Esempio n. 1
* SCR_DrawChallengers
static int SCR_DrawChallengers( const char **ptrptr, int x, int y, int panelWidth, struct qfontface_s *font, int pass )
	const char *token;
	char string[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
	int yoffset = 0, xoffset = 0;
	int playerNum, ping;
	int height;

	assert( ptrptr && *ptrptr );

	height = trap_SCR_FontHeight( font );

	// draw title
	yoffset = height;
	if( pass ) {
		trap_SCR_DrawString( x + xoffset, y + yoffset, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP,
			CG_TranslateString( "Challengers" ), font, colorCyan );
	yoffset += height;

	// draw challengers
	while( *ptrptr )
		if( !SCR_ParseToken( ptrptr, &token ) )

		// first token is played id
		playerNum = atoi( token );
		if( playerNum < 0 || playerNum >= gs.maxclients )

		// get a second token
		if( !SCR_ParseToken( ptrptr, &token ) )

		// second token is ping
		ping = atoi( token );

		// draw the challenger
		if( ping < 0 )
			Q_snprintfz( string, sizeof( string ), "%s%s ...", cgs.clientInfo[playerNum].name, S_COLOR_WHITE );
			Q_snprintfz( string, sizeof( string ), "%s%s %i", cgs.clientInfo[playerNum].name, S_COLOR_WHITE, ping );

		if( pass ) {
			trap_SCR_DrawString( x + xoffset, y + yoffset, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, string, font, colorWhite );
		yoffset += height;

	yoffset += height;
	return yoffset;
Esempio n. 2
* CG_DrawEntityNumbers
static void CG_DrawEntityNumbers( void ) {
	float zfar = 2048;
	int i, entnum;
	centity_t *cent;
	vec2_t coords;
	vec3_t dir;
	float dist;
	trace_t trace;
	vec3_t eorigin;
	int shadowOffset = max( 1, cgs.vidHeight / 600 );

	for( i = 0; i < cg.frame.numEntities; i++ ) {
		entnum = cg.frame.parsedEntities[i & ( MAX_PARSE_ENTITIES - 1 )].number;
		if( entnum < 1 || entnum >= MAX_EDICTS ) {
		cent = &cg_entities[entnum];
		if( cent->serverFrame != cg.frame.serverFrame ) {

		if( !cent->current.modelindex ) {

		// Kill if behind the view
		VectorLerp( cent->prev.origin, cg.lerpfrac, cent->current.origin, eorigin );
		VectorSubtract( eorigin, cam_origin, dir );
		dist = VectorNormalize2( dir, dir ) * cg.view.fracDistFOV;
		if( dist > zfar ) {

		if( DotProduct( dir, &cg.view.axis[AXIS_FORWARD] ) < 0 ) {

		CG_Trace( &trace, cam_origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, eorigin, cent->current.number, MASK_OPAQUE );
		if( trace.fraction == 1.0f ) {
			// find the 3d point in 2d screen
			trap_R_TransformVectorToScreen( &cg.view.refdef, eorigin, coords );
			if( ( coords[0] < 0 || coords[0] > cgs.vidWidth ) || ( coords[1] < 0 || coords[1] > cgs.vidHeight ) ) {

			trap_SCR_DrawString( coords[0] + shadowOffset, coords[1] + shadowOffset,
								 ALIGN_LEFT_MIDDLE, va( "%i", cent->current.number ), cgs.fontSystemSmall, colorBlack );
			trap_SCR_DrawString( coords[0], coords[1],
								 ALIGN_LEFT_MIDDLE, va( "%i", cent->current.number ), cgs.fontSystemSmall, colorWhite );
Esempio n. 3
* CG_DrawScoreboard
void CG_DrawScoreboard( void )
	int pass;
	const char *ptr, *token, *layout;
	char title[MAX_CONFIGSTRING_CHARS], type;
	int team = TEAM_PLAYERS;
	int xpos;
	int ypos, yoffset, maxyoffset;
	struct qfontface_s *font;
	struct qfontface_s *monofont;
	struct qfontface_s *titlefont;
	int width, panelWidth;
	vec4_t whiteTransparent = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f };

	// no layout defined
	if( !cgs.configStrings[CS_SCB_PLAYERTAB_LAYOUT][0] )

	if( scoreboardString[0] != '&' ) // nothing to draw

	font = CG_ScoreboardFont( cg_scoreboardFontFamily, cg_scoreboardFontSize );
	monofont = CG_ScoreboardFont( cg_scoreboardMonoFontFamily, cg_scoreboardFontSize );
	titlefont = CG_ScoreboardFont( cg_scoreboardTitleFontFamily, cg_scoreboardTitleFontSize );

	xpos = (int)( cgs.vidWidth * 0.5 );
	ypos = (int)( cgs.vidHeight * 0.2 ) - 24 * cgs.vidHeight / 600;

	// draw title
	Q_strncpyz( title, cgs.configStrings[CS_GAMETYPETITLE], sizeof( title ) );
	if( !title[0] )
		Q_strncpyz( title, gs.gametypeName, sizeof( title ) );
	Q_strupr( title );

	trap_SCR_DrawString( xpos, ypos, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, title, titlefont, whiteTransparent );
	ypos += trap_SCR_FontHeight( titlefont );
	trap_SCR_DrawStringWidth( xpos, ypos, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, cgs.configStrings[CS_HOSTNAME], cgs.vidWidth*0.75, font, whiteTransparent );
	ypos += trap_SCR_FontHeight( font );

	// calculate the panel width from the layout
	panelWidth = 0;
	layout = cgs.configStrings[CS_SCB_PLAYERTAB_LAYOUT];
	while( SCR_GetNextColumnLayout( &layout, NULL, &type, &width, font ) != NULL )
		if( !SCR_SkipColumn( type ) )
			panelWidth += width;

	// parse and draw the scoreboard message
	for ( pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++ )
		yoffset = 0;
		maxyoffset = 0;
		scr_numplayericons = 0;
		ptr = scoreboardString;
		while ( ptr )
			token = COM_ParseExt( &ptr, true );
			if ( token[0] != '&' )

			if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "&t" ) ) // team tab
				yoffset = 0;
				yoffset += SCR_DrawTeamTab( &ptr, &team, xpos, ypos + yoffset, panelWidth, font, titlefont, pass );
			else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "&p" ) ) // player tab
				yoffset += SCR_DrawPlayerTab( &ptr, team, xpos, ypos + yoffset, panelWidth, font, pass );
			else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "&w" ) ) // list of challengers
				if ( yoffset < maxyoffset )
					yoffset = maxyoffset;

				maxyoffset += SCR_DrawChallengers( &ptr, xpos, ypos + yoffset, panelWidth, font, pass );
			else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "&s" ) ) // list of spectators
				if ( yoffset < maxyoffset )
					yoffset = maxyoffset;

				maxyoffset += SCR_DrawSpectators( &ptr, xpos, ypos + yoffset, panelWidth, font, true, "Spectators", colorYellow, pass );
			else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "&y" ) ) // list of chasers
				if( yoffset < maxyoffset )
					yoffset = maxyoffset;

				if( cg_showChasers->integer )
					maxyoffset += SCR_DrawSpectators( &ptr, xpos, ypos + yoffset, panelWidth, font, false, "Chasers", colorOrange, pass );
					SCR_IgnoreSpectators( &ptr, false );

			if ( yoffset > maxyoffset )
				maxyoffset = yoffset;
		if( !pass )
			SCR_DrawPlayerIcons( font );

	// add the player stats
	yoffset = maxyoffset + trap_SCR_FontHeight( font );
	yoffset += SCB_DrawPlayerStats( xpos, ypos + yoffset, monofont );
Esempio n. 4
* SCR_DrawSpectators
static int SCR_DrawSpectators( const char **ptrptr, int x, int y, int panelWidth, struct qfontface_s *font, bool havePing, const char *title, vec4_t titleColor, int pass )
	const char *token;
	char string[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
	int yoffset = 0, xoffset = 0;
	int playerNum, ping;
	int aligns[3], offsets[3];
	int colwidth, fullwidth, count = 0, height;
	bool titleDrawn = false;

	fullwidth = panelWidth * 1.5;
	if( fullwidth > cgs.vidWidth * 0.7 )
		fullwidth = cgs.vidWidth * 0.7;
	colwidth = fullwidth / 3;

	aligns[0] = ALIGN_CENTER_TOP;
	aligns[1] = ALIGN_LEFT_TOP;
	aligns[2] = ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP;

	offsets[0] = 0;
	offsets[1] = -fullwidth * 0.5;
	offsets[2] = fullwidth * 0.5;

	assert( ptrptr && *ptrptr );

	height = trap_SCR_FontHeight( font );
	yoffset = height;

	// draw spectators
	while( *ptrptr )
		if( !SCR_ParseToken( ptrptr, &token ) )

		// first token is played id
		playerNum = atoi( token );
		if( playerNum < 0 || playerNum >= gs.maxclients )

		if( havePing )
			// get a second token
			if( !SCR_ParseToken( ptrptr, &token ) )

			// second token is ping
			ping = atoi( token );

			// draw the spectator
			if( ping < 0 )
				Q_snprintfz( string, sizeof( string ), "%s%s ...", cgs.clientInfo[playerNum].name, S_COLOR_WHITE );
				Q_snprintfz( string, sizeof( string ), "%s%s %i", cgs.clientInfo[playerNum].name, S_COLOR_WHITE, ping );
			Q_snprintfz( string, sizeof( string ), "%s%s", cgs.clientInfo[playerNum].name, S_COLOR_WHITE );

		// draw title if there are any spectators
		if( !titleDrawn )
			titleDrawn = true;
			if( pass ) {
				trap_SCR_DrawString( x, y + yoffset, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP,
					CG_TranslateString( title ), font, titleColor );
			yoffset += height;

		xoffset = offsets[count] + CG_HorizontalAlignForWidth( 0, aligns[count], trap_SCR_strWidth( string, font, 0 ) );

		if ( pass ) {
			// fixme: the boxes aren't actually correctly aligned
			trap_SCR_DrawClampString( x + xoffset, y + yoffset, string, x + xoffset, y + yoffset, x + xoffset + colwidth, y + yoffset + height, font, colorWhite );

		if( count > 2 )
			count = 0;
			yoffset += height;

	if( count )
		yoffset += height;
	return yoffset;
Esempio n. 5
void CG_DrawMiniMap( int x, int y, int iw, int ih, qboolean draw_playernames, qboolean draw_itemnames, int align, vec4_t color )
	int i, entnum;
	centity_t *cent;
	vec3_t coords;
	vec4_t tmp_col, tmp_white_alpha, tmp_yellow_alpha;		// background color of the map
	vec3_t mins, maxs, extend;
	int map_w, map_h, map_z;
	int x_lefttop, y_lefttop, z_lefttop;	// the negative y coordinate (bottom of the map)
	float map_div_w, map_div_h;
	qboolean isSelf;

	if( !cg_showminimap->integer )

	// if inside a team
	if( cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[STAT_REALTEAM] >= TEAM_PLAYERS && cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[STAT_REALTEAM] < GS_MAX_TEAMS )
		if( !GS_CanShowMinimap() || !( cg_showminimap->integer & 1 ) )
	else if( !( cg_showminimap->integer & 2 ) )
		// allow only when chasing a player and the player is allowed to see it
		if( !GS_CanShowMinimap() || !( cg_showminimap->integer & 1 ) ||
			cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[STAT_REALTEAM] == cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[STAT_TEAM] )

	if( !cgs.shaderMiniMap )

	x = CG_HorizontalAlignForWidth( x, align, iw );
	y = CG_VerticalAlignForHeight( y, align, ih );

	Vector4Copy( color, tmp_col );
	Vector4Copy( colorWhite, tmp_white_alpha );
	Vector4Copy( colorYellow, tmp_yellow_alpha );
	tmp_white_alpha[3] = color[3];
	tmp_yellow_alpha[3] = color[3];

	// Get Worldmodel bounds...
	trap_R_ModelBounds( NULL, mins, maxs ); // NULL for world model...

	// make it a square bounding box
	VectorSubtract( maxs, mins, extend );
	if( extend[1] > extend[0] )
		mins[0] -= ( extend[1] - extend[0] ) * 0.5;
		maxs[0] += ( extend[1] - extend[0] ) * 0.5;
		mins[1] -= ( extend[0] - extend[1] ) * 0.5;
		maxs[1] += ( extend[0] - extend[1] ) * 0.5;

	map_w = maxs[0] - mins[0];      // map width (in game units)
	map_h = maxs[1] - mins[1];
	map_z = maxs[2] - mins[2];
	x_lefttop = -mins[0];   // the negative x coordinate ( left of the map )
	y_lefttop = -mins[1];   // the negative y coordinate (bottom of the map)
	z_lefttop = -mins[2];   // the negative y coordinate (bottom of the map)

	map_div_w = (float)map_w / (float)iw;
	map_div_h = (float)map_h / (float)ih;

	CG_DrawHUDRect( x, y, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, iw, ih, 1, 1, tmp_col, cgs.shaderMiniMap );

	//alignment test, to display green dot at 0,0
	//CG_DrawHUDRect( x + x_lefttop/map_div_w -1, y + y_lefttop/map_div_h -1,ALIGN_LEFT_TOP,3,3,1,1, colorGreen, CG_MediaShader( ) );

	for( i = 0; i < cg.frame.numEntities; i++ )
		entnum = cg.frame.parsedEntities[i&( MAX_PARSE_ENTITIES-1 )].number;

		// filter invalid ents
		if( entnum < 1 || entnum >= MAX_EDICTS )

		// retrieve the centity_t
		cent = &cg_entities[entnum];
		isSelf = ( (unsigned)entnum == cg.predictedPlayerState.POVnum );

		if( ( cent->current.type != ET_PLAYER ) 
			&& ( cent->current.type != ET_MINIMAP_ICON )
			&& !( cent->item ) )

		if( isSelf )
			VectorCopy( cg.predictedPlayerState.pmove.origin, coords );
			VectorCopy( cent->current.origin, coords );

		coords[0] = ( coords[0] + x_lefttop ) / map_div_w;
		coords[1] = ih - ( coords[1] + y_lefttop ) / map_div_h;
		coords[2] = ( coords[2] + (float)z_lefttop ) / (float)map_z;

		// is it a player?
		if( ( cent->current.type == ET_PLAYER ) )
			int box_size = (int)( 3.0 + coords[2] * 10.0 );

			// check if we're allowed to see team members only (coaches, CA)
			if( cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[STAT_LAYOUTS] & STAT_LAYOUT_SPECTEAMONLY ||
				(cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[STAT_REALTEAM] != TEAM_SPECTATOR && GS_TeamOnlyMinimap()) )
				if( cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[STAT_REALTEAM] != cent-> )

			if( cent-> == TEAM_SPECTATOR )
				if( entnum != cg.view.POVent )
				VectorSet( tmp_col, 1, 1, 1 );
				CG_TeamColor( cent->, tmp_col );

			// get color
			tmp_col[3] = bound( 0, color[3] + 0.3f, 1 );
			CG_DrawHUDRect( x + (int)coords[0] -box_size/2, y + (int)coords[1] -box_size/2,
				ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, box_size, box_size, box_size, box_size, tmp_col, NULL );

			// differentiate ourselves with an arrow
			if( isSelf )
				int thisX, thisY, thisSize;

				thisSize = max( box_size, 8 );
				thisX = CG_VerticalAlignForHeight( x + (int)coords[0], ALIGN_CENTER_MIDDLE, thisSize );
				thisY = CG_VerticalAlignForHeight( y + (int)coords[1] - thisSize, ALIGN_CENTER_MIDDLE, thisSize );
				trap_R_DrawStretchPic( thisX, thisY, thisSize, thisSize, 0, 0, 1, 1, tmp_yellow_alpha, CG_MediaShader( ) );

			// do we want names too?
			if( draw_playernames == qtrue )
				trap_SCR_DrawString( x + (int)coords[0] + 8,
				y + (int)coords[1] - 4,	ALIGN_LEFT_TOP,	COM_RemoveColorTokensExt( cgs.clientInfo[cent->current.number-1].name, qtrue ),
				cgs.fontSystemSmall, tmp_yellow_alpha );
		else if( cent->current.type == ET_MINIMAP_ICON )
			if( cent->ent.customShader )
				vec4_t tmp_this_color;
				int thisX, thisY, thisSize;

				thisSize = (float)cent->prev.frame + (float)( cent->current.frame - cent->prev.frame ) * cg.lerpfrac;
				if( thisSize <= 0 )
					thisSize = 18;

				tmp_this_color[0] = (float)cent->ent.shaderRGBA[0] / 255.0f;
				tmp_this_color[1] = (float)cent->ent.shaderRGBA[1] / 255.0f;
				tmp_this_color[2] = (float)cent->ent.shaderRGBA[2] / 255.0f;
				tmp_this_color[3] = 1.0f;

				thisX = CG_VerticalAlignForHeight( x + coords[0], ALIGN_CENTER_MIDDLE, thisSize );
				thisY = CG_VerticalAlignForHeight( y + coords[1], ALIGN_CENTER_MIDDLE, thisSize );
				trap_R_DrawStretchPic( thisX, thisY, thisSize, thisSize, 0, 0, 1, 1, tmp_this_color, cent->ent.customShader );
		else if( cent->item && cent->item->icon )
			// if ALIGN_CENTER_MIDDLE or something is used, images are f****d
			// so thats why they are set manually at the correct pos with -n
			CG_DrawHUDRect( x+(int)coords[0]-8, y+(int)coords[1]-8, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, 15, 15, 1, 1, tmp_white_alpha, trap_R_RegisterPic( cent->item->icon ) );
			if( draw_itemnames == qtrue )
				trap_SCR_DrawString( x + (int)coords[0] + 16, y + (int)coords[1] - 8, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, cent->item->shortname, cgs.fontSystemSmall, tmp_yellow_alpha );
Esempio n. 6
* CG_DrawDemocam2D
void CG_DrawDemocam2D( void ) {
	int xpos, ypos;
	const char *cam_type_name;
	int64_t cam_timestamp;
	char sfov[8], strack[8];
	cg_subtitle_t *sub;

	if( !cgs.demoPlaying ) {

	if( ( sub = CG_Democam_FindCurrentSubtitle() ) != NULL ) {
		if( sub->text && sub->text[0] ) {
			int y;

			if( sub->highprint ) {
				y = cgs.vidHeight * 0.30f;
			} else {
				y = cgs.vidHeight - ( cgs.vidHeight * 0.30f );

			CG_Democam_DrawCenterSubtitle( y, cgs.vidWidth * 0.75, cgs.fontSystemBig, sub->text );

	if( democam_editing_mode ) {
		// draw the numbers of every entity in the view

		// draw the cams info
		xpos = 8 * cgs.vidHeight / 600;
		ypos = 100 * cgs.vidHeight / 600;

		if( *cgs.demoName ) {
			trap_SCR_DrawString( xpos, ypos, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, va( "Demo: %s", cgs.demoName ), cgs.fontSystemSmall, colorWhite );
			ypos += trap_SCR_FontHeight( cgs.fontSystemSmall );

		trap_SCR_DrawString( xpos, ypos, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, va( "Play mode: %s%s%s", S_COLOR_ORANGE, CamIsFree ? "Free Fly" : "Preview", S_COLOR_WHITE ), cgs.fontSystemSmall, colorWhite );
		ypos += trap_SCR_FontHeight( cgs.fontSystemSmall );

		trap_SCR_DrawString( xpos, ypos, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, va( "Time: %" PRIi64, demo_time ), cgs.fontSystemSmall, colorWhite );
		ypos += trap_SCR_FontHeight( cgs.fontSystemSmall );

		cam_type_name = "none";
		cam_timestamp = 0;

		if( currentcam ) {
			cam_type_name = cam_TypeNames[currentcam->type];
			cam_timestamp = currentcam->timeStamp;
			Q_snprintfz( strack, sizeof( strack ), "%i", currentcam->trackEnt );
			Q_snprintfz( sfov, sizeof( sfov ), "%i", currentcam->fov );
		} else {
			Q_strncpyz( strack, "NO", sizeof( strack ) );
			Q_strncpyz( sfov, "NO", sizeof( sfov ) );

		trap_SCR_DrawString( xpos, ypos, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, 
			va( "Current cam: " S_COLOR_ORANGE "%s" S_COLOR_WHITE " Fov " S_COLOR_ORANGE "%s" S_COLOR_WHITE " Start %" PRIi64 " Tracking " S_COLOR_ORANGE "%s" S_COLOR_WHITE,
															 cam_type_name, sfov, cam_timestamp, strack ),
							 cgs.fontSystemSmall, colorWhite );
		ypos += trap_SCR_FontHeight( cgs.fontSystemSmall );

		if( currentcam ) {
			trap_SCR_DrawString( xpos, ypos, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, 
				va( "Pitch: " S_COLOR_ORANGE "%.2f" S_COLOR_WHITE " Yaw: " S_COLOR_ORANGE "%.2f" S_COLOR_WHITE " Roll: " S_COLOR_ORANGE "%.2f" S_COLOR_WHITE,
																 currentcam->angles[PITCH], currentcam->angles[YAW], currentcam->angles[ROLL] ),
								 cgs.fontSystemSmall, colorWhite );
		ypos += trap_SCR_FontHeight( cgs.fontSystemSmall );

		cam_type_name = "none";
		cam_timestamp = 0;
		Q_strncpyz( sfov, "NO", sizeof( sfov ) );
		if( nextcam ) {
			cam_type_name = cam_TypeNames[nextcam->type];
			cam_timestamp = nextcam->timeStamp;
			Q_snprintfz( strack, sizeof( strack ), "%i", nextcam->trackEnt );
			Q_snprintfz( sfov, sizeof( sfov ), "%i", nextcam->fov );
		} else {
			Q_strncpyz( strack, "NO", sizeof( strack ) );
			Q_strncpyz( sfov, "NO", sizeof( sfov ) );

		trap_SCR_DrawString( xpos, ypos, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, 
			va( "Next cam: " S_COLOR_ORANGE "%s" S_COLOR_WHITE " Fov " S_COLOR_ORANGE "%s" S_COLOR_WHITE " Start %" PRIi64 " Tracking " S_COLOR_ORANGE "%s" S_COLOR_WHITE,
															 cam_type_name, sfov, cam_timestamp, strack ),
							 cgs.fontSystemSmall, colorWhite );
		ypos += trap_SCR_FontHeight( cgs.fontSystemSmall );

		if( nextcam ) {
			trap_SCR_DrawString( xpos, ypos, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, 
				va( "Pitch: " S_COLOR_ORANGE "%.2f" S_COLOR_WHITE " Yaw: " S_COLOR_ORANGE "%.2f" S_COLOR_WHITE " Roll: " S_COLOR_ORANGE "%.2f" S_COLOR_WHITE,
																 nextcam->angles[PITCH], nextcam->angles[YAW], nextcam->angles[ROLL] ),
								 cgs.fontSystemSmall, colorWhite );
		ypos += trap_SCR_FontHeight( cgs.fontSystemSmall );
Esempio n. 7
* SCR_DrawChallengers
static int SCR_DrawChallengers( const char **ptrptr, int x, int y, int panelWidth, struct qfontface_s *font, int pass )
	char *token;
	const char *oldptr;
	char string[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
	int yoffset = 0, xoffset = 0;
	int playerNum, ping;
	int height;

	assert( ptrptr && *ptrptr );

	height = trap_SCR_FontHeight( font );

	// draw title
	yoffset = height;
	if( pass ) {
		trap_SCR_DrawString( x + xoffset, y + yoffset, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP,
			CG_TranslateString( "Spectating you" ), font, colorCyan ); // racesow
	yoffset += height;

	// draw challengers
	while( *ptrptr )
		oldptr = *ptrptr;
		token = COM_ParseExt( ptrptr, true );
		if( !token[0] )

		if( token[0] == '&' ) // it's a different command than 'challengers', so step back and return
			*ptrptr = oldptr;

		// first token is played id
		playerNum = atoi( token );
		if( playerNum < 0 || playerNum >= gs.maxclients )

		// get a second token
		oldptr = *ptrptr;
		token = COM_ParseExt( ptrptr, true );
		if( !token[0] )

		if( token[0] == '&' ) // it's a different command than 'challengers', so step back and return
			*ptrptr = oldptr;

		// second token is ping
		ping = atoi( token );

		// draw the challenger
		if( ping < 0 )
			Q_snprintfz( string, sizeof( string ), "%s%s ...", cgs.clientInfo[playerNum].name, S_COLOR_WHITE );
			Q_snprintfz( string, sizeof( string ), "%s%s %i", cgs.clientInfo[playerNum].name, S_COLOR_WHITE, ping );

		if( pass ) {
			trap_SCR_DrawString( x + xoffset, y + yoffset, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, string, font, colorWhite );
		yoffset += height;

	yoffset += height;
	return yoffset;
Esempio n. 8
* UI_DrawConnectScreen
void UI_DrawConnectScreen( const char *serverName, const char *rejectmessage, int downloadType, const char *downloadFilename,
						  float downloadPercent, int downloadSpeed, int connectCount, qboolean demoplaying, qboolean backGround )
	qboolean localhost, design = qfalse;
	char str[MAX_QPATH];
	int x, y, xoffset, yoffset, width, height;
	unsigned int maxwidth;
	qboolean downloadFromWeb;

	uis.demoplaying = demoplaying;


	localhost = (qboolean)( !serverName || !serverName[0] || !Q_stricmp( serverName, "localhost" ) );

	trap_GetConfigString( CS_MAPNAME, mapname, sizeof( mapname ) );
	trap_GetConfigString( CS_MESSAGE, mapmessage, sizeof( mapmessage ) );

	if( backGround )
		Q_snprintfz( str, sizeof( str ), UI_SHADER_BACKGROUND, uis.backgroundNum );
		trap_R_DrawStretchPic( 0, 0, uis.vidWidth, uis.vidHeight, 0, 0, 1, 1, colorWhite, trap_R_RegisterPic( str ) );

	// not yet connected

	x = 64;
	y = 64;
	xoffset = yoffset = 0;

	if( demoplaying )
		Q_snprintfz( str, sizeof( str ), "Loading demo: %s", serverName );
	else if( localhost )
		Q_strncpyz( str, "Loading...", sizeof( str ) );
	else if( mapname[0] )
		Q_snprintfz( str, sizeof( str ), "Connecting to %s", serverName );
		Q_snprintfz( str, sizeof( str ), "Awaiting connection... %i", connectCount );

	trap_SCR_DrawString( x + xoffset, y + yoffset, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, str, uis.fontSystemBig, colorWhite );
	yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( uis.fontSystemBig );

	if( design && !rejectmessage )
		rejectmessage = "Connection was interrupted because the weather sux :P";

	if( rejectmessage )
		x = uis.vidWidth / 2;
		y = uis.vidHeight / 3;

		height = trap_SCR_strHeight( uis.fontSystemMedium ) * 4;
		Q_strncpyz( str, "Refused: ", sizeof( str ) );
		width = max( trap_SCR_strWidth( str, uis.fontSystemMedium, 0 ), trap_SCR_strWidth( rejectmessage, uis.fontSystemSmall, 0 ) );
		width += 32 * 2;

		xoffset = UISCR_HorizontalAlignOffset( ALIGN_CENTER_MIDDLE, width );
		yoffset = UISCR_VerticalAlignOffset( ALIGN_CENTER_MIDDLE, height );

		UI_DrawBox( x + xoffset, y + yoffset, width, height, colorWarsowOrange, colorWhite, NULL, colorDkGrey );

		yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( uis.fontSystemMedium );
		xoffset += 32;

		trap_SCR_DrawString( x + xoffset, y + yoffset, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, str, uis.fontSystemMedium, colorWhite );
		yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( uis.fontSystemMedium );

		trap_SCR_DrawString( x + xoffset, y + yoffset, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, rejectmessage, uis.fontSystemSmall, colorBlack );


	if( mapname[0] )
		char levelshot[MAX_QPATH];
		struct shader_s *levelshotShader;
		qboolean isDefaultlevelshot = qtrue;

		// connected

		x = 64;
		y = uis.vidHeight - 300;
		xoffset = yoffset = 0;
		width = uis.vidWidth;
		height = 200;

		UI_DrawBox( x + xoffset, y + yoffset, width, height, colorWarsowPurple, colorWhite, NULL, colorDkGrey );
		xoffset += 16;
		yoffset += 16 + 4;

		maxwidth = uis.vidWidth - ( x + xoffset );

		trap_GetConfigString( CS_HOSTNAME, hostName, sizeof( hostName ) );
		trap_GetConfigString( CS_GAMETYPENAME, gametype, sizeof( gametype ) );
		trap_GetConfigString( CS_GAMETYPETITLE, gametypeTitle, sizeof( gametypeTitle ) );
		trap_GetConfigString( CS_GAMETYPEVERSION, gametypeVersion, sizeof( gametypeVersion ) );
		trap_GetConfigString( CS_GAMETYPEAUTHOR, gametypeAuthor, sizeof( gametypeAuthor ) );
		trap_GetConfigString( CS_MATCHNAME, matchName, sizeof( matchName ) );

		Q_snprintfz( levelshot, sizeof( levelshot ), "levelshots/%s.jpg", mapname );

		levelshotShader = trap_R_RegisterLevelshot( levelshot, uis.whiteShader, &isDefaultlevelshot );

		if( !isDefaultlevelshot )
			int lw, lh, lx, ly;

			lh = height - 8;
			lw = lh * ( 4.0f/3.0f );
			lx = uis.vidWidth - lw;
			ly = y + 4;

			trap_R_DrawStretchPic( lx, ly, lw, lh, 0, 0, 1, 1, colorWhite, levelshotShader );

		if( !localhost && !demoplaying )
			Q_snprintfz( str, sizeof( str ), "Server: %s", hostName );
			trap_SCR_DrawStringWidth( x + xoffset, y + yoffset, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, str, maxwidth, uis.fontSystemSmall, colorWhite );
			yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( uis.fontSystemSmall ) + 8;

		if( mapmessage[0] && Q_stricmp( mapname, mapmessage ) )
			Q_snprintfz( str, sizeof( str ), "Level: "S_COLOR_ORANGE"%s", COM_RemoveColorTokens( mapmessage ) );
			trap_SCR_DrawStringWidth( x + xoffset, y + yoffset, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, str, maxwidth, uis.fontSystemSmall, colorWhite );
			yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( uis.fontSystemSmall ) + 8;

		Q_snprintfz( str, sizeof( str ), "Map: %s", mapname );
		trap_SCR_DrawStringWidth( x + xoffset, y + yoffset, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, str, maxwidth, uis.fontSystemSmall, colorWhite );
		yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( uis.fontSystemSmall ) + 8;

		if( matchName[0] )
			Q_snprintfz( str, sizeof( str ), "Match: %s", matchName );
			trap_SCR_DrawStringWidth( x + xoffset, y + yoffset, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, str, maxwidth, uis.fontSystemSmall, colorWhite );
			yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( uis.fontSystemSmall ) + 8;
		yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( uis.fontSystemSmall ) + 8;

		Q_snprintfz( str, sizeof( str ), "Gametype: "S_COLOR_ORANGE"%s", COM_RemoveColorTokens( gametypeTitle ) );
		trap_SCR_DrawStringWidth( x + xoffset, y + yoffset, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, str, maxwidth, uis.fontSystemSmall, colorWhite );
		yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( uis.fontSystemSmall ) + 8;

		Q_snprintfz( str, sizeof( str ), "Version: %s", COM_RemoveColorTokens( gametypeVersion ) );
		trap_SCR_DrawStringWidth( x + xoffset, y + yoffset, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, str, maxwidth, uis.fontSystemSmall, colorWhite );
		yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( uis.fontSystemSmall ) + 8;

		Q_snprintfz( str, sizeof( str ), "Author: %s", gametypeAuthor );
		trap_SCR_DrawStringWidth( x + xoffset, y + yoffset, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, str, maxwidth, uis.fontSystemSmall, colorWhite );
		yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( uis.fontSystemSmall ) + 8;

	// downloading

	if( design && !downloadFilename )
		downloadFilename = "";
		downloadType = 2;
		downloadPercent = 65.8;
		downloadSpeed = 325;

	if( downloadType && downloadFilename )
		size_t len;
		const char *s;

		downloadFromWeb = ( downloadType == 2 );

		x = uis.vidWidth / 2;
		y = uis.vidHeight / 3;
		width = 400;
		height = 128 - trap_SCR_strHeight( uis.fontSystemSmall );
		if( uis.vidWidth <= width )
			width = uis.vidWidth - 64;

		maxwidth = width - 48;

		xoffset = UISCR_HorizontalAlignOffset( ALIGN_CENTER_MIDDLE, width );
		yoffset = UISCR_VerticalAlignOffset( ALIGN_CENTER_MIDDLE, height );

		// adjust the box size for the extra number of lines needed to draw the file path
		s = downloadFilename;
		while( ( len = trap_SCR_StrlenForWidth( s, uis.fontSystemSmall, maxwidth ) ) > 0 )
			s += len;
			height += trap_SCR_strHeight( uis.fontSystemSmall );

		UI_DrawBox( x + xoffset, y + yoffset, width, height, colorWarsowPurple, colorWhite, NULL, colorDkGrey );

		xoffset += 24;
		yoffset += 24;

		trap_SCR_DrawStringWidth( x + xoffset, y + yoffset, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, downloadFromWeb ? "Downloading from web" : "Downloading from server", maxwidth, uis.fontSystemSmall, colorWhite );
		yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( uis.fontSystemSmall );

		s = downloadFilename;
		while( ( len = trap_SCR_DrawStringWidth( x + xoffset, y + yoffset, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, s, maxwidth, uis.fontSystemSmall, colorWhite ) ) > 0 )
			s += len;
			yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( uis.fontSystemSmall );

		yoffset += 16;

		UI_DrawPicBar( x + xoffset, y + yoffset, maxwidth, 24, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, downloadPercent, trap_R_RegisterPic( "gfx/ui/progressbar" ),colorDkGrey, colorOrange );
		Q_snprintfz( str, sizeof( str ), "%3.1f%c", downloadPercent, '%' );
		trap_SCR_DrawStringWidth( x + xoffset + 12, y + yoffset + 12, ALIGN_LEFT_MIDDLE, str, maxwidth, uis.fontSystemSmall, colorWhite );
		Q_snprintfz( str, sizeof( str ), "%ik/s", downloadSpeed );
		trap_SCR_DrawStringWidth( x + xoffset + maxwidth - 12, y + yoffset + 12, ALIGN_RIGHT_MIDDLE, str, maxwidth, uis.fontSystemSmall, colorWhite );

		yoffset += 24 + 8;