Esempio n. 1
pc_token_list *CreateTokenList( int handle )
	pc_token_t token;
	char filename[ MAX_QPATH ];
	pc_token_list *current = nullptr;
	pc_token_list *root = nullptr;

	while ( trap_Parse_ReadToken( handle, &token ) )
		pc_token_list *list = ( pc_token_list * ) BG_Alloc( sizeof( pc_token_list ) );
		if ( current )
			list->prev = current;
			current->next = list;
			list->prev = list;
			root = list;
		current = list;
		current->next = nullptr;

		current->token.floatvalue = token.floatvalue;
		current->token.intvalue = token.intvalue;
		current->token.subtype = token.subtype;
		current->token.type = token.type;
		current->token.string = BG_strdup( token.string );
		trap_Parse_SourceFileAndLine( handle, filename, &current->token.line );

	return root;
Esempio n. 2
static void NORETURN BG_VoiceParseError( fileHandle_t handle, char *err )
	int  line;
	char filename[ MAX_QPATH ];

	trap_Parse_SourceFileAndLine( handle, filename, &line );
	trap_Parse_FreeSource( handle );
	Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "%s on line %d of %s", err, line, filename );
void PRINTF_LIKE(2) PC_SourceError( int handle, const char *format, ... )
	int         line;
	char        filename[ 128 ];
	va_list     argptr;
	static char string[ 4096 ];

	va_start( argptr, format );
	Q_vsnprintf( string, sizeof( string ), format, argptr );
	va_end( argptr );

	filename[ 0 ] = '\0';
	line = 0;
	trap_Parse_SourceFileAndLine( handle, filename, &line );

	Com_Printf( S_ERROR "%s, line %d: %s\n", filename, line, string );
Esempio n. 4
static voiceCmd_t *BG_VoiceParse( const char *name )
	voiceCmd_t *voiceCmds = NULL;
	voiceCmd_t *top = NULL;
	pc_token_t token;
	qboolean   parsingCmd = qfalse;
	int        handle;

	handle = trap_Parse_LoadSource( va( "voice/%s.voice", name ) );

	if ( !handle )
		return NULL;

	while ( trap_Parse_ReadToken( handle, &token ) )
		if ( parsingCmd )
			if ( token.string[ 0 ] == '{' )
				voiceCmds->tracks = BG_VoiceParseCommand( handle );
				parsingCmd = qfalse;
				int  line;
				char filename[ MAX_QPATH ];

				trap_Parse_SourceFileAndLine( handle, filename, &line );
				Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "BG_VoiceParse(): "
				           "parse error on line %d of %s", line, filename );

		if ( strlen( token.string ) >= MAX_VOICE_CMD_LEN )
			int  line;
			char filename[ MAX_QPATH ];

			trap_Parse_SourceFileAndLine( handle, filename, &line );
			Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "BG_VoiceParse(): "
			           "command \"%s\" exceeds MAX_VOICE_CMD_LEN (%d) on line %d of %s",
			           token.string, MAX_VOICE_CMD_LEN, line, filename );

		if ( top == NULL )
			voiceCmds = BG_Alloc( sizeof( voiceCmd_t ) );
			top = voiceCmds;
			voiceCmds->next = BG_Alloc( sizeof( voiceCmd_t ) );
			voiceCmds = voiceCmds->next;

		Q_strncpyz( voiceCmds->cmd, token.string, sizeof( voiceCmds->cmd ) );
		voiceCmds->next = NULL;
		parsingCmd = qtrue;

	trap_Parse_FreeSource( handle );

	return top;
Esempio n. 5
static voiceTrack_t *BG_VoiceParseCommand( int handle )
	pc_token_t   token;
	qboolean     parsingTrack = qfalse;
	voiceTrack_t *voiceTracks = NULL;
	voiceTrack_t *top = NULL;

	while ( trap_Parse_ReadToken( handle, &token ) )
		if ( !parsingTrack && token.string[ 0 ] == '}' )
			return top;

		if ( parsingTrack )
			if ( token.string[ 0 ] == '{' )
				BG_VoiceParseTrack( handle, voiceTracks );
				parsingTrack = qfalse;
				BG_VoiceParseError( handle, va( "BG_VoiceParseCommand(): "
				                                "parse error at \"%s\"", token.string ) );

		if ( top == NULL )
			voiceTracks = BG_Alloc( sizeof( voiceTrack_t ) );
			top = voiceTracks;
			voiceTracks->next = BG_Alloc( sizeof( voiceCmd_t ) );
			voiceTracks = voiceTracks->next;

		if ( !trap_FS_FOpenFile( token.string, NULL, FS_READ ) )
			int  line;
			char filename[ MAX_QPATH ];

			trap_Parse_SourceFileAndLine( handle, filename, &line );
			Com_Printf( S_WARNING "BG_VoiceParseCommand(): "
			            "track \"%s\" referenced on line %d of %s does not exist\n",
			            token.string, line, filename );
#ifdef CGAME
			voiceTracks->track = trap_S_RegisterSound( token.string, qfalse );
			voiceTracks->duration = 0; // FIXME: Was always zero...

		voiceTracks->team = -1;
		voiceTracks->pClass = -1;
		voiceTracks->weapon = -1;
		voiceTracks->enthusiasm = 0;
		voiceTracks->text = NULL;
		voiceTracks->next = NULL;
		parsingTrack = qtrue;

	return NULL;