Esempio n. 1
TOK822 *tok822_scan_limit(const char *str, TOK822 **tailp, int tok_count_limit)
	TOK822 *head = 0;
	TOK822 *tail = 0;
	TOK822 *tp;
	int     ch;
	int     tok_count = 0;

	 * XXX 2822 new feature: Section 4.1 allows "." to appear in a phrase (to
	 * allow for forms such as: Johnny B. Goode <*****@*****.**>. I cannot
	 * handle that at the tokenizer level - it is not context sensitive. And
	 * to fix this at the parser level requires radical changes to preserve
	 * white space as part of the token stream. Thanks a lot, people.
	while ((ch = *(const unsigned char *) str++) != 0) {
		if (IS_SPACE_TAB_CR_LF(ch))
		if (ch == '(') {
			tp = tok822_alloc(TOK822_COMMENT, (char *) 0);
			str = tok822_comment(tp, str);
		} else if (ch == '[') {
			tp = tok822_alloc(TOK822_DOMLIT, (char *) 0);
			COLLECT_SKIP_LAST(tp, str, ch, ch != ']');
		} else if (ch == '"') {
			tp = tok822_alloc(TOK822_QSTRING, (char *) 0);
			COLLECT_SKIP_LAST(tp, str, ch, ch != '"');
		} else if (ch != '\\' && strchr(tok822_opchar, ch)) {
			tp = tok822_alloc(ch, (char *) 0);
		} else {
			tp = tok822_alloc(TOK822_ATOM, (char *) 0);
			str -= 1;				/* \ may be first */
			COLLECT(tp, str, ch, !IS_SPACE_TAB_CR_LF(ch) && !strchr(tok822_opchar, ch));
		if (head == 0) {
			head = tail = tp;
			while (tail->next)
				tail = tail->next;
		} else {
			tail = tok822_append(tail, tp);
		if (tok_count_limit > 0 && ++tok_count >= tok_count_limit)
	if (tailp)
		*tailp = tail;
	return (head);
Esempio n. 2
TOK822 *tok822_scan_addr(const char *addr)
	TOK822 *tree = tok822_alloc(TOK822_ADDR, (char *) 0);

	tree->head = tok822_scan(addr, &tree->tail);
	return (tree);
Esempio n. 3
static TOK822 *tok822_group(int group_type, TOK822 *left, TOK822 *right, int sync_type)
	TOK822 *group;
	TOK822 *sync;
	TOK822 *first;

	 * Cluster the tokens between left and right under their own parse tree
	 * node. Optionally insert a resync token.
	if (left != right && (first = left->next) != right) {
		group = tok822_alloc(group_type, (char *) 0);
		tok822_sub_append(group, first);
		tok822_append(left, group);
		tok822_append(group, right);
		if (sync_type) {
			sync = tok822_alloc(sync_type, (char *) 0);
			tok822_append(left, sync);
	return (left);
Esempio n. 4
TOK822 *tok822_parse_limit(const char *str, int tok_count_limit)
	TOK822 *head;
	TOK822 *tail;
	TOK822 *right;
	TOK822 *first_token;
	TOK822 *last_token;
	TOK822 *tp;
	int     state;

	 * First, tokenize the string, from left to right. We are not allowed to
	 * throw away any information that we do not understand. With a flat
	 * token list that contains all tokens, we can always convert back to
	 * string form.
	if ((first_token = tok822_scan_limit(str, &last_token, tok_count_limit)) == 0)
		return (0);

	 * For convenience, sandwich the token list between two sentinel tokens.
#define GLUE(left,rite) { left->next = rite; rite->prev = left; }

	head = tok822_alloc(0, (char *) 0);
	GLUE(head, first_token);
	tail = tok822_alloc(0, (char *) 0);
	GLUE(last_token, tail);

	 * Next step is to transform the token list into a parse tree. This is
	 * done most conveniently from right to left. If there is something that
	 * we do not understand, just leave it alone, don't throw it away. The
	 * address information that we're looking for sits in-between the current
	 * node (tp) and the one called right. Add missing commas on the fly.
	state = DO_WORD;
	right = tail;
	tp = tail->prev;
	while (tp->type) {
		if (tp->type == TOK822_COMMENT) {	/* move comment to the side */
		} else if (tp->type == ';') {		/* rh side of named group */
			right = tok822_group(TOK822_ADDR, tp, right, ADD_COMMA);
			state = DO_GROUP | DO_WORD;
		} else if (tp->type == ':' && (state & DO_GROUP) != 0) {
			tp->type = TOK822_STARTGRP;
			(void) tok822_group(TOK822_ADDR, tp, right, NO_MISSING_COMMA);
			SKIP(tp, tp->type != ',');
			right = tp;
		} else if (tp->type == '>') {		/* rh side of <route> */
			right = tok822_group(TOK822_ADDR, tp, right, ADD_COMMA);
			SKIP_MOVE_COMMENT(tp, tp->type != '<', right);
			(void) tok822_group(TOK822_ADDR, tp, right, NO_MISSING_COMMA);
			SKIP(tp, tp->type > 0xff || strchr(">;,:", tp->type) == 0);
			right = tp;
			state |= DO_WORD;
		} else if (tp->type == TOK822_ATOM || tp->type == TOK822_QSTRING
				|| tp->type == TOK822_DOMLIT) {
			if ((state & DO_WORD) == 0)
				right = tok822_group(TOK822_ADDR, tp, right, ADD_COMMA)->next;
			state &= ~DO_WORD;
		} else if (tp->type == ',') {
			right = tok822_group(TOK822_ADDR, tp, right, NO_MISSING_COMMA);
			state |= DO_WORD;
		} else {
			state |= DO_WORD;
		tp = tp->prev;
	(void) tok822_group(TOK822_ADDR, tp, right, NO_MISSING_COMMA);

	 * Discard the sentinel tokens on the left and right extremes. Properly
	 * terminate the resulting list.
	tp = (head->next != tail ? head->next : 0);
	return (tp);
Esempio n. 5
void    rewrite_tree(RWR_CONTEXT *context, TOK822 *tree)
    TOK822 *colon;
    TOK822 *domain;
    TOK822 *bang;
    TOK822 *local;
    VSTRING *vstringval;

     * XXX If you change this module, quote_822_local.c, or tok822_parse.c,
     * be sure to re-run the tests under "make rewrite_clnt_test" and "make
     * resolve_clnt_test" in the global directory.

     * Sanity check.
    if (tree->head == 0)
	msg_panic("rewrite_tree: empty tree");

     * An empty address is a special case.
    if (tree->head == tree->tail
	&& tree->tail->type == TOK822_QSTRING
	&& VSTRING_LEN(tree->tail->vstr) == 0)

     * Treat a lone @ as if it were an empty address.
    if (tree->head == tree->tail
	&& tree->tail->type == '@') {
	tok822_free_tree(tok822_sub_keep_before(tree, tree->tail));
	tok822_sub_append(tree, tok822_alloc(TOK822_QSTRING, ""));

     * Strip source route.
    if (tree->head->type == '@'
	&& (colon = tok822_find_type(tree->head, ':')) != 0
	&& colon != tree->tail)
	tok822_free_tree(tok822_sub_keep_after(tree, colon));

     * Optionally, transform address forms without @.
    if ((domain = tok822_rfind_type(tree->tail, '@')) == 0) {

	 * Swap domain!user to user@domain.
	if (var_swap_bangpath != 0
	    && (bang = tok822_find_type(tree->head, '!')) != 0) {
	    tok822_sub_keep_before(tree, bang);
	    local = tok822_cut_after(bang);
	    tok822_sub_prepend(tree, tok822_alloc('@', (char *) 0));
	    if (local)
		tok822_sub_prepend(tree, local);

	 * Promote user%domain to user@domain.
	else if (var_percent_hack != 0
		 && (domain = tok822_rfind_type(tree->tail, '%')) != 0) {
	    domain->type = '@';

	 * Append missing @origin
	else if (var_append_at_myorigin != 0
		 && REW_PARAM_VALUE(context->origin) != 0
		 && REW_PARAM_VALUE(context->origin)[0] != 0) {
	    domain = tok822_sub_append(tree, tok822_alloc('@', (char *) 0));
	    tok822_sub_append(tree, tok822_scan(REW_PARAM_VALUE(context->origin),
						(TOK822 **) 0));

     * Append missing .domain, but leave broken forms ending in @ alone. This
     * merely makes diagnostics more accurate by leaving bogus addresses
     * alone.
     * Backwards-compatibility warning: warn for "user@localhost" when there is
     * no "localhost" in mydestination or in any other address class with an
     * explicit domain list.
    if (var_append_dot_mydomain != 0
	&& REW_PARAM_VALUE(context->domain) != 0
	&& REW_PARAM_VALUE(context->domain)[0] != 0
	&& (domain = tok822_rfind_type(tree->tail, '@')) != 0
	&& domain != tree->tail
	&& tok822_find_type(domain, TOK822_DOMLIT) == 0
	&& tok822_find_type(domain, '.') == 0) {
	if (warn_compat_break_app_dot_mydomain
	    && (vstringval = domain->next->vstr) != 0) {
	    if (strcasecmp(vstring_str(vstringval), "localhost") != 0) {
		msg_info("using backwards-compatible default setting "
			 VAR_APP_DOT_MYDOMAIN "=yes to rewrite \"%s\" to "
			 "\"%s.%s\"", vstring_str(vstringval),
			 vstring_str(vstringval), var_mydomain);
	    } else if (resolve_class("localhost") == RESOLVE_CLASS_DEFAULT) {
		msg_info("using backwards-compatible default setting "
			 VAR_APP_DOT_MYDOMAIN "=yes to rewrite \"%s\" to "
			 "\"%s.%s\"; please add \"localhost\" to "
			 "mydestination or other address class",
			 vstring_str(vstringval), vstring_str(vstringval),
	tok822_sub_append(tree, tok822_alloc('.', (char *) 0));
	tok822_sub_append(tree, tok822_scan(REW_PARAM_VALUE(context->domain),
					    (TOK822 **) 0));

     * Strip trailing dot at end of domain, but not dot-dot or @-dot. This
     * merely makes diagnostics more accurate by leaving bogus addresses
     * alone.
    if (tree->tail->type == '.'
	&& tree->tail->prev
	&& tree->tail->prev->type != '.'
	&& tree->tail->prev->type != '@')
	tok822_free_tree(tok822_sub_keep_before(tree, tree->tail));
Esempio n. 6
static void resolve_addr(RES_CONTEXT *rp, char *addr,
			         VSTRING *channel, VSTRING *nexthop,
			         VSTRING *nextrcpt, int *flags)
    char   *myname = "resolve_addr";
    VSTRING *addr_buf = vstring_alloc(100);
    TOK822 *tree = 0;
    TOK822 *saved_domain = 0;
    TOK822 *domain = 0;
    char   *destination;
    const char *blame = 0;
    const char *rcpt_domain;
    int     addr_len;
    int     loop_count;
    int     loop_max;
    char   *local;
    char   *oper;
    char   *junk;

    *flags = 0;
    vstring_strcpy(channel, "CHANNEL NOT UPDATED");
    vstring_strcpy(nexthop, "NEXTHOP NOT UPDATED");
    vstring_strcpy(nextrcpt, "NEXTRCPT NOT UPDATED");

     * The address is in internalized (unquoted) form.
     * In an ideal world we would parse the externalized address form as given
     * to us by the sender.
     * However, in the real world we have to look for routing characters like
     * %@! in the address local-part, even when that information is quoted
     * due to the presence of special characters or whitespace. Although
     * technically incorrect, this is needed to stop user@domain@domain relay
     * attempts when forwarding mail to a Sendmail MX host.
     * This suggests that we parse the address in internalized (unquoted) form.
     * Unfortunately, if we do that, the unparser generates incorrect white
     * space between adjacent non-operator tokens. Example: ``first last''
     * needs white space, but ``stuff[stuff]'' does not. This is is not a
     * problem when unparsing the result from parsing externalized forms,
     * because the parser/unparser were designed for valid externalized forms
     * where ``stuff[stuff]'' does not happen.
     * As a workaround we start with the quoted form and then dequote the
     * local-part only where needed. This will do the right thing in most
     * (but not all) cases.
    addr_len = strlen(addr);
    quote_822_local(addr_buf, addr);
    tree = tok822_scan_addr(vstring_str(addr_buf));

     * Let the optimizer replace multiple expansions of this macro by a GOTO
     * to a single instance.
	if (saved_domain) \
	    tok822_free_tree(saved_domain); \
	if(tree) \
	    tok822_free_tree(tree); \
	if (addr_buf) \
	    vstring_free(addr_buf); \
	return; \

     * Preliminary resolver: strip off all instances of the local domain.
     * Terminate when no destination domain is left over, or when the
     * destination domain is remote.
     * XXX To whom it may concern. If you change the resolver loop below, or
     * quote_822_local.c, or tok822_parse.c, be sure to re-run the tests
     * under "make resolve_clnt_test" in the global directory.
#define RESOLVE_LOCAL(domain) \
    resolve_local(STR(tok822_internalize(addr_buf, domain, TOK822_STR_DEFL)))

    dict_errno = 0;

    for (loop_count = 0, loop_max = addr_len + 100; /* void */ ; loop_count++) {

	 * Grr. resolve_local() table lookups may fail. It may be OK for
	 * local file lookup code to abort upon failure, but with
	 * network-based tables it is preferable to return an error
	 * indication to the requestor.
	if (dict_errno) {
	    *flags |= RESOLVE_FLAG_FAIL;

	 * XXX Should never happen, but if this happens with some
	 * pathological address, then that is not sufficient reason to
	 * disrupt the operation of an MTA.
	if (loop_count > loop_max) {
	    msg_warn("resolve_addr: <%s>: giving up after %d iterations",
		     addr, loop_count);

	 * Strip trailing dot at end of domain, but not dot-dot or at-dot.
	 * This merely makes diagnostics more accurate by leaving bogus
	 * addresses alone.
	if (tree->tail
	    && tree->tail->type == '.'
	    && tok822_rfind_type(tree->tail, '@') != 0
	    && tree->tail->prev->type != '.'
	    && tree->tail->prev->type != '@')
	    tok822_free_tree(tok822_sub_keep_before(tree, tree->tail));

	 * Strip trailing @.
	if (var_resolve_nulldom
	    && tree->tail
	    && tree->tail->type == '@')
	    tok822_free_tree(tok822_sub_keep_before(tree, tree->tail));

	 * Strip (and save) @domain if local.
	if ((domain = tok822_rfind_type(tree->tail, '@')) != 0) {
	    if (domain->next && RESOLVE_LOCAL(domain->next) == 0)
	    tok822_sub_keep_before(tree, domain);
	    if (saved_domain)
	    saved_domain = domain;
	    domain = 0;				/* safety for future change */

	 * After stripping the local domain, if any, replace foo%bar by
	 * foo@bar, site!user by user@site, rewrite to canonical form, and
	 * retry.
	if (tok822_rfind_type(tree->tail, '@')
	    || (var_swap_bangpath && tok822_rfind_type(tree->tail, '!'))
	    || (var_percent_hack && tok822_rfind_type(tree->tail, '%'))) {
	    rewrite_tree(REWRITE_CANON, tree);

	 * If the local-part is a quoted string, crack it open when we're
	 * permitted to do so and look for routing operators. This is
	 * technically incorrect, but is needed to stop relaying problems.
	 * XXX Do another feeble attempt to keep local-part info quoted.
	if (var_resolve_dequoted
	    && tree->head && tree->head == tree->tail
	    && tree->head->type == TOK822_QSTRING
	    && ((oper = strrchr(local = STR(tree->head->vstr), '@')) != 0
		|| (var_percent_hack && (oper = strrchr(local, '%')) != 0)
	     || (var_swap_bangpath && (oper = strrchr(local, '!')) != 0))) {
	    if (*oper == '%')
		*oper = '@';
	    tok822_internalize(addr_buf, tree->head, TOK822_STR_DEFL);
	    if (*oper == '@') {
		junk = mystrdup(STR(addr_buf));
		quote_822_local(addr_buf, junk);
	    tree->head = tok822_scan(STR(addr_buf), &tree->tail);
	    rewrite_tree(REWRITE_CANON, tree);

	 * An empty local-part or an empty quoted string local-part becomes
	 * the local MAILER-DAEMON, for consistency with our own From:
	 * message headers.
	if (tree->head && tree->head == tree->tail
	    && tree->head->type == TOK822_QSTRING
	    && VSTRING_LEN(tree->head->vstr) == 0) {
	    tree->head = 0;
	/* XXX must be localpart only, not user@domain form. */
	if (tree->head == 0)
	    tree->head = tok822_scan(var_empty_addr, &tree->tail);

	 * We're done. There are no domains left to strip off the address,
	 * and all null local-part information is sanitized.
	domain = 0;

    addr_buf = 0;

     * Make sure the resolved envelope recipient has the user@domain form. If
     * no domain was specified in the address, assume the local machine. See
     * above for what happens with an empty address.
    if (domain == 0) {
	if (saved_domain) {
	    tok822_sub_append(tree, saved_domain);
	    saved_domain = 0;
	} else {
	    tok822_sub_append(tree, tok822_alloc('@', (char *) 0));
	    tok822_sub_append(tree, tok822_scan(var_myhostname, (TOK822 **) 0));

     * Transform the recipient address back to internal form.
     * XXX This may produce incorrect results if we cracked open a quoted
     * local-part with routing operators; see discussion above at the top of
     * the big loop.
    tok822_internalize(nextrcpt, tree, TOK822_STR_DEFL);
    rcpt_domain = strrchr(STR(nextrcpt), '@') + 1;
    if (*rcpt_domain == '[' ? !valid_hostliteral(rcpt_domain, DONT_GRIPE) :
	(!valid_hostname(rcpt_domain, DONT_GRIPE)
	 || valid_hostaddr(rcpt_domain, DONT_GRIPE)))
    tree = 0;

     * XXX Short-cut invalid address forms.
    if (*flags & RESOLVE_FLAG_ERROR) {

     * Recognize routing operators in the local-part, even when we do not
     * recognize ! or % as valid routing operators locally. This is needed to
     * prevent backup MX hosts from relaying third-party destinations through
     * primary MX hosts, otherwise the backup host could end up on black
     * lists. Ignore local swap_bangpath and percent_hack settings because we
     * can't know how the next MX host is set up.
    if (strcmp(STR(nextrcpt) + strcspn(STR(nextrcpt), "@!%") + 1, rcpt_domain))

     * With local, virtual, relay, or other non-local destinations, give the
     * highest precedence to transport associated nexthop information.
     * Otherwise, with relay or other non-local destinations, the relayhost
     * setting overrides the destination domain name.
     * XXX Nag if the recipient domain is listed in multiple domain lists. The
     * result is implementation defined, and may break when internals change.
     * For now, we distinguish only a fixed number of address classes.
     * Eventually this may become extensible, so that new classes can be
     * configured with their own domain list, delivery transport, and
     * recipient table.
#define STREQ(x,y) (strcmp((x), (y)) == 0)

    dict_errno = 0;
    if (domain != 0) {

	 * Virtual alias domain.
	if (virt_alias_doms
	    && string_list_match(virt_alias_doms, rcpt_domain)) {
	    if (var_helpful_warnings) {
		if (virt_mailbox_doms
		    && string_list_match(virt_mailbox_doms, rcpt_domain))
		    msg_warn("do not list domain %s in BOTH %s and %s",
			     rcpt_domain, VAR_VIRT_ALIAS_DOMS,
		if (relay_domains
		    && domain_list_match(relay_domains, rcpt_domain))
		    msg_warn("do not list domain %s in BOTH %s and %s",
			     rcpt_domain, VAR_VIRT_ALIAS_DOMS,
#if 0
		if (strcasecmp(rcpt_domain, var_myorigin) == 0)
		    msg_warn("do not list $%s (%s) in %s",
			   VAR_MYORIGIN, var_myorigin, VAR_VIRT_ALIAS_DOMS);
	    vstring_strcpy(channel, MAIL_SERVICE_ERROR);
	    vstring_sprintf(nexthop, "User unknown%s",
			    var_show_unk_rcpt_table ?
			    " in virtual alias table" : "");
	    *flags |= RESOLVE_CLASS_ALIAS;
	} else if (dict_errno != 0) {
	    msg_warn("%s lookup failure", VAR_VIRT_ALIAS_DOMS);
	    *flags |= RESOLVE_FLAG_FAIL;

	 * Virtual mailbox domain.
	else if (virt_mailbox_doms
		 && string_list_match(virt_mailbox_doms, rcpt_domain)) {
	    if (var_helpful_warnings) {
		if (relay_domains
		    && domain_list_match(relay_domains, rcpt_domain))
		    msg_warn("do not list domain %s in BOTH %s and %s",
			     rcpt_domain, VAR_VIRT_MAILBOX_DOMS,
	    vstring_strcpy(channel, RES_PARAM_VALUE(rp->virt_transport));
	    vstring_strcpy(nexthop, rcpt_domain);
	    blame = rp->virt_transport_name;
	} else if (dict_errno != 0) {
	    msg_warn("%s lookup failure", VAR_VIRT_MAILBOX_DOMS);
	    *flags |= RESOLVE_FLAG_FAIL;
	} else {

	     * Off-host relay destination.
	    if (relay_domains
		&& domain_list_match(relay_domains, rcpt_domain)) {
		vstring_strcpy(channel, RES_PARAM_VALUE(rp->relay_transport));
		blame = rp->relay_transport_name;
	    } else if (dict_errno != 0) {
		msg_warn("%s lookup failure", VAR_RELAY_DOMAINS);
		*flags |= RESOLVE_FLAG_FAIL;

	     * Other off-host destination.
	    else {
		vstring_strcpy(channel, RES_PARAM_VALUE(rp->def_transport));
		blame = rp->def_transport_name;

	     * With off-host delivery, relayhost overrides recipient domain.
	    if (*RES_PARAM_VALUE(rp->relayhost))
		vstring_strcpy(nexthop, RES_PARAM_VALUE(rp->relayhost));
		vstring_strcpy(nexthop, rcpt_domain);

     * Local delivery.
     * XXX Nag if the domain is listed in multiple domain lists. The effect is
     * implementation defined, and may break when internals change.
    else {
	if (var_helpful_warnings) {
	    if (virt_alias_doms
		&& string_list_match(virt_alias_doms, rcpt_domain))
		msg_warn("do not list domain %s in BOTH %s and %s",
			 rcpt_domain, VAR_MYDEST, VAR_VIRT_ALIAS_DOMS);
	    if (virt_mailbox_doms
		&& string_list_match(virt_mailbox_doms, rcpt_domain))
		msg_warn("do not list domain %s in BOTH %s and %s",
	vstring_strcpy(channel, RES_PARAM_VALUE(rp->local_transport));
	vstring_strcpy(nexthop, rcpt_domain);
	blame = rp->local_transport_name;

     * An explicit transport:nexthop setting overrides the nexthop.
     * XXX We depend on this mechanism to enforce per-recipient concurrencies
     * for local recipients. With "local_transport = local:$myhostname" we
     * force mail for any domain in $mydestination/${proxy,inet}_interfaces
     * to share the same queue.
    if ((destination = split_at(STR(channel), ':')) != 0 && *destination)
	vstring_strcpy(nexthop, destination);

     * Sanity checks.
    if (*STR(channel) == 0) {
	if (blame == 0)
	    msg_panic("%s: null blame", myname);
	msg_warn("file %s/%s: parameter %s: null transport is not allowed",
		 var_config_dir, MAIN_CONF_FILE, blame);
    if (*STR(nexthop) == 0)
	msg_panic("%s: null nexthop", myname);

     * The transport map can selectively override any transport and/or
     * nexthop host info that is set up above. Unfortunately, the syntax for
     * nexthop information is transport specific. We therefore need sane and
     * intuitive semantics for transport map entries that specify a channel
     * but no nexthop.
     * With non-error transports, the initial nexthop information is the
     * recipient domain. However, specific transport definitions may
     * specify a transport-specific destination, such as a host + TCP socket,
     * or the pathname of a UNIX-domain socket. With less precedence than
     * transport definitions, a relayhost definition may also
     * override nexthop information for off-host deliveries.
     * With the error transport, the nexthop information is free text that
     * specifies the reason for non-delivery.
     * Because nexthop syntax is transport specific we reset the nexthop
     * information to the recipient domain when the transport table specifies
     * a transport without also specifying the nexthop information.
     * Subtle note: reset nexthop even when the transport table does not change
     * the transport. Otherwise it is hard to get rid of specified
     * nexthop information.
     * XXX Don't override the virtual alias class (error:User unknown) result.
    if (rp->transport_info && !(*flags & RESOLVE_CLASS_ALIAS)) {
	if (transport_lookup(rp->transport_info, STR(nextrcpt),
			     rcpt_domain, channel, nexthop) == 0
	    && dict_errno != 0) {
	    msg_warn("%s lookup failure", rp->transport_maps_name);
	    *flags |= RESOLVE_FLAG_FAIL;

     * Bounce recipients that have moved, regardless of domain address class.
     * We do this last, in anticipation of transport maps that can override
     * the recipient address.
     * The downside of not doing this in delivery agents is that this table has
     * no effect on local alias expansion results. Such mail will have to
     * make almost an entire iteration through the mail system.
#define IGNORE_ADDR_EXTENSION   ((char **) 0)

    if (relocated_maps != 0) {
	const char *newloc;

	if ((newloc = mail_addr_find(relocated_maps, STR(nextrcpt),
				     IGNORE_ADDR_EXTENSION)) != 0) {
	    vstring_strcpy(channel, MAIL_SERVICE_ERROR);
	    vstring_sprintf(nexthop, "User has moved to %s", newloc);
	} else if (dict_errno != 0) {
	    msg_warn("%s lookup failure", VAR_RELOCATED_MAPS);
	    *flags |= RESOLVE_FLAG_FAIL;

     * Clean up.