Esempio n. 1
File: main.cpp Progetto: CCJY/coliru
int main()
  auto a = to_integral(42);
  auto b = to_integral(MyEnum::A);
  printf("%d\n", a);
  printf("%d\n", b);
Esempio n. 2
int SectionCurve::FillRequested(float val, int ind=-1){

  if(ind>=0 && np<n){
  return n-np;
Esempio n. 3
  /// @brief Calculate A1
  /// Calculate the probability of making a move divided by the
  /// probability of its reverse, that is:
  /// \f[a_1=\frac{move[i]}{\sum\limits_{i}move[i]}\f]
  /// @param move The type of move
  /// @return \f$a_1=\frac{move[i]}{\sum\limits_{i}move[i]}\f$
  auto CalculateA1(const move_type move) const noexcept
    auto total_moves = this->TotalMoves();
    auto this_move   = attempted_moves_[to_integral(move)];
    // Set precision for initialization and assignment functions

    // Initialize for MPFR
    mpfr_t r1, r2, a1;
    mpfr_inits2(PRECISION, r1, r2, a1, nullptr);

    mpfr_init_set_ui(r1, this_move, MPFR_RNDD);    // r1 = this_move
    mpfr_init_set_ui(r2, total_moves, MPFR_RNDD);  // r2 = total_moves

    // The result
    mpfr_div(a1, r1, r2, MPFR_RNDD);  // a1 = r1/r2

    // std::cout << "A1 is " << mpfr_out_str(stdout, 10, 0, a1, MPFR_RNDD)

    // Convert mpfr_t total to Gmpzf result by using Gmpzf(double d)
    //    Gmpzf result = Gmpzf(mpfr_get_d(a1, MPFR_RNDD));
    // MP_Float result = MP_Float(mpfr_get_ld(a1, MPFR_RNDD));
    auto result = mpfr_get_d(a1, MPFR_RNDD);

    // Free memory
    mpfr_clears(r1, r2, a1, nullptr);

#ifndef NDEBUG
    std::cout << "TotalMoves() = " << total_moves << "\n";
    std::cout << "A1 is " << result << "\n";

    return result;
  }  // CalculateA1()
Esempio n. 4
  /// @brief Attempt a move of the selected type
  /// This function implements the core of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm
  /// by generating a random number and comparing with the results of
  /// CalculateA1 and CalculateA2. If the move is accepted, this function
  /// calls make_move(). If not, it updates **attempted_moves_**.
  /// @param move The type of move
  void attempt_move(const move_type move)
    // Calculate probability
    auto a1 = CalculateA1(move);
    // Make move if random number < probability
    auto a2 = CalculateA2(move);

    const auto trial_value = generate_probability();
    // Convert to Gmpzf because trial_value will be set to 0 when
    // comparing with a1 and a2!
    //    const auto trial = Gmpzf(static_cast<double>(trial_value));
    const auto trial = static_cast<double>(trial_value);

#ifndef NDEBUG
    std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " called.\n";
    std::cout << "trial_value = " << trial_value << "\n";
    std::cout << "trial = " << trial << "\n";

    if (trial <= a1 * a2) {
      // Move accepted
      // Move rejected
      // Increment attempted_moves_

#ifndef NDEBUG
    std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " called.\n";
    std::cout << "Attempting move.\n";
    std::cout << "Move type = " << to_integral(move) << "\n";
    std::cout << "Trial = " << trial << "\n";
    std::cout << "A1 = " << a1 << "\n";
    std::cout << "A2 = " << a2 << "\n";
    std::cout << "A1*A2 = " << a1 * a2 << "\n";
    std::cout << ((trial <= a1 * a2) ? "Move accepted." : "Move rejected.")
              << "\n";
  }  // attempt_move()
Esempio n. 5
int SectionCurve::AddPointRequest(float x, float y){ 


  return n-np;
Esempio n. 6
mapnik::keys get_key(std::string const& name)
    std::string name_copy(name);
    for (unsigned i=0; i< to_integral(keys::MAX_SYMBOLIZER_KEY) ; ++i)
        property_meta_type const& item = key_meta[i];
        if (name_copy == std::get<0>(item))
            return static_cast<mapnik::keys>(i);
    throw std::runtime_error("no key found for '" + name + "'");
    return static_cast<mapnik::keys>(0);
Esempio n. 7
  void Cube::internal_buffer_data(Abstract_material_ptr i_material)
    const GLsizei vertices = 24;
    m_triangle_count = 36;

    // the 4 vertices of a box 
    const GLfloat box[vertices][4] = 
      /* front */
      {  -m_size, -m_size,  m_size, 1.0f  },   
      {  m_size,  -m_size,  m_size, 1.0f  },   
      {  m_size,  m_size, m_size, 1.0f  },   
      {  -m_size, m_size, m_size, 1.0f  },

      /* left */
      {  -m_size, -m_size,  -m_size, 1.0f },   
      {  -m_size, -m_size,  m_size, 1.0f  },   
      {  -m_size, m_size, m_size, 1.0f  },   
      {  -m_size, m_size, -m_size, 1.0f },

      /* right */
      {  m_size,  -m_size,  m_size, 1.0f  },   
      {  m_size,  -m_size,  -m_size, 1.0f },   
      {  m_size,  m_size, -m_size, 1.0f },   
      {  m_size,  m_size, m_size, 1.0f  },

      /* top */
      {  -m_size, m_size, m_size, 1.0f  },   
      {  m_size,  m_size, m_size, 1.0f  },   
      {  m_size,  m_size, -m_size, 1.0f },   
      {  -m_size, m_size, -m_size, 1.0f },

      /* bottom */
      {  -m_size, -m_size,  -m_size, 1.0f },   
      {  m_size,  -m_size,  -m_size, 1.0f },   
      {  m_size,  -m_size,  m_size, 1.0f  },   
      {  -m_size, -m_size,  m_size, 1.0f  },

      /* back */
      {  m_size,  -m_size,  -m_size, 1.0f },   
      {  -m_size, -m_size,  -m_size, 1.0f },   
      {  -m_size, m_size, -m_size, 1.0f },   
      {  m_size,  m_size, -m_size, 1.0f },

    const GLuint boxindices[36] = 
      /* front */
      0, 1, 2, 
      2, 3, 0,

      /* left */
      4, 5, 6, 
      6, 7, 4,

      /* right */
      8, 9, 10, 
      10, 11, 8,

      /* top */
      12, 13, 14, 
      14, 15, 12,

      /* bottom */
      16, 17, 18, 
      18, 19, 16,

      /* back */
      20, 21, 22, 
      22, 23, 20,

    GLfloat normals[vertices][4];

    // generate the normals
    calculate_normals(&box[0][0], vertices, &boxindices[0], m_triangle_count, &normals[0][0]);

    // buffer all data
    Shader_program * material_shader = i_material->get_shader();
    glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_vbo_id[to_integral(VBO_type::Position)]);
    glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertices * 4 * sizeof(GLfloat), box, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
    GLint vertex_attrib_location = material_shader->get_attribute_location(in_position);
    glVertexAttribPointer(vertex_attrib_location, 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0);

    glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_vbo_id[to_integral(VBO_type::Normal)]);
    glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertices * 4 * sizeof(GLfloat), normals, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
    GLint normals_attrib_location = material_shader->get_attribute_location(in_normal);
    glVertexAttribPointer(normals_attrib_location, 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0);

    glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_vbo_id[to_integral(VBO_type::Index)]);
    glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_triangle_count * sizeof(GL_UNSIGNED_INT), boxindices, GL_STATIC_DRAW);

    // disable pointers & unbind buffers
    glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0 );
    glBindBuffer( GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0 );
Esempio n. 8
namespace mapnik {

// tuple -> name, default value, enumeration to string converter lambda, target property type
static const property_meta_type key_meta[to_integral(keys::MAX_SYMBOLIZER_KEY)] =
    property_meta_type{ "gamma", 1.0, nullptr, property_types::target_double},
    property_meta_type{ "gamma-method", static_cast<value_integer>(GAMMA_POWER), nullptr, property_types::target_integer},
    property_meta_type{ "opacity", 1.0, nullptr, property_types::target_double},
    property_meta_type{ "alignment", enumeration_wrapper(LOCAL_ALIGNMENT),
                        [](enumeration_wrapper e) { return enumeration<pattern_alignment_enum,pattern_alignment_enum_MAX>(pattern_alignment_enum(e.value)).as_string();}, property_types::target_pattern_alignment},
    property_meta_type{ "offset", 0.0, nullptr, property_types::target_double},
    property_meta_type{ "comp-op", enumeration_wrapper(src_over),
                        [](enumeration_wrapper e) { return *comp_op_to_string(composite_mode_e(e.value)); }, property_types::target_comp_op},
    property_meta_type{ "clip", false, nullptr, property_types::target_bool},
    property_meta_type{ "fill", mapnik::color(128,128,128), nullptr, property_types::target_color},
    property_meta_type{ "fill-opacity", 1.0 , nullptr, property_types::target_double},
    property_meta_type{ "stroke", mapnik::color(0,0,0), nullptr, property_types::target_color},
    property_meta_type{ "stroke-width", 1.0 , nullptr, property_types::target_double},
    property_meta_type{ "stroke-opacity", 1.0, nullptr, property_types::target_double},
    property_meta_type{ "stroke-linejoin", enumeration_wrapper(MITER_JOIN),
                        [](enumeration_wrapper e) { return enumeration<line_join_enum,line_join_enum_MAX>(line_join_enum(e.value)).as_string();}, property_types::target_double },
    property_meta_type{ "stroke-linecap", enumeration_wrapper(BUTT_CAP),
                        [](enumeration_wrapper e) { return enumeration<line_cap_enum,line_cap_enum_MAX>(line_cap_enum(e.value)).as_string();}, property_types::target_double },
    property_meta_type{ "stroke-gamma", 1.0, nullptr, property_types::target_double },
    property_meta_type{ "stroke-gamma-method",static_cast<value_integer>(GAMMA_POWER), nullptr, property_types::target_double },
    property_meta_type{ "stroke-dashoffset", static_cast<value_integer>(0), nullptr, property_types::target_double },
    property_meta_type{ "stroke-dasharray", false, nullptr, property_types::target_double },
    property_meta_type{ "stroke-miterlimit", 4.0, nullptr, property_types::target_double },
    property_meta_type{ "geometry-transform", false, nullptr, property_types::target_transform },
    property_meta_type{ "line-rasterizer", enumeration_wrapper(RASTERIZER_FULL),
                        [](enumeration_wrapper e) { return enumeration<line_rasterizer_enum,line_rasterizer_enum_MAX>(line_rasterizer_enum(e.value)).as_string();}, property_types::target_double },
    property_meta_type{ "transform", false, nullptr, property_types::target_transform },
    property_meta_type{ "spacing", 0.0, nullptr, property_types::target_double },
    property_meta_type{ "max-error", 0.0, nullptr, property_types::target_double },
    property_meta_type{ "allow-overlap",false, nullptr, property_types::target_bool },
    property_meta_type{ "ignore-placement", false, nullptr, property_types::target_bool },
    property_meta_type{ "width",static_cast<value_integer>(0), nullptr, property_types::target_double },
    property_meta_type{ "height",static_cast<value_integer>(0), nullptr, property_types::target_double },
    property_meta_type{ "file", "", nullptr, property_types::target_string },
    property_meta_type{ "shield-dx", 0.0, nullptr, property_types::target_double },
    property_meta_type{ "shield-dy", 0.0, nullptr, property_types::target_double },
    property_meta_type{ "unlock-image",false, nullptr, property_types::target_bool },
    property_meta_type{ "text-opacity", 1.0, nullptr, property_types::target_double },
    property_meta_type{ "mode",false, nullptr, property_types::target_double },
    property_meta_type{ "scaling", 1.0, nullptr, property_types::target_double },
    property_meta_type{ "filter-factor", 1.0, nullptr, property_types::target_double },
    property_meta_type{ "mesh-size", static_cast<value_integer>(0), nullptr, property_types::target_double },
    property_meta_type{ "premultiplied", false, nullptr, property_types::target_bool },
    property_meta_type{ "smooth", false, nullptr, property_types::target_double },
    property_meta_type{ "simplify-algorithm", enumeration_wrapper(radial_distance),
                        [](enumeration_wrapper e) { return *simplify_algorithm_to_string(simplify_algorithm_e(e.value));}, property_types::target_double },
    property_meta_type{ "simplify-tolerance", 0.0, nullptr, property_types::target_double },
    property_meta_type{ "halo-rasterizer", enumeration_wrapper(HALO_RASTERIZER_FULL),
                        [](enumeration_wrapper e) { return enumeration<halo_rasterizer_enum,halo_rasterizer_enum_MAX>(halo_rasterizer_enum(e.value)).as_string();}, property_types::target_double },
    property_meta_type{ "text-placements", false, nullptr, property_types::target_double },
    property_meta_type{ "placement", enumeration_wrapper(MARKER_POINT_PLACEMENT),
                        [](enumeration_wrapper e) { return enumeration<marker_placement_enum,marker_placement_enum_MAX>(marker_placement_enum(e.value)).as_string();}, property_types::target_double }, // FIXME - rename to "markers-placement-type"
    property_meta_type{ "multi-policy", enumeration_wrapper(MARKER_EACH_MULTI),
                        [](enumeration_wrapper e) { return enumeration<marker_multi_policy_enum,marker_multi_policy_enum_MAX>(marker_multi_policy_enum(e.value)).as_string();}, property_types::target_double }, // FIXME - better naming ^^
    property_meta_type{ "placement", enumeration_wrapper(CENTROID_POINT_PLACEMENT),
                        [](enumeration_wrapper e) { return enumeration<point_placement_enum,point_placement_enum_MAX>(point_placement_enum(e.value)).as_string();}, property_types::target_double },
    property_meta_type{ "colorizer", nullptr, nullptr, property_types::target_colorizer},
    property_meta_type{ "halo-transform", false, nullptr, property_types::target_transform },
    property_meta_type{ "num-columns", static_cast<value_integer>(0), nullptr, property_types::target_integer},
    property_meta_type{ "start-column", static_cast<value_integer>(1), nullptr, property_types::target_integer},
    property_meta_type{ "repeat-key", nullptr, nullptr, property_types::target_repeat_key},
    property_meta_type{ "symbolizer-properties", nullptr, nullptr, property_types::target_group_symbolizer_properties}

property_meta_type const& get_meta(mapnik::keys key)
    return key_meta[static_cast<int>(key)];

mapnik::keys get_key(std::string const& name)
    std::string name_copy(name);
    for (unsigned i=0; i< to_integral(keys::MAX_SYMBOLIZER_KEY) ; ++i)
        property_meta_type const& item = key_meta[i];
        if (name_copy == std::get<0>(item))
            return static_cast<mapnik::keys>(i);
    throw std::runtime_error("no key found for '" + name + "'");
    return static_cast<mapnik::keys>(0);
