Esempio n. 1
gameNode::gameNode(int N, int type, double uMean, double uSD)

	numU = N;
	int i = 0;
	std::vector< double > tempV;
   std::random_device rd;
 	std::default_random_engine generator(rd());

//	std::gamma_distribution< double > uDist(uMean,uSD);
	std::normal_distribution<double> uDist(uMean,uSD);

		tempV.push_back( uDist(generator) );
	u = std::vector< double >(tempV);
} else if(type==2)
	std::gamma_distribution< double > uDist(uMean,uSD);
//	std::normal_distribution<double> uDist(uMean,uSD);

		tempV.push_back( uDist(generator) );
	u = std::vector< double >(tempV);

Esempio n. 2
GameTable::GameTable(SDL_Renderer* pRenderer, const Uint32 w, const Uint32 h)
    // Game window size
    windowW = w;
    windowH = h;

    // Game table initialization
    table = new Table();

    // Timer initialization
    Uint32 timerW = 100;
    Uint32 timerH = 10;
    Uint32 timerX = static_cast<Uint32>((windowW * 0.5) - (timerW * 0.5f));
    Uint32 timerY = 5;
    timerRect = SDL_Rect{ timerX, timerY, timerW, timerH };
    timerFillColor = SDL_Color{ 250, 104, 87, 255 };
    timerBGColor = SDL_Color{ 255, 207, 201, 255 };
    timer = new SimpleTimer();
    animTimer = new SimpleTimer();

    // Upper Left position
    ulPos = new SDL_Point{ 50, 300 };

    // Table Rectangle delimiter
    tableDelimiter = new SDL_Rect{ ulPos->x, ulPos->y - (rowNum - 1) * 40, colLimit * 40, rowNum * 40 };

    // Initialize randomization
    distributionForColumn = uDist(minColNum, rowNum);

    // At max baseMaxBlockColor colors at first
    distributionForBlockColor = uDist(0, baseMaxBlockColor);

    // At first only normal blocks
    distributionForBlockType = uDist(0, 0);

    // Random functions
    // Defining on the fly seed for the random engine
    auto seed = static_cast<Uint32>(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());
    generator = std::default_random_engine(1);

    // Binding for ease of use
    randColNum = std::bind(distributionForColumn, generator);
    randBlockColor = std::bind(distributionForBlockColor, generator);
    randBlockType = std::bind(distributionForBlockType, generator);

    // Loading background textures
    backgroundTexture = new SimpleTexture(pRenderer);
    backgroundTexture->LoadFromFileRGB(TABLE_BG_TEX_NAME, SDL_FALSE, nullptr);

    // Loading block textures
    blockTexture = new SimpleTexture(pRenderer);
    blockTexture->LoadFromFileRGB(BLOCK_TEX_NAME, SDL_FALSE, nullptr);

    blockTextureHighlighted = new SimpleTexture(pRenderer);
    blockTextureHighlighted->LoadFromFileRGB(BLOCK_TEX_HL_NAME, SDL_FALSE, nullptr);

    // Loading font
    gameFont = TTF_OpenFont(fontName.c_str(), 20);
    textTexture = new SimpleTexture(pRenderer);

    // Creating buttons
    btnAddFaceTexture = new SimpleTexture(pRenderer);
    btnAddFaceTexture->LoadFromFileRGB(PLUS_TEX_HL_NAME, SDL_FALSE, nullptr);
    btnAddColumn = new SimpleButton(pRenderer, blockTexture, blockTextureHighlighted, btnAddFaceTexture, SDL_Color{ 255, 255, 255, 255 }, ulPos->x + ((colLimit - 1) * 40), ulPos->y + 40, 40, 40);
    btnPauseGame = new SimpleButton(pRenderer, blockTexture, blockTextureHighlighted, nullptr, SDL_Color{ 255, 255, 255, 255 }, ulPos->x - 40 - 5, ulPos->y - ((rowNum - 1) * 40), 40, 40);

    // Initialize Linked block lists
    blockLinks = LinkList();
    newLink = new Link();

    // Score, experience and pause rendering settings
    scoreColor = SDL_Color{ 0xFF, 0xE4, 0xD1, 0xFF };
    scoreULPos = SDL_Point{ 100, static_cast<Uint32>(windowH * 0.8f) };
    levelULPos = SDL_Point{ 100, static_cast<Uint32>(windowH * 0.8f) + 30 };

    // Calculate pause string width
    int* posW = new int();
    int* posH = new int();
    TTF_SizeText(gameFont, pauseText.c_str(), posW, posH);
    auto textSize = *posW;
    pauseULPos = SDL_Point{ static_cast<Uint32>((windowW - textSize) * 0.5f), static_cast<Uint32>(windowH * 0.5f - 100) };

    // Calculate experience string width
    TTF_SizeText(gameFont, expText.c_str(), posW, posH);
    textSize = *posW;
    expULPos = SDL_Point{ static_cast<Uint32>((windowW - textSize) * 0.5f), ulPos->y + 35 };
    expRect = SDL_Rect{ static_cast<Uint32>(windowW * 0.5f - 100), expULPos.y + *posH + 5, 200, 15 };
    delete posW;
    delete posH;

    // Initialize all the game variables