_PIXEL);
    texture_pointer = (u32 *) AddFontFromBitmapArray((u8 *) msx   , (u8 *) texture_pointer,  0, 254,  8,  8, 1, BIT7_FIRST_PIXEL);

    // here you can add more textures using 'texture_pointer'. It is returned aligned to 16 bytes
Esempio n. 6
void LoadTexture()

    u32 * texture_mem = tiny3d_AllocTexture(64*1024*1024); // alloc 64MB of space for textures (this pointer can be global)
    u32 * texture_pointer; // use to asign texture space without changes texture_mem

    if(!texture_mem) exit(0); // fail!

    texture_pointer = texture_mem;


    if(!png1.bmp_out) exit(0); // fail!

    texture_pointer = (u32 *) AddFontFromBitmapArray((u8 *) msx, (u8 *) texture_pointer,  0, 254,  8,  8, 1, BIT7_FIRST_PIXEL);

    // build AYUV 32 bits map from PNG

    texture[0].addr   = (void *) texture_pointer;
    texture[0].offset = tiny3d_TextureOffset(texture_pointer);
    texture[0].w      = png1.width;
    texture[0].h      = png1.height;
    texture[0].stride = png1.wpitch;

    texture_pointer = (u32 *) build_AYUV_32bits((u8 *)texture_pointer, png1.bmp_out, png1.width, png1.height, png1.wpitch);


    // build Y 8 bits map from PNG (width * height) * 1

    texture[1].addr   = (void *) texture_pointer;
    texture[1].offset = tiny3d_TextureOffset(texture_pointer);
    texture[1].w      = png1.width;
    texture[1].h      = png1.height;
    texture[1].stride = png1.wpitch/4;

    texture_pointer = (u32 *)  build_Y_8bits((u8 *)texture_pointer, png1.bmp_out, png1.width, png1.height, png1.wpitch);

    // build U 8 bits map from PNG (width/2 * height/2) * 1

    texture[2].addr   = (void *) texture_pointer;
    texture[2].offset = tiny3d_TextureOffset(texture_pointer);
    texture[2].w      = png1.width/2;
    texture[2].h      = png1.height/2;
    texture[2].stride = texture[2].w;

    texture_pointer = (u32 *)  build_U_8bits((u8 *)texture_pointer, png1.bmp_out, png1.width, png1.height, png1.wpitch);

    // build V 8 bits map from PNG (width/2 * height/2) * 1

    texture[3].addr   = (void *) texture_pointer;
    texture[3].offset = tiny3d_TextureOffset(texture_pointer);
    texture[3].w      = png1.width/2;
    texture[3].h      = png1.height/2;
    texture[3].stride = texture[3].w;

    texture_pointer = (u32 *)  build_V_8bits((u8 *)texture_pointer, png1.bmp_out, png1.width, png1.height, png1.wpitch);

Esempio n. 7
s32 main(s32 argc, const char* argv[])

    int count = 0;
    int n;
    padInfo padinfo;
	padData paddata;

    char *cur_device = "/ntfs0:";
    char path[1024];

    // map file functions to libc open, fopen, ...


    u32 * texture_mem = tiny3d_AllocTexture(64*1024*1024); // alloc 64MB of space for textures (this pointer can be global)    

    u32 * texture_pointer; // use to asign texture space without changes texture_mem

    if(!texture_mem) return 0; // fail!

    texture_pointer = texture_mem;

    texture_pointer = (u32 *) AddFontFromBitmapArray((u8 *) font  , (u8 *) texture_pointer, 32, 255, 16, 32, 2, BIT0_FIRST_PIXEL);


    DbgHeader("NTFS EXT2/3/4 Example");
    // Mount all NTFS volumes on all inserted block devices
    mountCount = ntfsMountAll(&mounts, NTFS_DEFAULT | NTFS_RECOVER);

   // mountCount = ntfsMountDevice (&__io_ntfs_usb000, &mounts, NTFS_DEFAULT | NTFS_RECOVER);
    if (mountCount == -1)
        DPrintf("Error whilst mounting devices (%i).\n", errno);
    else if (mountCount == 0)
        DPrintf("No NTFS volumes were found and/or mounted.\n");
        DPrintf("%i NTFS volumes(s) mounted!\n\n", mountCount);

    int i;

    count = 1;
    while(1) {
    if(count > 0) {
        if(count == 0) {
            int k;
            for(k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
                for (i = 0; i < mountCount[k]; i++)
                DPrintf("%i - %s:/ (%s) (from usb00%i)\n", i + 1, 
                (mounts[k]+i)->name, ntfsGetVolumeName((mounts[k] + i)->name), 
                    ((mounts[k] + i)->interface->ioType & 0xff) - '0');

            int r;

            cur_device = NULL;
            r = NTFS_Test_Device("ext0"); DPrintf("\nTest ext0 %i\n" , r);
            if(r>=0 && !cur_device) cur_device = "/ext0:";

            r = NTFS_Test_Device("ext1"); DPrintf("Test ext1 %i\n" , r);
            if(r>=0 && !cur_device) cur_device = "/ext1:";

            r = NTFS_Test_Device("ext2"); DPrintf("Test ext2 %i\n" , r);
            if(r>=0 && !cur_device) cur_device = "/ext2:";

            r = NTFS_Test_Device("ext3"); DPrintf("Test ext3 %i\n" , r);
            if(r>=0 && !cur_device) cur_device = "/ext3:";

            r = NTFS_Test_Device("ntfs0"); DPrintf("Test ntfs0 %i\n" , r);
            if(r>=0 && !cur_device) cur_device = "/ntfs0:";

            r = NTFS_Test_Device("ntfs1"); DPrintf("Test ntfs1 %i\n" , r);
            if(r>=0 && !cur_device) cur_device = "/ntfs1:";

            r = NTFS_Test_Device("ntfs2"); DPrintf("Test ntfs2 %i\n" , r);
            if(r>=0 && !cur_device) cur_device = "/ntfs2:";

            r = NTFS_Test_Device("ntfs3"); DPrintf("Test ntfs3 %i\n" , r);
            if(r>=0 && !cur_device) cur_device = "/ntfs3:";

            if(!cur_device) cur_device = "/ntfs0:"; // by default


    DbgHeader("NTFS EXT2/3/4 Example");
    DbgMess("Press X to list device, O to test file and /\\ to exit");

    for(i = 0; i < 8 ; i++) {
        int r = NTFS_Event_Mount(i);

        if(r == 1) { // mount device

            mounts[i] = NULL;
            mountCount[i] = 0;

            mountCount[i] = ntfsMountDevice (disc_ntfs[i], &mounts[i], NTFS_DEFAULT | NTFS_RECOVER);
            if(mountCount[i]>0) {count = 1;} // update counter
        } else if(r == -1) { // unmount device
            count = 1;


  //  DbgMess();


            for(n = 0; n < MAX_PADS; n++) {
                static u32 btn_flags = 0;
                if(padinfo.status[n]) {
                    ioPadGetData(n, &paddata);
                    if(paddata.BTN_CROSS) {
                        if((btn_flags & 1)==0){
                            max_list = 0;

                            count = 300;

                            DPrintf("Listing 10 entries from %s (5 seconds)\n", cur_device);
                            sprintf(path, "%s", cur_device);

                            list(path, 0);
                    } else btn_flags&=~1;

                    if(paddata.BTN_CIRCLE) {
                        if((btn_flags & 2)==0){
                            DPrintf("\n\nWriting / Reading a file from %s\n", cur_device);
                            sprintf(path, "%s/0text", cur_device);
                            mkdir(path, 0777);

                            sprintf(path, "%s/0text/test.txt", cur_device);

                            FILE *fp;
                            fp =fopen(path, "wb");
                            if(fp) {

                                int i;
                                i = fwrite(message, 1, strlen(message), fp);

                                if(i != strlen(message)) DPrintf("Error writing the file!\n");


                            } else DPrintf("Error creating the file!\n");
                            memset(buffer, 0, 1024);

                            sprintf(path, "%s/0text/test.txt", cur_device);

                            fp = fopen(path, "rb");

                            if(fp) {

                                int i;

                 // NOTE: for files > 2GB you can use 64 bit method

                                #ifdef USE_64BIT_SEEK
                                struct _reent reent1;

                                DPrintf ("Using _lseek64_r for large files\n");

                                s64 size = _lseek64_r(&reent1, fp->_file, 0, SEEK_END);
                                _lseek64_r(&reent1, fp->_file, 0, SEEK_SET);

                                DPrintf ("Size of file %i bytes\n", (int) size);


                                fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);

                                int size = ftell(fp);

                                DPrintf ("Size of file %i bytes\n", size);

                                fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);

                                i = fread(buffer, 1, size, fp);

                                if(i != size) DPrintf("Error reading the file %i!\n", i);


                            } else DPrintf("Error Reading the file!\n");

                            DPrintf("Readed From file: %s\n\n", buffer);
                    } else btn_flags&=~2;

                        goto out;				



	return 0;