Esempio n. 1
bool PropertyParser::startElement( const QString & /* namespaceUrl */,
    const QString & /* localName */, const QString& elementName,
    const QXmlAttributes& attribute )
    // If debugging, print each element and its attributes as encountered.
    m_indent += "    ";
    if ( m_debug )
        std::cout << m_indent << "<" << elementName;
        for ( int id = 0;
              id < attribute.length();
              id++ )
            std::cout << " " << attribute.localName(id) << "=\""
              << attribute.value(id) << "\"";
        std::cout << " >" << std::endl;
    // Skip all elements until <BehavePlus> is found.
    if ( ! m_elements )
        if ( elementName == "BehavePlus" )
            push( elementName );
            return( true );
        trError( "PropertyParser:unknownDocument" );
        return( false );
    // <property> elements
    if ( elementName == "property" )
        push( elementName );
        if ( ! handleProperty( elementName, attribute ) )
            return( false );
    // Ignore all other tags
        trError( "PropertyParser:unknownElement", elementName );
        return( false );
    return( true );
Esempio n. 2
bool PropertyParser::handleProperty( const QString &elementName,
        const QXmlAttributes& attribute )
    int id;
    QString name, value;

    // "name" attribute is required
    if ( ( id = attribute.index( "name" ) ) < 0 )
        trError( "PropertyParser:missingName", elementName, "name" );
        return( false );
    name = attribute.value( id );
    // "value" attribute is required
    if ( ( id = attribute.index( "value" ) ) < 0 )
        trError( "PropertyParser:missingAttribute", elementName, name, "value" );
        return( false );
    if ( ( value = attribute.value( id ) ) == "(null)" )
        value = "";
    // Find this property in the local Property directory and update it
    Property *property;
    if ( ( property = m_propDict->find( name ) ) > 0 )
        if ( ! m_propDict->update( name, value ) )
            trError( "PropertyParser:badValue",
                elementName, name, "value", value );
            return( false );
    // Report unknown <property> names here.
        trError( "PropertyParser:badValue", elementName, name, "name", name );
        return( false );
    return( true );
Esempio n. 3
/// A file transfer request was received.
void QxmppPeer::trFileReceived( QXmppTransferJob * job )

    if ( !m_logHandler.empty() )
        std::ostringstream out;
        out << "Got transfer request from: ";
        out << job->jid().toStdString();
        m_logHandler( out.str() );

    if ( m_inFileHandler.empty() )
    std::string fileName = job->fileInfo().name().toStdString();
    QIODevice * device = m_inFileHandler( fileName );
    if ( !device )
    job->accept( device );

    bool check;
    check = connect( job, SIGNAL( error(QXmppTransferJob::Error) ),
                     this, SLOT( trError(QXmppTransferJob::Error) ) );

    check = connect(job, SIGNAL( finished() ),
                    this, SLOT( trFinished()) );

    check = connect( job, SIGNAL( progress(qint64,qint64) ),
                     this, SLOT( trProgress(qint64,qint64) ) );

    m_hash[ job ] = device;
Esempio n. 4
void QxmppPeer::slotSendFile( const QString & jid, const QString & fileName, QIODevice * dev )
    if ( !dev->isOpen() )
        bool res = dev->open( QIODevice::ReadOnly );
        if ( !res )
            if ( !m_logHandler.empty() )
                std::ostringstream out;
                out << "Error: failed to open QIODevice for reading";
                m_logHandler( out.str() );
    QXmppTransferFileInfo info;
    info.setName( fileName );
    info.setSize( dev->size() );
    QXmppTransferJob * job = m_trManager->sendFile( jid, dev, info );

    bool check;
    check = connect(job, SIGNAL( error(QXmppTransferJob::Error) ),
                    this, SLOT( trError(QXmppTransferJob::Error) ) );

    check = connect(job, SIGNAL( finished() ),
                    this, SLOT( trFinished() ) );

    check = connect(job, SIGNAL( progress(qint64,qint64) ),
                    this, SLOT( trProgress(qint64,qint64) ) );
    Q_ASSERT( check );

    Q_UNUSED( check );

    m_hash[ job ] = dev;