/* Socket connect method. * * Example: * s.connect('', 7000) #Connects to */ tp_obj kolibri_connect(TP) { tp_obj self = TP_TYPE(TP_DICT); tp_obj remote_addr_obj = TP_OBJ(); __u32 remote_addr; __u32 remote_port = (__u32)TP_TYPE(TP_NUMBER).number.val; __u32 local_port = tp_get(tp, self, tp_string("local_port")).number.val; __u32 socktype = (__u32)tp_get(tp, self, tp_string("type")).number.val; int s = -1; /* Socket descriptor */ if (remote_addr_obj.type == TP_NUMBER) remote_addr = remote_addr_obj.number.val; else if (remote_addr_obj.type == TP_STRING) inet_pton(tp, (const char *)remote_addr_obj.string.val, remote_addr_obj.string.len, &remote_addr); if (socktype == SOCK_STREAM) s = __menuet__open_TCP_socket(local_port, remote_port, remote_addr, 1); else if (socktype == SOCK_DGRAM) s = __menuet__open_UDP_socket(local_port, remote_port, remote_addr); if (s >= 0) { tp_set(tp, self, tp_string("socket"), tp_number(s)); return tp_True; } else return tp_False; }
/* Socket listen method. * * Example: * s.listen('', 5000) */ tp_obj kolibri_listen(TP) { tp_obj self = TP_TYPE(TP_DICT); tp_obj remote_addr_obj = TP_OBJ(); __u32 remote_addr; __u32 remote_port = (__u32)TP_TYPE(TP_NUMBER).number.val; __u32 local_port = tp_get(tp, self, tp_string("local_port")).number.val; __u32 socktype = (__u32)tp_get(tp, self, tp_string("type")).number.val; int s = -1; /* Socket descriptor */ if (socktype != SOCK_STREAM) tp_raise(tp_None, "IOError: attempt to listen on non-TCP socket", tp_None); if (remote_addr_obj.type == TP_NUMBER) remote_addr = remote_addr_obj.number.val; else if (remote_addr_obj.type == TP_STRING) inet_pton(tp, (const char *)remote_addr_obj.string.val, remote_addr_obj.string.len, &remote_addr); if ((s = __menuet__open_TCP_socket(local_port, remote_port, remote_addr, 0)) >= 0) { tp_set(tp, self, tp_string("socket"), tp_number(s)); return tp_True; } else return tp_False; }
tp_obj initClasspyDFMenu(tp_vm *vm) { tp_obj myClass = tp_class(vm); tp_set(vm,myClass, tp_string("__init__"), tp_fnc(vm,myCtorpyDFMenu)); tp_set(vm,myClass, tp_string("__set__"), tp_fnc(vm,zzpy__pyDFMenu_set)); tp_set(vm,myClass, tp_string("__get__"), tp_fnc(vm,zzpy__pyDFMenu_get)); tp_set(vm,myClass, tp_string("help"), tp_fnc(vm,zzpy__pyDFMenu_help)); return myClass; }
tp_obj kolibri_socket_module(TP) { tp_obj socket_mod = tp_dict(tp); tp_set(tp, socket_mod, tp_string("AF_INET"), tp_number(AF_INET)); tp_set(tp, socket_mod, tp_string("SOCK_STREAM"), tp_number(SOCK_STREAM)); tp_set(tp, socket_mod, tp_string("SOCK_DGRAM"), tp_number(SOCK_DGRAM)); tp_set(tp, socket_mod, tp_string("inet_pton"), tp_fnc(tp, kolibri_inet_pton)); tp_set(tp, socket_mod, tp_string("socket"), tp_fnc(tp, kolibri_socket)); return socket_mod; }
/** \fn asObjectPointer */ void *TinyParams::asObjectPointer(void) { preamble(TP_DICT); tp_obj cdata = tp_get(tp, obj, tp_string("cdata")); return cdata.data.val; }
tp_obj tp_str_index(TP) { tp_obj s = TP_OBJ(); tp_obj v = TP_OBJ(); int n = _tp_str_index(s,v); if (n >= 0) { return tp_number(n); } tp_raise(tp_None,tp_string("(tp_str_index) ValueError: substring not found")); }
tp_obj tp_ord(TP) { tp_obj s = TP_STR(); if (s.string.len != 1) { tp_raise(tp_None,tp_string("(tp_ord) TypeError: ord() expected a character")); } return tp_number((unsigned char)s.string.val[0]); }
/* Function: tp_set * Attribute modification. * * This is the counterpart of tp_get, it does the same as self[k] = v would do * in actual tinypy code. */ void tp_set(TP,tp_obj self, tp_obj k, tp_obj v) { int type = self.type; if (type == TP_DICT) { TP_META_BEGIN(self,"__set__"); tp_call(tp,meta,tp_params_v(tp,2,k,v)); return; TP_META_END; _tp_dict_set(tp,self.dict.val,k,v); return; } else if (type == TP_LIST) { if (k.type == TP_NUMBER) { _tp_list_set(tp,self.list.val,k.number.val,v,"tp_set"); return; } else if (k.type == TP_NONE) { _tp_list_append(tp,self.list.val,v); return; } else if (k.type == TP_STRING) { if (tp_cmp(tp,tp_string("*"),k) == 0) { tp_params_v(tp,2,self,v); tp_extend(tp); return; } } } tp_raise(,tp_string("(tp_set) TypeError: object does not support item assignment")); }
/* Socket bind method. * * In KolibriOS it just sets local address and port. * * Example: * s.bind('', 6000) #Connects to */ tp_obj kolibri_bind(TP) { tp_obj self = TP_TYPE(TP_DICT); tp_obj local_addr_obj = TP_OBJ(); __u32 local_port = (__u32)TP_TYPE(TP_NUMBER).number.val; __u32 local_addr; if (local_addr_obj.type == TP_NUMBER) local_addr = local_addr_obj.number.val; else if (local_addr_obj.type == TP_STRING) inet_pton(tp, (const char *)local_addr_obj.string.val, local_addr_obj.string.len, &local_addr); tp_set(tp, self, tp_string("local_addr"), tp_number(local_addr)); tp_set(tp, self, tp_string("local_port"), tp_number(local_port)); return tp_None; }
int tp_cmp(TP,tp_obj a, tp_obj b) { if (a.type != b.type) { return a.type-b.type; } switch(a.type) { case TP_NONE: return 0; case TP_NUMBER: return _tp_sign(a.number.val-b.number.val); case TP_STRING: { int l = _tp_min(a.string.len,b.string.len); int v = memcmp(a.string.val,b.string.val,l); if (v == 0) { v = a.string.len-b.string.len; } return v; } case TP_LIST: { int n,v; for(n=0;n<_tp_min(a.list.val->len,b.list.val->len);n++) { tp_obj aa = a.list.val->items[n]; tp_obj bb = b.list.val->items[n]; if (aa.type == TP_LIST && bb.type == TP_LIST) { v = aa.list.val-bb.list.val; } else { v = tp_cmp(tp,aa,bb); } if (v) { return v; } } return a.list.val->len-b.list.val->len; } case TP_DICT: return a.dict.val - b.dict.val; case TP_FNC: return a.fnc.info - b.fnc.info; case TP_DATA: return (char*)a.data.val - (char*)b.data.val; } tp_raise(0,tp_string("(tp_cmp) TypeError: ?")); }
/* Function: tp_iter * Iterate through a list or dict. * * If self is a list/string/dictionary, this will iterate over the * elements/characters/keys respectively, if k is an increasing index * starting with 0 up to the length of the object-1. * * In the case of a list of string, the returned items will correspond to the * item at index k. For a dictionary, no guarantees are made about the order. * You also cannot call the function with a specific k to get a specific * item -- it is only meant for iterating through all items, calling this * function len(self) times. Use <tp_get> to retrieve a specific item, and * <tp_len> to get the length. * * Parameters: * self - The object over which to iterate. * k - You must pass 0 on the first call, then increase it by 1 after each call, * and don't call the function with k >= len(self). * * Returns: * The first (k = 0) or next (k = 1 .. len(self)-1) item in the iteration. */ tp_obj tp_iter(TP,tp_obj self, tp_obj k) { int type = self.type; if (type == TP_LIST || type == TP_STRING) { return tp_get(tp,self,k); } if (type == TP_DICT && k.type == TP_NUMBER) { return self.dict.val->items[_tp_dict_next(tp,self.dict.val)].key; } tp_raise(tp_None,tp_string("(tp_iter) TypeError: iteration over non-sequence")); }
static tp_obj zzpy__pyDFMenu_help(TP) { PythonEngine *engine = (PythonEngine*)tp_get(tp, tp->builtins, tp_string("userdata")).data.val; engine->callEventHandlers(IScriptEngine::Information, NULL, -1, "addItem(str)\n"); return tp_None; };
tp_obj tp_copy(TP) { tp_obj r = TP_OBJ(); int type = r.type; if (type == TP_LIST) { return _tp_list_copy(tp,r); } else if (type == TP_DICT) { return _tp_dict_copy(tp,r); } tp_raise(tp_None,tp_string("(tp_copy) TypeError: ?")); }
tp_obj zzpy__pyDFMenu_get(tp_vm *vm) { tp_obj self = tp_getraw(vm); IScriptEngine *engine = (IScriptEngine*)tp_get(vm, vm->builtins, tp_string("userdata")).data.val; IEditor *editor = engine->editor(); TinyParams pm(vm); ADM_scriptDFMenuHelper *me=(ADM_scriptDFMenuHelper *)pm.asThis(&self, ADM_PYID_DF_INTEGER); char const *key = pm.asString(); if (!strcmp(key, "index")) { if(!me) pm.raise("pyDFMenu:No this!"); return tp_number(me->index()); } if (!strcmp(key, "addItem")) { return tp_method(vm, self, zzpy_addItem); } return tp_get(vm, self, tp_string(key)); }
tp_obj tp_save(TP) { char fname[256]; tp_cstr(tp,TP_STR(),fname,256); tp_obj v = TP_OBJ(); FILE *f; f = fopen(fname,"wb"); if (!f) { tp_raise(tp_None,tp_string("(tp_save) IOError: ?")); } fwrite(v.string.val,v.string.len,1,f); fclose(f); return tp_None; }
/* Function: tp_str * String representation of an object. * * Returns a string object representating self. */ tp_obj tp_str(TP,tp_obj self) { int type = self.type; if (type == TP_STRING) { return self; } if (type == TP_NUMBER) { tp_num v = self.number.val; if ((fabs(v)-fabs((long)v)) < 0.000001) { return tp_printf(tp,"%ld",(long)v); } return tp_printf(tp,"%f",v); } else if(type == TP_DICT) { return tp_printf(tp,"<dict 0x%x>",self.dict.val); } else if(type == TP_LIST) { return tp_printf(tp,"<list 0x%x>",self.list.val); } else if (type == TP_NONE) { return tp_string("None"); } else if (type == TP_DATA) { return tp_printf(tp,"<data 0x%x>",self.data.val); } else if (type == TP_FNC) { return tp_printf(tp,"<fnc 0x%x>",self.fnc.info); } return tp_string("<?>"); }
// Ctor (str) static tp_obj myCtorpyDFMenu(tp_vm *vm) { tp_obj self = tp_getraw(vm); TinyParams pm(vm); const char *p0 = pm.asString(); ADM_scriptDFMenuHelper *me = new ADM_scriptDFMenuHelper(p0); tp_obj cdata = tp_data(vm, ADM_PYID_DF_INTEGER, me); cdata.data.info->xfree = myDtorpyDFMenu; tp_set(vm, self, tp_string("cdata"), cdata); return tp_None; }
tp_obj tp_str(tp_vm *tp, tp_obj self) { int type = obj_type(self); if (type == TP_STRING) { return self; } if (type == TP_NUMBER) { tp_num v = tp_number_val(self); if ((fabs(v)-fabs((long)v)) < 0.000001) { return tp_printf(tp,"%ld",(long)v); } return tp_printf(tp,"%f",v); } else if(type == TP_DICT) { return tp_printf(tp,"<dict 0x%x>", tp_dict_val(self)); } else if(type == TP_LIST) { return tp_printf(tp,"<list 0x%x>",tp_list_val(self)); } else if (type == TP_NONE) { return tp_string(tp, "None"); } else if (type == TP_DATA) { return tp_printf(tp,"<data 0x%x>", tp_data_val(self)); } else if (type == TP_FNC) { return tp_printf(tp,"<fnc 0x%x>", tp_fnc_val(self)); } return tp_string(tp, "<?>"); }
/* Function: tp_len * Returns the length of an object. * * Returns the number of items in a list or dict, or the length of a string. */ tp_obj tp_len(TP,tp_obj self) { int type = self.type; if (type == TP_STRING) { return tp_number(self.string.len); } else if (type == TP_DICT) { return tp_number(self.dict.val->len); } else if (type == TP_LIST) { return tp_number(self.list.val->len); } tp_raise(tp_None,tp_string("(tp_len) TypeError: len() of unsized object")); }
/* Function: tp_has * Checks if an object contains a key. * * Returns tp_True if self[k] exists, tp_False otherwise. */ tp_obj tp_has(TP,tp_obj self, tp_obj k) { int type = self.type; if (type == TP_DICT) { if (_tp_dict_find(tp,self.dict.val,k) != -1) { return tp_True; } return tp_False; } else if (type == TP_STRING && k.type == TP_STRING) { return tp_number(_tp_str_index(self,k)!=-1); } else if (type == TP_LIST) { return tp_number(_tp_list_find(tp,self.list.val,k)!=-1); } tp_raise(tp_None,tp_string("(tp_has) TypeError: iterable argument required")); }
void *TinyParams::asThis(tp_obj *self, int id) { tp_obj cdata = tp_get(tp, *self, tp_string("cdata")); if (cdata.data.magic != id) { raise("Bad class : Expected %d, got %d\n", id, cdata.data.magic); \ } return cdata.data.val; }
tp_vm *_tp_init(void) { int i; tp_vm *tp = (tp_vm*)calloc(sizeof(tp_vm),1); tp->time_limit = TP_NO_LIMIT; tp->clocks = clock(); tp->time_elapsed = 0.0; tp->mem_limit = TP_NO_LIMIT; tp->mem_exceeded = 0; tp->mem_used = sizeof(tp_vm); tp->cur = 0; tp->jmp = 0; tp->ex = tp_None; tp->root = tp_list_nt(tp); for (i=0; i<256; i++) { tp->chars[i][0]=i; } tp_gc_init(tp); tp->_regs = tp_list(tp); for (i=0; i<TP_REGS; i++) { tp_set(tp,tp->_regs,tp_None,tp_None); } tp->builtins = tp_dict(tp); tp->modules = tp_dict(tp); tp->_params = tp_list(tp); for (i=0; i<TP_FRAMES; i++) { tp_set(tp,tp->_params,tp_None,tp_list(tp)); } tp_set(tp,tp->root,tp_None,tp->builtins); tp_set(tp,tp->root,tp_None,tp->modules); tp_set(tp,tp->root,tp_None,tp->_regs); tp_set(tp,tp->root,tp_None,tp->_params); tp_set(tp,tp->builtins,tp_string("MODULES"),tp->modules); tp_set(tp,tp->modules,tp_string("BUILTINS"),tp->builtins); tp_set(tp,tp->builtins,tp_string("BUILTINS"),tp->builtins); tp_obj sys = tp_dict(tp); tp_set(tp, sys, tp_string("version"), tp_string("tinypy 1.2+SVN")); tp_set(tp,tp->modules, tp_string("sys"), sys); tp->regs = tp->_regs.list.val->items; tp_full(tp); return tp; }
tp_obj tp_istype(TP) { tp_obj v = TP_OBJ(); tp_obj t = TP_STR(); if (tp_cmp(tp,t,tp_string("string")) == 0) { return tp_number(v.type == TP_STRING); } if (tp_cmp(tp,t,tp_string("list")) == 0) { return tp_number(v.type == TP_LIST); } if (tp_cmp(tp,t,tp_string("dict")) == 0) { return tp_number(v.type == TP_DICT); } if (tp_cmp(tp,t,tp_string("number")) == 0) { return tp_number(v.type == TP_NUMBER); } if (tp_cmp(tp,t,tp_string("fnc")) == 0) { return tp_number(v.type == TP_FNC && (v.fnc.ftype&2) == 0); } if (tp_cmp(tp,t,tp_string("method")) == 0) { return tp_number(v.type == TP_FNC && (v.fnc.ftype&2) != 0); } tp_raise(tp_None,tp_string("(is_type) TypeError: ?")); }
tp_obj tp_float(TP) { tp_obj v = TP_OBJ(); int ord = TP_DEFAULT(tp_number(0)).number.val; int type = v.type; if (type == TP_NUMBER) { return v; } if (type == TP_STRING && v.string.len < 32) { char s[32]; memset(s,0,v.string.len+1); memcpy(s,v.string.val,v.string.len); if (strchr(s,'.')) { return tp_number(atof(s)); } return(tp_number(strtol(s,0,ord))); } tp_raise(tp_None,tp_string("(tp_float) TypeError: ?")); }
/* tp_frame_*/ void tp_frame(TP,tp_obj globals,tp_obj code,tp_obj *ret_dest) { tp_frame_ f; f.globals = globals; f.code = code; f.cur = (tp_code*)f.code.string.val; f.jmp = 0; /* fprintf(stderr,"tp->cur: %d\n",tp->cur);*/ f.regs = (tp->cur <= 0?tp->regs:tp->frames[tp->cur].regs+tp->frames[tp->cur].cregs); f.regs[0] = f.globals; f.regs[1] = f.code; f.regs += TP_REGS_EXTRA; f.ret_dest = ret_dest; f.lineno = 0; f.line = tp_string(""); f.name = tp_string("?"); f.fname = tp_string("?"); f.cregs = 0; /* return f;*/ if (f.regs+(256+TP_REGS_EXTRA) >= tp->regs+TP_REGS || tp->cur >= TP_FRAMES-1) { tp_raise(,tp_string("(tp_frame) RuntimeError: stack overflow")); }
/* Socket close method. * * Example: * s.close() # s must be a socket object created by socket. * * Raises exception if socket was not opened. Otherwise returns True. */ static tp_obj kolibri_close_socket(TP) { tp_obj self = TP_TYPE(TP_DICT); __u32 socktype; __u32 s; GET_SOCKET_DESCRIPTOR(self, s); socktype = (__u32)tp_get(tp, self, tp_string("type")).number.val; GET_SOCKET_DESCRIPTOR(self, s); if (socktype == SOCK_STREAM) __menuet__close_TCP_socket(s); else if (socktype == SOCK_DGRAM) __menuet__close_UDP_socket(s); return tp_True; }
tp_obj tp_strip(TP) { tp_obj o = TP_TYPE(TP_STRING); char const *v = o.string.val; int l = o.string.len; int i; int a = l, b = 0; tp_obj r; char *s; for (i=0; i<l; i++) { if (v[i] != ' ' && v[i] != '\n' && v[i] != '\t' && v[i] != '\r') { a = _tp_min(a,i); b = _tp_max(b,i+1); } } if ((b-a) < 0) { return tp_string(""); } r = tp_string_t(tp,b-a); s = r.string.info->s; memcpy(s,v+a,b-a); return tp_track(tp,r); }
int _tp_lookup_(TP,tp_obj self, tp_obj k, tp_obj *meta, int depth) { int n = _tp_dict_find(tp,self.dict.val,k); if (n != -1) { *meta = self.dict.val->items[n].val; return 1; } depth--; if (!depth) { tp_raise(0,tp_string("(tp_lookup) RuntimeError: maximum lookup depth exceeded")); } if (self.dict.dtype && self.dict.val->meta.type == TP_DICT && _tp_lookup_(tp,self.dict.val->meta,k,meta,depth)) { if (self.dict.dtype == 2 && meta->type == TP_FNC) { *meta = tp_fnc_new(tp,meta->fnc.ftype|2, meta->fnc.cfnc,meta->fnc.info->code, self,meta->fnc.info->globals); } return 1; } return 0; }
tp_obj zzpy__pyDFMenu_set(tp_vm *vm) { tp_obj self = tp_getraw(vm); IScriptEngine *engine = (IScriptEngine*)tp_get(vm, vm->builtins, tp_string("userdata")).data.val; IEditor *editor = engine->editor(); TinyParams pm(vm); ADM_scriptDFMenuHelper *me = (ADM_scriptDFMenuHelper *)pm.asThis(&self, ADM_PYID_DF_INTEGER); char const *key = pm.asString(); if (!strcmp(key, "index")) { if(!me) pm.raise("pyDFMenu:No this!"); int val = pm.asInt(); me->setIndex(val); return tp_None; } return tp_None; }
tp_obj tp_add(TP,tp_obj a, tp_obj b) { if (a.type == TP_NUMBER && a.type == b.type) { return tp_number(a.number.val+b.number.val); } else if (a.type == TP_STRING && a.type == b.type) { int al = a.string.len, bl = b.string.len; tp_obj r = tp_string_t(tp,al+bl); char *s = r.string.info->s; memcpy(s,a.string.val,al); memcpy(s+al,b.string.val,bl); return tp_track(tp,r); } else if (a.type == TP_LIST && a.type == b.type) { tp_obj r; tp_params_v(tp,1,a); r = tp_copy(tp); tp_params_v(tp,2,r,b); tp_extend(tp); return r; } tp_raise(tp_None,tp_string("(tp_add) TypeError: ?")); }