Esempio n. 1
static void TestJ5298(void)
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    char input[256], output[256];
    UBool isAvailable;
    int32_t i = 0;
    UEnumeration* values = NULL;
    const char *keywordValue = NULL;
    log_verbose("Number of collator locales returned : %i \n", ucol_countAvailable());
    values = ucol_getKeywordValues("collation", &status);
    while ((keywordValue = uenum_next(values, NULL, &status)) != NULL) {
        if (strncmp(keywordValue, "private-", 8) == 0) {
            log_err("ucol_getKeywordValues() returns private collation keyword: %s\n", keywordValue);
    for (i = 0; i < ucol_countAvailable(); i++) {
        uenum_reset(values, &status);
        while ((keywordValue = uenum_next(values, NULL, &status)) != NULL) {
            strcpy(input, ucol_getAvailable(i));
            if (strcmp(keywordValue, "standard") != 0) {
                strcat(input, "@collation=");
                strcat(input, keywordValue);

            ucol_getFunctionalEquivalent(output, 256, "collation", input, &isAvailable, &status);
            if (strcmp(input, output) == 0) { /* Unique locale, print it out */
                log_verbose("%s, \n", output);
Esempio n. 2
static UBool doTestNames(const char *name, const char *standard, const char **expected, int32_t size) {
    UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UEnumeration *myEnum = ucnv_openStandardNames(name, standard, &err);
    const char *enumName, *testName;
    int32_t enumCount = uenum_count(myEnum, &err);
    int32_t idx, len, repeatTimes = 3;
    if (err == U_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR) {
        log_data_err("Unable to open standard names for %s of standard: %s\n", name, standard);
        return 0;
    if (size != enumCount) {
        log_err("FAIL: different size arrays for %s. Got %d. Expected %d\n", name, enumCount, size);
        return 0;
    if (size < 0 && myEnum) {
        log_err("FAIL: size < 0, but recieved an actual object\n");
        return 0;
    log_verbose("\n%s %s\n", name, standard);
    while (repeatTimes-- > 0) {
        for (idx = 0; idx < enumCount; idx++) {
            enumName = uenum_next(myEnum, &len, &err);
            testName = expected[idx];
            if (uprv_strcmp(enumName, testName) != 0 || U_FAILURE(err)
                || len != (int32_t)uprv_strlen(expected[idx]))
                log_err("FAIL: uenum_next(%d) == \"%s\". expected \"%s\", len=%d, error=%s\n",
                    idx, enumName, testName, len, u_errorName(err));
            log_verbose("%s\n", enumName);
            err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        if (enumCount >= 0) {
            /* one past the list of all names must return NULL */
            enumName = uenum_next(myEnum, &len, &err);
            if (enumName != NULL || len != 0 || U_FAILURE(err)) {
                log_err("FAIL: uenum_next(past the list) did not return NULL[0] with U_SUCCESS(). name=%s standard=%s len=%d err=%s\n", name, standard, len, u_errorName(err));
        log_verbose("\n    reset\n");
        uenum_reset(myEnum, &err);
        if (U_FAILURE(err)) {
            log_err("FAIL: uenum_reset() for %s{%s} failed with %s\n",
                name, standard, u_errorName(err));
            err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    return 1;
// Convert a uenum to a QList<QByteArray>
static QSet<QByteArray> uenumToIdSet(UEnumeration *uenum)
    QSet<QByteArray> set;
    int32_t size = 0;
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    // TODO Perhaps use uenum_unext instead?
    QByteArray result = uenum_next(uenum, &size, &status);
    while (U_SUCCESS(status) && !result.isEmpty()) {
        set << result;
        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        result = uenum_next(uenum, &size, &status);
    return set;
Esempio n. 4

Returns the list of CalendarIds that are available for the specified locale.
int32_t GlobalizationNative_GetCalendars(
    const UChar* localeName, CalendarId* calendars, int32_t calendarsCapacity)
    UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    char locale[ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY];
    GetLocale(localeName, locale, ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY, FALSE, &err);
    UEnumeration* pEnum = ucal_getKeywordValuesForLocale("calendar", locale, TRUE, &err);
    int stringEnumeratorCount = uenum_count(pEnum, &err);
    int calendarsReturned = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < stringEnumeratorCount && calendarsReturned < calendarsCapacity; i++)
        int32_t calendarNameLength = 0;
        const char* calendarName = uenum_next(pEnum, &calendarNameLength, &err);
        if (U_SUCCESS(err))
            CalendarId calendarId = GetCalendarId(calendarName);
            if (calendarId != UNINITIALIZED_VALUE)
                calendars[calendarsReturned] = calendarId;
    return calendarsReturned;
Esempio n. 5
static Vector<String> localeData(const String& locale, size_t keyIndex)
    Vector<String> keyLocaleData;
    switch (keyIndex) {
    case indexOfExtensionKeyCa: {
        UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        UEnumeration* calendars = ucal_getKeywordValuesForLocale("calendar", locale.utf8().data(), false, &status);

        int32_t nameLength;
        while (const char* availableName = uenum_next(calendars, &nameLength, &status)) {
            String calendar = String(availableName, nameLength);
            // Ensure aliases used in language tag are allowed.
            if (calendar == "gregorian")
            else if (calendar == "islamic-civil")
            else if (calendar == "ethiopic-amete-alem")
    case indexOfExtensionKeyNu:
        keyLocaleData = numberingSystemsForLocale(locale);
    return keyLocaleData;
Esempio n. 6
 * Convert an ICU enum to a list of atoms.
 * Used by some C++ code, when we need to extract the list of locales.
 * Used by i18n_trans.
ERL_NIF_TERM enum_to_term(ErlNifEnv* env, UEnumeration* en) {
    ERL_NIF_TERM head, tail;
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    const char* buf;
    int32_t len;

    uenum_reset(en, &status);   
    CHECK(env, status);

    tail = enif_make_list(env, 0);

    while (true) {
        buf = uenum_next(en, &len, &status);   
        CHECK(env, status);
        if (buf == NULL) 
            return tail;

        if (len > 255) 
            ERROR_STRING(env, "too_long_enum_element");

        head = enif_make_atom(env, buf);
        tail = enif_make_list_cell(env, head, tail);
 * The list of detectable encodings supported by this library
 * Returns: an list of strings
PyObject *
charlockholmes_get_supported_encodings(PyObject *self)
	UCharsetDetector *csd;
	UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
	UEnumeration *encoding_list;
    PyObject *result;
	int32_t enc_count;
	int32_t i;
	const char *enc_name;
	int32_t enc_name_len;

    csd = ucsdet_open(&status);
    encoding_list = ucsdet_getAllDetectableCharsets(csd, &status);
    enc_count = uenum_count(encoding_list, &status);

    result = PyTuple_New(enc_count);
    if (!result)
        return NULL;

    for(i=0; i < enc_count; i++) {
        enc_name = uenum_next(encoding_list, &enc_name_len, &status);
        PyTuple_SetItem(result, i, PyString_FromStringAndSize(enc_name, enc_name_len));

    return result;
Esempio n. 8
static Array HHVM_STATIC_METHOD(Locale, getKeywords, const String& locale) {
  UErrorCode error = U_ZERO_ERROR;
  String locname = localeOrDefault(locale);
  UEnumeration *e = uloc_openKeywords(locname.c_str(), &error);
  if (!e) return null_array;

  Array ret = Array::Create();
  const char *key;
  int key_len;
  String val(128, ReserveString);
  char *ptr = val->mutableData();
  error = U_ZERO_ERROR;
  while ((key = uenum_next(e, &key_len, &error))) {
    error = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    int val_len = uloc_getKeywordValue(locname.c_str(), key,
                                       ptr, val->capacity(), &error);
    if (error == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) {
      val = String(val_len + 128, ReserveString);
      ptr = val->mutableData();
      goto tryagain;
    if (U_FAILURE(error)) {
      s_intl_error->setError(error, "locale_get_keywords: Error encountered "
                                    "while getting the keyword  value for the "
                                    " keyword");
      return null_array;
    ret.set(String(key, key_len, CopyString), String(ptr, val_len, CopyString));
  return ret;
Esempio n. 9
static int32_t checkItemCount(uint32_t currencyType) {
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    int32_t originalCount, count;
    UEnumeration *en = ucurr_openISOCurrencies(currencyType, &status);
    int32_t expectedLen = 3, len;
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
       log_err("Error: ucurr_openISOCurrencies returned %s\n", myErrorName(status));
       return -1;

    originalCount = uenum_count(en, &status);
    for (count=0;;count++) {
        const char *str = uenum_next(en, &len, &status);
        if (str == NULL || len != expectedLen || strlen(str) != expectedLen) {

    if (originalCount != count) {
        log_err("Error: uenum_count returned the wrong value (type = 0x%X). Got: %d Expected %d\n",
           currencyType, count, originalCount);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        log_err("Error: uenum_next got an error: %s\n", u_errorName(status));
    return count;
static void TestGetContainedRegionsWithType() {
    const KnownRegion * rd;
    for (rd = knownRegions; rd->code != NULL ; rd++ ) {
        UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        const URegion *r = uregion_getRegionFromCode(rd->code, &status);
        if ( U_SUCCESS(status) ) {
            UEnumeration *containedRegions;
            const char *crID;
            if (uregion_getType(r) != URGN_CONTINENT) {
            containedRegions = uregion_getContainedRegionsOfType(r, URGN_TERRITORY, &status);
            if (containedRegions) {
                while ((crID = uenum_next(containedRegions, NULL, &status)) != NULL && U_SUCCESS(status) ) {
                    const URegion *cr = uregion_getRegionFromCode(crID, &status);
                    const URegion *containingRegion = (cr)? uregion_getContainingRegionOfType(cr, URGN_CONTINENT) : NULL;
                    if ( !containingRegion || !uregion_areEqual(containingRegion, r) ) {
                        log_err("ERROR: Continent: %s contains territory %s. Expected containing continent of this region to be the original region, but got %s\n",
                            uregion_getRegionCode(r), uregion_getRegionCode(cr), (containingRegion)?uregion_getRegionCode(containingRegion):"NULL" ); 
        } else {
            log_data_err("ERROR: Known region %s was not recognized.\n", rd->code);
Esempio n. 11
static void EmptyEnumerationTest(void) {
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UEnumeration *emptyEnum = uprv_malloc(sizeof(UEnumeration));

    uprv_memcpy(emptyEnum, &emptyEnumerator, sizeof(UEnumeration));
    if (uenum_count(emptyEnum, &status) != -1 || status != U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR) {
        log_err("uenum_count failed\n");
    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    if (uenum_next(emptyEnum, NULL, &status) != NULL || status != U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR) {
        log_err("uenum_next failed\n");
    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    if (uenum_unext(emptyEnum, NULL, &status) != NULL || status != U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR) {
        log_err("uenum_unext failed\n");
    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    uenum_reset(emptyEnum, &status);
    if (status != U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR) {
        log_err("uenum_reset failed\n");

    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    if (uenum_next(NULL, NULL, &status) != NULL || status != U_ZERO_ERROR) {
        log_err("uenum_next(NULL) failed\n");
    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    if (uenum_unext(NULL, NULL, &status) != NULL || status != U_ZERO_ERROR) {
        log_err("uenum_unext(NULL) failed\n");
    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    uenum_reset(NULL, &status);
    if (status != U_ZERO_ERROR) {
        log_err("uenum_reset(NULL) failed\n");

    emptyEnum = uprv_malloc(sizeof(UEnumeration));
    uprv_memcpy(emptyEnum, &emptyPartialEnumerator, sizeof(UEnumeration));
    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    if (uenum_unext(emptyEnum, NULL, &status) != NULL || status != U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR) {
        log_err("partial uenum_unext failed\n");
Esempio n. 12
static void TestEnumListReset(void) {
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    const char *currency1;
    const char *currency2;
    UEnumeration *en = ucurr_openISOCurrencies(UCURR_ALL, &status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
       log_err("Error: ucurr_openISOCurrencies returned %s\n", myErrorName(status));

    currency1 = uenum_next(en, NULL, &status);
    uenum_reset(en, &status);
    currency2 = uenum_next(en, NULL, &status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
       log_err("Error: uenum_next or uenum_reset returned %s\n", myErrorName(status));
    /* The first item's pointer in the list should be the same between resets. */
    if (currency1 != currency2) {
       log_err("Error: reset doesn't work %s != %s\n", currency1, currency2);
Esempio n. 13
	virtual const char* next(int32_t *resultLength, UErrorCode &status)
		int32_t length = -1;
		const char* str = uenum_next(uenum, &length, &status);
		if (str == 0 || U_FAILURE(status)) {
			return 0;
		if (resultLength) {
			//the bug is that uenum_next doesn't set the length
			*resultLength = (length == -1) ? strlen(str) : length;

		return str;
Esempio n. 14
JSObject* IntlPluralRules::resolvedOptions(ExecState& exec)
    VM& vm = exec.vm();
    auto scope = DECLARE_THROW_SCOPE(vm);

    // 13.4.4 Intl.PluralRules.prototype.resolvedOptions ()
    if (UNLIKELY(!m_initializedPluralRules)) {
        throwTypeError(&exec, scope, "Intl.PluralRules.prototype.resolvedOptions called on value that's not an object initialized as a PluralRules"_s);
        return nullptr;

    JSObject* options = constructEmptyObject(&exec);
    options->putDirect(vm, vm.propertyNames->locale, jsNontrivialString(&exec, m_locale));
    options->putDirect(vm, Identifier::fromString(&vm, "type"), jsNontrivialString(&exec, m_type == UPLURAL_TYPE_ORDINAL ? "ordinal"_s : "cardinal"_s));
    options->putDirect(vm, Identifier::fromString(&vm, "minimumIntegerDigits"), jsNumber(m_minimumIntegerDigits));
    options->putDirect(vm, Identifier::fromString(&vm, "minimumFractionDigits"), jsNumber(m_minimumFractionDigits));
    options->putDirect(vm, Identifier::fromString(&vm, "maximumFractionDigits"), jsNumber(m_maximumFractionDigits));
    if (m_minimumSignificantDigits) {
        options->putDirect(vm, Identifier::fromString(&vm, "minimumSignificantDigits"), jsNumber(m_minimumSignificantDigits.value()));
        options->putDirect(vm, Identifier::fromString(&vm, "maximumSignificantDigits"), jsNumber(m_maximumSignificantDigits.value()));

    JSGlobalObject* globalObject = exec.jsCallee()->globalObject(vm);
    JSArray* categories = JSArray::tryCreate(vm, globalObject->arrayStructureForIndexingTypeDuringAllocation(ArrayWithContiguous), 0);
    if (UNLIKELY(!categories)) {
        throwOutOfMemoryError(&exec, scope);
        return nullptr;

    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    auto keywords = std::unique_ptr<UEnumeration, UEnumerationDeleter>(uplrules_getKeywords(m_pluralRules.get(), &status));
    int32_t resultLength;

    // Category names are always ASCII, so use char[].
    unsigned index = 0;
    while (const char* result = uenum_next(keywords.get(), &resultLength, &status)) {
        categories->putDirectIndex(&exec, index++, jsNontrivialString(&exec, String(result, resultLength)));
        RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(scope, { });
    options->putDirect(vm, Identifier::fromString(&vm, "pluralCategories"), categories);

    RELEASE_AND_RETURN(scope, options);
Esempio n. 15
static void EnumerationTest(void) {
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    int32_t len = 0;
    UEnumeration *en = getchArrayEnum(test1, sizeof(test1)/sizeof(test1[0]));
    const char *string = NULL;
    const UChar *uString = NULL;
    while ((string = uenum_next(en, &len, &status))) {
        log_verbose("read \"%s\", length %i\n", string, len);
    uenum_reset(en, &status);
    while ((uString = uenum_unext(en, &len, &status))) {
        log_verbose("read \"%s\" (UChar), length %i\n", quikU2C(uString, len), len);
Esempio n. 16
static Vector<String> sortLocaleData(const String& locale, size_t keyIndex)
    // 9.1 Internal slots of Service Constructors & 10.2.3 Internal slots (ECMA-402 2.0)
    Vector<String> keyLocaleData;
    switch (keyIndex) {
    case indexOfExtensionKeyCo: {
        // 10.2.3 "The first element of [[sortLocaleData]][locale].co and [[searchLocaleData]][locale].co must be null for all locale values."
        keyLocaleData.append({ });

        UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        UEnumeration* enumeration = ucol_getKeywordValuesForLocale("collation", locale.utf8().data(), false, &status);
        if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
            const char* collation;
            while ((collation = uenum_next(enumeration, nullptr, &status)) && U_SUCCESS(status)) {
                // 10.2.3 "The values "standard" and "search" must not be used as elements in any [[sortLocaleData]][locale].co and [[searchLocaleData]][locale].co array."
                if (!strcmp(collation, "standard") || !strcmp(collation, "search"))

                // Map keyword values to BCP 47 equivalents.
                if (!strcmp(collation, "dictionary"))
                    collation = "dict";
                else if (!strcmp(collation, "gb2312han"))
                    collation = "gb2312";
                else if (!strcmp(collation, "phonebook"))
                    collation = "phonebk";
                else if (!strcmp(collation, "traditional"))
                    collation = "trad";

    case indexOfExtensionKeyKn:
    return keyLocaleData;
Esempio n. 17
bool PaymentRequestValidator::validateCurrencyCode(const String& currencyCode) const
    if (!currencyCode) {
        m_window.printErrorMessage("Missing currency code.");
        return false;

    UErrorCode errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    auto currencyCodes = std::unique_ptr<UEnumeration, void (*)(UEnumeration*)>(ucurr_openISOCurrencies(UCURR_ALL, &errorCode), uenum_close);

    int32_t length;
    while (auto *currencyCodePtr = uenum_next(currencyCodes.get(), &length, &errorCode)) {
        if (currencyCodePtr == currencyCode)
            return true;

    auto message = makeString("\"" + currencyCode, "\" is not a valid currency code.");

    return false;
Esempio n. 18
/* closes res but does not free resultsManually */
static void verifyResult(UEnumeration* res, const UBool *resultsManually) {
  UBool* resultsFromSystem = (UBool*) uprv_malloc(gCountAvailable * sizeof(UBool));
  const char* name;
  UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
  int32_t i;

  /* fill the bool for the selector results! */
  uprv_memset(resultsFromSystem, 0, gCountAvailable);
  while ((name = uenum_next(res,NULL, &status)) != NULL) {
    resultsFromSystem[findIndex(name)] = TRUE;
  for(i = 0 ; i < gCountAvailable; i++) {
    if(resultsManually[i] != resultsFromSystem[i]) {
      log_err("failure in converter selector\n"
              "converter %s had conflicting results -- manual: %d, system %d\n",
              gAvailableNames[i], resultsManually[i], resultsFromSystem[i]);
static Vector<String> sortLocaleData(const String& locale, const String& key)
    // 9.1 Internal slots of Service Constructors & 10.2.3 Internal slots (ECMA-402 2.0)
    Vector<String> keyLocaleData;
    if (key == "co") {
        // 10.2.3 "The first element of [[sortLocaleData]][locale].co and [[searchLocaleData]][locale].co must be null for all locale values."

        UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        UEnumeration* enumeration = ucol_getKeywordValuesForLocale("collation", locale.utf8().data(), TRUE, &status);
        if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
            const char* keywordValue;
            while ((keywordValue = uenum_next(enumeration, nullptr, &status)) && U_SUCCESS(status)) {
                String collation(keywordValue);

                // 10.2.3 "The values "standard" and "search" must not be used as elements in any [[sortLocaleData]][locale].co and [[searchLocaleData]][locale].co array."
                if (collation == "standard" || collation == "search")

                // Map keyword values to BCP 47 equivalents.
                if (collation == "dictionary")
                    collation = ASCIILiteral("dict");
                else if (collation == "gb2312han")
                    collation = ASCIILiteral("gb2312");
                else if (collation == "phonebook")
                    collation = ASCIILiteral("phonebk");
                else if (collation == "traditional")
                    collation = ASCIILiteral("trad");

    } else if (key == "kn") {
    } else
    return keyLocaleData;
Esempio n. 20
 * call-seq:
 *   detectable_charsets
 * Get array of names of all detectable charsets that are known to the charset detection service.
static VALUE
UCharsetDetector_get_detectable_charsets(VALUE self)
    UCharsetDetector *detector;
    Data_Get_Struct(self, UCharsetDetector, detector);
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UEnumeration *charsets = ucsdet_getAllDetectableCharsets(detector, &status);
    VALUE ary = rb_ary_new();
    int32_t result_length;
    const char *charset_name;
    while (charset_name = uenum_next(charsets, &result_length, &status)) {
        rb_ary_push(ary, rb_str_new2(charset_name));
    return ary;
Esempio n. 21
static void DefaultNextTest(void) {
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    int32_t len = 0;
    UEnumeration *en = getuchArrayEnum(test2, sizeof(test2)/sizeof(test2[0]));
    const char *string = NULL;
    const UChar *uString = NULL;
    while ((uString = uenum_unext(en, &len, &status))) {
        log_verbose("read \"%s\" (UChar), length %i\n", quikU2C(uString, len), len);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        log_err("FAIL: uenum_unext => %s\n", u_errorName(status));
    uenum_reset(en, &status);
    while ((string = uenum_next(en, &len, &status))) {
        log_verbose("read \"%s\", length %i\n", string, len);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        log_err("FAIL: uenum_next => %s\n", u_errorName(status));
Esempio n. 22
static void expectInList(const char *isoCurrency, uint32_t currencyType, UBool isExpected) {
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    const char *foundCurrency = NULL;
    const char *currentCurrency;
    UEnumeration *en = ucurr_openISOCurrencies(currencyType, &status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
       log_err("Error: ucurr_openISOCurrencies returned %s\n", myErrorName(status));

    while ((currentCurrency = uenum_next(en, NULL, &status)) != NULL) {
        if (strcmp(isoCurrency, currentCurrency) == 0) {
            foundCurrency = currentCurrency;

    if ((foundCurrency != NULL) != isExpected) {
       log_err("Error: could not find %s as expected. isExpected = %s type=0x%X\n",
           isoCurrency, isExpected ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", currencyType);
Esempio n. 23
static Variant HHVM_STATIC_METHOD(ResourceBundle, getLocales,
                                                  const String& bundleName) {
  UErrorCode error = U_ZERO_ERROR;
  auto le = ures_openAvailableLocales(bundleName.c_str(), &error);
  if (U_FAILURE(error)) {
    s_intl_error->setError(error, "Cannot fetch locales list");
    return false;
  error = U_ZERO_ERROR;
  uenum_reset(le, &error);
  if (U_FAILURE(error)) {
    s_intl_error->setError(error, "Cannot iterate locales list");
    return false;

  Array ret = Array::Create();
  const char *entry;
  int32_t entry_len;
  while ((entry = uenum_next(le, &entry_len, &error))) {
    ret.append(String(entry, entry_len, CopyString));
  return ret;
static void TestGetPreferredValues() {
    const char *** testDataPtr = expectPrefRegionsTestData;
    const char ** regionListPtr;
    while ( (regionListPtr = *testDataPtr++) != NULL ) {
        UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        const char * deprecatedCode = *regionListPtr++;
        const URegion *r = uregion_getRegionFromCode(deprecatedCode, &status);
        if ( U_SUCCESS(status) ) {
            UEnumeration *preferredRegions = uregion_getPreferredValues(r, &status);
            if ( U_SUCCESS(status) ) {
                if (preferredRegions != NULL) {
                    const char * preferredCode;
                    while ( (preferredCode = *regionListPtr++) != NULL ) {
                        const char *check;
                        UBool found = FALSE;
                        uenum_reset(preferredRegions, &status);
                        while ((check = uenum_next(preferredRegions, NULL, &status)) != NULL && U_SUCCESS(status) ) {
                            if ( !uprv_strcmp(check,preferredCode) ) {
                                found = TRUE;
                        if ( !found ) {
                            log_err("ERROR: uregion_getPreferredValues for region \"%s\" should have contained \"%s\" but it didn't.\n", uregion_getRegionCode(r), preferredCode);
            } else {
                log_err("ERROR: uregion_getPreferredValues failed for region %s.\n", uregion_getRegionCode(r));
        } else {
            log_data_err("ERROR: Known region %s was not recognized.\n", deprecatedCode);
Esempio n. 25
static void TestGetKeywordValuesForLocale(void) {
            { "root",               "USD", NULL },
            { "und",                "USD", NULL },
            { "und_ZZ",             "USD", NULL },
            { "en_US",              "USD", NULL },
            { "en_029",             "USD", NULL },
            { "en_TH",              "THB", NULL },
            { "de",                 "EUR", NULL },
            { "de_DE",              "EUR", NULL },
            { "ar",                 "EGP", NULL },
            { "ar_PS",              "JOD", "ILS" },
            { "en@currency=CAD",    "USD", NULL },
            { "fr@currency=zzz",    "EUR", NULL },
            { "de_DE@currency=DEM", "EUR", NULL },
    const int32_t EXPECTED_SIZE[PREFERRED_SIZE] = {
            1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    int32_t i, j, size;
    UEnumeration *pref, *all;
    const char *loc = NULL;
    UBool matchPref, matchAll;
    const char *value = NULL;
    int32_t valueLength = 0;
    UList *ALLList = NULL;
    UEnumeration *ALL = ucurr_getKeywordValuesForLocale("currency", uloc_getDefault(), FALSE, &status);
    if (ALL == NULL) {
        log_err_status(status, "ERROR getting keyword value for default locale. -> %s\n", u_errorName(status));
    for (i = 0; i < PREFERRED_SIZE; i++) {
        pref = NULL;
        all = NULL;
        loc = PREFERRED[i][0];
        pref = ucurr_getKeywordValuesForLocale("currency", loc, TRUE, &status);
        matchPref = FALSE;
        matchAll = FALSE;
        size = uenum_count(pref, &status);
        if (size == EXPECTED_SIZE[i]) {
            matchPref = TRUE;
            for (j = 0; j < size; j++) {
                if ((value = uenum_next(pref, &valueLength, &status)) != NULL && U_SUCCESS(status)) {
                    if (uprv_strcmp(value, PREFERRED[i][j+1]) != 0) {
                        log_err("ERROR: locale %s got keywords #%d %s expected %s\n", loc, j, value, PREFERRED[i][j+1]);

                        matchPref = FALSE;
                } else {
                    matchPref = FALSE;
                    log_err("ERROR getting keyword value for locale \"%s\"\n", loc);
        } else {
            log_err("FAIL: size of locale \"%s\" %d does not match expected size %d\n", loc, size, EXPECTED_SIZE[i]);
        if (!matchPref) {
            log_err("FAIL: Preferred values for locale \"%s\" does not match expected.\n", loc);
        all = ucurr_getKeywordValuesForLocale("currency", loc, FALSE, &status);
        size = uenum_count(all, &status);
        if (U_SUCCESS(status) && size == uenum_count(ALL, &status)) {
            matchAll = TRUE;
            ALLList = ulist_getListFromEnum(ALL);
            for (j = 0; j < size; j++) {
                if ((value = uenum_next(all, &valueLength, &status)) != NULL && U_SUCCESS(status)) {
                    if (!ulist_containsString(ALLList, value, uprv_strlen(value))) {
                        log_err("Locale %s have %s not in ALL\n", loc, value);
                        matchAll = FALSE;
                } else {
                    matchAll = FALSE;
                    log_err("ERROR getting \"all\" keyword value for locale \"%s\"\n", loc);
           if (!matchAll) {
            log_err("FAIL: All values for locale \"%s\" does not match expected.\n", loc);
        } else {
            if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
               log_err("ERROR: %s\n", u_errorName(status));
            } else if(size!=uenum_count(ALL, &status)) {
               log_err("ERROR: got size of %d, wanted %d\n", size, uenum_count(ALL, &status));
Esempio n. 26
static void verifyEnumeration(int line, UEnumeration *u, const char * const * compareToChar, const UChar * const * compareToUChar, int32_t expect_count) {
  UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
  int32_t got_count,i,len;
  const char *c;
  UChar buf[1024];

  log_verbose("%s:%d: verifying enumeration..\n", __FILE__, line);

  uenum_reset(u, &status);
  if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
    log_err("%s:%d: FAIL: could not reset char strings enumeration: %s\n", __FILE__, line, u_errorName(status));

  got_count = uenum_count(u, &status);
  if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
    log_err("%s:%d: FAIL: could not count char strings enumeration: %s\n", __FILE__, line, u_errorName(status));
  if(got_count!=expect_count) {
    log_err("%s:%d: FAIL: expect count %d got %d\n", __FILE__, line, expect_count, got_count);
  } else {
    log_verbose("%s:%d: OK: got count %d\n", __FILE__, line, got_count);

  if(compareToChar!=NULL) { /* else, not invariant */
    for(i=0;i<got_count;i++) {
      c = uenum_next(u,&len, &status);
      if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
        log_err("%s:%d: FAIL: could not iterate to next after %d: %s\n", __FILE__, line, i, u_errorName(status));
      if(c==NULL) {
        log_err("%s:%d: FAIL: got NULL for next after %d: %s\n", __FILE__, line, i, u_errorName(status));
      if(strcmp(c,compareToChar[i])) {
        log_err("%s:%d: FAIL: string #%d expected '%s' got '%s'\n", __FILE__, line, i, compareToChar[i], c);
      } else {
        log_verbose("%s:%d: OK: string #%d got '%s'\n", __FILE__, line, i, c);
      if(len!=strlen(compareToChar[i])) {
        log_err("%s:%d: FAIL: string #%d expected len %d got %d\n", __FILE__, line, i, strlen(compareToChar[i]), len);
      } else {
        log_verbose("%s:%d: OK: string #%d got len %d\n", __FILE__, line, i, len);

  /* now try U */
  uenum_reset(u, &status);
  if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
    log_err("%s:%d: FAIL: could not reset again char strings enumeration: %s\n", __FILE__, line, u_errorName(status));

  for(i=0;i<got_count;i++) {
    const UChar *ustr = uenum_unext(u,&len, &status);
    if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
      log_err("%s:%d: FAIL: could not iterate to unext after %d: %s\n", __FILE__, line, i, u_errorName(status));
    if(ustr==NULL) {
      log_err("%s:%d: FAIL: got NULL for unext after %d: %s\n", __FILE__, line, i, u_errorName(status));
    if(compareToChar!=NULL) {
      u_charsToUChars(compareToChar[i], buf, strlen(compareToChar[i])+1);
      if(u_strncmp(ustr,buf,len)) {
        int j;
        log_err("%s:%d: FAIL: ustring #%d expected '%s' got '%s'\n", __FILE__, line, i, compareToChar[i], austrdup(ustr));
        for(j=0;ustr[j]&&buf[j];j++) {
          log_verbose("  @ %d\t<U+%04X> vs <U+%04X>\n", j, ustr[j],buf[j]);
      } else {
        log_verbose("%s:%d: OK: ustring #%d got '%s'\n", __FILE__, line, i, compareToChar[i]);
      if(len!=strlen(compareToChar[i])) {
        log_err("%s:%d: FAIL: ustring #%d expected len %d got %d\n", __FILE__, line, i, strlen(compareToChar[i]), len);
      } else {
        log_verbose("%s:%d: OK: ustring #%d got len %d\n", __FILE__, line, i, len);

    if(compareToUChar!=NULL) {
      if(u_strcmp(ustr,compareToUChar[i])) {
        int j;
        log_err("%s:%d: FAIL: ustring #%d expected '%s' got '%s'\n", __FILE__, line, i, austrdup(compareToUChar[i]), austrdup(ustr));
        for(j=0;ustr[j]&&compareToUChar[j];j++) {
          log_verbose("  @ %d\t<U+%04X> vs <U+%04X>\n", j, ustr[j],compareToUChar[j]);
      } else {
        log_verbose("%s:%d: OK: ustring #%d got '%s'\n", __FILE__, line, i, austrdup(compareToUChar[i]));
      if(len!=u_strlen(compareToUChar[i])) {
        log_err("%s:%d: FAIL: ustring #%d expected len %d got %d\n", __FILE__, line, i, u_strlen(compareToUChar[i]), len);
      } else {
        log_verbose("%s:%d: OK: ustring #%d got len %d\n", __FILE__, line, i, len);
Esempio n. 27
/* Instead of having a separate pass for 'special' patterns, reintegrate the two
 * so we don't get bitten by preflight bugs again.  We can be reasonably efficient
 * without two separate code paths, this code isn't that performance-critical.
 * This code is general enough to deal with patterns that have a prefix or swap the
 * language and remainder components, since we gave developers enough rope to do such
 * things if they futz with the pattern data.  But since we don't give them a way to
 * specify a pattern for arbitrary combinations of components, there's not much use in
 * that.  I don't think our data includes such patterns, the only variable I know if is
 * whether there is a space before the open paren, or not.  Oh, and zh uses different
 * chars than the standard open/close paren (which ja and ko use, btw).
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
uloc_getDisplayName(const char *locale,
                    const char *displayLocale,
                    UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
                    UErrorCode *pErrorCode)
    static const UChar defaultSeparator[9] = { 0x007b, 0x0030, 0x007d, 0x002c, 0x0020, 0x007b, 0x0031, 0x007d, 0x0000 }; /* "{0}, {1}" */
    static const UChar sub0[4] = { 0x007b, 0x0030, 0x007d , 0x0000 } ; /* {0} */
    static const UChar sub1[4] = { 0x007b, 0x0031, 0x007d , 0x0000 } ; /* {1} */
    static const int32_t subLen = 3;
    static const UChar defaultPattern[10] = {
        0x007b, 0x0030, 0x007d, 0x0020, 0x0028, 0x007b, 0x0031, 0x007d, 0x0029, 0x0000
    }; /* {0} ({1}) */
    static const int32_t defaultPatLen = 9;
    static const int32_t defaultSub0Pos = 0;
    static const int32_t defaultSub1Pos = 5;

    int32_t length; /* of formatted result */

    const UChar *separator;
    int32_t sepLen = 0;
    const UChar *pattern;
    int32_t patLen = 0;
    int32_t sub0Pos, sub1Pos;
    UChar formatOpenParen         = 0x0028; // (
    UChar formatReplaceOpenParen  = 0x005B; // [
    UChar formatCloseParen        = 0x0029; // )
    UChar formatReplaceCloseParen = 0x005D; // ]

    UBool haveLang = TRUE; /* assume true, set false if we find we don't have
                              a lang component in the locale */
    UBool haveRest = TRUE; /* assume true, set false if we find we don't have
                              any other component in the locale */
    UBool retry = FALSE; /* set true if we need to retry, see below */

    int32_t langi = 0; /* index of the language substitution (0 or 1), virtually always 0 */

    if(pErrorCode==NULL || U_FAILURE(*pErrorCode)) {
        return 0;

    if(destCapacity<0 || (destCapacity>0 && dest==NULL)) {
        return 0;

        UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        UResourceBundle* locbundle=ures_open(U_ICUDATA_LANG, displayLocale, &status);
        UResourceBundle* dspbundle=ures_getByKeyWithFallback(locbundle, _kLocaleDisplayPattern,
                                                             NULL, &status);

        separator=ures_getStringByKeyWithFallback(dspbundle, _kSeparator, &sepLen, &status);
        pattern=ures_getStringByKeyWithFallback(dspbundle, _kPattern, &patLen, &status);


    /* If we couldn't find any data, then use the defaults */
    if(sepLen == 0) {
       separator = defaultSeparator;
    /* #10244: Even though separator is now a pattern, it is awkward to handle it as such
     * here since we are trying to build the display string in place in the dest buffer,
     * and to handle it as a pattern would entail having separate storage for the
     * substrings that need to be combined (the first of which may be the result of
     * previous such combinations). So for now we continue to treat the portion between
     * {0} and {1} as a string to be appended when joining substrings, ignoring anything
     * that is before {0} or after {1} (no existing separator pattern has any such thing).
     * This is similar to how pattern is handled below.
        UChar *p0=u_strstr(separator, sub0);
        UChar *p1=u_strstr(separator, sub1);
        if (p0==NULL || p1==NULL || p1<p0) {
            return 0;
        separator = (const UChar *)p0 + subLen;
        sepLen = p1 - separator;

    if(patLen==0 || (patLen==defaultPatLen && !u_strncmp(pattern, defaultPattern, patLen))) {
        // use default formatOpenParen etc. set above
    } else { /* non-default pattern */
        UChar *p0=u_strstr(pattern, sub0);
        UChar *p1=u_strstr(pattern, sub1);
        if (p0==NULL || p1==NULL) {
            return 0;
        if (sub1Pos < sub0Pos) { /* a very odd pattern */
            int32_t t=sub0Pos; sub0Pos=sub1Pos; sub1Pos=t;
        if (u_strchr(pattern, 0xFF08) != NULL) {
            formatOpenParen         = 0xFF08; // fullwidth (
            formatReplaceOpenParen  = 0xFF3B; // fullwidth [
            formatCloseParen        = 0xFF09; // fullwidth )
            formatReplaceCloseParen = 0xFF3D; // fullwidth ]

    /* We loop here because there is one case in which after the first pass we could need to
     * reextract the data.  If there's initial padding before the first element, we put in
     * the padding and then write that element.  If it turns out there's no second element,
     * we didn't need the padding.  If we do need the data (no preflight), and the first element
     * would have fit but for the padding, we need to reextract.  In this case (only) we
     * adjust the parameters so padding is not added, and repeat.
    do {
        UChar* p=dest;
        int32_t patPos=0; /* position in the pattern, used for non-substitution portions */
        int32_t langLen=0; /* length of language substitution */
        int32_t langPos=0; /* position in output of language substitution */
        int32_t restLen=0; /* length of 'everything else' substitution */
        int32_t restPos=0; /* position in output of 'everything else' substitution */
        UEnumeration* kenum = NULL; /* keyword enumeration */

        /* prefix of pattern, extremely likely to be empty */
        if(sub0Pos) {
            if(destCapacity >= sub0Pos) {
                while (patPos < sub0Pos) {
                    *p++ = pattern[patPos++];
            } else {
        } else {

        for(int32_t subi=0,resti=0;subi<2;) { /* iterate through patterns 0 and 1*/
            UBool subdone = FALSE; /* set true when ready to move to next substitution */

            /* prep p and cap for calls to get display components, pin cap to 0 since
               they complain if cap is negative */
            int32_t cap=destCapacity-length;
            if (cap <= 0) {
            } else {

            if (subi == langi) { /* {0}*/
                if(haveLang) {
                    langLen=uloc_getDisplayLanguage(locale, displayLocale, p, cap, pErrorCode);
            } else { /* {1} */
                if(!haveRest) {
                } else {
                    int32_t len; /* length of component (plus other stuff) we just fetched */
                    switch(resti++) {
                        case 0:
                            len=uloc_getDisplayScriptInContext(locale, displayLocale, p, cap, pErrorCode);
                        case 1:
                            len=uloc_getDisplayCountry(locale, displayLocale, p, cap, pErrorCode);
                        case 2:
                            len=uloc_getDisplayVariant(locale, displayLocale, p, cap, pErrorCode);
                        case 3:
                            kenum = uloc_openKeywords(locale, pErrorCode);
                            /* fall through */
                        default: {
                            const char* kw=uenum_next(kenum, &len, pErrorCode);
                            if (kw == NULL) {
                                len=0; /* mark that we didn't add a component */
                            } else {
                                /* incorporating this behavior into the loop made it even more complex,
                                   so just special case it here */
                                len = uloc_getDisplayKeyword(kw, displayLocale, p, cap, pErrorCode);
                                if(len) {
                                    if(len < cap) {
                                        p[len]=0x3d; /* '=', assume we'll need it */

                                    /* adjust for call to get keyword */
                                    if(cap <= 0) {
                                    } else {
                                /* reset for call below */
                                if(*pErrorCode == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) {
                                int32_t vlen = uloc_getDisplayKeywordValue(locale, kw, displayLocale,
                                                                           p, cap, pErrorCode);
                                if(len) {
                                    if(vlen==0) {
                                        --len; /* remove unneeded '=' */
                                    /* restore cap and p to what they were at start */
                                    if(cap <= 0) {
                                    } else {
                                len+=vlen; /* total we added for key + '=' + value */
                        } break;
                    } /* end switch */

                    if (len>0) {
                        /* we addeed a component, so add separator and write it if there's room. */
                        if(len+sepLen<=cap) {
                            const UChar * plimit = p + len;
                            for (; p < plimit; p++) {
                                if (*p == formatOpenParen) {
                                    *p = formatReplaceOpenParen;
                                } else if (*p == formatCloseParen) {
                                    *p = formatReplaceCloseParen;
                            for(int32_t i=0;i<sepLen;++i) {
                    } else if(subdone) {
                        /* remove separator if we added it */
                        if (length!=restPos) {

            if(*pErrorCode == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) {

            if(subdone) {
                if(haveLang && haveRest) {
                    /* append internal portion of pattern, the first time,
                       or last portion of pattern the second time */
                    int32_t padLen;
                    padLen=(subi==0 ? sub1Pos : patLen)-patPos;
                    if(length+padLen < destCapacity) {
                        for(int32_t i=0;i<padLen;++i) {
                    } else {
                } else if(subi==0) {
                    /* don't have first component, reset for second component */
                } else if(length>0) {
                    /* true length is the length of just the component we got. */
                    if(dest && sub0Pos!=0) {
                        if (sub0Pos+length<=destCapacity) {
                            /* first component not at start of result,
                               but we have full component in buffer. */
                            u_memmove(dest, dest+(haveLang?langPos:restPos), length);
                        } else {
                            /* would have fit, but didn't because of pattern prefix. */
                            sub0Pos=0; /* stops initial padding (and a second retry,
                                          so we won't end up here again) */

                ++subi; /* move on to next substitution */
    } while(retry);

    return u_terminateUChars(dest, destCapacity, length, pErrorCode);
Esempio n. 28
const char *UStringEnumeration::next(int32_t *resultLength, UErrorCode &status) {
    return uenum_next(uenum, resultLength, &status);
Esempio n. 29
static void print_icu_transliterators(const struct config_t *p_config)
    UErrorCode status;
    UEnumeration *en = utrans_openIDs(&status);
    int32_t count = uenum_count(en, &status);
    const char *name;
    int32_t length;

    if (p_config->xmloutput)
        fprintf(p_config->outfile, "<transliterators count=\"%d\">\n",  count);
        fprintf(p_config->outfile, "Available ICU transliterators: %d\n", count);

    while ((name = uenum_next(en, &length, &status)))
        if (p_config->xmloutput)
            fprintf(p_config->outfile, "<transliterator id=\"%s\"/>\n", name);
            fprintf(p_config->outfile, "%s\n", name);
    if (p_config->xmloutput)
        fprintf(p_config->outfile, "</transliterators>\n");
        fprintf(p_config->outfile, "\n\nUnicode Set Patterns:\n"
                "   Pattern         Description\n"
                "   Ranges          [a-z] 	The lower case letters a through z\n"
                "   Named Chars     [abc123] The six characters a,b,c,1,2 and 3\n"
                "   String          [abc{def}] chars a, b and c, and string 'def'\n"
                "   Categories      [\\p{Letter}] Perl General Category 'Letter'.\n"
                "   Categories      [:Letter:] Posix General Category 'Letter'.\n"
                "   Combination     Example\n"
                "   Union           [[:Greek:] [:letter:]]\n"
                "   Intersection    [[:Greek:] & [:letter:]]\n"
                "   Set Complement  [[:Greek:] - [:letter:]]\n"
                "   Complement      [^[:Greek:] [:letter:]]\n"
                "   [:Punctuation:] Any-Remove\n"
                "   [:Cased-Letter:] Any-Upper\n"
                "   [:Control:] Any-Remove\n"
                "   [:Decimal_Number:] Any-Remove\n"
                "   [:Final_Punctuation:] Any-Remove\n"
                "   [:Georgian:] Any-Upper\n"
                "   [:Katakana:] Any-Remove\n"
                "   [:Arabic:] Any-Remove\n"
                "   [:Punctuation:] Remove\n"
                "   [[:Punctuation:]-[.,]] Remove\n"
                "   [:Line_Separator:] Any-Remove\n"
                "   [:Math_Symbol:] Any-Remove\n"
                "   Lower; [:^Letter:] Remove (word tokenization)\n"
                "   [:^Number:] Remove (numeric tokenization)\n"
                "   [:^Katagana:] Remove (remove everything except Katagana)\n"
                "   Lower;[[:WhiteSpace:][:Punctuation:]] Remove (word tokenization)\n"
                "   NFD; [:Nonspacing Mark:] Remove; NFC   (removes accents from characters)\n"
                "   [A-Za-z]; Lower(); Latin-Katakana; Katakana-Hiragana (transforms latin and katagana to hiragana)\n"
                "   [[:separator:][:start punctuation:][:initial punctuation:]] Remove \n"

        fprintf(p_config->outfile, "\n\n");

Esempio n. 30
static void TestGetKeywordValuesForLocale(void) {
            { "root",               "USD", "USN", NULL },
            { "und",                "USD", "USN", NULL },
 /*           { "und_ZZ",             "USD", NULL, NULL },  -- temporarily remove as this locale now has 15 entries */
            { "en_US",              "USD", "USN", NULL },
            { "en_029",             "USD", "USN", NULL },
            { "en_TH",              "THB", NULL, NULL },
            { "de",                 "EUR", NULL, NULL },
            { "de_DE",              "EUR", NULL, NULL },
            { "ar",                 "EGP", NULL, NULL },
            { "ar_PS",              "ILS", "JOD", NULL },
            { "en@currency=CAD",    "USD", "USN", NULL },
            { "fr@currency=zzz",    "EUR", NULL, NULL },
            { "de_DE@currency=DEM", "EUR", NULL, NULL },
            { "en_US@rg=THZZZZ",    "THB", NULL, NULL },
            { "de@rg=USZZZZ",       "USD", "USN", NULL },
            { "en_US@currency=CAD;rg=THZZZZ", "THB", NULL, NULL },
    const int32_t EXPECTED_SIZE[PREFERRED_SIZE] = {
            2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1
    /* ucurr_forLocale results for same locales; "" if no result expected */
    const char *FORLOCALE[PREFERRED_SIZE] = {
            "",    "",    "USD", "",
            "THB", "",    "EUR", "",
            "ILS", "CAD", "ZZZ", "DEM",
            "THB", "USD", "CAD"
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    int32_t i, j, size;
    UEnumeration *pref, *all;
    const char *loc = NULL;
    UBool matchPref, matchAll;
    const char *value = NULL;
    int32_t valueLength = 0;
    UList *ALLList = NULL;
    UEnumeration *ALL = ucurr_getKeywordValuesForLocale("currency", uloc_getDefault(), FALSE, &status);
    if (ALL == NULL) {
        log_err_status(status, "ERROR getting keyword value for default locale. -> %s\n", u_errorName(status));
    for (i = 0; i < PREFERRED_SIZE; i++) {
        UChar getCurrU[4];
        int32_t getCurrLen;

        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        pref = NULL;
        all = NULL;
        loc = PREFERRED[i][0];
        pref = ucurr_getKeywordValuesForLocale("currency", loc, TRUE, &status);
        matchPref = FALSE;
        matchAll = FALSE;
        size = uenum_count(pref, &status);
        if (size == EXPECTED_SIZE[i]) {
            matchPref = TRUE;
            for (j = 0; j < size; j++) {
                if ((value = uenum_next(pref, &valueLength, &status)) != NULL && U_SUCCESS(status)) {
                    if (uprv_strcmp(value, PREFERRED[i][j+1]) != 0) {
                        log_err("ERROR: locale %s got keywords #%d %s expected %s\n", loc, j, value, PREFERRED[i][j+1]);

                        matchPref = FALSE;
                } else {
                    matchPref = FALSE;
                    log_err("ERROR getting keyword value for locale \"%s\"\n", loc);
        } else {
            log_err("FAIL: size of locale \"%s\" %d does not match expected size %d\n", loc, size, EXPECTED_SIZE[i]);
        if (!matchPref) {
            log_err("FAIL: Preferred values for locale \"%s\" does not match expected.\n", loc);
        all = ucurr_getKeywordValuesForLocale("currency", loc, FALSE, &status);
        size = uenum_count(all, &status);
        if (U_SUCCESS(status) && size == uenum_count(ALL, &status)) {
            matchAll = TRUE;
            ALLList = ulist_getListFromEnum(ALL);
            for (j = 0; j < size; j++) {
                if ((value = uenum_next(all, &valueLength, &status)) != NULL && U_SUCCESS(status)) {
                    if (!ulist_containsString(ALLList, value, uprv_strlen(value))) {
                        log_err("Locale %s have %s not in ALL\n", loc, value);
                        matchAll = FALSE;
                } else {
                    matchAll = FALSE;
                    log_err("ERROR getting \"all\" keyword value for locale \"%s\"\n", loc);
           if (!matchAll) {
            log_err("FAIL: All values for locale \"%s\" does not match expected.\n", loc);
        } else {
            if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
               log_err("ERROR: %s\n", u_errorName(status));
            } else if(size!=uenum_count(ALL, &status)) {
               log_err("ERROR: got size of %d, wanted %d\n", size, uenum_count(ALL, &status));
        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        getCurrLen = ucurr_forLocale(loc, getCurrU, 4, &status);
        if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
            if (FORLOCALE[i][0] != 0) {
                log_err("ERROR: ucurr_forLocale %s, status %s\n", loc, u_errorName(status));
        } else if (getCurrLen != 3) {
            if (FORLOCALE[i][0] != 0 || getCurrLen != -1) {
                log_err("ERROR: ucurr_forLocale %s, returned len %d\n", loc, getCurrLen);
        } else {
            char getCurrB[4];
            u_UCharsToChars(getCurrU, getCurrB, 4);
            if ( uprv_strncmp(getCurrB, FORLOCALE[i], 4) != 0 ) {
                log_err("ERROR: ucurr_forLocale %s, expected %s, got %s\n", loc, FORLOCALE[i], getCurrB);