Esempio n. 1
void ui_usb_sof_event(void)
	static uint16_t counter_sof = 0;

	if (ui_enum_status == UHC_ENUM_SUCCESS) {
		/* Display device enumerated and in active mode */
		if (++counter_sof > 2000) {
			counter_sof = 0;

		if (counter_sof % 1000 == 0) {

		if (read_complete_flag != AOA_READ_ONGOING) {
			if (read_complete_flag == AOA_READ_SUCCESS) {

			read_complete_flag = AOA_READ_ONGOING;
			uhi_aoa_read(ui_msg, sizeof(ui_msg), read_complete);

		/* Buttons */
		if (ui_button_state_changed) {
			ui_button_state[ui_button_state_changed - 1] =
				!ui_button_state[ui_button_state_changed - 1];
			ui_msg[1] = ui_button_state_changed - 1;
			ui_msg[2] = 
				ui_button_state[ui_button_state_changed - 1];
			uhi_aoa_write(ui_msg, 3, NULL);
			ui_button_state_changed = 0x00;
Esempio n. 2
* MAIN FUNCTION                                                                *
int main(void)
	unsigned char distance = 0;	// declare a variable to store distance 
	// ensure all the hardware port in zero initially
	PORTA = 0;
	PORTB = 0;
	PORTC = 0;
	PORTD = 0;
	PORTE = 0;

	// Initialize the I/O port direction, this must be configured according to circuit
	// please refer to PTK40A schematic for details
	// TRISX control pin direction, output pin must be configure as '0'
	// while input must be configure as '1'
	TRISA = 0b00010001;
	TRISB = 0b00001111;
	TRISC = 0b10010011;
	TRISD = 0;
	TRISE = 0;

	// Initialize ADC.
	adc_initialize();	//Ensure pin share with analog is being configured to digital correctly
	// Initialize LCD
	lcd_initialize();	//Initialize LCD before use
	beep(2); 	//buzzer sound for twice
	// PTK40A come with an ADC input (RA0), 3 different source can be connected to ADC in
	// There are LM35 temperature sensor, Potentiometer and external sensor
	// This example will use external ADC to read information from SHARP ANALOG DISTANCE SENSOR
	// Connect GND of the sensor to GND of PTK40A (ADC external port)
	// Connect Vcc of sensor to 5V of PTK40A (ADC external port)
	// Connect Vo of senosr to IN of PTK40A (ADC external port)
	// Please refer to PTK40A schematic for the connection
	// Please move JP14 to EXT (under ADC)
	// This example is based on GP2Y0A21 (10 to 80 cm) 	
	adc_on();	//activate ADC module in PIC
	LCD_BACKLIGHT = 1;	//activate LCD Backlight
	lcd_putstr("Cytron PTK40A");	//display message on LCD
	lcd_2ndline();				//move cursor to 2nd line
	lcd_putstr("cm");	// display symbol of cm
	while(1) 	// create an infinite loop

		//refer datasheet graph for the convertion calculation
		distance = ui_adc_read()>>2;	// read from Sharp distance sensor and convert to cm
		distance = 256 - distance;
		distance = ((distance*10)+100)/36; //calculation is calculater according to the data sheet graph
		lcd_goto(0x4B);		//move cursor to after DISTANCE: on LCD
		lcd_bcd(3,distance);	// display distance in cm	
	while(1) continue;	// infinite loop to prevent PIC from reset if there is no more program	
Esempio n. 3
* MAIN FUNCTION                                                                *
int main(void)
	unsigned char step = 0;	// declare a variable to store stepper step sequence
	unsigned int delay = 0;	// declare a variable for stepper delay, need to be 16-bit for > 255
	// ensure all the hardware port in zero initially
	PORTA = 0;
	PORTB = 0;
	PORTC = 0;
	PORTD = 0;
	PORTE = 0;

	// Initialize the I/O port direction, this must be configured according to circuit
	// please refer to PTK40A schematic for details
	// TRISX control pin direction, output pin must be configure as '0'
	// while input must be configure as '1'
	TRISA = 0b00010001;
	TRISB = 0b00001111;
	TRISC = 0b10010011;
	TRISD = 0;
	TRISE = 0;

	// Initialize ADC.
	adc_initialize();	//Ensure pin share with analog is being configured to digital correctly

	// PTK40A come with an ADC input (RA0), 3 different source can be connected to ADC in
	// There are LM35 temperature sensor, Potentiometer and external sensor
	// There is also a stepper motor
	// Please refer to PTK40A schematic for the connection
	// Turning the potentiometer clock wise will change the speed of stepper rotation
	// Please move JP10 to PWM, JP14 to POT, JP20&21 to STEPPER, JP23&24 to UNIPOLAR
	adc_on();	//activate ADC module in PIC
	step = 1;	//initial step is 1
	RC2 = 1;	//RC2 pin is the PWM pin, in stepper case, the PWM is always 1

	while(1) 	// create an infinite loop
		if(step >= 5) step = 1;	// reset the step sequance to 1

		delay = ui_adc_read();
		if (delay > 10) // if delay is larger than 10, enter stepping
			switch (step)
				case 1:
				X = 1;			// step 1
				Y = 0;
				XN = 0;
				YN = 0;

				case 2:
				X = 0;			// step 2
				Y = 1;
				XN = 0;
				YN = 0;

				case 3:
				X = 0;			// step 3
				Y = 0;
				XN = 1;
				YN = 0;

				case 4:
				X = 0;			// step 4
				Y = 0;
				XN = 0;
				YN = 1;
			}//switch (step)
			step ++;	// increase step
		}//if(delay > 10)
	}	// while (1)

	while(1) continue;	// infinite loop to prevent PIC from reset if there is no more program