int main(int ac, char* av[]) { QApplication app(ac, av); QString locale = QLocale::system().name(); QTranslator translator; QString trFile(PIM_TRANSLATIONS_DIR); trFile += "/pim_" + locale; if (!translator.load(trFile)) qDebug() << "failed loading translations from " << trFile; else qDebug() << "translations loaded from " << trFile; QApplication::installTranslator(&translator); PluginManager::instance()->installTranslators(locale); PimMainWindow wnd;; return app.exec(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { nn * theNet = NULL; string argvI; string strArg; string strSave; int in, out, hidden; // float fVal; bool unknownFlag = false; bool quiet = false; int i; string nnName = "TestNet"; cout.precision(12); for (i=1; i<argc; i++) { argvI = argv[i]; if (argvI == "-n") { if (theNet != NULL) { cout << "A network was already loaded and has been deleted.\n"; delete theNet; } try { networkFile netFile(argv[++i]); theNet = new nn(&netFile); if (!quiet) cout << "Done with -n\n"; } catch (format_Error & e) { cout << e.mesg << "\n"; } } else if (argvI == "-t") { if (theNet == NULL) cout << "A network must be loaded before it is trained.\n"; else try { trainingFile trFile(argv[++i]); theNet->train(&trFile, &callback_TrainingComplete); if (!quiet) cout << "Done with -t\n"; } catch (format_Error & e) { cout << e.mesg << "\n"; } } else if ((argvI == "-r") || (argvI == "-run")) { if (theNet == NULL) cout << "A network must be loaded before it is run.\n"; else try { inputFile dataFile(argv[++i]); theNet->run(&dataFile, &callback_RunComplete); if (!quiet) cout << "Done with -r or -run\n"; } catch (format_Error & e) { cout << e.mesg << "\n"; } } else if (argvI == "-s") { if (theNet == NULL) cout << "A network must be loaded before it is saved.\n"; else try { theNet->saveTo(argv[++i]); if (!quiet) cout << "Done with -s\n"; } catch (format_Error & e) { cout << e.mesg << "\n"; } } else if (argvI == "-c") { if (theNet != NULL) { cout << "A network was already loaded and has been deleted.\n"; delete theNet; } try { unsigned int layer, layerCount; layerCount = atoi(argv[++i]); vector<unsigned int> layers(layerCount); for (layer=0; layer<layerCount; layer++) layers[layer] = atoi(argv[++i]); strArg = argv[++i]; theNet = new nn(&layers, strArg); if (!quiet) cout << "Done with -c\n"; } catch (format_Error & e) { cout << e.mesg << "\n"; } } else if (argvI == "-rand") { if (theNet == NULL) cout << "A network must be loaded before it is randomised.\n"; else try { theNet->randomise(); if (!quiet) cout << "Done with -rand\n"; } catch (format_Error & e) { cout << e.mesg << "\n"; } } else if (argvI == "-at") { if (theNet == NULL) cout << "A network must be loaded before it is altered.\n"; else try { in = atoi(argv[++i]); hidden = atoi(argv[++i]); out = atoi(argv[++i]); theNet->alter(in, hidden, out); if (!quiet) cout << "Done with -at\n"; } catch (format_Error & e) { cout << e.mesg << "\n"; } } else if (argvI == "-am") { if (theNet == NULL) cout << "A network must be loaded before it is altered.\n"; else try { unsigned int layerNo; size_t colonPos; string modifier; string key; string value; layerNo = atoi(argv[++i]); modifier = argv[++i]; colonPos = modifier.find(":"); if (layerNo == 0) { key = modifier.substr(0, colonPos); if (key == "biasNode") { value = modifier.substr(colonPos + 1); if (value == "true") theNet->alter(layerNo, BIAS_NODE, true); else if (modifier.substr(colonPos + 1, modifier.size() - colonPos) == "false") theNet->alter(layerNo, BIAS_NODE, false); else cout << "Invalid argument for modifier biasNode: " << value << "\n"; } else cout << "Modifer:" << key << " not valid\n"; } else cout << "Invalid layer number:" << layerNo << "\n"; if (!quiet) cout << "Done with -am\n"; } catch (format_Error & e) { cout << e.mesg << "\n"; } } else if (argvI == "-test") { if (theNet == NULL) cout << "A network must be loaded before it is tested.\n"; else try { trainingFile testFile(argv[++i]); theNet->test(&testFile, callback_TestComplete); if (!quiet) cout << "Done with -test\n"; } catch (format_Error & e) { cout << e.mesg << "\n"; } } else if (argvI == "-q+") quiet = true; else if (argvI == "-q-") { quiet = false; cout << "Done with -q-\n"; } else { unknownFlag = true; cout << "Don't know that one:" << argvI << "\n"; } } if (unknownFlag) { cout << "\n-n %file load a network from %file\n"; cout << "-t %file training set %file and write the final error vector to standard output\n"; cout << "(-r | -run) %file run from input set in %file and write each result vector to standard output\n";//and save the results in outPath\n"; cout << "-rand randomise the network\n"; cout << "-test %file run the input/output pattern from training file %file and write the final difference vector to standard output\n"; cout << "-s %path save on %path (with no trailing /) Use . to write to the working directory.\n"; cout << "-c %i %h %o %n create a new randomised network with %i input nodes %h hidden nodes %o output nodes, called %n (with a learning rate of 0.1)\n"; cout << "-at %i %h %o alter the topology to be %i input nodes %h hidden nodes %o output nodes\n"; cout << "-am 1 (biasNode:true OR biasNode:false) add or remove an input bias node to layer one (default is false)\n"; cout << "-q+ OR -q- Switch quiet mode on (-q+) or off (-q-) +q+ supresses the 'Done with...' after each command line arguement\n"; } if (theNet != NULL) delete theNet; return 1; }
QString PokemonInfo::Classification(int poke) { int orpoke = OriginalForme(poke); return get_line(trFile(path("classification")), orpoke); }
QString PokemonInfo::Desc(int poke, int cartridge) { int orpoke = OriginalForme(poke); return get_line(trFile(path("description_%1").arg(cartridge)), orpoke); }