void DirectoryConfigControl::updateField()
    QString dir = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory( NULL,
                      qtr( I_OP_SEL_DIR ),
                      text->text().isEmpty() ?
                        QVLCUserDir( VLC_HOME_DIR ) : text->text(),
                  QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly | QFileDialog::DontResolveSymlinks );

    if( dir.isNull() ) return;
    text->setText( toNativeSepNoSlash( dir ) );
Esempio n. 2
void DirectoryConfigControl::updateField()
    QString dir = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory( NULL,
                      qtr( "Select Directory" ),
                      text->text().isEmpty() ?
                        qfu( config_GetHomeDir() ) : text->text(),
                  QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly | QFileDialog::DontResolveSymlinks );

    if( dir.isNull() ) return;
    text->setText( toNativeSepNoSlash( dir ) );
Esempio n. 3
/* Check for updates */
void UpdateDialog::UpdateOrDownload()
    if( !b_checked )
        ui.stackedWidget->setCurrentWidget( ui.updateRequestPage );
        update_Check( p_update, UpdateCallback, this );
        QString dest_dir = QDir::tempPath();
        if( !dest_dir.isEmpty() )
            dest_dir = toNativeSepNoSlash( dest_dir ) + DIR_SEP;
            msg_Dbg( p_intf, "Downloading to folder: %s", qtu( dest_dir ) );
            update_Download( p_update, qtu( dest_dir ) );
            /* FIXME: We should trigger a change to another dialog here ! */
Esempio n. 4
File: help.cpp Progetto: Kafay/vlc
/* Check for updates */
void UpdateDialog::UpdateOrDownload()
    if( !b_checked )
        updateButton->setEnabled( false );
        updateLabelTop->setText( qtr( "Launching an update request..." ) );
        update_Check( p_update, UpdateCallback, this );
        QString dest_dir = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory( this,
                                 qtr( "Select a directory..." ),
                                 qfu( config_GetHomeDir() ) );

        if( !dest_dir.isEmpty() )
            dest_dir = toNativeSepNoSlash( dest_dir ) + DIR_SEP;
            msg_Dbg( p_intf, "Downloading to folder: %s", qtu( dest_dir ) );
            update_Download( p_update, qtu( dest_dir ) );
Esempio n. 5
/* Generic open file */
void DialogsProvider::openFileGenericDialog( intf_dialog_args_t *p_arg )
    if( p_arg == NULL )
        msg_Warn( p_intf, "openFileGenericDialog() called with NULL arg" );

    /* Replace the extensions to a Qt format */
    int i = 0;
    QString extensions = qfu( p_arg->psz_extensions );
    while ( ( i = extensions.indexOf( "|", i ) ) != -1 )
        if( ( extensions.count( "|" ) % 2 ) == 0 )
            extensions.replace( i, 1, ");;" );
            extensions.replace( i, 1, "(" );
    extensions.replace( ";*", " *" );
    extensions.append( ")" );

    /* Save */
    if( p_arg->b_save )
        QString file = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( NULL,
                                        qfu( p_arg->psz_title ),
                                        p_intf->p_sys->filepath, extensions );
        if( !file.isEmpty() )
            p_arg->i_results = 1;
            p_arg->psz_results = (char **)malloc( p_arg->i_results * sizeof( char * ) );
            p_arg->psz_results[0] = strdup( qtu( toNativeSepNoSlash( file ) ) );
            p_arg->i_results = 0;
    else /* non-save mode */
        QStringList files = QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames( NULL,
                qfu( p_arg->psz_title ), p_intf->p_sys->filepath,
                extensions );
        p_arg->i_results = files.count();
        p_arg->psz_results = (char **)malloc( p_arg->i_results * sizeof( char * ) );
        i = 0;
        foreach( const QString &file, files )
            p_arg->psz_results[i++] = strdup( qtu( toNativeSepNoSlash( file ) ) );
        if(i == 0)
            p_intf->p_sys->filepath = QString::fromLatin1("");
            p_intf->p_sys->filepath = qfu( p_arg->psz_results[i-1] );

    /* Callback */
    if( p_arg->pf_callback )
        p_arg->pf_callback( p_arg );

    /* Clean afterwards */
    if( p_arg->psz_results )
        for( i = 0; i < p_arg->i_results; i++ )
            free( p_arg->psz_results[i] );
        free( p_arg->psz_results );
    free( p_arg->psz_title );
    free( p_arg->psz_extensions );
    free( p_arg );