Esempio n. 1
void zmq::tcp_connecter_t::out_event ()
    fd_t fd = connect ();
    rm_fd (handle);
    handle_valid = false;

    //  Handle the error condition by attempt to reconnect.
    if (fd == retired_fd) {
        close ();

    tune_tcp_socket (fd);
    tune_tcp_keepalives (fd, options.tcp_keepalive, options.tcp_keepalive_cnt, options.tcp_keepalive_idle, options.tcp_keepalive_intvl);

    //  Create the engine object for this connection.
    stream_engine_t *engine = new (std::nothrow)
        stream_engine_t (fd, options, endpoint);
    alloc_assert (engine);

    //  Attach the engine to the corresponding session object.
    send_attach (session, engine);

    //  Shut the connecter down.
    terminate ();

    socket->event_connected (endpoint, fd);
Esempio n. 2
void zmq::tcp_connecter_t::out_event ()
    bool is_interruped = false;
    fd_t fd = connect(&is_interruped);
    if (is_interruped)
    rm_fd (handle);
    handle_valid = false;

    //  Handle the error condition by attempt to reconnect.
    if (fd == retired_fd) {
        close ();
        wait = true;

    tune_tcp_socket (fd);
    tune_tcp_keepalives (fd, options.tcp_keepalive, options.tcp_keepalive_cnt, options.tcp_keepalive_idle, options.tcp_keepalive_intvl);

    //  Create the engine object for this connection.
    stream_engine_t *engine = new (std::nothrow) stream_engine_t (fd, options);
    alloc_assert (engine);

    //  Attach the engine to the corresponding session object.
    send_attach (session, engine);

    //  Shut the connecter down.
    terminate ();

    session->monitor_event (ZMQ_EVENT_CONNECTED, endpoint.c_str(), fd);
Esempio n. 3
void zmq::tcp_listener_t::in_event ()
    fd_t fd = accept ();

    //  If connection was reset by the peer in the meantime, just ignore it.
    //  TODO: Handle specific errors like ENFILE/EMFILE etc.
    if (fd == retired_fd) {
        socket->monitor_event (ZMQ_EVENT_ACCEPT_FAILED, endpoint.c_str(), zmq_errno());

    tune_tcp_socket (fd);
    tune_tcp_keepalives (fd, options.tcp_keepalive, options.tcp_keepalive_cnt, options.tcp_keepalive_idle, options.tcp_keepalive_intvl);

    //  Create the engine object for this connection.
    stream_engine_t *engine = new (std::nothrow) stream_engine_t (fd, options);
    alloc_assert (engine);

    //  Choose I/O thread to run connecter in. Given that we are already
    //  running in an I/O thread, there must be at least one available.
    io_thread_t *io_thread = choose_io_thread (options.affinity);
    zmq_assert (io_thread);

    //  Create and launch a session object. 
    session_base_t *session = session_base_t::create (io_thread, false, socket,
        options, NULL);
    errno_assert (session);
    session->inc_seqnum ();
    launch_child (session);
    send_attach (session, engine, false);
    socket->monitor_event (ZMQ_EVENT_ACCEPTED, endpoint.c_str(), fd);
Esempio n. 4
void zmq::tcp_listener_t::in_event ()
    fd_t fd = accept ();

    //  If connection was reset by the peer in the meantime, just ignore it.
    //  TODO: Handle specific errors like ENFILE/EMFILE etc.
    if (fd == retired_fd) {
        _socket->event_accept_failed (
          make_unconnected_bind_endpoint_pair (_endpoint), zmq_errno ());

    int rc = tune_tcp_socket (fd);
    rc = rc
         | tune_tcp_keepalives (
             fd, options.tcp_keepalive, options.tcp_keepalive_cnt,
             options.tcp_keepalive_idle, options.tcp_keepalive_intvl);
    rc = rc | tune_tcp_maxrt (fd, options.tcp_maxrt);
    if (rc != 0) {
        _socket->event_accept_failed (
          make_unconnected_bind_endpoint_pair (_endpoint), zmq_errno ());

    //  Create the engine object for this connection.
    create_engine (fd);
Esempio n. 5
bool zmq::tcp_connecter_t::tune_socket (const fd_t fd)
    const int rc = tune_tcp_socket (fd)
                   | tune_tcp_keepalives (
                       fd, options.tcp_keepalive, options.tcp_keepalive_cnt,
                       options.tcp_keepalive_idle, options.tcp_keepalive_intvl)
                   | tune_tcp_maxrt (fd, options.tcp_maxrt);
    return rc == 0;
zmq::fd_t zmq::socks_connecter_t::check_proxy_connection ()
    //  Async connect has finished. Check whether an error occurred
    int err = 0;
    int len = sizeof err;
    socklen_t len = sizeof err;

    int rc = getsockopt (s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (char*) &err, &len);

    //  Assert if the error was caused by 0MQ bug.
    //  Networking problems are OK. No need to assert.
    zmq_assert (rc == 0);
    if (err != 0) {
        wsa_assert (err == WSAECONNREFUSED
                 || err == WSAETIMEDOUT
                 || err == WSAECONNABORTED
                 || err == WSAEHOSTUNREACH
                 || err == WSAENETUNREACH
                 || err == WSAENETDOWN
                 || err == WSAEACCES
                 || err == WSAEINVAL
                 || err == WSAEADDRINUSE);
        return -1;
    //  Following code should handle both Berkeley-derived socket
    //  implementations and Solaris.
    if (rc == -1)
        err = errno;
    if (err != 0) {
        errno = err;
        errno_assert (
            errno == ECONNREFUSED ||
            errno == ECONNRESET ||
            errno == ETIMEDOUT ||
            errno == EHOSTUNREACH ||
            errno == ENETUNREACH ||
            errno == ENETDOWN ||
            errno == EINVAL);
        return -1;

    rc = tune_tcp_socket (s);
    rc = rc | tune_tcp_keepalives (s, options.tcp_keepalive, options.tcp_keepalive_cnt,
        options.tcp_keepalive_idle, options.tcp_keepalive_intvl);
    if (rc != 0)
        return -1;
    return 0;
Esempio n. 7
void zmq::tcp_connecter_t::out_event ()
    if (connect_timer_started) {
        cancel_timer (connect_timer_id);
        connect_timer_started = false;

    rm_fd (handle);
    handle_valid = false;

    const fd_t fd = connect ();
    //  Handle the error condition by attempt to reconnect.
    if (fd == retired_fd) {
        close ();
        add_reconnect_timer ();

    tune_tcp_socket (fd);
    tune_tcp_keepalives (fd, options.tcp_keepalive, options.tcp_keepalive_cnt, options.tcp_keepalive_idle, options.tcp_keepalive_intvl);
    tune_tcp_retransmit_timeout (fd, options.tcp_retransmit_timeout);

    // remember our fd for ZMQ_SRCFD in messages
    socket->set_fd (fd);

    //  Create the engine object for this connection.
    stream_engine_t *engine = new (std::nothrow)
        stream_engine_t (fd, options, endpoint);
    alloc_assert (engine);

    //  Attach the engine to the corresponding session object.
    send_attach (session, engine);

    //  Shut the connecter down.
    terminate ();

    socket->event_connected (endpoint, (int) fd);