/* {{{ ps_fetch_from_1_to_8_bytes */ void ps_fetch_from_1_to_8_bytes(zval *zv, const MYSQLND_FIELD * const field, unsigned int pack_len, zend_uchar **row, zend_bool as_unicode, unsigned int byte_count TSRMLS_DC) { char tmp[22]; size_t tmp_len = 0; zend_bool is_bit = field->type == MYSQL_TYPE_BIT; DBG_ENTER("ps_fetch_from_1_to_8_bytes"); DBG_INF_FMT("zv=%p byte_count=%d", zv, byte_count); if (field->flags & UNSIGNED_FLAG) { uint64_t uval = 0; switch (byte_count) { case 8:uval = is_bit? (uint64_t) bit_uint8korr(*row):(uint64_t) uint8korr(*row);break; case 7:uval = bit_uint7korr(*row);break; case 6:uval = bit_uint6korr(*row);break; case 5:uval = bit_uint5korr(*row);break; case 4:uval = is_bit? (uint64_t) bit_uint4korr(*row):(uint64_t) uint4korr(*row);break; case 3:uval = is_bit? (uint64_t) bit_uint3korr(*row):(uint64_t) uint3korr(*row);break; case 2:uval = is_bit? (uint64_t) bit_uint2korr(*row):(uint64_t) uint2korr(*row);break; case 1:uval = (uint64_t) uint1korr(*row);break; } #if SIZEOF_LONG==4 if (uval > INT_MAX) { DBG_INF("stringify"); tmp_len = sprintf((char *)&tmp, MYSQLND_LLU_SPEC, uval); } else #endif /* #if SIZEOF_LONG==4 */ { if (byte_count < 8 || uval <= L64(9223372036854775807)) { ZVAL_LONG(zv, uval); } else { DBG_INF("stringify"); tmp_len = sprintf((char *)&tmp, MYSQLND_LLU_SPEC, uval); } } } else { /* SIGNED */ int64_t lval = 0; switch (byte_count) { case 8:lval = (int64_t) sint8korr(*row);break; /* 7, 6 and 5 are not possible. BIT is only unsigned, thus only uint5|6|7 macroses exist */ case 4:lval = (int64_t) sint4korr(*row);break; case 3:lval = (int64_t) sint3korr(*row);break; case 2:lval = (int64_t) sint2korr(*row);break; case 1:lval = (int64_t) *(int8_t*)*row;break; } #if SIZEOF_LONG==4 if ((L64(2147483647) < (int64_t) lval) || (L64(-2147483648) > (int64_t) lval)) { DBG_INF("stringify"); tmp_len = sprintf((char *)&tmp, MYSQLND_LL_SPEC, lval); } else #endif /* SIZEOF */ { ZVAL_LONG(zv, lval); } } if (tmp_len) { #if PHP_MAJOR_VERSION >= 6 if (as_unicode) { DBG_INF("stringify"); ZVAL_UTF8_STRINGL(zv, tmp, tmp_len, ZSTR_DUPLICATE); } else #endif { DBG_INF("stringify"); ZVAL_STRINGL(zv, tmp, tmp_len, 1); } } (*row)+= byte_count; DBG_VOID_RETURN; }
/* {{{ mysqlnd_net::receive_ex */ static enum_func_status MYSQLND_METHOD(mysqlnd_net, receive_ex)(MYSQLND_NET * const net, zend_uchar * const buffer, const size_t count, MYSQLND_STATS * const conn_stats, MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO * const error_info) { size_t to_read = count; zend_uchar * p = buffer; DBG_ENTER("mysqlnd_net::receive_ex"); #ifdef MYSQLND_COMPRESSION_ENABLED if (net->data->compressed) { if (net->uncompressed_data) { size_t to_read_from_buffer = MIN(net->uncompressed_data->bytes_left(net->uncompressed_data), to_read); DBG_INF_FMT("reading "MYSQLND_SZ_T_SPEC" from uncompressed_data buffer", to_read_from_buffer); if (to_read_from_buffer) { net->uncompressed_data->read(net->uncompressed_data, to_read_from_buffer, (zend_uchar *) p); p += to_read_from_buffer; to_read -= to_read_from_buffer; } DBG_INF_FMT("left "MYSQLND_SZ_T_SPEC" to read", to_read); if (TRUE == net->uncompressed_data->is_empty(net->uncompressed_data)) { /* Everything was consumed. This should never happen here, but for security */ net->uncompressed_data->free_buffer(&net->uncompressed_data); } } if (to_read) { zend_uchar net_header[MYSQLND_HEADER_SIZE]; size_t net_payload_size; zend_uchar packet_no; if (FAIL == net->data->m.network_read_ex(net, net_header, MYSQLND_HEADER_SIZE, conn_stats, error_info)) { DBG_RETURN(FAIL); } net_payload_size = uint3korr(net_header); packet_no = uint1korr(net_header + 3); if (net->compressed_envelope_packet_no != packet_no) { DBG_ERR_FMT("Transport level: packets out of order. Expected %u received %u. Packet size="MYSQLND_SZ_T_SPEC, net->compressed_envelope_packet_no, packet_no, net_payload_size); php_error(E_WARNING, "Packets out of order. Expected %u received %u. Packet size="MYSQLND_SZ_T_SPEC, net->compressed_envelope_packet_no, packet_no, net_payload_size); DBG_RETURN(FAIL); } net->compressed_envelope_packet_no++; #ifdef MYSQLND_DUMP_HEADER_N_BODY DBG_INF_FMT("HEADER: hwd_packet_no=%u size=%3u", packet_no, (zend_ulong) net_payload_size); #endif /* Now let's read from the wire, decompress it and fill the read buffer */ net->data->m.read_compressed_packet_from_stream_and_fill_read_buffer(net, net_payload_size, conn_stats, error_info); /* Now a bit of recursion - read from the read buffer, if the data which we have just read from the wire is not enough, then the recursive call will try to satisfy it until it is satisfied. */ DBG_RETURN(net->data->m.receive_ex(net, p, to_read, conn_stats, error_info)); } DBG_RETURN(PASS); } #endif /* MYSQLND_COMPRESSION_ENABLED */ DBG_RETURN(net->data->m.network_read_ex(net, p, to_read, conn_stats, error_info)); }