Esempio n. 1
void annealing(TSP *tsp)
    Path   p;
    int    i, j, pathchg;
    int    numOnPath, numNotOnPath;
    DTYPE    pathlen;
    int    n = tsp->n;
    double energyChange, T;

    pathlen = pathLength (tsp); 

    for (T = T_INIT; T > FINAL_T; T *= COOLING)  /* annealing schedule */
        pathchg = 0;
        for (j = 0; j < TRIES_PER_T; j++)
            do {
                p[0] = unifRand (n);
                p[1] = unifRand (n);
                /* non-empty path */
                if (p[0] == p[1]) p[1] = MOD(p[0]+1,n);
                numOnPath = MOD(p[1]-p[0],n) + 1;
                numNotOnPath = n - numOnPath;
            } while (numOnPath < 2 || numNotOnPath < 2); /* non-empty path */
            if (RANDOM() % 2) /*  threeWay */
                do {
                    p[2] = MOD(unifRand (numNotOnPath)+p[1]+1,n);
                } while (p[0] == MOD(p[2]+1,n)); /* avoids a non-change */

                energyChange = getThreeWayCost (tsp, p);
                if (energyChange < 0 || RREAL < exp(-energyChange/T) )
                    pathlen += energyChange;
                    doThreeWay (tsp, p);
            else            /* path Reverse */
                energyChange = getReverseCost (tsp, p);
                if (energyChange < 0 || RREAL < exp(-energyChange/T))
                    pathlen += energyChange;
                    doReverse(tsp, p); 
            // if the new length is better than best then save it as best
            if (pathlen < tsp->bestlen) {
                tsp->bestlen = pathlen;
                for (i=0; i<tsp->n; i++) tsp->border[i] = tsp->iorder[i];
            if (pathchg > IMPROVED_PATH_PER_T) break; /* finish early */
        DBG("T:%f L:%f B:%f C:%d", T, pathlen, tsp->bestlen, pathchg);
        if (pathchg == 0) break;   /* if no change then quit */
double RandomNetwork::selectEntry(int i, int j, double p){
		if (i != j){
			if (unifRand()<=(1-p)){return 0.0;}
			else {return unifRand();}
		else {return 0.0;}
void makeRandomVoxBot(int xDim, int yDim, int zDim, int nMat, std::vector<int> &structure, VoxBotCreator &creator)
    // declare structure array
    // initialization, empty voxels
    int*** strArr = new int**[xDim];
    for(int x = 0; x < xDim; ++x){strArr[x] = new int*[yDim];for(int y = 0; y < yDim; ++y){strArr[x][y] = new int[zDim]; for(int z = 0; z < yDim; ++z){strArr[x][y][z] = 0;}}}
    // holds every voxel that it is set to a non-zero value
    for(int x = 0; x < xDim; ++x)
        for(int y = 0; y < yDim; ++y)
            for(int z = 0; z < yDim; ++z)
                strArr[x][y][z] = (unifRand() < PROB_ADD);
                if(strArr[x][y][z] == 1)
                    strArr[x][y][z] += unifRand(creator.GetNumMaterials() - 1) -1;
    // set the created structure in the std::vector.
    std::vector<int> structureTmp;
    for (int x1 = 0; x1 < xDim; ++x1){for (int y1 = 0; y1 < yDim; ++y1){for (int z1 = 0; z1 < zDim; ++z1){structureTmp.push_back(strArr[x1][y1][z1]);}}}

    structure = makeOneShapeOnly(structureTmp);
    // free up memory
    for (int x2 = 0; x2 < xDim; ++x2) {for (int y2 = 0; y2 < yDim; ++y2)delete [] strArr[x2][y2]; delete [] strArr[x2];}delete [] strArr;
Esempio n. 4
pcl::RandomSample<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>::applyFilter (std::vector<int> &indices)
  rng_->base ().seed (seed_);

  unsigned N = input_->width * input_->height;
  // If sample size is 0 or if the sample size is greater then input cloud size
  //   then return all indices
  if (sample_ >= N)
    indices = *indices_;
    // Resize output indices to sample size
    indices.resize (sample_);

    // Algorithm A
    float one_over_N = 0.f;
    float top = 0.f;
    size_t index = 0;
    std::vector<bool> added;
    if (extract_removed_indices_)
      added.resize (indices_->size (), false);
    size_t i = 0;

    for (size_t n = sample_; n > 1; n--)
      top = N - n; // N are the remaining number of elements, n the remaining number of wanted samples
      one_over_N = 1.f / static_cast<float> (N); //we need to re-calculate N^{-1}

      float V = unifRand ();
      size_t S = 0;
      float quot = top * one_over_N;

      while (quot > V)
        S ++;
        N --;
        quot = quot * (top * one_over_N);

      N--; // this together with N-- above is the same than N - S - 1 (paper Vit84)
      index += S;

      if (extract_removed_indices_)
        added[index] = true;
      indices[i] = (*indices_)[index];

      i ++;
      index ++;

    index += static_cast<size_t> (N * unifRand ());
    if (extract_removed_indices_)
      added[index] = true;
    indices[i] = (*indices_)[index];
Esempio n. 5
pcl::RandomSample<pcl::PCLPointCloud2>::applyFilter (PCLPointCloud2 &output)
  unsigned N = input_->width * input_->height;
  // If sample size is 0 or if the sample size is greater then input cloud size
  //   then return entire copy of cloud
  if (sample_ >= N)
    output = *input_;
    // Resize output cloud to sample size (sample_ * input_->point_step);

    // Copy the common fields
    output.fields = input_->fields;
    output.is_bigendian = input_->is_bigendian;
    output.row_step = input_->row_step;
    output.point_step = input_->point_step;
    output.height = 1;

    // Set random seed so derived indices are the same each time the filter runs
    std::srand (seed_);

    unsigned top = N - sample_;
    unsigned i = 0;
    unsigned index = 0;

    // Algorithm A
    for (size_t n = sample_; n >= 2; n--)
      float V = unifRand ();
      unsigned S = 0;
      float quot = float (top) / float (N);
      while (quot > V)
        quot = quot * float (top) / float (N);
      index += S;
      memcpy (&[i++ * output.point_step], &input_->data[index++ * output.point_step], output.point_step);

    index += N * static_cast<unsigned> (unifRand ());
    memcpy (&[i++ * output.point_step], &input_->data[index++ * output.point_step], output.point_step);

    output.width = sample_;
    output.row_step = output.point_step * output.width;
Esempio n. 6
pcl::RandomSample<pcl::PCLPointCloud2>::applyFilter (std::vector<int> &indices)
  unsigned N = input_->width * input_->height;
  // If sample size is 0 or if the sample size is greater then input cloud size
  //   then return all indices
  if (sample_ >= N)
    indices = *indices_;
    // Resize output indices to sample size
    indices.resize (sample_);

    // Set random seed so derived indices are the same each time the filter runs
    std::srand (seed_);

    unsigned top = N - sample_;
    unsigned i = 0;
    unsigned index = 0;

    // Algorithm A
    for (size_t n = sample_; n >= 2; n--)
      float V = unifRand ();
      unsigned S = 0;
      float quot = float (top) / float (N);
      while (quot > V)
        quot = quot * float (top) / float (N);
      index += S;
      indices[i++] = (*indices_)[index++];

    index += N * static_cast<unsigned> (unifRand ());
    indices[i++] = (*indices_)[index++];
int dist_iniz(long double x[], long double x0[], long double R,unsigned int num_dist){
    switch (num_dist) {
        case 2:
            x[0] = x0[0]+R*sqrt(unifRand())*cos(2*pi*unifRand());
            x[1] = x0[1]+R*sqrt(unifRand())*sin(2*pi*unifRand());
            return 1;
        case 3:
            x[0] = x0[0]-R+2*R*unifRand();
            x[1] = x0[1];
            return 1;
        case 4:
            x[1] = x0[1]-R+2*R*unifRand();
            x[0] = x0[0];
            return 1;
            return 0;
    return 0;
Esempio n. 8
void	CUDAANNMP::generation(bool print = false){

	int r1,r2,r3;
		double ran;
double nnMSE;
int i,j,k;
int v;
#pragma omp parallel for private(v,r1,r2,r3,ran,nnMSE,i,j,k)
for( v = 0 ; v < maxPopulation ; v++){

		r1 = unifRandInt (0,maxPopulation-1);
		r2 = unifRandInt (0,maxPopulation-1);
		r3 = unifRandInt (0,maxPopulation-1);
	}while(r1 == r2 || r1 == r3 || r2 == r3 || r1 == v || r2 == v || r3 == v);

	for( i = 1 ; i < nbLayers ; i++){  
	  for( j = 0 ; j < neuronPerLayer[i] ; j++){
	    for( k = 0 ; k < neuronPerLayer[i-1]+1 ; k++){
		ran =	unifRand();
		if(ran < crossRate){
			p.pop[v]->W[i][j][k] = p2.pop[r1]->W[i][j][k] + (mutRate * (p2.pop[r3]->W[i][j][k] - p2.pop[r2]->W[i][j][k]));
			p.pop[v]->W[i][j][k] = p2.pop[v]->W[i][j][k];				

	p.pop[v]->MSE( getFitness (p.pop[v]) );
	if(p.pop[v]->MSE() >  p2.pop[v]->MSE() ){
	for( i = 1 ; i < nbLayers ; i++){  
	  for( j = 0 ; j < neuronPerLayer[i] ; j++){
	    for( k = 0 ; k < neuronPerLayer[i-1]+1 ; k++){
		p.pop[v]->W[i][j][k] = p2.pop[v]->W[i][j][k];

	}//if(fitnessTrialIndividual <  p.pop[v]->MSE() )

	}//End for(int i = 0 ; i < maxPopulation ; i++)



	vectorFitness.push_back (p.pop[0]->MSE());
}//end for
Esempio n. 9
	std::vector<T> unifRandVector(T start, T stop, int num) {
		std::vector<T> ret(num);
		std::generate_n(ret.begin(), num, [&]() {return unifRand(start, stop);});
		return ret;
Esempio n. 10
	T unifRand(T start, T stop) {
		return static_cast<T>((stop - start) * unifRand()) + start;
Esempio n. 11
	/**@brief Get a vector of doubles in [0,1)
	 * @param num The number of random numbers to generate
	 * @return A vector of double in [0,1)
	std::vector<double> unifRandVector(uint32_t num) {
		std::vector<double> ret(num);
		std::generate(ret.begin(), ret.end(), [&]() {
			return unifRand();});
		return ret;
Esempio n. 12
	/**@brief Calls unifRand() so you don't have to type the whole thing
	 * @return a double in [0,1)
	double operator()() {
		return unifRand();
Esempio n. 13
pcl::RandomSample<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>::applyFilter (PointCloud2 &output)
  rng_->base ().seed (seed_);

  unsigned N = input_->width * input_->height;
  // If sample size is 0 or if the sample size is greater then input cloud size
  //   then return entire copy of cloud
  if (sample_ >= N)
    output = *input_;
    // Resize output cloud to sample size (sample_ * input_->point_step);

    // Copy the common fields
    output.fields = input_->fields;
    output.is_bigendian = input_->is_bigendian;
    output.row_step = input_->row_step;
    output.point_step = input_->point_step;
    output.height = 1;

    // Algorithm A
    float one_over_N = 0.f;
    float top = 0.f;
    size_t index = 0;
    std::vector<bool> added;
    if (extract_removed_indices_)
      added.resize (indices_->size (), false);
    size_t i = 0;

    for (size_t n = sample_; n > 1; n--)
      top = N - n; // N are the remaining number of elements, n the remaining number of wanted samples
      one_over_N = 1.f / static_cast<float> (N); //we need to re-calculate N^{-1}

      float V = unifRand ();
      size_t S = 0;
      float quot = top * one_over_N;

      while (quot > V)
        S ++;
        N --;
        quot = quot * (top * one_over_N);

      N--; // this together with N-- above is the same than N - S - 1 (paper Vit84)
      index += S;

      memcpy (&[i * output.point_step], &input_->data[index * output.point_step], output.point_step);

      i ++;
      index ++;

    index += static_cast<size_t> (N * unifRand ());
    memcpy (&[i * output.point_step], &input_->data[index * output.point_step], output.point_step);

  output.width = sample_;
  output.row_step = output.point_step * output.width;
Esempio n. 14
double P2Uniform() {
	return unifRand(arguments.a, arguments.b);
// seed function
void seed(){ srand(time(0)); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) unifRand();}
//returns a uniform integer number from 0 to n
int unifRand(int n){
    if (n < 0) n = -n;
    if (n==0) return 0;
    int guard = (int) (unifRand() * n) +1;
    return (guard > n)? n : guard;
Esempio n. 17
pcl::RandomSample<PointT>::applyFilter (std::vector<int> &indices)
  unsigned N = static_cast<unsigned> (indices_->size ());
  float one_over_N = 1.0f / float (N);
  unsigned int sample_size = negative_ ? N - sample_ : sample_;
  // If sample size is 0 or if the sample size is greater then input cloud size
  //   then return all indices
  if (sample_size >= N)
    indices = *indices_;
    removed_indices_->clear ();
    // Resize output indices to sample size
    indices.resize (static_cast<size_t> (sample_size));
    if (extract_removed_indices_)
      removed_indices_->resize (static_cast<size_t> (N - sample_size));

    // Set random seed so derived indices are the same each time the filter runs
    std::srand (seed_);

    // Algorithm A
    unsigned top = N - sample_size;
    unsigned i = 0;
    unsigned index = 0;
    std::vector<bool> added;
    if (extract_removed_indices_)
      added.resize (indices_->size (), false);
    for (size_t n = sample_size; n >= 2; n--)
      unsigned int V = static_cast<unsigned int>( unifRand () );
      unsigned S = 0;
      float quot = float (top) * one_over_N;
      while (quot > V)
        quot = quot * float (top) * one_over_N;
      index += S;
      if (extract_removed_indices_)
        added[index] = true;
      indices[i++] = (*indices_)[index++];

    index += N * static_cast<unsigned> (unifRand ());
    if (extract_removed_indices_)
      added[index] = true;
    indices[i++] = (*indices_)[index++];

    // Now populate removed_indices_ appropriately
    if (extract_removed_indices_)
      unsigned ri = 0;
      for (size_t i = 0; i < added.size (); i++)
        if (!added[i])
          (*removed_indices_)[ri++] = (*indices_)[i];
int EO_rIG_tExp::agg_dyn(long double dt, long double t)
// E' il cuore della classe ogni batterio implementa questo in modo diverso.
    if (salto_==1) {
        long double sigma_x=f_sigma();
        long double lambda_star=lambda_r+dt*f_lambda()+sigma_x*deltaW_ec(dt);
        bool condition_salto
        =  (exp(-2*(barriera_r-lambda_r)*(barriera_r-lambda_star)/(dt*pow(sigma_x,2)))>=unifRand()) 
        || (lambda_r>barriera_r) ;
        if (condition_salto) 
                return salto_=0;
        else{ lambda_r=lambda_star; }
    }else if(salto_==-1){
        if (lambda_t>=barriera_t) {
            //            barriera_t=min(Exp_dist(),1.5);
            return salto_=2;
    return salto_;    
Esempio n. 19
// Generate a random number in a real interval.
// param a one end point of the interval
// param b the other end of the interval
// return a inform rand numberin [a,b].
float unifRand(float a, float b)
    return (b-a)*unifRand() + a;