Esempio n. 1
 * 2D trapezoidal integration
float trapzd2d(Func2D *func, float x1, float x2,
  float y1, float y2, int n)
  TrapezFunc2D trapezFunc2D( func, x1, x2 );

  return trapzd( &trapezFunc2D, n, y1, y2, n );
Esempio n. 2
double qromb(double (*funcd)(), double es, double Wind, double AirDens, double ZO, 
	     double EactAir, double F, double hsalt, double phi_r, double ushear, double Zrh, 
	     double a, double b)
     // Returns the integral of the function func from a to b.  Integration is performed 
     // by Romberg's method:  Numerical Recipes in C Section 4.3
  void polint(double xa[], double ya[], int n, double x, double *y, double *dy);
  double trapzd(double (*funcd)(), double es, double Wind, double AirDens, 
		double ZO, double EactAir, double F, double hsalt, double phi_r, 
		double ushear, double Zrh, double a, double b, int n);

  double ss, dss;
  double s[MAX_ITER+1], h[MAX_ITER+2];
  int j;

  h[1] = 1.0;
  for(j=1; j<=MAX_ITER; j++) {
    s[j]=trapzd(funcd,es, Wind, AirDens, ZO, EactAir, F, hsalt, phi_r, 
		ushear, Zrh, a,b,j);
    if(j >= K) {
      if (fabs(dss) <= MACHEPS*fabs(ss)) return ss;
  nrerror("Too many steps in routine qromb");
  return 0.0;
Esempio n. 3
File: CMesh.cpp Progetto: MADAI/RHIC
double CMesh::qromb(meshMemFunc mf, double a, double b) {
	const int JMAX=20, JMAXP=JMAX+1, K=5;
	const double EPS=1E-10;
	double ss, dss;
	std::vector<double> s, h, s_t, h_t;
	int i,j;
	for (j=1;j<=JMAX;j++){
		if (j>=K){
			for (i=0;i<K;i++){
			if (fabs(dss) <= EPS*fabs(ss)) {
				return ss;
	fprintf(stderr,"Too many steps in routine qromb\n");
	return 0.0;
template < class T > T	qtrap(T (* func) (T), T a, T b )
		Integrira funkciju 'func' koristeæi trapezoidalno pravilo

		NINETGR_EPS - željena relativna toènost
		JMAX - max. broj koraka
	int			j;
	T	s, olds;

	olds = T(-1.e30);
	for( j=1; j<=JMAX; j++ )
		s = trapzd(func,a,b,j);
		if( fabs(s-olds) < NINTEGR_EPS*fabs(olds) )
			return s;
		if( s == 0.0 && olds == 0.0 && j > 6 )
			return s;
		olds = s;

	printf("To many steps in NIntegrate !!!");

	return T();

Esempio n. 5
    int count,n;
    double y1, y2, y3;
    printf("Numerical integration using Trapzoidal rule\n");
    printf("1: 1/(1+0.5*cos(x)) from 0 to pi\n");
    printf("2: x*log(abs(x)) from 0 to 1 \n");
    printf("3: sin(x) from 0 to pi \n\n");
    printf("%10s %15s %15s %19s\n","n","y1","y2","sin(x)");
    for (count=0; count<10; count++){
        n *=2;
        y1=trapzd(fun1, 0.0, M_PI, n);
        y2=trapzd(fun2, 0.0, 1.0, n);
        y3=trapzd(sin, 0.0, M_PI, n);
        printf("%10d \t %12.4f\t %12.4f\t %12.4f\n",n, y1, y2, y3);
Esempio n. 6
void initialize_global()
  real yo = 0;
  real dy = YMAX/NG;

  g[0] = 0;
  for (int i = 1; i <= NG; i++) {
    real y = yo + dy;
    g[i] = g[i-1] + trapzd(gaus2, yo, y, EPS);
    yo = y;
Esempio n. 7
int main(void)
	int i;
	float a=0.0,b=PIO2,s;

	printf("\nIntegral of func with 2^(n-1) points\n");
	printf("Actual value of integral is %10.6f\n",fint(b)-fint(a));
	printf("%6s %24s\n","n","approx. integral");
	for (i=1;i<=NMAX;i++) {
		printf("%6d %20.6f\n",i,s);
	return 0;
Esempio n. 8
qromb(double (*func)(double), double a, double b, double eps, int imax)
    double ss = 0;
    double dss;
    int i;

    /* allocate enough storage */
    if (imax+1 > nmax) {
#ifdef DEBUG
	(void)fprintf(stdout, "qromb: malloc %d cells %d bytes\n",
		imax+1, (imax+1) * sizeof(double));
	if (h != NULL) {
	h = (double *)malloc((imax+1) * sizeof(double));
	if (s != NULL) {
	s = (double *)malloc((imax+1) * sizeof(double));

	nmax = imax+1;

    h[0] = 1;

    for (i = 0; i < imax; i++) {
	s[i] = trapzd(func, a, b, i);
	if (i >= K-1) {
	    ss = polint(&h[i-(K-1)], &s[i-(K-1)], K, 0.0, &dss);
#ifdef DEBUG
	    (void)fprintf(stdout, "qromb: a %.15e b %.15e i %d ss %.15e dss %.15e eps %.15e\n",
			a, b, i, ss, dss, eps);
	    if (fabs(dss) < eps * fabs(ss)) {
	h[i+1] = 0.25 * h[i];
	s[i+1] = s[i];

#ifdef DEBUG
    (void)fprintf(stdout, "qromb: a %.15e b %.15e i %d ss %.15e\n", a, b, i, ss);

float qsimp(float (*func)(float), float a, float b) {
    int j;
    float s,st,ost=0.0,os=0.0;

    for (j=1;j<=JMAX;j++){
        if (j > 5)
            if (fabs(s-os) < EPS*fabs(os) ||
                (s == 0.0 && os == 0.0)) return s;
    error("Too many steps in routine qsimp", 10);
Esempio n. 10
float qtrap(float (*func)(float), float a, float b)
	float trapzd(float (*func)(float), float a, float b, int n);
	void nrerror(char error_text[]);
	int j;
	float s,olds;

	olds = -1.0e30;
	for (j=1;j<=JMAX;j++) {
		if (fabs(s-olds) < EPS*fabs(olds)) return s;
	nrerror("Too many steps in routine qtrap");
	return 0.0;
Esempio n. 11
Real qsimp(Real (*func)(Real), const Real a, const Real b) 
  int j;
  Real s,st,ost,os;

  ost = os = -1.0e30;
  for (j=1; j<=JMAX; j++) {
    st = trapzd(func,a,b,j,ost);
    s = (4.0*st-ost)/3.0;  /* EQUIVALENT TO SIMPSON'S RULE */
      if (fabs(s-os) < EPS*fabs(os) || (s == 0.0 && os == 0.0)) return s;

  ath_error("[qsimp]:  Too many steps!\n");
  return 0.0;
Esempio n. 12
double qsimp(double (*func)(double, double *, double *, int, double *,int), 
	     double a,
	     double b,
	     double *ss,
	     double p[],
	     double *c,
	     int npts,
	     double xx[],
	     int idx)
/*Returns the integral of the function func from a to b. The parameters 
EPS can be set to the desired fractional accuracy and JMAX so that 2 to 
the power JMAX-1 is the maximum allowed number of steps. Integration is 
performed by Simpson's rule. */
  void trapzd(double (*func)(double, double *, double *, int, double *,int), 
	      double a, 
	      double b, 
	      int n,
	      double *ss,
	      double p[],
	      double *c,
	      int npts,
	      double xx[],
	      int idx);
  /*void nrerror(char error_text[]);*/
  int j;
  double s,st,ost=0.0,os=0.0;

  for (j=1;j<=JMAX;j++) {
    st = *ss;
    if (j > 5) /*Avoid spurious early convergence.*/
      if (fabs(s-os) < EPS*fabs(os) ||
	  (s == 0.0 && os == 0.0))
	return s;
  /*nrerror("Too many steps in routine qsimp");*/
  return s; /*Never get here.*/
Esempio n. 13
float qsimp(float (*func)(float), float a, float b)
	float trapzd(float (*func)(float), float a, float b, int n);
	void nrerror(char error_text[]);
	int j;
	float s,st,ost=0.0,os=0.0;

	for (j=1;j<=JMAX;j++) {
		if (j > 5)
			if (fabs(s-os) < EPS*fabs(os) ||
				(s == 0.0 && os == 0.0)) return s;
	nrerror("Too many steps in routine qsimp");
	return 0.0;
double romb(float (*func)(float), float a, float b) {
    double s[MAX];
    int m,n;
    double var;
    for (m = 0; m < MAX; m++) s[m] = 1; 
    for (n = 0; n < MAX; n++) {
        for (m = 0; m <= n; m++) {
            if (m==0) {
                var = s[m];
                s[m] = trapzd(func, a, b, n);
            } else {
                s[n]= ( pow(4 , m-1) * s[m-1] - var ) 
                    / (pow(4, m-1) - 1); 
                var = s[m]; s[m]= s[n];  
    return s[MAX-1];
Esempio n. 15
float qromb(float (*func)(float), float a, float b)
	void polint(float xa[], float ya[], int n, float x, float *y, float *dy);
	float trapzd(float (*func)(float), float a, float b, int n);
	float ss,dss;
	float s[JMAXP+1],h[JMAXP+1];
	int j;

	for (j=1;j<=JMAX;j++) {
		if (j >= K) {
			if (fabs(dss) < EPS*fabs(ss)) return ss;
	error("Too many steps in routine qromb");
	return 0.0;
Esempio n. 16
qsimp (double (*func)(double),
       double a,	/* lower limit */
       double b)	/* upper limit */
  int		j;
  long double	s, st, ost, os;

  ost = os = -1.0e30;
  for (j = 1; j <= JMAX; j++){
    st = trapzd (func, a, b, j);
    s = (4.0 * st - ost)/3.0;
    if (fabs (s - os) < EPS * fabs(os))
      return s;
    os = s;
    ost = st;
  fprintf (stderr, "Too many steps in routine QSIMP\n");
  // exit (1);
  return s;
template < class T > T qsimp( T (*func)(T), T a, T b )
	int	j;
	T		s, st, ost, os;

	ost = os = T(-1.0e30);
	for( j=1; j<=JMAX; j++ )
		st = trapzd(func, a, b, j);
		s = ( 4.0 * st - ost) / 3.0;
		if( fabs(s-os) < EPS * fabs(os) )
			return	s;
		if( s == 0.0 && os == 0.0 && j > 6 )
			return s;
		os = s;
		ost = st;

	printf("Previse koraka u qsimp");
	return T(0.0);
Esempio n. 18
 * @brief    Integration is performed by Romberg's method:  Numerical Recipes
 *           in C Section 4.3
qromb(double (*funcd)(),
      double   es,
      double   Wind,
      double   AirDens,
      double   ZO,
      double   EactAir,
      double   F,
      double   hsalt,
      double   phi_r,
      double   ushear,
      double   Zrh,
      double   a,
      double   b)
    extern parameters_struct param;

    double                   ss, dss;
    double                   s[param.BLOWING_MAX_ITER + 1];
    double                   h[param.BLOWING_MAX_ITER + 2];
    int                      j;

    h[1] = 1.0;
    for (j = 1; j <= param.BLOWING_MAX_ITER; j++) {
        s[j] = trapzd(funcd, es, Wind, AirDens, ZO, EactAir, F, hsalt, phi_r,
                      ushear, Zrh, a, b, j);
        if (j >= param.BLOWING_K) {
            polint(&h[j - param.BLOWING_K], &s[j - param.BLOWING_K],
                   param.BLOWING_K, 0.0, &ss, &dss);
            if (fabs(dss) <= DBL_EPSILON * fabs(ss)) {
                return ss;
        h[j + 1] = 0.25 * h[j];
    log_err("Too many steps");
    return 0.; // To avoid warnings.
Esempio n. 19
/** Romberg integration.
  \param func Pointer to a member function of class model_parameters.
  \param a Lower limit of integration.
  \param b Upper limit of inegration.
  \param ns
  \return The integral of the function from a to b using Romberg's method
dvariable function_minimizer::adromb(
  dvariable (model_parameters::*func)(const dvariable&),
  double a, const dvariable& b, int ns)
  const double base = 4;
  int MAXN = min(JMAX, ns);
  dvar_vector s(1,MAXN+1);

  for(int j=1; j<=MAXN+1; j++)
    s[j] = trapzd(func,a,b,j);

  for(int iter=1; iter<=MAXN+1; iter++)
    for(int j=1; j<=MAXN+1-iter; j++)
      s[j] = (pow(base,iter)*s[j+1]-s[j])/(pow(base,iter)-1);

  return s[1];
template < class T > T qromb( T (*func)(T), T a, T b )
	T		ss, dss;
	T		s [JMAXP+1], h[JMAXP+1];
	int	j;
	h[1-1] = T(1.0);
	for( j=1; j<=JMAX; j++ )
		s[j-1] = trapzd(func, a, b, j);
		if( j >= K )
			polint(&h[j-K-1], &s[j-K-1], K, T(0.0), &ss, &dss );
			if( fabs(dss) <= EPS*fabs(ss) )
				return ss;

		s[j+1-1] = s[j-1];
		h[j+1-1] = 0.25 * h[j-1];

	puts("To many steps in qromb");
	return T(0.0);
Esempio n. 21
 * @brief Perform Romberg integration
 * @param[in] a Left integration boundary.
 * @param[in] b Right integration boundary.
 * @param[in] k Integration order (default: k=5)
 * Returns the integral of the integrand from a to b. Integration is
 * performed by Romberg's method of order 2K, where e.g. K=2 in Simpson's
 * rule.
 * The number of iterations is limited by m_max_iter. m_eps specifies the
 * requested fractional accuracy. By default it is set to 1e-6.
 * @todo Check that k is smaller than m_max_iter
 * @todo Make use of std::vector class
double GIntegral::romb(const double& a, const double& b, const int& k)
    // Initialise result
    double result = 0.0;
    // Continue only if integration range is valid
    if (b > a) {

        // Initialise variables
        bool   converged = false;
        double ss        = 0.0;
        double dss       = 0.0;

        // Allocate temporal storage
        double* s = new double[m_max_iter+2];
        double* h = new double[m_max_iter+2];

        // Initialise step size
        h[1] = 1.0;
        s[0] = 0.0;

        // Iterative loop
        for (m_iter = 1; m_iter <= m_max_iter; ++m_iter) {

            // Integration using Trapezoid rule
            s[m_iter] = trapzd(a, b, m_iter, s[m_iter-1]);

            // Compile option: Check for NaN/Inf
            #if defined(G_NAN_CHECK)
            if (is_notanumber(s[m_iter]) || is_infinite(s[m_iter])) {
                std::cout << "*** ERROR: GIntegral::romb";
                std::cout << "(a=" << a << ", b=" << b << ", k=" << k << "):";
                std::cout << " NaN/Inf encountered";
                std::cout << " (s[" << m_iter << "]=" << s[m_iter] << ")";
                std::cout << std::endl;

            // Starting from iteration k on, use polynomial interpolation
            if (m_iter >= k) {
                ss = polint(&h[m_iter-k], &s[m_iter-k], k, 0.0, &dss);
                if (std::abs(dss) <= m_eps * std::abs(ss)) {
                    converged = true;
                    result    = ss;

            // Reduce step size
            h[m_iter+1]= 0.25 * h[m_iter];

        } // endfor: iterative loop

        // Free temporal storage
        delete [] s;
        delete [] h;

        // Dump warning
        if (!m_silent) {
            if (!converged) {
                std::string msg = "Integration uncertainty "+
                                  " exceeds tolerance of "+
                                  gammalib::str(m_eps * std::abs(ss))+
                                  " after "+gammalib::str(m_iter)+
                                  " iterations. Result "+
                                  " is inaccurate.";
                gammalib::warning(G_ROMB, msg);
    } // endif: integration range was valid

    // Return result
    return result;
Esempio n. 22
 virtual float func( float y, float n )
   return trapzd( innerFunc, y, x1, x2, (int)n );
Esempio n. 23
 * @brief Perform Romberg integration
 * @param[in] a Left integration boundary.
 * @param[in] b Right integration boundary.
 * @param[in] k Integration order (default: k=5)
 * Returns the integral of the integrand from a to b. Integration is
 * performed by Romberg's method of order 2K, where e.g. K=2 in Simpson's
 * rule.
 * The number of iterations is limited by m_max_iter. m_eps specifies the
 * requested fractional accuracy. By default it is set to 1e-6.
 * @todo Check that k is smaller than m_max_iter
 * @todo Make use of std::vector class
double GIntegral::romb(double a, double b, int k)
    // Initialise result
    bool   converged = false;
    double result    = 0.0;
    double ss        = 0.0;
    double dss       = 0.0;
    // Continue only if integration range is valid
    if (b > a) {

        // Allocate temporal storage
        double* s = new double[m_max_iter+2];
        double* h = new double[m_max_iter+2];

        // Initialise step size
        h[1] = 1.0;
        s[0] = 0.0;

        // Iterative loop
        for (m_iter = 1; m_iter <= m_max_iter; ++m_iter) {

            // Integration using Trapezoid rule
            s[m_iter] = trapzd(a, b, m_iter, s[m_iter-1]);

            // Compile option: Check for NaN/Inf
            #if defined(G_NAN_CHECK)
            if (isnotanumber(s[m_iter]) || isinfinite(s[m_iter])) {
                std::cout << "*** ERROR: GIntegral::romb";
                std::cout << "(a=" << a << ", b=" << b << ", k=" << k << "):";
                std::cout << " NaN/Inf encountered";
                std::cout << " (s[" << m_iter << "]=" << s[m_iter] << ")";
                std::cout << std::endl;

            // Starting from iteration k on, use polynomial interpolation
            if (m_iter >= k) {
                ss = polint(&h[m_iter-k], &s[m_iter-k], k, 0.0, &dss);
                if (std::abs(dss) <= m_eps * std::abs(ss)) {
                    converged = true;
                    result    = ss;

            // Reduce step size
            h[m_iter+1]= 0.25 * h[m_iter];

        } // endfor: iterative loop

        // Free temporal storage
        delete [] s;
        delete [] h;

        // Dump warning
        if (!m_silent) {
            if (!converged) {
                std::cout << "*** WARNING: GIntegral::romb: ";
                std::cout << "Integration did not converge ";
                std::cout << "(iter=" << m_iter;
                std::cout << ", result=" << ss;
                std::cout << ", d=" << std::abs(dss);
                std::cout << " > " << m_eps * std::abs(ss) << ")";
                std::cout << std::endl;
    } // endif: integration range was valid

    // Return result
    return result;