int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
	double *collideField = NULL;
	double *streamField = NULL;
	int *flagField = NULL;
	int xlength = 0;
	double tau = 0.0;
	double velocityWall[3] = {0};
	int timesteps = 0;
	int timestepsPerPlotting = 0;
	int t = 0;
	int readParamError = 0;
	const char *szProblem = "data_CFD_Assignment_02";

	readParamError = readParameters(&xlength, &tau, velocityWall, &timesteps, &timestepsPerPlotting, argc, argv);
	if(readParamError != 0)
		printf("Please provide only one argument to the program; the path to the input file.");
		return -1;

	/* Initialize pointers according to the D3Q19 discretization scheme */
	collideField 	= malloc(19*(xlength+2)*(xlength+2)*(xlength+2)*sizeof(*collideField));
	streamField 	= malloc(19*(xlength+2)*(xlength+2)*(xlength+2)*sizeof(*streamField));
	flagField 		= malloc((xlength+2)*(xlength+2)*(xlength+2)*sizeof(*flagField));

	initialiseFields(collideField, streamField, flagField, xlength);

	for(t = 0; t < timesteps; t++)
		double *swap = NULL;

		doStreaming(collideField, streamField, flagField, xlength);

		swap = collideField;
		collideField = streamField;
		streamField = swap;

		doCollision(collideField, flagField, &tau, xlength);

		treatBoundary(collideField, flagField, velocityWall, xlength);

		if (t % timestepsPerPlotting == 0)
			writeVtkOutput(collideField, flagField, szProblem, t, xlength);

	/* Free heap memory */

	return 0;
Esempio n. 2
File: main.c Progetto: Xodion/CFD
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    double *collideField = NULL;
    double *streamField = NULL;

    char problem[100];
    char pgmInput[1000];
    int *flagField = NULL;
    clock_t begin, end;
    double time_spent;
    struct timeval time_start, time_end;

    int xlength[3], timesteps, timestepsPerPlotting;
    double tau, bddParams[7];

    long long counters[3];
	int PAPI_events[] = {
		PAPI_L2_DCA };


#ifdef DEBUG
    double * exactCollideField; // used for debugging

    if(readParameters(xlength, &tau, bddParams, &timesteps, &timestepsPerPlotting, problem, pgmInput, argc, argv) == 0)
        begin = clock();
        gettimeofday(&time_start, NULL);
        collideField = (double*) malloc((size_t) sizeof(double) * PARAMQ * (xlength[0] + 2)*(xlength[1] + 2)*(xlength[2] + 2));
        streamField = (double*) malloc((size_t) sizeof(double) * PARAMQ * (xlength[0] + 2)*(xlength[1] + 2)*(xlength[2] + 2));
        flagField = (int *) malloc((size_t) sizeof (int) * (xlength[0] + 2)*(xlength[1] + 2)*(xlength[2] + 2));
        initialiseFields(collideField, streamField, flagField, xlength, problem, pgmInput);

        /** debugging code */
//        /* output the flagField */
//        char szFileName2[80];
//        FILE *fp2 = NULL;
//        sprintf( szFileName2, "Testdata/%s/flagField.dat", problem);
//        fp2 = fopen(szFileName2,"w");
//        for (int i = 0; i < (xlength[0] + 2) * (xlength[1] + 2) * (xlength[2] + 2); i++)
//                    fprintf(fp2, "%d\n", flagField[i]);
        /** debugging code end */

        printf("Progress:     ");

        PAPI_start_counters( PAPI_events, 3 );
        for(int t = 0; t < timesteps; t++)
            double *swap = NULL;
            #ifdef _AVX_
            doStreamingAndCollisionAVX(collideField, streamField, flagField, xlength, tau);
            doStreamingAndCollision(collideField, streamField, flagField, xlength, tau);
            #endif // _AVX_
            swap = collideField;
            collideField = streamField;
            streamField = swap;

            treatBoundary(collideField, flagField, bddParams, xlength);

            if (t % timestepsPerPlotting == 0)
//                writeVtkOutput(collideField, flagField, "./Paraview/output", (unsigned int) t / timestepsPerPlotting, xlength);
                /** debugging code */
//                 /* create reference files */
//                FILE *fp = NULL;
//                char szFileName[80];
//                sprintf( szFileName, "Testdata/%s/%i.dat", problem, t / timestepsPerPlotting );
//                fp = fopen(szFileName,"w");
//                for (int i = 0; i < PARAMQ * (xlength[0] + 2) * (xlength[1] + 2) * (xlength[2] + 2); i++)
//                    fprintf(fp, "%0.7f\n", collideField[i]);

                /* check correctness */
                #ifdef DEBUG
                exactCollideField = (double *) malloc ( ( size_t ) sizeof(double) * PARAMQ * (xlength[0] + 2) *  (xlength[1] + 2) * (xlength[2] + 2));
                FILE *fp = NULL;
                unsigned int line = 0;
                int noOfReadEntries;
                int error = 0;
                char szFileName[80];
                sprintf( szFileName, "Testdata/%s/%i.dat", problem, t / timestepsPerPlotting );
                fp = fopen(szFileName,"r");
                if (fp != NULL)
                    for (line = 0; line < PARAMQ * (xlength[0] + 2) *  (xlength[1] + 2) * (xlength[2] + 2); line++)
                        noOfReadEntries = fscanf(fp,"%lf",&exactCollideField[line]);
                        if (noOfReadEntries != 1)
                for (int i = 0; i < PARAMQ; i++)
                    for (int z = 1; z <= xlength[2]; z++)
                        for (int y = 1; y <= xlength[1]; y++)
                            for(int x = 1; x <= xlength[0]; x++)
                                if (flagField[z * (xlength[0] + 2) * (xlength[1] + 2) + y * (xlength[0] + 2) + x] == FLUID)
                                    if (fabs(collideField[z * (xlength[0] + 2) * (xlength[1] + 2) + y * (xlength[0] + 2 ) + x + (xlength[0] + 2) * (xlength[1] + 2) * (xlength[2] + 2) * i] - exactCollideField[PARAMQ * (z * (xlength[0] + 2) * (xlength[1] + 2) + y * (xlength[0] + 2) + x) + i]) > 1e-4)
                                        error = 1;
                if (error)
                    printf("ERROR: Different collideField in timestep %d\n", t);
                #endif // DEBUG
                /** end of debugging code */
            PAPI_read_counters( counters, 3 );
            int pct = ((float) t / timesteps) * 100;

            printf("\b\b\b%02d%%", pct);

        end = clock();
        gettimeofday(&time_end, NULL);
        time_spent = (double) (end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

        printf("Running time: %.2fs\n", time_spent);
        printf("Running time (Wall clock): %.2fs\n", ( (double) (( time_end.tv_sec - time_start.tv_sec) * 1000000u + time_end.tv_usec - time_start.tv_usec) )/ 1e6);
        printf("MLUPS: %.3f\n", ((double) (xlength[0] + 2) * (xlength[1] + 2) * (xlength[2] + 2) * timesteps) / (1000000.0 * ((time_end.tv_sec - time_start.tv_sec) * 1000000u + time_end.tv_usec - time_start.tv_usec) / 1e6));

        printf("%lld L2 cache misses (%.3lf%% misses) in %lld cycles\n",
		(double)counters[1] / (double)counters[2] * 100,
		counters[0] );

    return 0;