Esempio n. 1
void VoipStatisticsWidget::updateVoipStatistics(const std::map<std::string, std::list<RsVoipPongResult> >& info, 
		double maxRTT, double minTS, double maxTS)
	//static const int cellx = 6 ;
	//static const int celly = 10+4 ;

	QPixmap tmppixmap(maxWidth, maxHeight);
	tmppixmap.fill(this, 0, 0);

	QPainter painter(&tmppixmap);

	maxHeight = 500 ;

	//std::cerr << "Drawing into pixmap of size " << maxWidth << "x" << maxHeight << std::endl;
	// draw...
	int ox=5,oy=5 ;

	double refTS = time(NULL);

	//painter.setPen(QColor::fromRgb(70,70,70)) ;
	//painter.drawLine(0,oy,maxWidth,oy) ;
	//oy += celly ;
	//painter.setPen(QColor::fromRgb(0,0,0)) ;

	// round up RTT to nearest	
	double roundedRTT = maxRTT;
	if (maxRTT < 0.15)
		roundedRTT = 0.2;
	else if (maxRTT < 0.4)
		roundedRTT = 0.5;
	else if (maxRTT < 0.8)
		roundedRTT = 1.0;
	else if (maxRTT < 1.8)
		roundedRTT = 2.0;
	else if (maxRTT < 4.5)
		roundedRTT = 5.0;

	VoipLagPlot(info, refTS, roundedRTT, minTS, maxTS).draw(&painter,ox,oy,QObject::tr("Round Trip Time:")) ;

	// update the pixmap
	pixmap = tmppixmap;
	maxHeight = oy; // + PLOT_HEIGHT * 2;
Esempio n. 2
void ctkExampleDicomAppLogic::onCreateSecondaryCapture()
  const QPixmap* pixmap = ui.PlaceHolderForImage->pixmap();
    QStringList preferredProtocols;
    QString outputlocation = getHostInterface()->getOutputLocation(preferredProtocols);
    QString templatefilename = QDir(outputlocation).absolutePath();
    if(templatefilename.isEmpty()==false) templatefilename.append('/'); 
    QTemporaryFile *tempfile = new QTemporaryFile(templatefilename,this->AppWidget);

      QString filename = QFileInfo(tempfile->fileName()).absoluteFilePath();
      qDebug() << "Created file: " << filename;
      QPixmap tmppixmap(*pixmap);
      QPainter painter(&tmppixmap);
      painter.setFont(QFont("Arial", 15));
      painter.drawText(tmppixmap.rect(),Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignLeft,"Secondary capture by ctkExampleDicomApp");
     //painter.drawText(rect(), Qt::AlignCenter, "Qt");>fileName(), "JPEG");
      qDebug() << "Created Uuid: " << getHostInterface()->generateUID();

      ctkDicomAppHosting::AvailableData resultData;

      bool success = publishData(resultData, true);
        qCritical() << "Failed to publish data";
      qDebug() << "  publishData returned: " << success;

      qDebug() << "Creating temporary file failed.";

void OutQueueStatisticsWidget::updateStatistics(OutQueueStatistics& stats)
	static const int cellx = 6 ;
	static const int celly = 10+4 ;

	QPixmap tmppixmap(maxWidth, maxHeight);

	QPainter painter(&tmppixmap);

	maxHeight = 500 ;

	// std::cerr << "Drawing into pixmap of size " << maxWidth << "x" << maxHeight << std::endl;
	// draw...
	int ox=5,oy=5 ;

    painter.setPen(QColor::fromRgb(70,70,70)) ;
    //painter.drawLine(0,oy,maxWidth,oy) ;
    //oy += celly ;

    QString by_priority_string,by_service_string ;

    for(int i=1;i<stats.per_priority_item_count.size();++i)
        by_priority_string += QString::number(stats.per_priority_item_count[i]) + " (" + QString::number(i) + ") " ;

    for(std::map<uint16_t,uint32_t>::const_iterator it(stats.per_service_item_count.begin());it!=stats.per_service_item_count.end();++it)
        by_service_string += QString::number(it->second) + " (" + serviceName(it->first) + ") " ;

    painter.drawText(ox,oy+celly,tr("Outqueue statistics")+":") ; oy += celly*2 ;
    painter.drawText(ox+2*cellx,oy+celly,tr("By priority: ") + by_priority_string); oy += celly ;
    painter.drawText(ox+2*cellx,oy+celly,tr("By service : ") + by_service_string); oy += celly ;

    oy += celly ;

	// update the pixmap
	pixmap = tmppixmap;
	maxHeight = oy ;
Esempio n. 4
void GlobalRouterStatisticsWidget::updateContent()
    RsGRouter::GRouterRoutingMatrixInfo matrix_info ;

    rsGRouter->getRoutingMatrixInfo(matrix_info) ;

    float size = QFontMetricsF(font()).height() ;
    float fact = size/14.0 ;

    // What do we need to draw?
    // Routing matrix
    // 	Key         [][][][][][][][][][]
    // ->	each [] shows a square (one per friend node) that is the routing probabilities for all connected friends
    // 	computed using the "computeRoutingProbabilitites()" method.
    // Own key ids
    // 	key			service id			description
    // Data items
    // 	Msg id				Local origin				Destination				Time           Status
    QPixmap tmppixmap(maxWidth, maxHeight);

    QPainter painter(&tmppixmap);
    painter.setPen(QColor::fromRgb(0,0,0)) ;

    QFont times_f(font());//"Times") ;
    QFont monospace_f("Monospace") ;
    monospace_f.setStyleHint(QFont::TypeWriter) ;
    monospace_f.setPointSize(font().pointSize()) ;

    QFontMetricsF fm_monospace(monospace_f) ;
    QFontMetricsF fm_times(times_f) ;

    static const int cellx = fm_monospace.width(QString(" ")) ;
    static const int celly = fm_monospace.height() ;

    maxHeight = 500*fact ;

    // std::cerr << "Drawing into pixmap of size " << maxWidth << "x" << maxHeight << std::endl;
    // draw...
    int ox=5*fact,oy=5*fact ;

    painter.setFont(times_f) ;
    painter.drawText(ox,oy+celly,tr("Managed keys")+":" + QString::number(matrix_info.published_keys.size())) ; oy += celly*2 ;

    painter.setFont(monospace_f) ;
    for(std::map<Sha1CheckSum,RsGRouter::GRouterPublishedKeyInfo>::const_iterator it(matrix_info.published_keys.begin());it!=matrix_info.published_keys.end();++it)
        QString packet_string ;
        packet_string += QString::fromStdString(it->second.authentication_key.toStdString())  ;
        packet_string += tr(" : Service ID =")+" "+QString::number(it->second.service_id,16) ;
        packet_string += "  \""+QString::fromUtf8(it->second.description_string.c_str()) + "\"" ;

        painter.drawText(ox+2*cellx,oy+celly,packet_string ) ; oy += celly ;
    oy += celly ;

    std::map<QString, std::vector<QString> > tos ;
    // Now draw the matrix

    QString prob_string ;
    painter.setFont(times_f) ;
    QString Q = tr("Routing matrix  (") ;

    painter.drawText(ox+0*cellx,oy+fm_times.height(),Q) ;

    // draw scale

    for(int i=0;i<100*fact;++i)
        painter.setPen(colorScale(i/100.0/fact)) ;
        painter.drawLine(ox+fm_times.width(Q)+i,oy+fm_times.height()*0.5,ox+fm_times.width(Q)+i,oy+fm_times.height()) ;
    painter.setPen(QColor::fromRgb(0,0,0)) ;

    painter.drawText(ox+fm_times.width(Q) + 102*fact,oy+celly,")") ;

    oy += celly ;
    oy += celly ;

	//print friends in the same order their prob is shown
	QString FO = tr("Friend Order  (");
	RsPeerDetails peer_ssl_details;
	for(uint32_t i=0;i<matrix_info.friend_ids.size();++i){
		rsPeers->getPeerDetails(matrix_info.friend_ids[i], peer_ssl_details);
		QString fn = QString::fromUtf8(;
		FO+=" ";


	painter.drawText(ox+0*cellx,oy+fm_times.height(),FO) ;
	oy += celly ;
	oy += celly ;

    static const int MaxKeySize = 20*fact ;
    painter.setFont(monospace_f) ;

    for(std::map<GRouterKeyId,std::vector<float> >::const_iterator it(matrix_info.per_friend_probabilities.begin());it!=matrix_info.per_friend_probabilities.end();++it)
        bool is_null = true ;

        for(uint32_t i=0;i<matrix_info.friend_ids.size();++i)
            if(it->second[i] > 0.0)
                is_null = false ;

            QString ids = QString::fromStdString(it->first.toStdString())+" : " ;
            painter.drawText(ox+2*cellx,oy+celly,ids) ;

            for(uint32_t i=0;i<matrix_info.friend_ids.size();++i)
                painter.fillRect(ox+i*cellx+fm_monospace.width(ids),oy,cellx,celly,colorScale(it->second[i])) ;

            oy += celly ;

    oy += celly ;
    oy += celly ;

    // update the pixmap
    pixmap = tmppixmap;
    maxHeight = oy ;
void TurtleRouterStatisticsWidget::updateTunnelStatistics(const std::vector<std::vector<std::string> >& /*hashes_info*/,
																const std::vector<std::vector<std::string> >& /*tunnels_info*/,
																const std::vector<TurtleRequestDisplayInfo >& search_reqs_info, 
																const std::vector<TurtleRequestDisplayInfo >& tunnel_reqs_info,
																const RsTurtle *turtle)

	static const int cellx = 6 ;
	static const int celly = 10+4 ;

	QPixmap tmppixmap(maxWidth, maxHeight);
	tmppixmap.fill(this, 0, 0);

	QPainter painter(&tmppixmap);

	maxHeight = 500 ;

	// std::cerr << "Drawing into pixmap of size " << maxWidth << "x" << maxHeight << std::endl;
	// draw...
	int ox=5,oy=5 ;

	TRHistogram(search_reqs_info).draw(&painter,ox,oy,tr("Search requests repartition") + ":") ;

	painter.setPen(QColor::fromRgb(70,70,70)) ;
	painter.drawLine(0,oy,maxWidth,oy) ;
	oy += celly ;

	TRHistogram(tunnel_reqs_info).draw(&painter,ox,oy,tr("Tunnel requests repartition") + ":") ;

	// now give information about turtle traffic.
	TurtleTrafficStatisticsInfo info ;
	turtle->getTrafficStatistics(info) ;

	painter.setPen(QColor::fromRgb(70,70,70)) ;
	painter.drawLine(0,oy,maxWidth,oy) ;
	oy += celly ;

	painter.drawText(ox,oy+celly,tr("Turtle router traffic")+":") ; oy += celly*2 ;
	painter.drawText(ox+2*cellx,oy+celly,tr("Tunnel requests Up")+"\t: " + speedString(info.tr_up_Bps) ) ; oy += celly ;
	painter.drawText(ox+2*cellx,oy+celly,tr("Tunnel requests Dn")+"\t: " + speedString(info.tr_dn_Bps) ) ; oy += celly ;
	painter.drawText(ox+2*cellx,oy+celly,tr("Incoming file data")+"\t: " + speedString(info.data_dn_Bps) ) ; oy += celly ;
	painter.drawText(ox+2*cellx,oy+celly,tr("Outgoing file data")+"\t: " + speedString(info.data_up_Bps) ) ; oy += celly ;
	painter.drawText(ox+2*cellx,oy+celly,tr("Forwarded data    ")+"\t: " + speedString(info.unknown_updn_Bps) ) ; oy += celly ;

	QString prob_string ;

	for(uint i=0;i<info.forward_probabilities.size();++i)
		prob_string += QString::number(info.forward_probabilities[i],'g',2) + " (" + QString::number(i) + ") " ;

	painter.drawText(ox+2*cellx,oy+celly,tr("TR Forward probabilities")+"\t: " + prob_string ) ; 
	oy += celly ;
	oy += celly ;

	// update the pixmap
	pixmap = tmppixmap;
	maxHeight = oy ;
void TurtleRouterStatisticsWidget::updateTunnelStatistics(const std::vector<std::vector<std::string> >& /*hashes_info*/,
																const std::vector<std::vector<std::string> >& /*tunnels_info*/,
																const std::vector<TurtleRequestDisplayInfo >& search_reqs_info, 
																const std::vector<TurtleRequestDisplayInfo >& tunnel_reqs_info)

	QPixmap tmppixmap(maxWidth, maxHeight);

	QPainter painter(&tmppixmap);

        // extracts the height of the fonts in pixels. This is used to callibrate the size of the objects to draw.

        float fontHeight = QFontMetricsF(font()).height();
        float fact = fontHeight/14.0;
    maxHeight = 500*fact ;

    int cellx = 6*fact ;
    int celly = (10+4)*fact ;

	// std::cerr << "Drawing into pixmap of size " << maxWidth << "x" << maxHeight << std::endl;
	// draw...
    int ox=5*fact,oy=5*fact ;

    TRHistogram(search_reqs_info).draw(&painter,ox,oy,tr("Search requests repartition") + ":",fontHeight) ;

	painter.setPen(QColor::fromRgb(70,70,70)) ;
	painter.drawLine(0,oy,maxWidth,oy) ;
	oy += celly ;

    TRHistogram(tunnel_reqs_info).draw(&painter,ox,oy,tr("Tunnel requests repartition") + ":",fontHeight) ;

	// now give information about turtle traffic.
	TurtleTrafficStatisticsInfo info ;
	rsTurtle->getTrafficStatistics(info) ;

	painter.setPen(QColor::fromRgb(70,70,70)) ;
	painter.drawLine(0,oy,maxWidth,oy) ;
	oy += celly ;

	painter.drawText(ox,oy+celly,tr("Turtle router traffic")+":") ; oy += celly*2 ;
	painter.drawText(ox+2*cellx,oy+celly,tr("Tunnel requests Dn")+"\t: " + speedString(info.tr_dn_Bps) ) ; oy += celly ;
	painter.drawText(ox+2*cellx,oy+celly,tr("Tunnel requests Up")+"\t: " + speedString(info.tr_up_Bps) ) ; oy += celly ;
	painter.drawText(ox+2*cellx,oy+celly,tr("Incoming file data")+"\t: " + speedString(info.data_dn_Bps) ) ; oy += celly ;
	painter.drawText(ox+2*cellx,oy+celly,tr("Outgoing file data")+"\t: " + speedString(info.data_up_Bps) ) ; oy += celly ;
	painter.drawText(ox+2*cellx,oy+celly,tr("Forwarded data")+"    \t: " + speedString(info.unknown_updn_Bps) ) ; oy += celly ;

	QString prob_string ;

	for(uint i=0;i<info.forward_probabilities.size();++i)
		prob_string += QString::number(info.forward_probabilities[i],'g',2) + " (" + QString::number(i) + ") " ;

	painter.drawText(ox+2*cellx,oy+celly,tr("TR Forward probabilities")+"\t: " + prob_string ) ; 
	oy += celly ;
	oy += celly ;

	// update the pixmap
	pixmap = tmppixmap;
	maxHeight = oy ;