Esempio n. 1
int ble112_send_command(char* command, char command_len, char* response)
  char rsp[6];
  char i;

  for(i=0; i<command_len; i++)
    //printf("0x%02x ", command[i]);
  //wait until we received a response
  while (!uart2_can_get());
  //read the response back
  for(i=0; i<6; i++)
    rsp[i] = uart2_getc();
    //printf("0x%02x ", rsp[i]);
  // check response
  if(memcmp(rsp, response, 6) != 0)
    return -1;
  else return 1;
Esempio n. 2
void uart2_print(const char *str){
    int i = 0;
    while(str[i]!='\0' && i<32){

Esempio n. 3
File: uart.c Progetto: thaigiang/VMS
void uart2_putROMString(rom char* str)
    unsigned char c;
    while( c = *str++ )
Esempio n. 4
File: uart.c Progetto: thaigiang/VMS
void uart2_putString(char *s)
    char c;

    while( (c = *s++) )
Esempio n. 5
 *  Hot restarts the GPS module.
void gps_hot_restart()
	uart2_putc(0x0D); uart2_putc(0x0A);
Esempio n. 6
int main (void)
	/* variables for the UART0 (USB connection) */
	unsigned int c = 0, c2 = 0, c3 = 0; // Variable for reading UARTS
	char buffer[MAX_MSG_SIZE];
	char buffer2[MAX_MSG_SIZE];
	char buffer3[MAX_MSG_SIZE];
	int  idx = 0, idx2 = -1, idx3 = -1;
	int	 len2 = 0;
	int	 len3 = 0;
	char meas_buffer[TX_BUFF_SIZE];
	int txi = 0;
	int txtop=0;
	unsigned int i = 0;
	char *ptr;
	unsigned char hli_mutex = 0;
	unsigned int gps = 0;
	unsigned int imu = 0;
	signed int ratio = 0;
	uint16_t xacc = 0;
	uint8_t xacca[2];
	char s[64];
	char rmc[256];

	awake_flag = 0;

	#ifdef RF_TEST_IDX
	uint8_t gps_rf_test_idx = 0;
	uint8_t imu_rf_test_idx = 0;

  /* set outputs */
	PORTL = 0xff; // Turn off LEDS
  DDRL = (1<<LED1) | (1<<LED2) | (1<<LED3) | (1<<LED4); // Set pins for LED as output


	/* initialize UARTS */
  uart_init( UART_BAUD_SELECT(UART_BAUD_RATE,F_CPU) ); // USB connection
  uart2_init( UART_BAUD_SELECT(UART2_BAUD_RATE,F_CPU) ); // APC220 radio
  uart3_init( UART_BAUD_SELECT(UART3_BAUD_RATE,F_CPU) ); // UP-501 GPS

	/* Interrupt stuff for ADIS */
	PCICR |= 1<<PCIE2; // Enable interrupt PORTK
	PCMSK2 |= (1<<PCINT23); // interrupt in PCINT23

  /* now enable interrupt, since UART library is interrupt controlled */

	spiTransferWord(0xBE80); // ADSI software reset
	/* Set GPS to a faster baud and update UART speed */
	//	uart3_init( UART_BAUD_SELECT(115200,F_CPU) );
	uart3_init( UART_BAUD_SELECT(57600,F_CPU) );
	//uart3_init( UART_BAUD_SELECT(38400,F_CPU) );
	/* 115200 seems to be a little bit unstable, at least testing via radio*/


  while (1) {
		/* Read each UART serially and check each of them for data, if there is handle it */ 	
		c = uart_getc();
		c2 = uart2_getc();
		c3 = uart3_getc();

		// Stop motors when connection is lost
		if (awake_flag > AWAKE_THRESHOLD) {
			pwm_set_duty(RC1, 0 );
			pwm_set_duty(RC2, 0 );

		if(tx_counter >= TX_READY) {
			//empty buffer
			for (txi = 0; txi < txtop; txi++) {
				uart2_putc(meas_buffer[txi]); // Sending buffered data to RF
			txtop = 0;
			PORTL ^= (1<<LED2);
			tx_counter -= TX_READY;

		if (adis_ready_counter >= ADIS_READY) {
			adis_reduce_decoded_burst(); // Reduce data ammount
			#ifdef LOG_ENABLE
			hli_send(package(sizeof(adis8_t), 0x14, 0x0D, &adis_data_decoded), sizeof(adis8_t)); // Log to SD card

			#ifdef RF_TEST_IDX
			if (imu_rf_test_idx == 255)
				imu_rf_test_idx = 1;
			memcpy(&meas_buffer[txtop],	(char *)package(sizeof(adis8_reduced_t), 0x14, 0x0F, &adis_data_decoded_reduced),sizeof(adis8_reduced_t)+6);
			#ifndef RF_TEST_IDX
			memcpy(&meas_buffer[txtop],	(char *)package(sizeof(adis8_reduced_t), 0x14, 0x0E, &adis_data_decoded_reduced),sizeof(adis8_reduced_t)+6);

			adis_ready_counter -= ADIS_READY;

			PORTL ^= (1<<LED4);

		/* Reading from radio */
		if ( c2 & UART_NO_DATA ) {} else // Data available
		{ //if data is $, set a flag, read next byte, set that value as the length, read while incrementing index until length reached, parse
			if (idx2 == 0) { // We should buffer a packet
				len2 = c2+5; // Set length

			if ( (idx2 < len2) && (idx2 >= 0)) { // We are buffering
				buffer2[idx2] = c2;

				if (idx2 == len2) { // We now have a full packet

					if (parse(&rfmsg, buffer2)) {
						PORTL ^= (1<<LED1);

					idx2 = -1; // Set flag in new packet mode

					#ifdef DEBUG

			if (c2 == '$') { // We have a possible message comming
//				PORTL ^= (1<<LED4);
				idx2 = 0; // Set "flag"

		/* Reading from GPS */
		if ( c3 & UART_NO_DATA ) {} else  // Data available
			/* Transmitting NMEA GPS sentences to the HLI */
			if (c3 == '$') { // We have a possible message comming
				//PORTL ^= (1<<LED3);
				len3 = 0; // Set "flag"

			if (len3 >= 0) { // We are buffering
				buffer3[len3] = c3;
				if (c3 == '\n') { // We now have a full packet
					if(buffer3[4] != 'S') { // Disable GSV and GSA messages
						#ifdef LOG_ENABLE
						hli_send(package(len3, 0x1E, 0x06, buffer3), len3); // Log to SD card
						if (rmc_cut(buffer3,rmc)) {
							// Invalid RMC data
						} else {
							#ifdef RF_TEST_IDX
							if (gps_rf_test_idx == 255)
								gps_rf_test_idx = 1;
							memcpy(&meas_buffer[txtop],	(char *)package(rmc_idx, 30, 31, rmc),rmc_idx+6);
							#ifndef RF_TEST_IDX
							memcpy(&meas_buffer[txtop],	(char *)package(rmc_idx, 30, 6, rmc),rmc_idx+6);

							PORTL ^= (1<<LED3);

						len3 = -1; // Set flag in new packet mode

  return 1;
Esempio n. 7
PROCESS_THREAD(ble_dfu_process, ev, data){

/* DFU procedure:
    1. Send dfu_reset(0x01) command: 00 01 09 00 01 (no response back)
    2. Send dfu_flash_set_address(0x1000) command: 00 04 09 01 00 10 00 00 (check for response)
    3. Send dfu_flash_upload([bytes]) command repeatedly (check for response)
        - Packet's data payload length byte is 0x41 (65 bytes)
        - Each uint8array should have a length byte of 0x40 (64 bytes) followed by 64 bytes of firmware data
        - Each response should come back as 00 02 09 02 00 00 if successful
        - First packet starts from the :1010... line of the out.hex file, e.g. line 258
    4. Send dfu_flash_upload_finish() command: 00 00 09 03 (check for response)
    5. Send dfu_reset(0x00) command: 00 01 09 00 00 (no response back)
    6. Module will boot back in normal mode, DFU is complete!

  const char FILENAME[] = "ble112.bin";
  const unsigned int DFU_INITIAL_OFFSET = 4096;  // first 4KB is stuff we cannot change
  const unsigned int DFU_CHUNK_SIZE = 64;
  const unsigned int DFU_ALL_BYTES = 124928; 

  const char dfu_reset[] = {0x00, 0x01, 0x09, 0x00};  // ad 0x01 to reset into dfu or 0x00 to reset normally
  const char dfu_flash_set_address[] = {0x00, 0x04, 0x09, 0x01, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00};  // set address to 0x1000
  const char dfu_flash_upload[] = {0x00, 0x41, 0x09, 0x02, 0x40}; // followed by 64 bytes of actual data
  const char dfu_flash_upload_finish[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x09, 0x03};
  // TODO: maybe do it better
  const char rsp_dfu_flash_set_address[] = {0x00, 0x02, 0x09, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00};
  const char rsp_dfu_flash_upload[] = {0x00, 0x02, 0x09, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00};
  const char rsp_dfu_flash_upload_finish[] = {0x00, 0x02, 0x09, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00};

  unsigned int sent;
  static char buf[DFU_CHUNK_SIZE + 5];
  char i;

  // send dfu reset command
  for(i=0; i<4; i++)
  //should be in dfu now
  printf("dfu reset command sent.\n\r");
  //wait a sec to make sure ble booted
  clock_delay_msec(500);   //TODO: figure out smallest reliable

  //set flash address
  if(ble112_send_command((char*) dfu_flash_set_address, 8, (char*) rsp_dfu_flash_set_address) != 1)
    // something went wrong.. print debug and terminate
    printf("ble112 dfu error: flash set address rsp != 0\n\r");
    printf("Update failed. Try again.\n\r");
    printf("flash address set command sent.\n\r");

  sent = 0;
  while (sent != DFU_ALL_BYTES)
    // fill the buffer
    memcpy(buf, dfu_flash_upload, 5); // copy bgapi flash upload command to the buffer
    file_read((char*) FILENAME, &buf[5], (unsigned int) DFU_CHUNK_SIZE, (unsigned int) (DFU_INITIAL_OFFSET + sent));
    //send the command and data
    if(ble112_send_command(buf, DFU_CHUNK_SIZE + 5, (char*) rsp_dfu_flash_upload) != 1)
      // something went wrong.. print debug and terminate
      printf("ble112 dfu error: flash upload rsp != 0\n\r");
      printf("Update failed. Try again.\n\r");
    sent += DFU_CHUNK_SIZE;
    printf("Sent: %u\n\r", sent);
  // all update data sent here
  printf("all update data chunks sent.\n\r");
  // send flash upload finish command  
  if(ble112_send_command((char*) dfu_flash_upload_finish, 4, (char*) rsp_dfu_flash_upload_finish) != 1)
    // something went wrong.. print debug and terminate
    printf("ble112 dfu error: flash upload finish rsp != 0\n\r");
    printf("Update failed. Try again.\n\r");
    printf("flash upload finish command sent.\n\r");
  // send dfu reset command
  for(i=0; i<4; i++)
  printf("Update success!\n\r");