Esempio n. 1
void vSerialPutString( xComPortHandle pxPort, const signed char * const pcString, unsigned short usStringLength )
	/* Just call into the Altera support function, which has its own parameters,
	so the parameters passed in here are not used. */
	( void ) pxPort;

	uart0_print( ( char * ) pcString );
Esempio n. 2
signed portBASE_TYPE xSerialPutChar( xComPortHandle pxPort, signed char cOutChar, TickType_t xBlockTime )
char cOutBytes[ 2 ];

	/* Just call into the Altera support function, which has its own parameters,
	so the parameters passed in here are not used. */
	( void ) pxPort;

	cOutBytes[ 0 ] = cOutChar;
	cOutBytes[ 1 ] = 0x00;
	uart0_print( cOutBytes );

	return pdPASS;
Esempio n. 3
uint16_t max31855_read()
	MAX31855_t max31855;
	uint8_t data[4];
	//Switch CS to low to initiate data transfer
	MAX31855_CS_PORT &= ~(1<<MAX_31855_CS_PIN_1);
	//Get bits D31 to D24
	data[0] = SPDR;
	//Get bits D23 to D16
	data[1] = SPDR;
	//Get bits D15 to D8
	data[2] = SPDR;
	//Get bits D7 to D0
	data[3] = SPDR;
	//Switch CS back to high to end data transfer
	MAX31855_CS_PORT |= (1<<MAX_31855_CS_PIN_1);
	char buffer[8];
	uart0_print("Raw Value: ");
	itoa(data[0], buffer, 16); uart0_print(buffer); uart0_print(" ");
	itoa(data[1], buffer, 16); uart0_print(buffer); uart0_print(" ");
	itoa(data[2], buffer, 16); uart0_print(buffer); uart0_print(" ");
	itoa(data[3], buffer, 16); uart0_print(buffer); uart0_print(" ");
	uart0_print(", ");
	//The two most significant bytes hold the thermocouple temp
	max31855.thermocoupleTemp = ((data[0]<<8)|(data[1]));
	//Check if the value is negative
	if((max31855.thermocoupleTemp & 0x8000) == 0x8000)
		max31855.signBit = 1;

	//Check if the fault bit(Bit 16) is 1
	if((max31855.thermocoupleTemp & 0x0001) == 0x0001)
		max31855.faultBit = 1;
		#ifdef DEBUG_BUILD
		uart0_print("Fault Detected, ");
	//Shift out bits D16 and D17	
	max31855.thermocoupleTemp = (max31855.thermocoupleTemp >> 2);
	return max31855.thermocoupleTemp;