tmp<Field<Type> > domainScalingFvPatchField<Type>::patchNeighbourField() const { const domainScalingFvPatch& shadowPatch = domainScalingPatch_.shadow(); tmp<Field<Type> > tresult ( new Field<Type> ( shadowPatch.size(), pTraits<Type>::zero ) ); Field<Type>& firstField = tresult() ; const Field<Type>& iField = this->internalField(); const unallocLabelList& sfc = shadowPatch.faceCells(); forAll(firstField, i) { firstField[i] = iField[sfc[i]]; } // Info << firstField << endl; firstField = shadowPatch.interpolateToShadow(firstField); // Info << firstField << endl; return (tresult); }
Foam::tmp<Foam::Field<Type>> Foam::GAMGInterface::interfaceInternalField ( const UList<Type>& iF ) const { tmp<Field<Type>> tresult(new Field<Type>(size())); interfaceInternalField(iF, tresult()); return tresult; }
Foam::tmp<Foam::labelField> Foam::GAMGInterface::interfaceInternalField ( const labelUList& internalData ) const { tmp<labelField> tresult(new labelField(size())); labelField& result = tresult(); forAll(result, elemI) { result[elemI] = internalData[faceCellsHost_[elemI]]; } return tresult; }
Foam::tmp<Foam::volScalarField> Foam::BurgersViscoelastic::E(scalar t) const { scalar E = 0.0; if(t>=0) { scalar p1 = eta1_.value()/k1_.value() + eta1_.value()/k2_.value() + eta2_.value()/k2_.value(); scalar p2 = eta1_.value()*eta2_.value()/(k1_.value()*k2_.value()); scalar q1 = eta1_.value(); scalar q2 = eta1_.value()*eta2_.value()/k2_.value(); scalar A = sqrt(sqr(p1) - 4*p2); scalar r1 = (p1 - A)/(2*p2); scalar r2 = (p1 + A)/(2*p2); E = (q1 - q2*r1)*exp(-r1*t)/A - (q1 - q2*r2)*exp(-r2*t)/A; } tmp<volScalarField> tresult ( new volScalarField ( IOobject ( "E", mesh().time().timeName(), mesh(), IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ), mesh(), dimensionedScalar("E", k1_.dimensions(), E), zeroGradientFvPatchScalarField::typeName ) ); tresult().correctBoundaryConditions(); return tresult; }
Foam::tmp<Foam::surfaceVectorField> Foam::dugdaleCohesiveLaw::interfaceTraction ( surfaceVectorField n, volVectorField U, volTensorField gradU, volScalarField mu, volScalarField lambda ) const { notImplemented(type() + "::interfaceTraction()"); tmp<surfaceVectorField> tresult ( new surfaceVectorField ( IOobject ( "interfaceTraction", mesh().time().timeName(), mesh(), IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ), mesh(), dimensionedVector("zero", dimForce/dimArea, vector(0, 0, 0)) ) ); return tresult; }
Foam::tmp<Foam::scalarField> Foam::cellQuality::nonOrthogonality() const { tmp<scalarField> tresult ( new scalarField ( mesh_.nCells(), 0.0 ) ); scalarField& result = tresult.ref(); scalarField sumArea(mesh_.nCells(), 0.0); const vectorField& centres = mesh_.cellCentres(); const vectorField& areas = mesh_.faceAreas(); const labelList& own = mesh_.faceOwner(); const labelList& nei = mesh_.faceNeighbour(); forAll(nei, facei) { vector d = centres[nei[facei]] - centres[own[facei]]; vector s = areas[facei]; scalar magS = mag(s); scalar cosDDotS = radToDeg(Foam::acos(min(1.0, (d & s)/(mag(d)*magS + vSmall)))); result[own[facei]] = max(cosDDotS, result[own[facei]]); result[nei[facei]] = max(cosDDotS, result[nei[facei]]); }
Foam::tmp<Foam::volScalarField> Foam::multiMaterialThermal::indicator ( const label i ) const { const scalarField& mat = materials_.internalField(); tmp<volScalarField> tresult ( new volScalarField ( IOobject ( "indicator", mesh().time().timeName(), mesh(), IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ), mesh(), dimless, zeroGradientFvPatchScalarField::typeName ) ); volScalarField& result = tresult(); forAll (mat, matI) { if (mat[matI] > i - SMALL && mat[matI] < i + SMALL) { result[matI] = 1.0; } else { result[matI] = 0.0; } } result.correctBoundaryConditions(); return tresult; }
Foam::tmp<Foam::scalarField> Foam::multiMaterialCohesiveLaw::indicator ( const label i ) const { const scalarField& mat = materials_.internalField(); tmp<scalarField> tresult(new scalarField(mat.size(), 0.0)); scalarField& result = tresult(); forAll (mat, matI) { if (mat[matI] > i - SMALL && mat[matI] < i + 1 - SMALL) { result[matI] = 1.0; } } return tresult; }
Foam::tmp<Foam::Field<Type> > Foam::regionModels::regionModel::mapRegionPatchInternalField ( const regionModel& nbrRegion, const word& fieldName, const label regionPatchI, const bool flip ) const { typedef GeometricField<Type, fvPatchField, volMesh> fieldType; const fvMesh& nbrRegionMesh = nbrRegion.regionMesh(); if (nbrRegionMesh.foundObject<fieldType>(fieldName)) { const label nbrPatchI = nbrCoupledPatchID(nbrRegion, regionPatchI); int oldTag = UPstream::msgType(); UPstream::msgType() = oldTag + 1; const AMIPatchToPatchInterpolation& ami = interRegionAMI(nbrRegion, regionPatchI, nbrPatchI, flip); const fieldType& nbrField = nbrRegionMesh.lookupObject<fieldType>(fieldName); const fvPatchField<Type>& nbrFieldp = nbrField.boundaryField()[nbrPatchI]; tmp<Field<Type> > tresult ( ami.interpolateToSource(nbrFieldp.patchInternalField()) ); UPstream::msgType() = oldTag; return tresult; } else { const polyPatch& p = regionMesh().boundaryMesh()[regionPatchI]; return tmp<Field<Type> > ( new Field<Type> ( p.size(), pTraits<Type>::zero ) ); } }
Foam::tmp<Foam::vectorField> Foam::sphericalCS::globalToLocal ( const vectorField& global, bool translate ) const { const vectorField lc(coordinateSystem::globalToLocal(global, translate)); const scalarField r(mag(lc)); tmp<vectorField> tresult(new vectorField(lc.size())); vectorField& result = tresult(); result.replace ( vector::X, r ); result.replace ( vector::Y, atan2 ( lc.component(vector::Y), lc.component(vector::X) )*(inDegrees_ ? 180.0/constant::mathematical::pi : 1.0) ); result.replace ( vector::Z, acos ( lc.component(vector::Z)/(r + SMALL) )*(inDegrees_ ? 180.0/constant::mathematical::pi : 1.0) ); return tresult; }
tmp<GeometricField<Type, fvPatchField, volMesh> > cellReduce ( const GeometricField<Type, fvsPatchField, surfaceMesh>& ssf, const CombineOp& cop ) { typedef GeometricField<Type, fvPatchField, volMesh> volFieldType; const fvMesh& mesh = ssf.mesh(); tmp<volFieldType> tresult ( new volFieldType ( IOobject ( "cellReduce(" + + ')', ssf.instance(), mesh, IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ), mesh, dimensioned<Type>("0", ssf.dimensions(), pTraits<Type>::zero), zeroGradientFvPatchField<Type>::typeName ) ); volFieldType& result = tresult(); const labelUList& own = mesh.owner(); const labelUList& nbr = mesh.neighbour(); forAll(own, i) { label cellI = own[i]; cop(result[cellI], ssf[i]); }
Foam::tmp<Foam::volScalarField> Foam::PronyViscoelastic::rho(scalar t) const { tmp<volScalarField> tresult ( new volScalarField ( IOobject ( "rho", mesh().time().timeName(), mesh(), IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ), mesh(), rho_, zeroGradientFvPatchScalarField::typeName ) ); tresult().correctBoundaryConditions(); return tresult; }
Foam::tmp<Foam::volScalarField> Foam::PronyViscoelastic::E(scalar t) const { scalar E = 0.0; E = k_[0]; for(int i=1; i<k_.size(); i++) { E += k_[i]*exp(-t/tau_[i]); } if(t < 0) { E = 0; } tmp<volScalarField> tresult ( new volScalarField ( IOobject ( "E", mesh().time().timeName(), mesh(), IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ), mesh(), dimensionedScalar("E", kDimensions_, E), zeroGradientFvPatchScalarField::typeName ) ); tresult().correctBoundaryConditions(); return tresult; }
Foam::tmp<Foam::volScalarField> Foam::linearElastic::E() const { tmp<volScalarField> tresult ( new volScalarField ( IOobject ( "E", mesh().time().timeName(), mesh(), IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ), mesh(), E_, zeroGradientFvPatchScalarField::typeName ) ); tresult().correctBoundaryConditions(); return tresult; }
Foam::tmp<Foam::volScalarField> Foam::constantThermal::k() const { tmp<volScalarField> tresult ( new volScalarField ( IOobject ( "k", mesh().time().timeName(), mesh(), IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ), mesh(), k_, zeroGradientFvPatchScalarField::typeName ) ); tresult().correctBoundaryConditions(); return tresult; }
Foam::tmp<GeoFieldType> Foam::functionObjects::subtract::calcFieldType() const { tmp<GeoFieldType> tresult ( lookupObject<GeoFieldType>(fieldNames_[0]) - lookupObject<GeoFieldType>(fieldNames_[1]) ); for (label i=2; i<fieldNames_.size(); i++) { tresult.ref() -= lookupObject<GeoFieldType>(fieldNames_[i]); } return tresult; }
Foam::tmp<Foam::Field<Type> > Foam::regionModels::regionModel::mapRegionPatchField ( const regionModel& nbrRegion, const label regionPatchI, const label nbrPatchI, const Field<Type>& nbrField, const bool flip ) const { int oldTag = UPstream::msgType(); UPstream::msgType() = oldTag + 1; const AMIPatchToPatchInterpolation& ami = interRegionAMI(nbrRegion, regionPatchI, nbrPatchI, flip); tmp<Field<Type> > tresult(ami.interpolateToSource(nbrField)); UPstream::msgType() = oldTag; return tresult; }
tmp<Field<Type> > ggiGAMGInterface::fastReduce(const UList<Type>& ff) const { // Algorithm // Local processor contains faceCells part of the zone and requires // zoneAddressing part. // For fast communications, each processor will send the faceCells and // zoneAddressing to the master. Master will assemble global zone // and send off messages to all processors containing only // the required data // HJ, 24/Jun/2011 if (ff.size() != this->size()) { FatalErrorIn ( "tmp<Field<Type> > ggiGAMGInterface::fastReduce" "(" " const UList<Type>& ff" ") const" ) << "Wrong field size. ff: " << ff.size() << " interface: " << this->size() << abort(FatalError); } if (localParallel() || !Pstream::parRun()) { // Field remains identical: no parallel communications required tmp<Field<Type> > tresult(new Field<Type>(ff)); return tresult; } // Execute reduce if not already done if (!initReduce_) { initFastReduce(); } if (Pstream::master()) { // Master collects information and distributes data. Field<Type> expandField(zoneSize(), pTraits<Type>::zero); // Insert master processor const labelList& za = zoneAddressing(); forAll (za, i) { expandField[za[i]] = ff[i]; } // Master receives and inserts data from all processors for which // receiveAddr contains entries for (label procI = 1; procI < Pstream::nProcs(); procI++) { const labelList& curRAddr = receiveAddr_[procI]; if (!curRAddr.empty()) { Field<Type> receiveBuf(curRAddr.size()); // Opt: reconsider mode of communication IPstream::read ( Pstream::blocking, procI, reinterpret_cast<char*>(receiveBuf.begin()), receiveBuf.byteSize() ); // Insert received information forAll (curRAddr, i) { expandField[curRAddr[i]] = receiveBuf[i]; } } } // Expanded field complete, send required data to other processors for (label procI = 1; procI < Pstream::nProcs(); procI++) { const labelList& curSAddr = sendAddr_[procI]; if (!curSAddr.empty()) { Field<Type> sendBuf(curSAddr.size()); forAll (curSAddr, i) { sendBuf[i] = expandField[curSAddr[i]]; } // Opt: reconsider mode of communication OPstream::write ( Pstream::blocking, procI, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(sendBuf.begin()), sendBuf.byteSize() ); } }
Foam::tmp<Foam::Field<Type> > Foam::BlockLduMatrix<Type>::decoupledH(const Field<Type>& x) const { typedef typename TypeCoeffField::scalarTypeField scalarTypeField; typedef typename TypeCoeffField::linearTypeField linearTypeField; // Create result tmp<Field<Type> > tresult ( new Field<Type>(lduAddr().size(), pTraits<Type>::zero) ); Field<Type>& result = tresult(); const unallocLabelList& u = lduAddr().upperAddr(); const unallocLabelList& l = lduAddr().lowerAddr(); const TypeCoeffField& Upper = this->upper(); // Create multiplication function object typename BlockCoeff<Type>::multiply mult; // Lower multiplication if (symmetric()) { if (Upper.activeType() == blockCoeffBase::SCALAR) { const scalarTypeField& activeUpper = Upper.asScalar(); for (register label coeffI = 0; coeffI < u.size(); coeffI++) { result[u[coeffI]] -= mult(activeUpper[coeffI], x[l[coeffI]]); } } else if (Upper.activeType() == blockCoeffBase::LINEAR) { const linearTypeField& activeUpper = Upper.asLinear(); for (register label coeffI = 0; coeffI < u.size(); coeffI++) { result[u[coeffI]] -= mult(activeUpper[coeffI], x[l[coeffI]]); } } } else // Asymmetric matrix { const TypeCoeffField& Lower = this->lower(); if (Lower.activeType() == blockCoeffBase::SCALAR) { const scalarTypeField& activeLower = Lower.asScalar(); for (register label coeffI = 0; coeffI < u.size(); coeffI++) { result[u[coeffI]] -= mult(activeLower[coeffI], x[l[coeffI]]); } } else if (Lower.activeType() == blockCoeffBase::LINEAR) { const linearTypeField& activeLower = Lower.asLinear(); for (register label coeffI = 0; coeffI < u.size(); coeffI++) { result[u[coeffI]] -= mult(activeLower[coeffI], x[l[coeffI]]); } } } // Upper multiplication if (Upper.activeType() == blockCoeffBase::SCALAR) { const scalarTypeField& activeUpper = Upper.asScalar(); for (register label coeffI = 0; coeffI < u.size(); coeffI++) { result[l[coeffI]] -= mult(activeUpper[coeffI], x[u[coeffI]]); } } else if (Upper.activeType() == blockCoeffBase::LINEAR) { const linearTypeField& activeUpper = Upper.asLinear(); for (register label coeffI = 0; coeffI < u.size(); coeffI++) { result[l[coeffI]] -= mult(activeUpper[coeffI], x[u[coeffI]]); } } return tresult; }
Foam::tmp<Foam::volScalarField> Foam::fluentDataConverter::convertField ( const word& fieldName, const label unitNumber, const dimensionedScalar& defaultValue ) const { // Create field Info << "Creating field " << fieldName << " for unit "<< unitNumber << endl; tmp<volScalarField> tresult ( new volScalarField ( IOobject ( fieldName, mesh_.time().timeName(), mesh_, IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ), mesh_, defaultValue ) ); volScalarField& result = tresult(); SLList<label>::const_iterator fieldIDIter = fieldID_.begin(); SLList<label>::const_iterator zoneIDIter = zoneID_.begin(); SLList<label>::const_iterator firstIDIter = firstID_.begin(); SLList<label>::const_iterator lastIDIter = lastID_.begin(); SLPtrList<FieldField<Field, scalar> >::const_iterator zoneDataIter = zoneData_.begin(); for ( ; fieldIDIter != fieldID_.end(); ++fieldIDIter, ++zoneIDIter, ++firstIDIter, ++lastIDIter, ++zoneDataIter ) { // Look for field index if (fieldIDIter() == unitNumber) { Info<< "Found field ID for zone " << zoneIDIter(); word patchName = zoneToPatchName_[zoneIDIter()]; // Internal Field if ( patchName == "unknown" && zoneDataIter()[0].size() == mesh_.nCells() ) { Info<< " internal cell zone. Size = " << mesh_.nCells() << endl; result.internalField() = zoneDataIter()[0]; } else { label patchID = mesh_.boundaryMesh().findPatchID(patchName); if (patchID > -1) { Info<< " and patch " << patchName << " with id " << patchID << endl; result.boundaryField()[patchID] == zoneDataIter()[0]; } else { Info<< " and patch not found" << endl; } } } } return tresult; }