Esempio n. 1
/// Returns a std::string of stats, ended by a newline.
/// Requires the current connector name as an argument.
std::string Socket::Connection::getStats(std::string C){
  return "S " + getHost() + " " + C + " " + uint2string(Util::epoch() - conntime) + " " + uint2string(up) + " " + uint2string(down) + "\n";
weak_ptr<opencl::kernel_object> oclraster_program::build_kernel(const kernel_spec& spec) {
	kernel_spec* new_spec = new kernel_spec(spec);
	// if any device doesn't support doubles and the user tries to use a double image format,
	// fail immediately and return a null kernel (better here than crashing during compilation)
	if(!ocl->is_full_double_support()) {
		for(const auto& img_type : spec.image_spec) {
			if(img_type.data_type == IMAGE_TYPE::FLOAT_64) {
				oclr_error("can't use a double/FLOAT_64 image format when one or more opencl devices do not support doubles!");
				kernels.emplace(new_spec, opencl::null_kernel_object);
				return opencl::null_kernel_object;
	// build image defines string (image functions for each image type are #ifdef'ed)
	string image_defines = "";
	set<string> img_types;
	for(const auto& img_type : spec.image_spec) {
		if(img_type.native) continue;
	for(const auto& img_type : img_types) {
		image_defines += " -DOCLRASTER_IMAGE_" + core::str_to_upper(img_type);
	// depth defines
	string framebuffer_options = "";
	bool has_framebuffer_depth = false;
	for(size_t i = 0, img_count = images.image_names.size(); i < img_count; i++) {
		if(images.is_framebuffer[i] && images.image_types[i] == IMAGE_VAR_TYPE::DEPTH_IMAGE) {
			has_framebuffer_depth = true;
	if(!has_framebuffer_depth) framebuffer_options += " -DOCLRASTER_NO_DEPTH";
	if(!spec.depth.depth_test) framebuffer_options += " -DOCLRASTER_NO_DEPTH_TEST";
	if(spec.depth.depth_override) framebuffer_options += " -DOCLRASTER_DEPTH_OVERRIDE";
	string depth_spec_str = "";
	depth_spec_str += (spec.depth.depth_test ? ".depth_test" : ".no_depth_test");
	depth_spec_str += ".";
	switch(spec.depth.depth_func) {
		case DEPTH_FUNCTION::NEVER: depth_spec_str += "never"; break;
		case DEPTH_FUNCTION::LESS: depth_spec_str += "less"; break;
		case DEPTH_FUNCTION::EQUAL: depth_spec_str += "equal"; break;
		case DEPTH_FUNCTION::LESS_OR_EQUAL: depth_spec_str += "lequal"; break;
		case DEPTH_FUNCTION::GREATER: depth_spec_str += "greater"; break;
		case DEPTH_FUNCTION::NOT_EQUAL: depth_spec_str += "nequal"; break;
		case DEPTH_FUNCTION::GREATER_OR_EQUAL: depth_spec_str += "gequal"; break;
		case DEPTH_FUNCTION::ALWAYS: depth_spec_str += "always"; break;
		case DEPTH_FUNCTION::CUSTOM: depth_spec_str += "custom"; break;
	depth_spec_str += (spec.depth.depth_override ? ".depth_override" : "");
	// finally: call the specialized processing function of inheriting classes/programs
	// note: this should inject the user code into their respective code templates
	const string program_code { specialized_processing(processed_code, *new_spec) };
	const string proj_spec_str = (spec.projection == PROJECTION::PERSPECTIVE ? "perspective" : "orthographic");
	string img_spec_str = "";
	for(const auto& type : spec.image_spec) {
		img_spec_str += "." + type.to_string();
	stringstream id_stream;
	id_stream << dec << this_thread::get_id();
	const string identifier = ("USER_PROGRAM."+kernel_function_name+"."+entry_function+"."+
	weak_ptr<opencl::kernel_object> kernel = ocl->add_kernel_src(identifier, program_code, kernel_function_name,
																 " -DBIN_SIZE="+uint2string(OCLRASTER_BIN_SIZE)+
																 " -DBATCH_SIZE="+uint2string(OCLRASTER_BATCH_SIZE)+
																 " "+build_options);
	//oclr_msg("%s:\n%s\n", identifier, program_code);
#if defined(OCLRASTER_DEBUG)
	if(kernel.use_count() == 0) {
		oclr_debug("kernel source: %s", program_code);
	kernels.emplace(new_spec, kernel);
	return kernel;
Esempio n. 3
void transform_stage::transform(draw_state& state) {
	oclraster_program::kernel_spec spec;
	if(!create_kernel_spec(state, *state.transform_prog, spec)) {
	// -> 1D kernel, with max #work-items per work-group
	unsigned int argc = 0;
	if(!bind_user_buffers(state, *state.transform_prog, argc)) return;
	// internal buffer / kernel parameters
	ocl->set_kernel_argument(argc++, state.transformed_vertices_buffer);
	ocl->set_kernel_argument(argc++, state.camera_buffer);
	ocl->set_kernel_argument(argc++, state.vertex_count);
	ocl->set_kernel_argument(argc++, state.instance_count);
	ocl->set_kernel_range(ocl->compute_kernel_ranges(state.vertex_count * state.instance_count));
#if 0
	static bool dumped = false;
	if(!dumped) {
		dumped = true;
		ocl->dump_buffer(state.transformed_vertices_buffer, oclraster::data_path("dump/tvbuffer.bin"));
		unsigned int buffer_num = 0;
		const auto find_and_dump_buffer = [&](const string& name) -> void {
			const auto buffer = state.user_buffers.find(name);
			ocl->dump_buffer((opencl::buffer_object*)&buffer->second, oclraster::data_path("dump/tuser_"+uint2string(buffer_num)+".hex"));
		for(const auto& user_struct : state.transform_prog->get_structs()) {
			if(user_struct->type != oclraster_program::STRUCT_TYPE::BUFFERS) {
			else {
				for(size_t i = 0, buffer_entries = user_struct->variables.size(); i < buffer_entries; i++) {