Esempio n. 1
void UDP_Socket_Init (void) {
	UDP_Socket = udp_get_socket(0, UDP_OPT_SEND_CS | UDP_OPT_CHK_CS, UDP_Socket_Listener);
	udp_open(UDP_Socket, UDP_PORT);
int main(int argc, char **argv){

    unsigned char out[CCNL_MAX_PACKET_SIZE];
    int i = 0, len, opt, sock = 0;
    char *namecomp[CCNL_MAX_NAME_COMP], *cp, *dest, *comp;
    char *udp = "", *ux = NULL;
    float wait = 3.0;
    int (*sendproc)(int,char*,unsigned char*,int);
    int print = 0;

    while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "hptu:v:w:x:")) != -1) {
        switch (opt) {
        case 'u':
        udp = optarg;
        case 'w':
        wait = (float)strtof(optarg, (char**) NULL);
        case 'x':
        ux = optarg;
        case 'p':
            print = 1;
        case 'v':
            if (isdigit(optarg[0]))
                debug_level =  (int)strtol(optarg, (char **)NULL, 10); 
                debug_level = ccnl_debug_str2level(optarg);
        case 'h':
        fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s "
        "[-u host/port] [-x ux_path_name] [-w timeout] COMPUTATION URI\n"
        "  -p               print interest on console and exit\n"
        "  -u a.b.c.d/port  UDP destination (default is\n"
        "  -v DEBUG_LEVEL (fatal, error, warning, info, debug, verbose, trace)\n"
        "  -w timeout       in sec (float)\n"
        "  -x ux_path_name  UNIX IPC: use this instead of UDP\n",
    if (!argv[optind])
        goto Usage;
    comp = argv[optind++];
    if (!argv[optind])
        goto Usage;

    struct ccnl_prefix_s *prefix = create_prefix_from_name(argv[optind]);
    len = mkInterestCompute(prefix->comp, comp, strlen(comp), out);

        fwrite(out, sizeof(char), len, stdout);
        return 0;

    if (ux) { // use UNIX socket
    dest = ux;
    sock = ux_open();
    sendproc = ux_sendto;
    } else { // UDP
    dest = udp;
    sock = udp_open();
    sendproc = udp_sendto;
    request_content(sock, sendproc, dest, out, len, wait);
    return 0;
Esempio n. 3
int RTSP_setup(RTSP_buffer * rtsp, RTSP_session ** new_session)
	char address[16];
	char object[255], server[255];
	char url[255];
	unsigned short port;
	RTSP_session *rtsp_s;
	RTP_session *rtp_s, *rtp_s_prec;
	int SessionID = 0;
//	port_pair cli_ports;
//	port_pair ser_ports;
	struct timeval now_tmp;
	char *p/* = NULL*/;
	unsigned int start_seq, start_rtptime;
	char transport_str[255];
	media_entry *list, *matching_me, req;
	struct sockaddr_storage rtsp_peer;
	socklen_t namelen = sizeof(rtsp_peer);
	unsigned long ssrc;
	SD_descr *matching_descr;
	unsigned char is_multicast_dad = 1;  //unicast and the first multicast
	RTP_transport transport;
	char *saved_ptr, *transport_tkn;
	int max_interlvd;

	// init
	memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req));
	memset(&transport, 0, sizeof(transport));
	// Parse the input message
	/* Get the URL */
	if (!sscanf(rtsp->in_buffer, " %*s %254s ", url)) {
		send_reply(400, 0, rtsp);	/* bad request */
		return ERR_NOERROR;
	/* Validate the URL */
	switch (parse_url(url, server, sizeof(server), &port, object, sizeof(object))) {	//object is requested file's name
		case 1: // bad request
			send_reply(400, 0, rtsp);
			return ERR_NOERROR;
		case -1: // interanl server error
			send_reply(500, 0, rtsp);
			return ERR_NOERROR;
	if (strcmp(server, prefs_get_hostname()) != 0) {	/* Currently this feature is disabled. */
		/* wrong server name */
		//      send_reply(404, 0 , rtsp); /* Not Found */
		//      return ERR_NOERROR;
	if (strstr(object, "../")) {
		/* disallow relative paths outside of current directory. */
		send_reply(403, 0, rtsp);	/* Forbidden */
		return ERR_NOERROR;
	if (strstr(object, "./")) {
		/* Disallow the ./ */
		send_reply(403, 0, rtsp);	/* Forbidden */
		return ERR_NOERROR;

	if (!(p = strrchr(object, '.'))) {	// if filename is without extension
		send_reply(415, 0, rtsp);	/* Unsupported media type */
		return ERR_NOERROR;
	} else if (!is_supported_url(p)) {	//if filename's extension is not valid
		send_reply(415, 0, rtsp);	/* Unsupported media type */
		return ERR_NOERROR;
	if ( !(p = strchr(object, '!')) ) {	//if '!' is not present then a file has not been specified
		send_reply(500, 0, rtsp);	/* Internal server error */
		return ERR_NOERROR;
	} else {
		// SETUP!stream
		strcpy(req.filename, p + 1);
		req.flags |= ME_FILENAME;

		*p = '\0';

// ------------ START PATCH
		char temp[255];
		char *pd=NULL;
		strcpy(temp, object);
#if 0
	printf("%s\n", object);
		// BEGIN 
		// if ( (p = strstr(temp, "/")) ) {
		if ( (p = strchr(temp, '/')) ) {
			strcpy(object, p + 1);	// CRITIC. 
	printf("%s\n", temp);
		// pd = strstr(p, ".sd");	// this part is usefull in order to
		pd = strstr(temp, ".sd");
		if ( (p = strstr(pd + 1, ".sd")) ) {	// have compatibility with RealOne
			strcpy(object, pd + 4);	// CRITIC. 
		}		//Note: It's a critic part
		// END 
// ------------ END PATCH
	if (enum_media(object, &matching_descr) != ERR_NOERROR) {
		send_reply(500, 0, rtsp);	/* Internal server error */
		return ERR_NOERROR;

	if (get_media_entry(&req, list, &matching_me) == ERR_NOT_FOUND) {
		send_reply(404, 0, rtsp);	/* Not found */
		return ERR_NOERROR;
	// Get the CSeq 
	if ((p = strstr(rtsp->in_buffer, HDR_CSEQ)) == NULL) {
		send_reply(400, 0, rtsp);	/* Bad Request */
		return ERR_NOERROR;
	} else {
		if (sscanf(p, "%*s %d", &(rtsp->rtsp_cseq)) != 1) {
			send_reply(400, 0, rtsp);	/* Bad Request */
			return ERR_NOERROR;
	/*if ((p = strstr(rtsp->in_buffer, "ssrc")) != NULL) {
		p = strchr(p, '=');
		sscanf(p + 1, "%lu", &ssrc);
	} else {*/
		ssrc = random32(0);
	// Start parsing the Transport header
	if ((p = strstr(rtsp->in_buffer, HDR_TRANSPORT)) == NULL) {
		send_reply(406, "Require: Transport settings" /* of rtp/udp;port=nnnn. "*/, rtsp);	/* Not Acceptable */
		return ERR_NOERROR;
	if (sscanf(p, "%*10s%255s", transport_str) != 1) {
		fnc_log(FNC_LOG_ERR,"SETUP request malformed: Transport string is empty\n");
		send_reply(400, 0, rtsp);	/* Bad Request */
		return ERR_NOERROR;
	printf("transport: %s\n", transport_str); // XXX tmp.
	// tokenize the coma seaparated list of transport settings:
	if ( !(transport_tkn=strtok_r(transport_str, ",", &saved_ptr)) ) {
		fnc_log(FNC_LOG_ERR,"Malformed Transport string from client\n");
		send_reply(400, 0, rtsp);	/* Bad Request */
		return ERR_NOERROR;
	if (getpeername(rtsp->fd, (struct sockaddr *)&rtsp_peer, &namelen) != 0) {
		send_reply(415, 0, rtsp);	// Internal server error
		return ERR_GENERIC;
	transport.type = RTP_no_transport;
	do { // search a good transport string
		if ( (p = strstr(transport_tkn, RTSP_RTP_AVP)) ) { // Transport: RTP/AVP
			p += strlen(RTSP_RTP_AVP);
			if ( !*p || (*p == ';') || (*p == ' ')) {
#if 0
				// if ((p = strstr(rtsp->in_buffer, "client_port")) == NULL && strstr(rtsp->in_buffer, "multicast") == NULL) {
				if ((p = strstr(transport_tkn, "client_port")) == NULL && strstr(transport_tkn, "multicast") == NULL) {
					send_reply(406, "Require: Transport settings of rtp/udp;port=nnnn. ", rtsp);	/* Not Acceptable */
					return ERR_NOERROR;
#endif // #if 0
				if (strstr(transport_tkn, "unicast")) {
					if( (p = strstr(transport_tkn, "client_port")) ) {
						p = strstr(p, "=");
						sscanf(p + 1, "%d", &(transport.u.udp.cli_ports.RTP));
						p = strstr(p, "-");
						sscanf(p + 1, "%d", &(transport.u.udp.cli_ports.RTCP));
					if (RTP_get_port_pair(&transport.u.udp.ser_ports) != ERR_NOERROR) {
						send_reply(500, 0, rtsp);	/* Internal server error */
						return ERR_GENERIC;
					// strcpy(address, get_address());
					//UDP connection for outgoing RTP packets
					udp_connect(transport.u.udp.cli_ports.RTP, &transport.u.udp.rtp_peer, (*((struct sockaddr_in *) (&rtsp_peer))).sin_addr.s_addr,&transport.rtp_fd);
					//UDP connection for outgoing RTCP packets
					udp_connect(transport.u.udp.cli_ports.RTCP, &transport.u.udp.rtcp_out_peer,(*((struct sockaddr_in *) (&rtsp_peer))).sin_addr.s_addr, &transport.rtcp_fd_out);
					udp_open(transport.u.udp.ser_ports.RTCP, &transport.u.udp.rtcp_in_peer, &transport.rtcp_fd_in);	//bind
					transport.u.udp.is_multicast = 0;
				} else if ( matching_descr->flags & SD_FL_MULTICAST ) {	/*multicast*/
				//  TODO: make the difference between only multicast allowed or unicast fallback allowed.
					transport.u.udp.cli_ports.RTP = transport.u.udp.ser_ports.RTP =matching_me->rtp_multicast_port;
					transport.u.udp.cli_ports.RTCP = transport.u.udp.ser_ports.RTCP =matching_me->rtp_multicast_port+1;
					is_multicast_dad = 0;
					if (!(matching_descr->flags & SD_FL_MULTICAST_PORT) ) {	
						struct in_addr inp;
						unsigned char ttl=DEFAULT_TTL;
						struct ip_mreq mreq;

						mreq.imr_multiaddr.s_addr = inet_addr(matching_descr->multicast);
						mreq.imr_interface.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
						setsockopt(transport.rtp_fd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, &mreq, sizeof(mreq));
						setsockopt(transport.rtp_fd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_TTL, &ttl, sizeof(ttl));

						is_multicast_dad = 1;
						strcpy(address, matching_descr->multicast);
						//RTP outgoing packets
						inet_aton(address, &inp);
						udp_connect(transport.u.udp.ser_ports.RTP, &transport.u.udp.rtp_peer, inp.s_addr, &transport.rtp_fd);
						//RTCP outgoing packets
						inet_aton(address, &inp);
						udp_connect(transport.u.udp.ser_ports.RTCP, &transport.u.udp.rtcp_out_peer, inp.s_addr, &transport.rtcp_fd_out);
						//udp_open(transport.u.udp.ser_ports.RTCP, &(sp2->rtcp_in_peer), &(sp2->rtcp_fd_in));	//bind 
							matching_descr->flags |= SD_FL_MULTICAST_PORT;
						matching_me->rtp_multicast_port = transport.u.udp.ser_ports.RTP;
						transport.u.udp.is_multicast = 1;
						fnc_log(FNC_LOG_DEBUG,"\nSet up socket for multicast ok\n");
				} else
				transport.type = RTP_rtp_avp;
				break; // found a valid transport
			} else if (!strncmp(p, "/TCP", 4)) { // Transport: RTP/AVP/TCP;interleaved=x-y // XXX still not finished
				if( (p = strstr(transport_tkn, "interleaved")) ) {
					p = strstr(p, "=");
					sscanf(p + 1, "%d", &(transport.u.tcp.interleaved.RTP));
					if ( (p = strstr(p, "-")) )
						sscanf(p + 1, "%d", &(transport.u.tcp.interleaved.RTCP));
						transport.u.tcp.interleaved.RTCP = transport.u.tcp.interleaved.RTP + 1;
				} else { // search for max used interleved channel.
					max_interlvd = -1;
					for (rtp_s = (rtsp->session_list)?rtsp->session_list->rtp_session:NULL; rtp_s; rtp_s = rtp_s->next)
						max_interlvd = max(max_interlvd, (rtp_s->transport.type == RTP_rtp_avp_tcp)?rtp_s->transport.u.tcp.interleaved.RTCP:-1);
					transport.u.tcp.interleaved.RTP = max_interlvd + 1;
				 	transport.u.tcp.interleaved.RTCP = max_interlvd + 2;
				transport.rtp_fd = rtsp->fd; // dup(rtsp->fd);
				transport.rtcp_fd_out = rtsp->fd; // dup(rtsp->fd);
				transport.rtcp_fd_in = -1;
				transport.type = RTP_rtp_avp_tcp;
				break; // found a valid transport
	} while ((transport_tkn=strtok_r(NULL, ",", &saved_ptr)));
	printf("rtp transport: %d\n", transport.type);
	if (transport.type == RTP_no_transport) {
		// fnc_log(FNC_LOG_ERR,"Unsupported Transport\n");
		send_reply(461, "Unsupported Transport", rtsp);	/* Bad Request */
		return ERR_NOERROR;

	// If there's a Session header we have an aggregate control
	if ((p = strstr(rtsp->in_buffer, HDR_SESSION)) != NULL) {
		if (sscanf(p, "%*s %d", &SessionID) != 1) {
			send_reply(454, 0, rtsp);	/* Session Not Found */
			return ERR_NOERROR;
	} else {
		// Generate a random Session number
		gettimeofday(&now_tmp, 0);
		srand((now_tmp.tv_sec * 1000) + (now_tmp.tv_usec / 1000));
#ifdef WIN32
		SessionID = rand();
		SessionID = 1 + (int) (10.0 * rand() / (100000 + 1.0));
		if (SessionID == 0) {

	// Add an RTSP session if necessary
	if ( !rtsp->session_list ) {
		rtsp->session_list = (RTSP_session *) calloc(1, sizeof(RTSP_session));
	rtsp_s = rtsp->session_list;
	// Setup the RTP session
	if (rtsp->session_list->rtp_session == NULL) {
		rtsp->session_list->rtp_session = (RTP_session *) calloc(1, sizeof(RTP_session));
		rtp_s = rtsp->session_list->rtp_session;
	} else {
		for (rtp_s = rtsp_s->rtp_session; rtp_s != NULL; rtp_s = rtp_s->next) {
			rtp_s_prec = rtp_s;
		rtp_s_prec->next = (RTP_session *) calloc(1, sizeof(RTP_session));
		rtp_s = rtp_s_prec->next;

#ifdef WIN32
	start_seq = rand();
	start_rtptime = rand();
	// start_seq = 1 + (int) (10.0 * rand() / (100000 + 1.0));
	// start_rtptime = 1 + (int) (10.0 * rand() / (100000 + 1.0));
#if 0
	start_seq = 1 + (unsigned int) ((float)(0xFFFF) * ((float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX));
	start_rtptime = 1 + (unsigned int) ((float)(0xFFFFFFFF) * ((float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX));
	start_seq = 1 + (unsigned int) (rand()%(0xFFFF));
	start_rtptime = 1 + (unsigned int) (rand()%(0xFFFFFFFF));
	if (start_seq == 0) {
	if (start_rtptime == 0) {
	rtp_s->pause = 1;
	strcpy(rtp_s->sd_filename, object);
	rtp_s->current_media = (media_entry *) calloc(1, sizeof(media_entry));
	// if(!(matching_descr->flags & SD_FL_MULTICAST_PORT)){
	if( is_multicast_dad ) {
		if ( mediacpy(&rtp_s->current_media, &matching_me) ) {
			send_reply(500, 0, rtsp);	/* Internal server error */
			return ERR_GENERIC;

	gettimeofday(&now_tmp, 0);
	srand((now_tmp.tv_sec * 1000) + (now_tmp.tv_usec / 1000));
	rtp_s->start_rtptime = start_rtptime;
	rtp_s->start_seq = start_seq;
	memcpy(&rtp_s->transport, &transport, sizeof(transport));
	rtp_s->is_multicast_dad = is_multicast_dad;

	rtp_s->sched_id = schedule_add(rtp_s);

	rtp_s->ssrc = ssrc;
	// Setup the RTSP session       
	rtsp_s->session_id = SessionID;
	*new_session = rtsp_s;

	fnc_log(FNC_LOG_INFO,"SETUP %s RTSP/1.0 ",url);
	send_setup_reply(rtsp, rtsp_s, matching_descr, rtp_s);	
	// See User-Agent 
	if ((p=strstr(rtsp->in_buffer, HDR_USER_AGENT))!=NULL) {
		char cut[strlen(p)];
		p=strstr(cut, "\n");
		fnc_log(FNC_LOG_CLIENT,"- \n");

	return ERR_NOERROR;
Esempio n. 4
errno_t dns_request(const unsigned char *host, ipv4_addr server, ipv4_addr *result)
    // TODO 64 k on stack?
    unsigned char buf[32000];
    //unsigned char buf[65536];
    unsigned char *qname, *reader;

    int i, j, stop;

    struct RES_RECORD answers[20], auth[20], addit[20]; //the replies from the DNS server

    struct DNS_HEADER *dns = NULL;
    struct QUESTION *qinfo = NULL;

#ifdef KERNEL
    void *s;
    int res = udp_open(&s);
    if( res )
        SHOW_ERROR0( 0, "Can't get socket");
        return ENOTSOCK;
    int s = socket(AF_INET , SOCK_DGRAM , IPPROTO_UDP); //UDP packet for DNS queries
    //SHOW_FLOW0( 2, "got sock");

#ifdef KERNEL
    i4sockaddr addr;
    addr.port = 53;
    addr.addr.len = 4;
    addr.addr.type = ADDR_TYPE_IP;
    NETADDR_TO_IPV4(addr.addr) = server;
    struct sockaddr_in dest;
    dest.sin_family = AF_INET;
    dest.sin_port = htons(53);
    dest.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(dns_servers[0]); //dns servers

    memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));

    //Set the DNS structure to standard queries
    dns = (struct DNS_HEADER *)&buf;

#ifdef KERNEL
    dns->id = (unsigned short) random();
    dns->id = (unsigned short) htons(getpid());
    dns->qr = 0; //This is a query
    dns->opcode = 0; //This is a standard query
    dns->aa = 0; //Not Authoritative
    dns->tc = 0; //This message is not truncated
    dns->rd = 1; //Recursion Desired
    dns->ra = 0; //Recursion not available! hey we dont have it (lol)
    dns->z = 0;
    dns->ad = 0;
    dns->cd = 0;
    dns->rcode = 0;
    dns->q_count = htons(1); //we have only 1 question
    dns->ans_count = 0;
    dns->auth_count = 0;
    dns->add_count = 0;

    //point to the query portion
    qname =(unsigned char*)&buf[sizeof(struct DNS_HEADER)];
    ChangetoDnsNameFormat(qname , host);
    int qname_len = (strlen((const char*)qname) + 1);

    qinfo =(struct QUESTION*)&buf[sizeof(struct DNS_HEADER) + qname_len]; //fill it

    qinfo->qtype = htons(1); //we are requesting the ipv4 address
    qinfo->qclass = htons(1); //its internet (lol)


    SHOW_FLOW0( 3, "Sending Packet");
    int sendLen = sizeof(struct DNS_HEADER) + qname_len + sizeof(struct QUESTION);
#ifdef KERNEL
    int ret = udp_sendto( s, buf, sendLen, &addr);
    if( ret )
    if(sendto(s,(char*)buf, sendLen, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&dest, sizeof(dest)) != sendLen)
        SHOW_ERROR( 0, "Error sending req, %d", ret);
        goto reterr;
    SHOW_FLOW0( 3, "Sent");

#ifdef KERNEL
    long tmo = 1000L*1000L*2; // 2 sec
    //long tmo = 1000L*10;
    if( udp_recvfrom( s, buf, sizeof(buf),
                     SOCK_FLAG_TIMEOUT, tmo) <= 0 )
    i = sizeof dest;
    ret = recvfrom (s,(char*)buf,65536,0,(struct sockaddr*)&dest,&i);
    if(ret == 0)
        SHOW_ERROR0( 1, "Failed");
        goto reterr;
    SHOW_FLOW0( 3, "Received");


    dns = (struct DNS_HEADER*) buf;

    //move ahead of the dns header and the query field
    reader = &buf[sizeof(struct DNS_HEADER) + (strlen((const char*)qname)+1) + sizeof(struct QUESTION)];

    if(debug_level_flow > 6)
        printf("The response contains : \n");
        printf("%d Questions.\n",ntohs(dns->q_count));
        printf("%d Answers.\n",ntohs(dns->ans_count));
        printf("%d Authoritative Servers.\n",ntohs(dns->auth_count));
        printf("%d Additional records.\n\n",ntohs(dns->add_count));

    //reading answers

        reader = reader + stop;

        answers[i].resource = (struct R_DATA*)(reader);
        reader = reader + sizeof(struct R_DATA);

        if(ntohs(answers[i].resource->type) == 1) //if its an ipv4 address
            answers[i].rdata = (unsigned char*)malloc(ntohs(answers[i].resource->data_len));

            for(j=0 ; j<ntohs(answers[i].resource->data_len) ; j++)

            answers[i].rdata[ntohs(answers[i].resource->data_len)] = FIN;

            reader = reader + ntohs(answers[i].resource->data_len);
            answers[i].rdata = ReadName(reader,buf,&stop);
            reader = reader + stop;

    //read authorities

        auth[i].resource=(struct R_DATA*)(reader);
        reader+=sizeof(struct R_DATA);


    //read additional

        addit[i].resource=(struct R_DATA*)(reader);
        reader+=sizeof(struct R_DATA);

            addit[i].rdata = (unsigned char*)malloc(ntohs(addit[i].resource->data_len));

            addit[i].rdata[ntohs(addit[i].resource->data_len)]= FIN;

    if(debug_level_flow > 6)

        //print answers
            printf("Name : %s ",answers[i].name);

            if(ntohs(answers[i].resource->type)==1) //IPv4 address

                long *p;

                struct sockaddr_in a;

                a.sin_addr.s_addr=(*p); //working without ntohl
                printf("has IPv4 address : %s",inet_ntoa(a.sin_addr));
            if(ntohs(answers[i].resource->type)==5) //Canonical name for an alias
                printf("has alias name : %s",answers[i].rdata);


        //print authorities
            printf("Name : %s ",auth[i].name);
                printf("has authoritative nameserver : %s",auth[i].rdata);

        //print additional resource records
            printf("Name : %s ",addit[i].name);
                long *p;
                struct sockaddr_in a;
                a.sin_addr.s_addr=(*p); //working without ntohl
                printf("has IPv4 address : %s",inet_ntoa(a.sin_addr));


    // return answer
    for( i=0; i < ntohs(dns->ans_count); i++ )
        if( ntohs(answers[i].resource->type) == 1 ) //IPv4 address
            *result = *( (long*)answers[i].rdata);
            return 0;

    // No direct answer
    *result = 0;

    return ENOENT;
Esempio n. 5
int main(int argc, char *argv[] )
	int n, i, c, err, max_port = 0;
	char *portname, *s;
	struct servent *servent;
	struct info *in;

	prog = argv[0];
	Opterr = 1;
	while( (n = Getopt(argc, argv, "dut")) != EOF ){
		default:  usage(); break;
		case 'u': use_udp = !use_udp; break;
		case 't': use_tcp = !use_tcp; break;
		case 'd': debug = 1; break;
	i = argc - Optind;
	if( i > 1 ) usage();
	if( i == 1 ){
		portname = argv[Optind];
		n = atoi( portname );
		if( n <= 0 ){
			servent = getservbyname( portname, "udp" );
			if( servent ){
				n = ntohs( servent->s_port );
		if( n <= 0 ){
			FPRINTF( STDERR, "udp_open: bad port number '%s'\n",portname );
		port_num = n;

	if( !use_tcp && !use_udp ) use_udp = 1;
	if( debug ){
		FPRINTF(STDERR,"monitor: udp %d, tcp %d, port %d\n",
			use_udp, use_tcp, port_num );

	max_port = 0;
	FD_ZERO( &readfds );
	if( use_udp && (udp_fd = udp_open( port_num )) >= 0){
		if( debug ) FPRINTF(STDERR,"monitor: udp port %d\n", udp_fd );
		FD_SET(udp_fd, &readfds);
		if( udp_fd >= max_port ) max_port = udp_fd+1;
	if( use_tcp && (tcp_fd = tcp_open( port_num )) >= 0){
		if( debug ) FPRINTF(STDERR,"monitor: tcp port %d\n", tcp_fd );
		FD_SET(tcp_fd, &readfds);
		if( tcp_fd >= max_port ) max_port = tcp_fd+1;
	if( debug ){
		FPRINTF(STDERR,"monitor: max_port %d\n", max_port );
		for( i = 0; i < max_port; ++i ){
			if( FD_ISSET(i, &readfds) ){
				FPRINTF(STDERR,"monitor: initial on %d\n", i );

		FD_ZERO( &testfds );
		for( i = 0; i < max_port; ++i ){
			if( FD_ISSET(i, &readfds) ){
				if( debug ) FPRINTF(STDERR,"monitor: waiting on %d\n", i );
				FD_SET(i, &testfds);
		if( debug ) FPRINTF(STDERR,"monitor: starting wait, max %d\n", i );
		n = select( i,
			FD_SET_FIX((fd_set *))&testfds,
			FD_SET_FIX((fd_set *))0, FD_SET_FIX((fd_set *))0,
			(struct timeval *)0 );
		err = errno;
		if( debug ) FPRINTF(STDERR,"monitor: select returned %d\n", n );
		if( n < 0 ){
			FPRINTF( STDERR, "select error - %s\n", Errormsg(errno) );
			if( err != EINTR ) break;
		if( n > 0 ) for( i = 0; i < max_port; ++i ){
			if( FD_ISSET(i, &testfds) ){
				if( debug ) FPRINTF(STDERR,"monitor: input on %d\n", i );
				if( i == tcp_fd ){
#if defined(HAVE_SOCKLEN_T)
					socklen_t len;
					int len;
					struct sockaddr_in sinaddr;
					len = sizeof( sinaddr );
					i = accept( tcp_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&sinaddr, &len );
					if( i < 0 ){
						FPRINTF( STDERR, "accept error - %s\n",
							Errormsg(errno) );
					FPRINTF( STDOUT, "connection from %s\n",
						inet_ntoa( sinaddr.sin_addr ) );
					if( i >= max_port ) max_port = i+1;
					FD_SET(i, &readfds);
				} else {
					c = read( i, buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1 );
					if( c == 0 ){
						/* closed connection */
						FPRINTF(STDOUT, "closed connection %d\n", i );
						close( i );
						FD_CLR(i, &readfds );
					} else if( c > 0 ){
						buffer[c] = 0;
						if(debug)FPRINTF( STDOUT, "recv port %d: %s\n", i, buffer );
						in = Save_outbuf_len( i, buffer, c );
						while( (s = safestrchr(in->buffer,'\n')) ){
							*s++ = 0;
							memmove(in->buffer,s, safestrlen(s)+1 );
							in->len = safestrlen(in->buffer);
					} else {
						FPRINTF( STDERR, "read error - %s\n",
							Errormsg(errno) );
						close( i );
						FD_CLR(i, &readfds );
main(int argc, char *argv[])
    unsigned char out[64*1024];
    int len, opt, port, sock = 0, suite = CCNL_SUITE_DEFAULT;
    char *addr = NULL, *udp = NULL, *ux = NULL;
    struct sockaddr sa;
    float wait = 3.0;

    while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "hs:u:v:w:x:")) != -1) {
        switch (opt) {
        case 's':
            suite = ccnl_str2suite(optarg);
            if (!ccnl_isSuite(suite)) {
                DEBUGMSG(ERROR, "Unsupported suite %s\n", optarg);
                goto usage;
        case 'u':
            udp = optarg;
        case 'w':
            wait = atof(optarg);
            case 'v':
            if (isdigit(optarg[0]))
                debug_level = atoi(optarg);
                debug_level = ccnl_debug_str2level(optarg);

        case 'x':
            ux = optarg;
        case 'h':
            fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [options] URI [NFNexpr]\n"
            "  -s SUITE         (ccnb, ccnx2015, cisco2015, iot2014, ndn2013)\n"
            "  -u a.b.c.d/port  UDP destination (default is\n"
            "  -v DEBUG_LEVEL (fatal, error, warning, info, debug, verbose, trace)\n"
            "  -w timeout       in sec (float)\n"
            "  -x ux_path_name  UNIX IPC: use this instead of UDP\n"
            "%% peek /ndn/edu/wustl/ping             (classic lookup)\n"
            "%% peek /th/ere  \"lambda expr\"          (lambda expr, in-net)\n"
            "%% peek \"\" \"add 1 1\"                    (lambda expr, local)\n"
            "%% peek /rpc/site \"call 1 /test/data\"   (lambda RPC, directed)\n",

    if (!argv[optind])
        goto usage;


    if (ccnl_parseUdp(udp, suite, &addr, &port) != 0) {

    DEBUGMSG(TRACE, "using suite %d:%s\n", suite, ccnl_suite2str(suite));
    DEBUGMSG(TRACE, "using udp address %s/%d\n", addr, port);

    if (ux) { // use UNIX socket
        struct sockaddr_un *su = (struct sockaddr_un*) &sa;
        su->sun_family = AF_UNIX;
        strcpy(su->sun_path, ux);
        sock = ux_open();
    } else { // UDP
        struct sockaddr_in *si = (struct sockaddr_in*) &sa;
        si->sin_family = PF_INET;
        si->sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(addr);
        si->sin_port = htons(port);
        sock = udp_open();

    char *url = argv[optind];

    char *nfnexpr = 0;

    if (argv[optind+1]) {
        nfnexpr = argv[optind+1];

    unsigned char *content = 0;
    int contlen;

    unsigned int *curchunknum = NULL;

    // For CCNTLV always start with the first chunk because of exact content match
    // This means it can only fetch chunked data and not single content-object data
    if (suite == CCNL_SUITE_CCNTLV || suite == CCNL_SUITE_CISTLV) {
        curchunknum = ccnl_malloc(sizeof(unsigned int));
        *curchunknum = 0;

    struct ccnl_prefix_s *prefix = ccnl_URItoPrefix(url, suite, nfnexpr, curchunknum);

    const int maxretry = 3;
    int retry = 0;

    while (retry < maxretry) {

        if (curchunknum) {
            if (!prefix->chunknum) {
                prefix->chunknum = ccnl_malloc(sizeof(unsigned int));
            *(prefix->chunknum) = *curchunknum;
            DEBUGMSG(INFO, "fetching chunk %d for prefix '%s'\n", *curchunknum, ccnl_prefix_to_path(prefix));
        } else {
            DEBUGMSG(DEBUG, "fetching first chunk...\n");
            DEBUGMSG(INFO, "fetching first chunk for prefix '%s'\n", ccnl_prefix_to_path(prefix));

        // Fetch chunk
        if (ccnl_fetchContentForChunkName(prefix,
                                          out, sizeof(out),
                                          wait, sock, sa) < 0) {
            DEBUGMSG(WARNING, "timeout\n");//, retry number %d of %d\n", retry, maxretry);
        } else {

            unsigned int lastchunknum;
            unsigned char *t = &out[0];
            struct ccnl_prefix_s *nextprefix = 0;

            // Parse response
            if (ccnl_extractDataAndChunkInfo(&t, &len, suite,
                                             &content, &contlen) < 0) {
               DEBUGMSG(WARNING, "Could not extract response or it was an interest\n");
            } else {

                prefix = nextprefix;

                // Check if the fetched content is a chunk
                if (!(prefix->chunknum)) {
                    // Response is not chunked, print content and exit
                    write(1, content, contlen);
                    goto Done;
                } else {
                    int chunknum = *(prefix->chunknum);

                    // allocate curchunknum because it is the first fetched chunk
                    if(!curchunknum) {
                        curchunknum = ccnl_malloc(sizeof(unsigned int));
                        *curchunknum = 0;
                    // Remove chunk component from name
                    if (ccnl_prefix_removeChunkNumComponent(suite, prefix) < 0) {
                        DEBUGMSG(WARNING, "Could not remove chunknum\n");

                    // Check if the chunk is the first chunk or the next valid chunk
                    // otherwise discard content and try again (except if it is the first fetched chunk)
                    if (chunknum == 0 || (curchunknum && *curchunknum == chunknum)) {
                        DEBUGMSG(DEBUG, "Found chunk %d with contlen=%d, lastchunk=%d\n", *curchunknum, contlen, lastchunknum);

                        write(1, content, contlen);

                        if (lastchunknum != -1 && lastchunknum == chunknum) {
                            goto Done;
                        } else {
                            *curchunknum += 1;
                            retry = 0;
                    } else {
                        // retry if the fetched chunk
                        DEBUGMSG(WARNING, "Could not find chunk %d, extracted chunknum is %d (lastchunk=%d)\n", *curchunknum, chunknum, lastchunknum);

        if(retry > 0) {
            DEBUGMSG(INFO, "Retry %d of %d\n", retry, maxretry);

    return 1;

    DEBUGMSG(DEBUG, "Sucessfully fetched content\n");
    return 0;
Esempio n. 7
File: tftp.c Progetto: basecq/q2dos
 * Open a TFTP connection on a random local port (our transaction ID).
 * Send the request, wait for first data block and send the first ACK.
static int tftp_open (DWORD server, const char *fname)
  int  retry;
  WORD port = 69;

#if defined(USE_BSD_API)
  struct servent *sp = getservbyname ("tftp", "udp");

  if (sp)
     port = intel16 ((WORD)sp->s_port);

  currblock = 0UL;
  blocksize = 0;

  for (retry = 0; retry < tftp_retry; retry++)
    WORD our_tid;  /* our transaction ID (local port) */

    if (tftp_lport && tftp_lport < TFTP_PORT_LOW)
       outsnl (_LANG("tftp: Illegal local port."));

    if (tftp_lport >= TFTP_PORT_LOW)
         our_tid = tftp_lport;
    else our_tid = Random (TFTP_PORT_LOW, TFTP_PORT_HIGH);

    /* Try to open a TFTP connection to the server
    if (!udp_open(&sock->udp, our_tid, server, port, NULL))
      TRACE (("tftp: %s\n", sockerr(sock)));
      return (0);
    sock->udp.locflags |= LF_NOCLOSE;  /* don't close socket on timeout */

    /* Send the file request block, and then wait for the first data
     * block. If there is no response to the query, retry it with
     * another transaction ID (local port), so that all old packets get
     * discarded automatically.
    send_req (RRQ, fname);

    /* This hack makes it work because the response is sent back on
     * a source-port different from port 69; i.e. the server TID
     * uses a random port. Force the response packet to match a passive
     * socket in udp_handler().
    sock->udp.hisaddr = 0;

    ibuflen = recv_packet (1);
    if (ibuflen >= 0)
      blocksize = ibuflen;
      isopen = TRUE;
      send_ack (1);
      return (1);

    /* If an error (except timeout) occurred, retries are useless
    if (tftp_errno == ERR_ERR || tftp_errno == ERR_UNKNOWN)
  return (0);
Esempio n. 8
File: lk_console.c Progetto: nvll/lk
static int cmd_minip(int argc, const cmd_args *argv)
    if (argc == 1) {
        printf("minip commands\n");
        printf("mi [a]rp                        dump arp table\n");
        printf("mi [s]tatus                     print ip status\n");
        printf("mi [t]est [dest] [port] [cnt]   send <cnt> test packets to the dest:port\n");
    } else {
        switch(argv[1].str[0]) {

            case 'a':

            case 's': {
                uint32_t ipaddr = minip_get_ipaddr();

                printf("hostname: %s\n", minip_get_hostname());
                printf("ip: %u.%u.%u.%u\n", IPV4_SPLIT(ipaddr));
            case 't': {
                uint32_t count = 1;
                uint32_t host = 0x0100000A; //
                uint32_t port = 1025;
                udp_socket_t *handle;

                switch (argc) {
                    case 5:
                        count = argv[4].u;
                    case 4:
                        port = argv[3].u;
                    case 3:
                        host = str_ip_to_int(argv[2].str, strlen(argv[2].str));

                if (udp_open(host, port, port, &handle) != NO_ERROR) {
                    printf("udp_open to %u.%u.%u.%u:%u failed\n", IPV4_SPLIT(host), port);
                    return -1;

#define BUFSIZE 1470
                uint8_t *buf;

                buf = malloc(BUFSIZE);
                if (!buf) {
                    return -1;

                memset(buf, 0x00, BUFSIZE);
                printf("sending %u packet(s) to %u.%u.%u.%u:%u\n", count, IPV4_SPLIT(host), port);

                lk_time_t t = current_time();
                uint32_t failures = 0;
                for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                    if (udp_send(buf, BUFSIZE, handle) != 0) {
                t = current_time() - t;
                printf("%d pkts failed\n", failures);
                uint64_t total_count = (uint64_t)count * BUFSIZE;
                printf("wrote %llu bytes in %u msecs (%llu bytes/sec)\n",
                    total_count, (uint32_t)t, total_count * 1000 / t);

#undef BUFSIZE
            goto minip_usage;

    return 0;