static int unpack_all_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, const wmEvent *UNUSED(event)) { Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C); uiPopupMenu *pup; uiLayout *layout; char title[64]; int count = 0; count = countPackedFiles(bmain); if (!count) { BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_WARNING, "No packed files to unpack"); G.fileflags &= ~G_AUTOPACK; return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; } if (count == 1) strcpy(title, IFACE_("Unpack 1 File")); else BLI_snprintf(title, sizeof(title), IFACE_("Unpack %d Files"), count); pup = uiPupMenuBegin(C, title, ICON_NONE); layout = uiPupMenuLayout(pup); uiLayoutSetOperatorContext(layout, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT); uiItemsEnumO(layout, "FILE_OT_unpack_all", "method"); uiPupMenuEnd(C, pup); return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; }
static int unpack_all_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, wmEvent *UNUSED(event)) { Main *bmain= CTX_data_main(C); uiPopupMenu *pup; uiLayout *layout; char title[128]; int count = 0; count = countPackedFiles(bmain); if(!count) { BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_WARNING, "No packed files. Autopack disabled."); G.fileflags &= ~G_AUTOPACK; return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; } if(count == 1) sprintf(title, "Unpack 1 file"); else sprintf(title, "Unpack %d files", count); pup= uiPupMenuBegin(C, title, ICON_NULL); layout= uiPupMenuLayout(pup); uiLayoutSetOperatorContext(layout, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT); uiItemsEnumO(layout, "FILE_OT_unpack_all", "method"); uiPupMenuEnd(C, pup); return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; }
static int poselib_add_menu_invoke (bContext *C, wmOperator *op, wmEvent *UNUSED(evt)) { Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C); Object *ob= get_poselib_object(C); bPose *pose= (ob) ? ob->pose : NULL; uiPopupMenu *pup; uiLayout *layout; /* sanity check */ if (ELEM(NULL, ob, pose)) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; /* start building */ pup= uiPupMenuBegin(C, op->type->name, ICON_NONE); layout= uiPupMenuLayout(pup); uiLayoutSetOperatorContext(layout, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT); /* add new (adds to the first unoccupied frame) */ uiItemIntO(layout, IFACE_("Add New"), ICON_NONE, "POSELIB_OT_pose_add", "frame", poselib_get_free_index(ob->poselib)); /* check if we have any choices to add a new pose in any other way */ if ((ob->poselib) && (ob->poselib->markers.first)) { /* add new (on current frame) */ uiItemIntO(layout, IFACE_("Add New (Current Frame)"), ICON_NONE, "POSELIB_OT_pose_add", "frame", CFRA); /* replace existing - submenu */ uiItemMenuF(layout, IFACE_("Replace Existing..."), 0, poselib_add_menu_invoke__replacemenu, NULL); } uiPupMenuEnd(C, pup); /* this operator is only for a menu, not used further */ return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; }
static int armature_parent_set_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op), const wmEvent *UNUSED(event)) { EditBone *actbone = CTX_data_active_bone(C); uiPopupMenu *pup = uiPupMenuBegin(C, CTX_IFACE_(BLF_I18NCONTEXT_OPERATOR_DEFAULT, "Make Parent"), ICON_NONE); uiLayout *layout = uiPupMenuLayout(pup); int allchildbones = 0; CTX_DATA_BEGIN(C, EditBone *, ebone, selected_editable_bones) { if (ebone != actbone) { if (ebone->parent != actbone) allchildbones = 1; } } CTX_DATA_END; uiItemEnumO(layout, "ARMATURE_OT_parent_set", NULL, 0, "type", ARM_PAR_CONNECT); /* ob becomes parent, make the associated menus */ if (allchildbones) uiItemEnumO(layout, "ARMATURE_OT_parent_set", NULL, 0, "type", ARM_PAR_OFFSET); uiPupMenuEnd(C, pup); return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; }
static int vertex_group_menu_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { Object *ob= CTX_data_pointer_get_type(C, "object", &RNA_Object).data; uiPopupMenu *pup; uiLayout *layout; pup= uiPupMenuBegin(C, "Vertex Groups", 0); layout= uiPupMenuLayout(pup); uiLayoutSetOperatorContext(layout, WM_OP_INVOKE_REGION_WIN); if(vgroup_object_in_edit_mode(ob)) { uiItemBooleanO(layout, "Assign to New Group", 0, "OBJECT_OT_vertex_group_assign", "new", 1); if(BLI_countlist(&ob->defbase) && ob->actdef) { uiItemO(layout, "Assign to Group", 0, "OBJECT_OT_vertex_group_assign"); uiItemO(layout, "Remove from Group", 0, "OBJECT_OT_vertex_group_remove_from"); uiItemBooleanO(layout, "Remove from All", 0, "OBJECT_OT_vertex_group_remove_from", "all", 1); } } if(BLI_countlist(&ob->defbase) && ob->actdef) { if(vgroup_object_in_edit_mode(ob)) uiItemS(layout); uiItemO(layout, "Set Active Group", 0, "OBJECT_OT_vertex_group_set_active"); uiItemO(layout, "Remove Group", 0, "OBJECT_OT_vertex_group_remove"); uiItemBooleanO(layout, "Remove All Groups", 0, "OBJECT_OT_vertex_group_remove", "all", 1); } uiPupMenuEnd(C, pup); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; }
/* popup menu wrapper */ static PointerRNA rna_PupMenuBegin(bContext *C, const char *title, int icon) { PointerRNA r_ptr; void *data; data = (void *)uiPupMenuBegin(C, title, icon); RNA_pointer_create(NULL, &RNA_UIPopupMenu, data, &r_ptr); return r_ptr; }
static int select_orientation_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op), wmEvent *UNUSED(event)) { uiPopupMenu *pup; uiLayout *layout; pup= uiPupMenuBegin(C, "Orientation", ICON_NULL); layout= uiPupMenuLayout(pup); uiItemsEnumO(layout, "TRANSFORM_OT_select_orientation", "orientation"); uiPupMenuEnd(C, pup); return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; }
static int keyingset_active_menu_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, const wmEvent *UNUSED(event)) { uiPopupMenu *pup; uiLayout *layout; /* call the menu, which will call this operator again, hence the canceled */ pup = uiPupMenuBegin(C, op->type->name, ICON_NONE); layout = uiPupMenuLayout(pup); uiItemsEnumO(layout, "ANIM_OT_keying_set_active_set", "type"); uiPupMenuEnd(C, pup); return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; }
static int node_group_separate_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op), const wmEvent *UNUSED(event)) { uiPopupMenu *pup = uiPupMenuBegin(C, CTX_IFACE_(BLF_I18NCONTEXT_OPERATOR_DEFAULT, "Separate"), ICON_NONE); uiLayout *layout = uiPupMenuLayout(pup); uiLayoutSetOperatorContext(layout, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT); uiItemEnumO(layout, "NODE_OT_group_separate", NULL, 0, "type", NODE_GS_COPY); uiItemEnumO(layout, "NODE_OT_group_separate", NULL, 0, "type", NODE_GS_MOVE); uiPupMenuEnd(C, pup); return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; }
static int unpack_item_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, const wmEvent *UNUSED(event)) { uiPopupMenu *pup; uiLayout *layout; pup = uiPupMenuBegin(C, IFACE_("Unpack"), ICON_NONE); layout = uiPupMenuLayout(pup); uiLayoutSetOperatorContext(layout, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT); uiItemsFullEnumO(layout, op->type->idname, "method", op->ptr->data, WM_OP_EXEC_REGION_WIN, 0); uiPupMenuEnd(C, pup); return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; }
static int object_metaball_add_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, wmEvent *event) { Object *obedit= CTX_data_edit_object(C); uiPopupMenu *pup; uiLayout *layout; pup= uiPupMenuBegin(C, op->type->name, 0); layout= uiPupMenuLayout(pup); if(!obedit || obedit->type == OB_MBALL) uiItemsEnumO(layout, op->type->idname, "type"); else uiItemsEnumO(layout, "OBJECT_OT_metaball_add", "type"); uiPupMenuEnd(C, pup); return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; }
static int toolbox_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op), wmEvent *UNUSED(event)) { bScreen *sc = CTX_wm_screen(C); SpaceButs *sbuts = CTX_wm_space_buts(C); PointerRNA ptr; uiPopupMenu *pup; uiLayout *layout; RNA_pointer_create(&sc->id, &RNA_SpaceProperties, sbuts, &ptr); pup = uiPupMenuBegin(C, "Align", ICON_NONE); layout = uiPupMenuLayout(pup); uiItemsEnumR(layout, &ptr, "align"); uiPupMenuEnd(C, pup); return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; }
/* invoke callback which presents a list of bone-groups for the user to choose from */ static int pose_groups_menu_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, const wmEvent *UNUSED(event)) { Object *ob = ED_pose_object_from_context(C); bPose *pose; uiPopupMenu *pup; uiLayout *layout; bActionGroup *grp; int i; /* only continue if there's an object, and a pose there too */ if (ELEM(NULL, ob, ob->pose)) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; pose = ob->pose; /* if there's no active group (or active is invalid), create a new menu to find it */ if (pose->active_group <= 0) { /* create a new menu, and start populating it with group names */ pup = uiPupMenuBegin(C, op->type->name, ICON_NONE); layout = uiPupMenuLayout(pup); /* special entry - allow to create new group, then use that * (not to be used for removing though) */ if (strstr(op->idname, "assign")) { uiItemIntO(layout, "New Group", ICON_NONE, op->idname, "type", 0); uiItemS(layout); } /* add entries for each group */ for (grp = pose->agroups.first, i = 1; grp; grp = grp->next, i++) uiItemIntO(layout, grp->name, ICON_NONE, op->idname, "type", i); /* finish building the menu, and process it (should result in calling self again) */ uiPupMenuEnd(C, pup); return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; } else { /* just use the active group index, and call the exec callback for the calling operator */ RNA_int_set(op->ptr, "type", pose->active_group); return op->type->exec(C, op); } }
/* Create (and show) a menu containing all the Keying Sets which can be used in the current context */ void ANIM_keying_sets_menu_setup (bContext *C, const char title[], const char op_name[]) { Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C); KeyingSet *ks; uiPopupMenu *pup; uiLayout *layout; int i = 0; pup= uiPupMenuBegin(C, title, ICON_NONE); layout= uiPupMenuLayout(pup); /* active Keying Set * - only include entry if it exists */ if (scene->active_keyingset) { uiItemIntO(layout, "Active Keying Set", ICON_NONE, op_name, "type", i++); uiItemS(layout); } else i++; /* user-defined Keying Sets * - these are listed in the order in which they were defined for the active scene */ if (scene->keyingsets.first) { for (ks= scene->keyingsets.first; ks; ks=ks->next, i++) { if (ANIM_keyingset_context_ok_poll(C, ks)) uiItemIntO(layout, ks->name, ICON_NONE, op_name, "type", i); } uiItemS(layout); } /* builtin Keying Sets */ i= -1; for (ks= builtin_keyingsets.first; ks; ks=ks->next, i--) { /* only show KeyingSet if context is suitable */ if (ANIM_keyingset_context_ok_poll(C, ks)) uiItemEnumO_value(layout, ks->name, ICON_NONE, op_name, "type", i); } uiPupMenuEnd(C, pup); }
static int undo_history_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, const wmEvent *UNUSED(event)) { int undosys, totitem = 0; undosys = get_undo_system(C); if (undosys) { EnumPropertyItem *item = rna_undo_itemf(C, undosys, &totitem); if (totitem > 0) { uiPopupMenu *pup = uiPupMenuBegin(C, RNA_struct_ui_name(op->type->srna), ICON_NONE); uiLayout *layout = uiPupMenuLayout(pup); uiLayout *split = uiLayoutSplit(layout, 0.0f, false); uiLayout *column = NULL; const int col_size = 20 + totitem / 12; int i, c; bool add_col = true; for (c = 0, i = totitem; i--;) { if (add_col && !(c % col_size)) { column = uiLayoutColumn(split, false); add_col = false; } if (item[i].identifier) { uiItemIntO(column, item[i].name, item[i].icon, op->type->idname, "item", item[i].value); ++c; add_col = true; } } MEM_freeN(item); uiPupMenuEnd(C, pup); } } return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; }
static int parent_drop_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, wmEvent *event) { Object *par = NULL; Object *ob = NULL; SpaceOops *soops = CTX_wm_space_outliner(C); ARegion *ar = CTX_wm_region(C); Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C); Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C); TreeElement *te = NULL; TreeElement *te_found = NULL; char childname[MAX_ID_NAME]; char parname[MAX_ID_NAME]; int partype = 0; float fmval[2]; UI_view2d_region_to_view(&ar->v2d, event->mval[0], event->mval[1], &fmval[0], &fmval[1]); /* Find object hovered over */ for (te = soops->tree.first; te; te = te->next) { te_found = outliner_dropzone_parent(C, event, te, fmval); if (te_found) break; } if (te_found) { RNA_string_set(op->ptr, "parent", te_found->name); /* Identify parent and child */ RNA_string_get(op->ptr, "child", childname); ob = (Object *)BKE_libblock_find_name(ID_OB, childname); RNA_string_get(op->ptr, "parent", parname); par = (Object *)BKE_libblock_find_name(ID_OB, parname); if (ELEM(NULL, ob, par)) { if (par == NULL) printf("par==NULL\n"); return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; } if (ob == par) { return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; } /* check dragged object (child) is active */ if (ob != CTX_data_active_object(C)) ED_base_object_select(BKE_scene_base_find(scene, ob), BA_SELECT); if ((par->type != OB_ARMATURE) && (par->type != OB_CURVE) && (par->type != OB_LATTICE)) { if (ED_object_parent_set(op->reports, bmain, scene, ob, par, partype)) { DAG_scene_sort(bmain, scene); DAG_ids_flush_update(bmain, 0); WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT | ND_TRANSFORM, NULL); WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT | ND_PARENT, NULL); } } else { /* Menu creation */ uiPopupMenu *pup = uiPupMenuBegin(C, IFACE_("Set Parent To"), ICON_NONE); uiLayout *layout = uiPupMenuLayout(pup); PointerRNA ptr; WM_operator_properties_create(&ptr, "OUTLINER_OT_parent_drop"); RNA_string_set(&ptr, "parent", parname); RNA_string_set(&ptr, "child", childname); RNA_enum_set(&ptr, "type", PAR_OBJECT); /* Cannot use uiItemEnumO()... have multiple properties to set. */ uiItemFullO(layout, "OUTLINER_OT_parent_drop", IFACE_("Object"), 0,, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, 0); /* par becomes parent, make the associated menus */ if (par->type == OB_ARMATURE) { WM_operator_properties_create(&ptr, "OUTLINER_OT_parent_drop"); RNA_string_set(&ptr, "parent", parname); RNA_string_set(&ptr, "child", childname); RNA_enum_set(&ptr, "type", PAR_ARMATURE); uiItemFullO(layout, "OUTLINER_OT_parent_drop", IFACE_("Armature Deform"), 0,, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, 0); WM_operator_properties_create(&ptr, "OUTLINER_OT_parent_drop"); RNA_string_set(&ptr, "parent", parname); RNA_string_set(&ptr, "child", childname); RNA_enum_set(&ptr, "type", PAR_ARMATURE_NAME); uiItemFullO(layout, "OUTLINER_OT_parent_drop", IFACE_(" With Empty Groups"), 0,, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, 0); WM_operator_properties_create(&ptr, "OUTLINER_OT_parent_drop"); RNA_string_set(&ptr, "parent", parname); RNA_string_set(&ptr, "child", childname); RNA_enum_set(&ptr, "type", PAR_ARMATURE_ENVELOPE); uiItemFullO(layout, "OUTLINER_OT_parent_drop", IFACE_(" With Envelope Weights"), 0,, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, 0); WM_operator_properties_create(&ptr, "OUTLINER_OT_parent_drop"); RNA_string_set(&ptr, "parent", parname); RNA_string_set(&ptr, "child", childname); RNA_enum_set(&ptr, "type", PAR_ARMATURE_AUTO); uiItemFullO(layout, "OUTLINER_OT_parent_drop", IFACE_(" With Automatic Weights"), 0,, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, 0); WM_operator_properties_create(&ptr, "OUTLINER_OT_parent_drop"); RNA_string_set(&ptr, "parent", parname); RNA_string_set(&ptr, "child", childname); RNA_enum_set(&ptr, "type", PAR_BONE); uiItemFullO(layout, "OUTLINER_OT_parent_drop", IFACE_("Bone"), 0,, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, 0); } else if (par->type == OB_CURVE) { WM_operator_properties_create(&ptr, "OUTLINER_OT_parent_drop"); RNA_string_set(&ptr, "parent", parname); RNA_string_set(&ptr, "child", childname); RNA_enum_set(&ptr, "type", PAR_CURVE); uiItemFullO(layout, "OUTLINER_OT_parent_drop", IFACE_("Curve Deform"), 0,, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, 0); WM_operator_properties_create(&ptr, "OUTLINER_OT_parent_drop"); RNA_string_set(&ptr, "parent", parname); RNA_string_set(&ptr, "child", childname); RNA_enum_set(&ptr, "type", PAR_FOLLOW); uiItemFullO(layout, "OUTLINER_OT_parent_drop", IFACE_("Follow Path"), 0,, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, 0); WM_operator_properties_create(&ptr, "OUTLINER_OT_parent_drop"); RNA_string_set(&ptr, "parent", parname); RNA_string_set(&ptr, "child", childname); RNA_enum_set(&ptr, "type", PAR_PATH_CONST); uiItemFullO(layout, "OUTLINER_OT_parent_drop", IFACE_("Path Constraint"), 0,, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, 0); } else if (par->type == OB_LATTICE) { WM_operator_properties_create(&ptr, "OUTLINER_OT_parent_drop"); RNA_string_set(&ptr, "parent", parname); RNA_string_set(&ptr, "child", childname); RNA_enum_set(&ptr, "type", PAR_LATTICE); uiItemFullO(layout, "OUTLINER_OT_parent_drop", IFACE_("Lattice Deform"), 0,, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, 0); } uiPupMenuEnd(C, pup); return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; } } else { return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; } return OPERATOR_FINISHED; }
void unpack_menu(bContext *C, const char *opname, const char *id_name, const char *abs_name, const char *folder, struct PackedFile *pf) { PointerRNA props_ptr; uiPopupMenu *pup; uiLayout *layout; char line[FILE_MAXDIR + FILE_MAXFILE + 100]; pup= uiPupMenuBegin(C, "Unpack file", ICON_NULL); layout= uiPupMenuLayout(pup); sprintf(line, "Remove Pack"); props_ptr= uiItemFullO(layout, opname, line, ICON_NULL, NULL, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, UI_ITEM_O_RETURN_PROPS); RNA_enum_set(&props_ptr, "method", PF_REMOVE); RNA_string_set(&props_ptr, "id", id_name); if(G.relbase_valid) { char local_name[FILE_MAXDIR + FILE_MAX], fi[FILE_MAX]; BLI_strncpy(local_name, abs_name, sizeof(local_name)); BLI_splitdirstring(local_name, fi); sprintf(local_name, "//%s/%s", folder, fi); if(strcmp(abs_name, local_name)!=0) { switch(checkPackedFile(local_name, pf)) { case PF_NOFILE: sprintf(line, "Create %s", local_name); props_ptr= uiItemFullO(layout, opname, line, ICON_NULL, NULL, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, UI_ITEM_O_RETURN_PROPS); RNA_enum_set(&props_ptr, "method", PF_WRITE_LOCAL); RNA_string_set(&props_ptr, "id", id_name); break; case PF_EQUAL: sprintf(line, "Use %s (identical)", local_name); //uiItemEnumO(layout, opname, line, 0, "method", PF_USE_LOCAL); props_ptr= uiItemFullO(layout, opname, line, ICON_NULL, NULL, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, UI_ITEM_O_RETURN_PROPS); RNA_enum_set(&props_ptr, "method", PF_USE_LOCAL); RNA_string_set(&props_ptr, "id", id_name); break; case PF_DIFFERS: sprintf(line, "Use %s (differs)", local_name); //uiItemEnumO(layout, opname, line, 0, "method", PF_USE_LOCAL); props_ptr= uiItemFullO(layout, opname, line, ICON_NULL, NULL, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, UI_ITEM_O_RETURN_PROPS); RNA_enum_set(&props_ptr, "method", PF_USE_LOCAL); RNA_string_set(&props_ptr, "id", id_name); sprintf(line, "Overwrite %s", local_name); //uiItemEnumO(layout, opname, line, 0, "method", PF_WRITE_LOCAL); props_ptr= uiItemFullO(layout, opname, line, ICON_NULL, NULL, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, UI_ITEM_O_RETURN_PROPS); RNA_enum_set(&props_ptr, "method", PF_WRITE_LOCAL); RNA_string_set(&props_ptr, "id", id_name); break; } } } switch(checkPackedFile(abs_name, pf)) { case PF_NOFILE: sprintf(line, "Create %s", abs_name); //uiItemEnumO(layout, opname, line, 0, "method", PF_WRITE_ORIGINAL); props_ptr= uiItemFullO(layout, opname, line, ICON_NULL, NULL, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, UI_ITEM_O_RETURN_PROPS); RNA_enum_set(&props_ptr, "method", PF_WRITE_ORIGINAL); RNA_string_set(&props_ptr, "id", id_name); break; case PF_EQUAL: sprintf(line, "Use %s (identical)", abs_name); //uiItemEnumO(layout, opname, line, 0, "method", PF_USE_ORIGINAL); props_ptr= uiItemFullO(layout, opname, line, ICON_NULL, NULL, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, UI_ITEM_O_RETURN_PROPS); RNA_enum_set(&props_ptr, "method", PF_USE_ORIGINAL); RNA_string_set(&props_ptr, "id", id_name); break; case PF_DIFFERS: sprintf(line, "Use %s (differs)", abs_name); //uiItemEnumO(layout, opname, line, 0, "method", PF_USE_ORIGINAL); props_ptr= uiItemFullO(layout, opname, line, ICON_NULL, NULL, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, UI_ITEM_O_RETURN_PROPS); RNA_enum_set(&props_ptr, "method", PF_USE_ORIGINAL); RNA_string_set(&props_ptr, "id", id_name); sprintf(line, "Overwrite %s", abs_name); //uiItemEnumO(layout, opname, line, 0, "method", PF_WRITE_ORIGINAL); props_ptr= uiItemFullO(layout, opname, line, ICON_NULL, NULL, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, UI_ITEM_O_RETURN_PROPS); RNA_enum_set(&props_ptr, "method", PF_WRITE_ORIGINAL); RNA_string_set(&props_ptr, "id", id_name); break; } uiPupMenuEnd(C, pup); }
void unpack_menu(bContext *C, const char *opname, const char *id_name, const char *abs_name, const char *folder, struct PackedFile *pf) { PointerRNA props_ptr; uiPopupMenu *pup; uiLayout *layout; char line[FILE_MAX + 100]; wmOperatorType *ot = WM_operatortype_find(opname, 1); pup = uiPupMenuBegin(C, IFACE_("Unpack File"), ICON_NONE); layout = uiPupMenuLayout(pup); props_ptr = uiItemFullO_ptr(layout, ot, IFACE_("Remove Pack"), ICON_NONE, NULL, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, UI_ITEM_O_RETURN_PROPS); RNA_enum_set(&props_ptr, "method", PF_REMOVE); RNA_string_set(&props_ptr, "id", id_name); if (G.relbase_valid) { char local_name[FILE_MAXDIR + FILE_MAX], fi[FILE_MAX]; BLI_split_file_part(abs_name, fi, sizeof(fi)); BLI_snprintf(local_name, sizeof(local_name), "//%s/%s", folder, fi); if (strcmp(abs_name, local_name) != 0) { switch (checkPackedFile(local_name, pf)) { case PF_NOFILE: BLI_snprintf(line, sizeof(line), IFACE_("Create %s"), local_name); props_ptr = uiItemFullO_ptr(layout, ot, line, ICON_NONE, NULL, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, UI_ITEM_O_RETURN_PROPS); RNA_enum_set(&props_ptr, "method", PF_WRITE_LOCAL); RNA_string_set(&props_ptr, "id", id_name); break; case PF_EQUAL: BLI_snprintf(line, sizeof(line), IFACE_("Use %s (identical)"), local_name); //uiItemEnumO_ptr(layout, ot, line, 0, "method", PF_USE_LOCAL); props_ptr = uiItemFullO_ptr(layout, ot, line, ICON_NONE, NULL, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, UI_ITEM_O_RETURN_PROPS); RNA_enum_set(&props_ptr, "method", PF_USE_LOCAL); RNA_string_set(&props_ptr, "id", id_name); break; case PF_DIFFERS: BLI_snprintf(line, sizeof(line), IFACE_("Use %s (differs)"), local_name); //uiItemEnumO_ptr(layout, ot, line, 0, "method", PF_USE_LOCAL); props_ptr = uiItemFullO_ptr(layout, ot, line, ICON_NONE, NULL, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, UI_ITEM_O_RETURN_PROPS); RNA_enum_set(&props_ptr, "method", PF_USE_LOCAL); RNA_string_set(&props_ptr, "id", id_name); BLI_snprintf(line, sizeof(line), IFACE_("Overwrite %s"), local_name); //uiItemEnumO_ptr(layout, ot, line, 0, "method", PF_WRITE_LOCAL); props_ptr = uiItemFullO_ptr(layout, ot, line, ICON_NONE, NULL, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, UI_ITEM_O_RETURN_PROPS); RNA_enum_set(&props_ptr, "method", PF_WRITE_LOCAL); RNA_string_set(&props_ptr, "id", id_name); break; } } } switch (checkPackedFile(abs_name, pf)) { case PF_NOFILE: BLI_snprintf(line, sizeof(line), IFACE_("Create %s"), abs_name); //uiItemEnumO_ptr(layout, ot, line, 0, "method", PF_WRITE_ORIGINAL); props_ptr = uiItemFullO_ptr(layout, ot, line, ICON_NONE, NULL, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, UI_ITEM_O_RETURN_PROPS); RNA_enum_set(&props_ptr, "method", PF_WRITE_ORIGINAL); RNA_string_set(&props_ptr, "id", id_name); break; case PF_EQUAL: BLI_snprintf(line, sizeof(line), IFACE_("Use %s (identical)"), abs_name); //uiItemEnumO_ptr(layout, ot, line, 0, "method", PF_USE_ORIGINAL); props_ptr = uiItemFullO_ptr(layout, ot, line, ICON_NONE, NULL, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, UI_ITEM_O_RETURN_PROPS); RNA_enum_set(&props_ptr, "method", PF_USE_ORIGINAL); RNA_string_set(&props_ptr, "id", id_name); break; case PF_DIFFERS: BLI_snprintf(line, sizeof(line), IFACE_("Use %s (differs)"), abs_name); //uiItemEnumO_ptr(layout, ot, line, 0, "method", PF_USE_ORIGINAL); props_ptr = uiItemFullO_ptr(layout, ot, line, ICON_NONE, NULL, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, UI_ITEM_O_RETURN_PROPS); RNA_enum_set(&props_ptr, "method", PF_USE_ORIGINAL); RNA_string_set(&props_ptr, "id", id_name); BLI_snprintf(line, sizeof(line), IFACE_("Overwrite %s"), abs_name); //uiItemEnumO_ptr(layout, ot, line, 0, "method", PF_WRITE_ORIGINAL); props_ptr = uiItemFullO_ptr(layout, ot, line, ICON_NONE, NULL, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, UI_ITEM_O_RETURN_PROPS); RNA_enum_set(&props_ptr, "method", PF_WRITE_ORIGINAL); RNA_string_set(&props_ptr, "id", id_name); break; } uiPupMenuEnd(C, pup); }