static void print_adv_helper(uint64_t stream_count, uint64_t block_count, uint64_t compressed_size, uint64_t uncompressed_size, uint32_t checks, uint64_t stream_padding) { char checks_str[CHECKS_STR_SIZE]; get_check_names(checks_str, checks, true); printf(_(" Streams: %s\n"), uint64_to_str(stream_count, 0)); printf(_(" Blocks: %s\n"), uint64_to_str(block_count, 0)); printf(_(" Compressed size: %s\n"), uint64_to_nicestr(compressed_size, NICESTR_B, NICESTR_TIB, true, 0)); printf(_(" Uncompressed size: %s\n"), uint64_to_nicestr(uncompressed_size, NICESTR_B, NICESTR_TIB, true, 0)); printf(_(" Ratio: %s\n"), get_ratio(compressed_size, uncompressed_size)); printf(_(" Check: %s\n"), checks_str); printf(_(" Stream padding: %s\n"), uint64_to_nicestr(stream_padding, NICESTR_B, NICESTR_TIB, true, 0)); return; }
Status ClientImpl::zrrange(const std::string &name, uint64_t offset, uint64_t limit, std::vector<std::string> *ret) { std::string s_offset = uint64_to_str(offset); std::string s_limit = uint64_to_str(limit); const std::vector<std::string> *resp; resp = this->request("zrrange", name, s_offset, s_limit); return _read_list(resp, ret); }
// store a block in another block store named by the block's hash. void export_exo_inputs(void *ptr, int size, hash_t *digest) { unsigned char hash[20]; char hexstring[42]; // compute hash of the data __hashbits(digest, ptr, size); int rank; MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); char tmp_db_file_path[BUFLEN]; snprintf(tmp_db_file_path, BUFLEN - 1, "%s/%s/prover_%d_tmp", FOLDER_STATE, ROOT_FOLDER_BLOCK_STORES, rank); FILE *fp = fopen(tmp_db_file_path, "wb"); fwrite(ptr, 1, size, fp); fclose(fp); string input_name = uint64_to_str(NUM_HASH_CHUNKS, digest->bit); sha1::calc(input_name.c_str(), strlen(input_name.c_str()), hash); sha1::toHexString(hash, hexstring); hexstring[41] = '\0'; char com_mv_db_file_path[BUFLEN]; snprintf(com_mv_db_file_path, BUFLEN - 1, "mv %s %s/%s/%s", tmp_db_file_path, FOLDER_STATE, ROOT_FOLDER_BLOCK_STORES, hexstring); if (system(com_mv_db_file_path) != 0) { printf("ERROR executing %s\n", com_mv_db_file_path); } //char db_file_path[BUFLEN]; //snprintf(db_file_path, BUFLEN - 1, "%s/%s/%s", FOLDER_STATE, ROOT_FOLDER_BLOCK_STORES, hexstring); //string db_file_path_str(db_file_path); //HashBlockStore* _block_store = new ConfigurableBlockStore(db_file_path_str); //__hashput(_block_store, digest, ptr, size); //delete _block_store; }
Status ClientImpl::rscan(const std::string &key_start, const std::string &key_end, uint64_t limit, std::vector<std::string> *ret) { std::string s_limit = uint64_to_str(limit); const std::vector<std::string> *resp; resp = this->request("rscan", key_start, key_end, s_limit); return _read_list(resp, ret); }
Status ClientImpl::zrandom(const std::string &name, const std::string &key_start, int64_t *score_start, int64_t *score_end, uint64_t limit, std::vector<std::string> *ret) { std::string s_score_start = score_start? int_to_str(*score_start) : ""; std::string s_score_end = score_end? int_to_str(*score_end) : ""; std::string s_limit = uint64_to_str(limit); const std::vector<std::string> *resp; resp = this->request("zrandom", name, key_start, s_score_start, s_score_end, s_limit); return _read_list(resp, ret); }
static void print_totals_adv(void) { putchar('\n'); puts(_("Totals:")); printf(_(" Number of files: %s\n"), uint64_to_str(totals.files, 0)); print_adv_helper(totals.streams, totals.blocks, totals.compressed_size, totals.uncompressed_size, totals.checks, totals.stream_padding); if (message_verbosity_get() >= V_DEBUG) { printf(_(" Memory needed: %s MiB\n"), uint64_to_str( round_up_to_mib(totals.memusage_max), 0)); printf(_(" Sizes in headers: %s\n"), totals.all_have_sizes ? _("Yes") : _("No")); } return; }
static bool print_info_basic(const xz_file_info *xfi, file_pair *pair) { static bool headings_displayed = false; if (!headings_displayed) { headings_displayed = true; // TRANSLATORS: These are column headings. From Strms (Streams) // to Ratio, the columns are right aligned. Check and Filename // are left aligned. If you need longer words, it's OK to // use two lines here. Test with "xz -l foo.xz". puts(_("Strms Blocks Compressed Uncompressed Ratio " "Check Filename")); } char checks[CHECKS_STR_SIZE]; get_check_names(checks, lzma_index_checks(xfi->idx), false); const char *cols[7] = { uint64_to_str(lzma_index_stream_count(xfi->idx), 0), uint64_to_str(lzma_index_block_count(xfi->idx), 1), uint64_to_nicestr(lzma_index_file_size(xfi->idx), NICESTR_B, NICESTR_TIB, false, 2), uint64_to_nicestr(lzma_index_uncompressed_size(xfi->idx), NICESTR_B, NICESTR_TIB, false, 3), get_ratio(lzma_index_file_size(xfi->idx), lzma_index_uncompressed_size(xfi->idx)), checks, pair->src_name, }; printf("%*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %-*s %s\n", tuklib_mbstr_fw(cols[0], 5), cols[0], tuklib_mbstr_fw(cols[1], 7), cols[1], tuklib_mbstr_fw(cols[2], 11), cols[2], tuklib_mbstr_fw(cols[3], 11), cols[3], tuklib_mbstr_fw(cols[4], 5), cols[4], tuklib_mbstr_fw(cols[5], 7), cols[5], cols[6]); return false; }
static void print_totals_basic(void) { // Print a separator line. char line[80]; memset(line, '-', sizeof(line)); line[sizeof(line) - 1] = '\0'; puts(line); // Get the check names. char checks[CHECKS_STR_SIZE]; get_check_names(checks, totals.checks, false); // Print the totals except the file count, which needs // special handling. printf("%5s %7s %11s %11s %5s %-7s ", uint64_to_str(totals.streams, 0), uint64_to_str(totals.blocks, 1), uint64_to_nicestr(totals.compressed_size, NICESTR_B, NICESTR_TIB, false, 2), uint64_to_nicestr(totals.uncompressed_size, NICESTR_B, NICESTR_TIB, false, 3), get_ratio(totals.compressed_size, totals.uncompressed_size), checks); // Since we print totals only when there are at least two files, // the English message will always use "%s files". But some other // languages need different forms for different plurals so we // have to translate this with ngettext(). // // TRANSLATORS: %s is an integer. Only the plural form of this // message is used (e.g. "2 files"). Test with "xz -l foo.xz bar.xz". printf(ngettext("%s file\n", "%s files\n", totals.files <= ULONG_MAX ? totals.files : (totals.files % 1000000) + 1000000), uint64_to_str(totals.files, 0)); return; }
// read a block by hash from a block store named by the hash and store it in bs. void import_exo_inputs_to_bs(HashBlockStore *bs, void *ptr, int size, hash_t *digest) { string input_name = uint64_to_str(NUM_HASH_CHUNKS, digest->bit); unsigned char hash[20]; char hexstring[42]; sha1::calc(input_name.c_str(), strlen(input_name.c_str()), hash); sha1::toHexString(hash, hexstring); hexstring[41] = '\0'; char db_file_path[BUFLEN]; snprintf(db_file_path, BUFLEN - 1, "%s/%s/%s", FOLDER_STATE, ROOT_FOLDER_BLOCK_STORES, hexstring); FILE *fp = fopen(db_file_path, "rb"); if (fread(ptr, 1, size, fp) != (size_t)size) { printf("error reading %d bytes from %s\n", size, db_file_path); } fclose(fp); //string db_file_path_str(db_file_path); //HashBlockStore* _block_store = new ConfigurableBlockStore(db_file_path_str); //__hashget(_block_store, ptr, digest, size); //delete _block_store; __hashput(bs, digest, ptr, size); }
extern void coder_set_compression_settings(void) { // The default check type is CRC64, but fallback to CRC32 // if CRC64 isn't supported by the copy of liblzma we are // using. CRC32 is always supported. if (check_default) { check = LZMA_CHECK_CRC64; if (!lzma_check_is_supported(check)) check = LZMA_CHECK_CRC32; } // Options for LZMA1 or LZMA2 in case we are using a preset. static lzma_options_lzma opt_lzma; if (filters_count == 0) { // We are using a preset. This is not a good idea in raw mode // except when playing around with things. Different versions // of this software may use different options in presets, and // thus make uncompressing the raw data difficult. if (opt_format == FORMAT_RAW) { // The message is shown only if warnings are allowed // but the exit status isn't changed. message(V_WARNING, _("Using a preset in raw mode " "is discouraged.")); message(V_WARNING, _("The exact options of the " "presets may vary between software " "versions.")); } // Get the preset for LZMA1 or LZMA2. if (lzma_lzma_preset(&opt_lzma, preset_number)) message_bug(); // Use LZMA2 except with --format=lzma we use LZMA1. filters[0].id = opt_format == FORMAT_LZMA ? LZMA_FILTER_LZMA1 : LZMA_FILTER_LZMA2; filters[0].options = &opt_lzma; filters_count = 1; } // Terminate the filter options array. filters[filters_count].id = LZMA_VLI_UNKNOWN; // If we are using the .lzma format, allow exactly one filter // which has to be LZMA1. if (opt_format == FORMAT_LZMA && (filters_count != 1 || filters[0].id != LZMA_FILTER_LZMA1)) message_fatal(_("The .lzma format supports only " "the LZMA1 filter")); // If we are using the .xz format, make sure that there is no LZMA1 // filter to prevent LZMA_PROG_ERROR. if (opt_format == FORMAT_XZ) for (size_t i = 0; i < filters_count; ++i) if (filters[i].id == LZMA_FILTER_LZMA1) message_fatal(_("LZMA1 cannot be used " "with the .xz format")); // Print the selected filter chain. message_filters_show(V_DEBUG, filters); // Get the memory usage. Note that if --format=raw was used, // we can be decompressing. const uint64_t memory_limit = hardware_memlimit_get(opt_mode); uint64_t memory_usage; if (opt_mode == MODE_COMPRESS) { #ifdef MYTHREAD_ENABLED if (opt_format == FORMAT_XZ && hardware_threads_get() > 1) { mt_options.threads = hardware_threads_get(); mt_options.block_size = opt_block_size; mt_options.check = check; memory_usage = lzma_stream_encoder_mt_memusage( &mt_options); if (memory_usage != UINT64_MAX) message(V_DEBUG, _("Using up to %" PRIu32 " threads."), mt_options.threads); } else #endif { memory_usage = lzma_raw_encoder_memusage(filters); } } else { memory_usage = lzma_raw_decoder_memusage(filters); } if (memory_usage == UINT64_MAX) message_fatal(_("Unsupported filter chain or filter options")); // Print memory usage info before possible dictionary // size auto-adjusting. message_mem_needed(V_DEBUG, memory_usage); if (opt_mode == MODE_COMPRESS) { const uint64_t decmem = lzma_raw_decoder_memusage(filters); if (decmem != UINT64_MAX) message(V_DEBUG, _("Decompression will need " "%s MiB of memory."), uint64_to_str( round_up_to_mib(decmem), 0)); } if (memory_usage <= memory_limit) return; // If --no-auto-adjust was used or we didn't find LZMA1 or // LZMA2 as the last filter, give an error immediately. // --format=raw implies --no-auto-adjust. if (!opt_auto_adjust || opt_format == FORMAT_RAW) memlimit_too_small(memory_usage); assert(opt_mode == MODE_COMPRESS); #ifdef MYTHREAD_ENABLED if (opt_format == FORMAT_XZ && mt_options.threads > 1) { // Try to reduce the number of threads before // adjusting the compression settings down. do { // FIXME? The real single-threaded mode has // lower memory usage, but it's not comparable // because it doesn't write the size info // into Block Headers. if (--mt_options.threads == 0) memlimit_too_small(memory_usage); memory_usage = lzma_stream_encoder_mt_memusage( &mt_options); if (memory_usage == UINT64_MAX) message_bug(); } while (memory_usage > memory_limit); message(V_WARNING, _("Adjusted the number of threads " "from %s to %s to not exceed " "the memory usage limit of %s MiB"), uint64_to_str(hardware_threads_get(), 0), uint64_to_str(mt_options.threads, 1), uint64_to_str(round_up_to_mib( memory_limit), 2)); } #endif if (memory_usage <= memory_limit) { return; } // Look for the last filter if it is LZMA2 or LZMA1, so we can make // it use less RAM. With other filters we don't know what to do. size_t i = 0; while (filters[i].id != LZMA_FILTER_LZMA2 && filters[i].id != LZMA_FILTER_LZMA1) { if (filters[i].id == LZMA_VLI_UNKNOWN) memlimit_too_small(memory_usage); ++i; } // Decrease the dictionary size until we meet the memory // usage limit. First round down to full mebibytes. lzma_options_lzma *opt = filters[i].options; const uint32_t orig_dict_size = opt->dict_size; opt->dict_size &= ~((UINT32_C(1) << 20) - 1); while (true) { // If it is below 1 MiB, auto-adjusting failed. We could be // more sophisticated and scale it down even more, but let's // see if many complain about this version. // // FIXME: Displays the scaled memory usage instead // of the original. if (opt->dict_size < (UINT32_C(1) << 20)) memlimit_too_small(memory_usage); memory_usage = lzma_raw_encoder_memusage(filters); if (memory_usage == UINT64_MAX) message_bug(); // Accept it if it is low enough. if (memory_usage <= memory_limit) break; // Otherwise 1 MiB down and try again. I hope this // isn't too slow method for cases where the original // dict_size is very big. opt->dict_size -= UINT32_C(1) << 20; } // Tell the user that we decreased the dictionary size. message(V_WARNING, _("Adjusted LZMA%c dictionary size " "from %s MiB to %s MiB to not exceed " "the memory usage limit of %s MiB"), filters[i].id == LZMA_FILTER_LZMA2 ? '2' : '1', uint64_to_str(orig_dict_size >> 20, 0), uint64_to_str(opt->dict_size >> 20, 1), uint64_to_str(round_up_to_mib(memory_limit), 2)); return; }
static bool print_info_adv(xz_file_info *xfi, file_pair *pair) { // Print the overall information. print_adv_helper(lzma_index_stream_count(xfi->idx), lzma_index_block_count(xfi->idx), lzma_index_file_size(xfi->idx), lzma_index_uncompressed_size(xfi->idx), lzma_index_checks(xfi->idx), xfi->stream_padding); // Size of the biggest Check. This is used to calculate the width // of the CheckVal field. The table would get insanely wide if // we always reserved space for 64-byte Check (128 chars as hex). uint32_t check_max = 0; // Print information about the Streams. // // TRANSLATORS: The second line is column headings. All except // Check are right aligned; Check is left aligned. Test with // "xz -lv foo.xz". puts(_(" Streams:\n Stream Blocks" " CompOffset UncompOffset" " CompSize UncompSize Ratio" " Check Padding")); lzma_index_iter iter; lzma_index_iter_init(&iter, xfi->idx); while (!lzma_index_iter_next(&iter, LZMA_INDEX_ITER_STREAM)) { const char *cols1[4] = { uint64_to_str(, 0), uint64_to_str(, 1), uint64_to_str(, 2), uint64_to_str(, 3), }; printf(" %*s %*s %*s %*s ", tuklib_mbstr_fw(cols1[0], 6), cols1[0], tuklib_mbstr_fw(cols1[1], 9), cols1[1], tuklib_mbstr_fw(cols1[2], 15), cols1[2], tuklib_mbstr_fw(cols1[3], 15), cols1[3]); const char *cols2[5] = { uint64_to_str(, 0), uint64_to_str(, 1), get_ratio(,, _(check_names[>check]), uint64_to_str(, 2), }; printf("%*s %*s %*s %-*s %*s\n", tuklib_mbstr_fw(cols2[0], 15), cols2[0], tuklib_mbstr_fw(cols2[1], 15), cols2[1], tuklib_mbstr_fw(cols2[2], 5), cols2[2], tuklib_mbstr_fw(cols2[3], 10), cols2[3], tuklib_mbstr_fw(cols2[4], 7), cols2[4]); // Update the maximum Check size. if (lzma_check_size(>check) > check_max) check_max = lzma_check_size(>check); } // Cache the verbosity level to a local variable. const bool detailed = message_verbosity_get() >= V_DEBUG; // Information collected from Block Headers block_header_info bhi; // Print information about the Blocks but only if there is // at least one Block. if (lzma_index_block_count(xfi->idx) > 0) { // Calculate the width of the CheckVal field. const int checkval_width = my_max(8, 2 * check_max); // TRANSLATORS: The second line is column headings. All // except Check are right aligned; Check is left aligned. printf(_(" Blocks:\n Stream Block" " CompOffset UncompOffset" " TotalSize UncompSize Ratio Check")); if (detailed) { // TRANSLATORS: These are additional column headings // for the most verbose listing mode. CheckVal // (Check value), Flags, and Filters are left aligned. // Header (Block Header Size), CompSize, and MemUsage // are right aligned. %*s is replaced with 0-120 // spaces to make the CheckVal column wide enough. // Test with "xz -lvv foo.xz". printf(_(" CheckVal %*s Header Flags " "CompSize MemUsage Filters"), checkval_width - 8, ""); } putchar('\n'); lzma_index_iter_init(&iter, xfi->idx); // Iterate over the Blocks. while (!lzma_index_iter_next(&iter, LZMA_INDEX_ITER_BLOCK)) { if (detailed && parse_details(pair, &iter, &bhi, xfi)) return true; const char *cols1[4] = { uint64_to_str(, 0), uint64_to_str( iter.block.number_in_stream, 1), uint64_to_str( iter.block.compressed_file_offset, 2), uint64_to_str( iter.block.uncompressed_file_offset, 3) }; printf(" %*s %*s %*s %*s ", tuklib_mbstr_fw(cols1[0], 6), cols1[0], tuklib_mbstr_fw(cols1[1], 9), cols1[1], tuklib_mbstr_fw(cols1[2], 15), cols1[2], tuklib_mbstr_fw(cols1[3], 15), cols1[3]); const char *cols2[4] = { uint64_to_str(iter.block.total_size, 0), uint64_to_str(iter.block.uncompressed_size, 1), get_ratio(iter.block.total_size, iter.block.uncompressed_size), _(check_names[>check]) }; printf("%*s %*s %*s %-*s", tuklib_mbstr_fw(cols2[0], 15), cols2[0], tuklib_mbstr_fw(cols2[1], 15), cols2[1], tuklib_mbstr_fw(cols2[2], 5), cols2[2], tuklib_mbstr_fw(cols2[3], detailed ? 11 : 1), cols2[3]); if (detailed) { const lzma_vli compressed_size = iter.block.unpadded_size - bhi.header_size - lzma_check_size(>check); const char *cols3[6] = { check_value, uint64_to_str(bhi.header_size, 0), bhi.flags, uint64_to_str(compressed_size, 1), uint64_to_str( round_up_to_mib(bhi.memusage), 2), bhi.filter_chain }; // Show MiB for memory usage, because it // is the only size which is not in bytes. printf("%-*s %*s %-5s %*s %*s MiB %s", checkval_width, cols3[0], tuklib_mbstr_fw(cols3[1], 6), cols3[1], cols3[2], tuklib_mbstr_fw(cols3[3], 15), cols3[3], tuklib_mbstr_fw(cols3[4], 7), cols3[4], cols3[5]); } putchar('\n'); } } if (detailed) { printf(_(" Memory needed: %s MiB\n"), uint64_to_str( round_up_to_mib(xfi->memusage_max), 0)); printf(_(" Sizes in headers: %s\n"), xfi->all_have_sizes ? _("Yes") : _("No")); printf(_(" Minimum XZ Utils version: %s\n"), xz_ver_to_str(xfi->min_version)); } return false; }