void WVDialer::checkOldConfiguration() { QString filename = QDir::homeDirPath(); filename += "/.qtwvdialer"; // Check if configuration file is from version < 0.3 // if so create the new configuration directory and // move the file // QFile file( filename ); if (file.exists()) { QFileInfo fi( filename ); if (fi.isFile()) { SimpleCfg tmpCfg( filename ); file.remove(); QDir dir = QDir::home(); dir.mkdir( ".qtwvdialer" ); filename = QDir::homeDirPath(); filename += "/.qtwvdialer/settings"; tmpCfg.setFilename( filename ); tmpCfg.save(); dir.cd( ".qtwvdialer" ); dir.mkdir( "logs" ); QMessageBox::information( this, tr( "QtWvDialer moved old configuration" ), tr( "QtWvDialer has created the directory .qtwvdialer in your" " home directory.<p>Here you'll find the settings of QtWvDialer" " and the monthly logfiles. The old configuration file" " <i>(QtWvDialer version < 0.3)</i> ~/.qtwvdialer can be found" " now at ~/.qtwvdialer/settings" ) ); } } else { // create configuration directory // QDir dir = QDir::home(); dir.mkdir( ".qtwvdialer" ); dir.cd( ".qtwvdialer" ); dir.mkdir( "logs" ); QMessageBox::information( this, tr( "QtWvDialer created configuration" ), tr( "QtWvDialer has created the directory .qtwvdialer in your" " home directory.<p>Here you'll find the settings of QtWvDialer" " and the monthly logfiles <i>(if enabled)</i>" ) ); } }
//load the contents of a file, line by line, into a global vector<string> bool loadfile(string sfile) { ifstream tmpCfg(sfile); string stemp;//buffer for getline() if (tmpCfg.fail()) { return false; } while (getline(tmpCfg, stemp)) { if (!stemp.empty()) { Currentvsfile.push_back(stemp); } } // done reading file tmpCfg.close(); return true; }