bool UnaryOpExpression::preCompute(const Variant& value, Variant &result) { bool ret = true; try { g_context->setThrowAllErrors(true); auto add = RuntimeOption::IntsOverflowToInts ? cellAdd : cellAddO; auto sub = RuntimeOption::IntsOverflowToInts ? cellSub : cellSubO; switch(m_op) { case '!': result = (!toBoolean(value)); break; case '+': cellSet(add(make_tv<KindOfInt64>(0), *value.asCell()), *result.asCell()); break; case '-': cellSet(sub(make_tv<KindOfInt64>(0), *value.asCell()), *result.asCell()); break; case '~': tvSet(*value.asCell(), *result.asTypedValue()); cellBitNot(*result.asCell()); break; case '@': result = value; break; case T_INT_CAST: result = value.toInt64(); break; case T_DOUBLE_CAST: result = toDouble(value); break; case T_STRING_CAST: result = toString(value); break; case T_BOOL_CAST: result = toBoolean(value); break; case T_EMPTY: result = !toBoolean(value); break; case T_ISSET: result = is_not_null(value); break; case T_INC: case T_DEC: assert(false); default: ret = false; break; } } catch (...) { ret = false; } g_context->setThrowAllErrors(false); return ret; }
Object c_SetResultToRefWaitHandle::ti_create(CObjRef wait_handle, VRefParam ref) { TypedValue* var_or_cell = ref->asTypedValue(); if (wait_handle.isNull()) { tvSetNull(*var_or_cell); return wait_handle; } if (!wait_handle.get()->getAttribute(ObjectData::IsWaitHandle)) { Object e(SystemLib::AllocInvalidArgumentExceptionObject( "Expected wait_handle to be an instance of WaitHandle or null")); throw e; } auto wh = static_cast<c_WaitHandle*>(wait_handle.get()); // succeeded? set result to ref and give back succeeded wait handle if (wh->isSucceeded()) { tvSet(wh->getResult(), *var_or_cell); return wh; } // failed? reset ref and give back failed wait handle if (wh->isFailed()) { tvSetNull(*var_or_cell); return wh; } // it's still running so it must be WaitableWaitHandle auto child = static_cast<c_WaitableWaitHandle*>(wh); // import child into the current context, detect cross-context cycles auto session = AsioSession::Get(); if (session->isInContext()) { child->enterContext(session->getCurrentContextIdx()); } // make sure the reference is properly boxed so that we can store cell pointer if (UNLIKELY(var_or_cell->m_type != KindOfRef)) { tvBox(var_or_cell); } p_SetResultToRefWaitHandle my_wh = NEWOBJ(c_SetResultToRefWaitHandle)(); my_wh->initialize(child, var_or_cell->m_data.pref); if (UNLIKELY(session->hasOnSetResultToRefCreateCallback())) { session->onSetResultToRefCreate(my_wh.get(), child); } return my_wh; }
Object c_SetResultToRefWaitHandle::ti_create(CObjRef wait_handle, VRefParam ref) { TypedValue* var_or_cell = ref->asTypedValue(); if (wait_handle.isNull()) { tvSetNull(var_or_cell); return wait_handle; } if (!wait_handle.get()->instanceof(c_WaitHandle::s_cls)) { Object e(SystemLib::AllocInvalidArgumentExceptionObject( "Expected wait_handle to be an instance of WaitHandle or null")); throw e; } c_WaitHandle* wh = static_cast<c_WaitHandle*>(wait_handle.get()); // succeeded? set result to ref and give back succeeded wait handle if (wh->isSucceeded()) { tvSet(wh->getResult(), var_or_cell); return wh; } // failed? reset ref and give back failed wait handle if (wh->isFailed()) { tvSetNull(var_or_cell); return wh; } // it's still running so it must be WaitableWaitHandle c_WaitableWaitHandle* child_wh = static_cast<c_WaitableWaitHandle*>(wh); // make sure the reference is properly boxed so that we can store cell pointer if (UNLIKELY(var_or_cell->m_type != KindOfRef)) { tvBox(var_or_cell); } p_SetResultToRefWaitHandle my_wh = NEWOBJ(c_SetResultToRefWaitHandle)(); my_wh->initialize(child_wh, var_or_cell->m_data.pref); AsioSession* session = AsioSession::Get(); if (UNLIKELY(session->hasOnSetResultToRefCreateCallback())) { session->onSetResultToRefCreate(my_wh.get(), child_wh); } return my_wh; }
TypedValue* NameValueTable::set(const StringData* name, const TypedValue* val) { TypedValue* target = findTypedValue(name); tvSet(*tvToCell(val), *target); return target; }