Esempio n. 1
void AudioSetupWizard::slotNext(void)
    if (m_testThread)


    MythScreenStack *mainStack = GetMythMainWindow()->GetMainStack();
    VideoSetupWizard *sw = new VideoSetupWizard(mainStack, m_generalScreen,
                                                this, "videosetupwizard");

    if (sw->Create())
        delete sw;
Esempio n. 2
bool AudioSetupWizard::Create()
    bool foundtheme = false;

    // Load the theme for this screen
    foundtheme = LoadWindowFromXML("config-ui.xml", "audiowizard", this);

    if (!foundtheme)
        return false;

    m_audioDeviceButtonList =
        dynamic_cast<MythUIButtonList *> (GetChild("audiodevices"));
    m_speakerNumberButtonList =
        dynamic_cast<MythUIButtonList *> (GetChild("speakers"));

    m_dtsCheck = dynamic_cast<MythUICheckBox *> (GetChild("dtscheck"));
    m_ac3Check = dynamic_cast<MythUICheckBox *> (GetChild("ac3check"));
    m_eac3Check = dynamic_cast<MythUICheckBox *> (GetChild("eac3check"));
    m_truehdCheck = dynamic_cast<MythUICheckBox *> (GetChild("truehdcheck"));
    m_dtshdCheck = dynamic_cast<MythUICheckBox *> (GetChild("dtshdcheck"));

    m_testSpeakerButton =
        dynamic_cast<MythUIButton *> (GetChild("testspeakers"));

    m_nextButton = dynamic_cast<MythUIButton *> (GetChild("next"));
    m_prevButton = dynamic_cast<MythUIButton *> (GetChild("previous"));

    if (!m_audioDeviceButtonList || !m_speakerNumberButtonList ||
        !m_dtsCheck || !m_ac3Check || !m_eac3Check || !m_truehdCheck ||
        !m_dtshdCheck || !m_testSpeakerButton || !m_nextButton || !m_prevButton)
        LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_ERR, "Theme is missing critical theme elements.");
        return false;

    // Pre-set the widgets to their database values
    // Buttonlists are set in load()

    int dtsSetting = gCoreContext->GetNumSetting("DTSPassThru", 0);
    if (dtsSetting == 1)

    int ac3Setting = gCoreContext->GetNumSetting("AC3PassThru", 0);
    if (ac3Setting == 1)

    int eac3Setting = gCoreContext->GetNumSetting("EAC3PassThru", 0);
    if (eac3Setting == 1)

    int truehdSetting = gCoreContext->GetNumSetting("TrueHDPassThru", 0);
    if (truehdSetting == 1)

    int dtshdSetting = gCoreContext->GetNumSetting("DTSHDPassThru", 0);
    if (dtshdSetting == 1)

    // Help Text

    // Buttonlists
    m_audioDeviceButtonList->SetHelpText( tr("Select from one of the "
                                    "audio devices detected on your system.  When "
                                    "satisfied, you can test audio before moving "
                                    "on.  If you fail to configure audio, video "
                                    "playback may fail as well.") );
    m_speakerNumberButtonList->SetHelpText( tr("Select the number of speakers you "
                                    "have.") );

    // Checkboxes
    m_dtsCheck->SetHelpText( tr("Select this checkbox if your receiver "
                                   "is capable of playing DTS.") );
    m_ac3Check->SetHelpText( tr("Select this checkbox if your receiver "
                                   "is capable of playing AC-3 (Dolby Digital).") );
    m_eac3Check->SetHelpText( tr("Select this checkbox if your receiver "
                                   "is capable of playing E-AC-3 (Dolby Digital Plus).") );
    m_truehdCheck->SetHelpText( tr("Select this checkbox if your receiver "
                                   "is capable of playing TrueHD.") );
    m_dtshdCheck->SetHelpText( tr("Select this checkbox if your receiver "
                                   "is capable of playing DTS-HD.") );

    // Buttons
    m_testSpeakerButton->SetHelpText( tr("Test your audio settings by playing "
                                    "noise through each speaker.") );
    m_nextButton->SetHelpText( tr("Save these changes and move on to the next "
                                  "configuration step.") );
    m_prevButton->SetHelpText( tr("Return to the previous configuration step.") );

    // I hate to SetText but it's the only way to make it reliably bi-modal
    m_testSpeakerButton->SetText(tr("Test Speakers"));

    connect(m_testSpeakerButton, SIGNAL(Clicked()), this, SLOT(toggleSpeakers()));
    connect(m_nextButton, SIGNAL(Clicked()), this, SLOT(slotNext()));
    connect(m_prevButton, SIGNAL(Clicked()), this, SLOT(slotPrevious()));

    QString message = tr("Discovering audio devices...");


    return true;