Esempio n. 1
const char *
tr_quark_get_string (tr_quark q, size_t * len)
  const struct tr_key_struct * tmp;

  if (q < TR_N_KEYS)
    tmp = &my_static[q];
    tmp = tr_ptrArrayNth (&my_runtime, q-TR_N_KEYS);

  if (len != NULL)
    *len = tmp->len;

  return tmp->str;
Esempio n. 2
static void
allocateBandwidth( tr_bandwidth  * b,
                   tr_direction    dir,
                   int             period_msec,
                   tr_ptrArray   * peer_pool )
    assert( tr_isBandwidth( b ) );
    assert( tr_isDirection( dir ) );

    /* set the available bandwidth */
    if( b->band[dir].isLimited )
        const double desiredSpeed = b->band[dir].desiredSpeed;
        const double nextPulseSpeed = desiredSpeed;
        b->band[dir].bytesLeft = MAX( 0.0, nextPulseSpeed * 1024.0 * period_msec / 1000.0 );

        if( dir == DEBUG_DIRECTION )
                fprintf( stderr, "bandwidth %p currentPieceSpeed(%5.2f of %5.2f) desiredSpeed(%5.2f), allocating %5.2f\n",
                         b, currentSpeed, tr_bandwidthGetRawSpeed( b, dir ), desiredSpeed,
                         b->band[dir].bytesLeft/1024.0 );

    /* traverse & repeat for the subtree */
        int i;
        const int n = tr_ptrArraySize( b->peers );
        for( i=0; i<n; ++i )
            tr_ptrArrayAppend( peer_pool, tr_ptrArrayNth( b->peers, i ) );

if( ( dir == DEBUG_DIRECTION ) && ( n > 1 ) )
fprintf( stderr, "bandwidth %p has %d peers\n", b, n );

    /* all children should reallocate too */
    if( 1 ) {
        int i, n=0;
        struct tr_bandwidth ** children = (struct tr_bandwidth**) tr_ptrArrayPeek( b->children, &n );
        for( i=0; i<n; ++i )
            allocateBandwidth( children[i], dir, period_msec, peer_pool );
Esempio n. 3
static void
handle_upload (struct evhttp_request * req,
               struct tr_rpc_server  * server)
  if (req->type != EVHTTP_REQ_POST)
      send_simple_response (req, 405, NULL);
      int i;
      int n;
      bool hasSessionId = false;
      tr_ptrArray parts = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT;

      const char * query = strchr (req->uri, '?');
      const bool paused = query && strstr (query + 1, "paused=true");

      extract_parts_from_multipart (req->input_headers, req->input_buffer, &parts);
      n = tr_ptrArraySize (&parts);

      /* first look for the session id */
      for (i=0; i<n; ++i)
          struct tr_mimepart * p = tr_ptrArrayNth (&parts, i);
          if (tr_memmem (p->headers, p->headers_len, TR_RPC_SESSION_ID_HEADER, strlen (TR_RPC_SESSION_ID_HEADER)))

      if (i<n)
          const struct tr_mimepart * p = tr_ptrArrayNth (&parts, i);
          const char * ours = get_current_session_id (server);
          const size_t ourlen = strlen (ours);
          hasSessionId = ourlen <= p->body_len && memcmp (p->body, ours, ourlen) == 0;

      if (!hasSessionId)
          int code = 409;
          const char * codetext = tr_webGetResponseStr (code);
          struct evbuffer * body = evbuffer_new ();
          evbuffer_add_printf (body, "%s", "{ \"success\": false, \"msg\": \"Bad Session-Id\" }");;
          evhttp_send_reply (req, code, codetext, body);
          evbuffer_free (body);
      else for (i=0; i<n; ++i)
          struct tr_mimepart * p = tr_ptrArrayNth (&parts, i);
          size_t body_len = p->body_len;
          tr_variant top, *args;
          tr_variant test;
          bool have_source = false;
          char * body = p->body;

          if (body_len >= 2 && memcmp (&body[body_len - 2], "\r\n", 2) == 0)
            body_len -= 2;

          tr_variantInitDict (&top, 2);
          tr_variantDictAddStr (&top, TR_KEY_method, "torrent-add");
          args = tr_variantDictAddDict (&top, TR_KEY_arguments, 2);
          tr_variantDictAddBool (args, TR_KEY_paused, paused);

          if (tr_urlIsValid (body, body_len))
              tr_variantDictAddRaw (args, TR_KEY_filename, body, body_len);
              have_source = true;
          else if (!tr_variantFromBenc (&test, body, body_len))
              char * b64 = tr_base64_encode (body, body_len, NULL);
              tr_variantDictAddStr (args, TR_KEY_metainfo, b64);
              tr_free (b64);
              have_source = true;

          if (have_source)
            tr_rpc_request_exec_json (server->session, &top, NULL, NULL);

          tr_variantFree (&top);

      tr_ptrArrayDestruct (&parts, (PtrArrayForeachFunc)tr_mimepart_free);

      /* send "success" response */
        int code = HTTP_OK;
        const char * codetext = tr_webGetResponseStr (code);
        struct evbuffer * body = evbuffer_new ();
        evbuffer_add_printf (body, "%s", "{ \"success\": true, \"msg\": \"Torrent Added\" }");;
        evhttp_send_reply (req, code, codetext, body);
        evbuffer_free (body);