Esempio n. 1
void UmlDesktop::limitsize_move(QWidget * who, QSize & previous,
                                double max_w, double max_h)
    if (previous.width() > 0)
    else {
        int wi = (int)(w * max_w);
        int he = (int)(h * max_h);

        // warning who->width() or who->height()
        // may be greater than the reality
        if ((who->width() > wi) || (who->height() > he)) {
            previous.setWidth((who->width() > wi) ? wi : who->width());
            previous.setHeight((who->height() > he) ? he : who->height());

    if (fixedp)

    // under Windows the dialog may go out of the screen

Esempio n. 2
void UmlDesktop::setsize_center(QWidget * who, QSize & previous,
                                double pw, double ph)
    if (previous.width() <= 0) {
        previous.setWidth((int)(w * pw));
        previous.setHeight((int)(h * ph));


    if (fixedp)
Esempio n. 3
void UmlDesktop::limitsize_center(QWidget * who, QSize & previous,
                                  double max_w, double max_h)
    if (previous.width() > 0)
    else {
        int wi = (int)(w * max_w);
        int he = (int)(h * max_h);

        // warning who->width() or who->height()
        // may be greater than the reality
        if ((who->width() > wi) || (who->height() > he)) {
            previous.setWidth((who->width() > wi) ? wi : who->width());
            previous.setHeight((who->height() > he) ? he : who->height());

    if (fixedp)
Esempio n. 4
bool ViewableSphere::QuickIntersectTest( 
		const VectorR3& viewPos, const VectorR3& viewDir, double maxDist,
		double *intersectDistance,
		const VectorR3& centerPos, double radiusSq )
	VectorR3 tocenter(centerPos);
	tocenter -= viewPos;		// Vector view position to the center

	// D = Distance to pt on view line closest to sphere
	// v = vector from sphere center to the closest pt on view line
	// ASq = the distance from v to sphere center squared
	double D = (viewDir^tocenter);
	VectorR3 v(viewDir);
	v *= D;
	v -= tocenter;
	double ASq = v.NormSq();

	// Ray-line completely misses sphere, or just grazes it.
	if ( ASq >= radiusSq ) {
		return false;

	double BSq = radiusSq-ASq;
	if ( D>0.0 && D*D>BSq && (D<maxDist || BSq>Square(D-maxDist) ) ) {
		// It hits the sphere as it enters.
		*intersectDistance = D-sqrt(BSq);
		return true;

	else if ( (D>0.0 || D*D<BSq) && D<maxDist && BSq<Square(D-maxDist) ) {
		// it hits the sphere as it exits
		*intersectDistance = D+sqrt(BSq);
		return true;

	else {
		return false;
Esempio n. 5
// Returns an intersection if found with distance maxDistance
// viewDir must be a unit vector.
// intersectDistance and visPoint are returned values.
bool ViewableSphere::FindIntersectionNT ( 
		const VectorR3& viewPos, const VectorR3& viewDir, double maxDist,
		double *intersectDistance, VisiblePoint& returnedPoint ) const 
	VectorR3 tocenter(Center);
	tocenter -= viewPos;		// Vector view position to the center

	// D = Distance to pt on view line closest to sphere
	// v = vector from sphere center to the closest pt on view line
	// ASq = the distance from v to sphere center squared
	double D = (viewDir^tocenter);
	VectorR3 v(viewDir);
	v *= D;
	v -= tocenter;
	double ASq = v.NormSq();

	// Ray-line completely misses sphere, or just grazes it.
	if ( ASq >= RadiusSq ) {
		return false;

	double BSq = RadiusSq-ASq;
	if ( D>0.0 && D*D>BSq && 
		(D<maxDist || BSq>Square(D-maxDist) ) ) {
		// Return the point where view intersects with the outside of
		//		the sphere.
		*intersectDistance = D-sqrt(BSq);
		v = viewDir;
		v *= *intersectDistance;
		v += viewPos;					//  Position of intersection
		returnedPoint.SetPosition( v );
		v -= Center;					
		v /= Radius;	// Normalize: normal out from intersection pt
		returnedPoint.SetNormal( v );
		returnedPoint.SetMaterial ( *OuterMaterial );
		returnedPoint.SetFrontFace();	// Front face direction
		CalcUV( v, &(returnedPoint.GetUV()) );
		returnedPoint.SetFaceNumber( 0 );
		return true;

	else if ( (D>0.0 || D*D<BSq) && D<maxDist && BSq<Square(D-maxDist) ) {

		// return the point where view exits the sphere
		*intersectDistance = D+sqrt(BSq);
		v = viewDir;
		v *= *intersectDistance;
		v += viewPos;
		returnedPoint.SetPosition( v );
		v -= Center;
		v /= Radius;	// Normalize, but still points outward
		v.ReNormalize(); // Just in case
		returnedPoint.SetNormal( v );
		returnedPoint.SetMaterial ( *InnerMaterial );
		CalcUV( v, &(returnedPoint.GetUV()) );
		return true;

	else {
		return false;