Esempio n. 1
Random::sphere(Real & x, Real & y, Real & z)
  // Adapted from: Robert E. Knop, "Algorithm 381: Random Vectors Uniform in Solid Angle", CACM, 13, p326, 1970.
  // It uses the fact that the projection of the uniform 2-sphere distribution onto any axis (in this case the Z axis) is
  // uniform.

  Real m2;  // squared magnitude
    x = 2 * uniform01() - 1;
    y = 2 * uniform01() - 1;
    m2 = x * x + y * y;

  } while (m2 > 1 || m2 < 1e-10);

  // The squared length happens to be uniformly distributed in [0, 1]. Since the projection of the 2-sphere distribution onto
  // the Z axis is uniform (can be derived from the observation that the area of a spherical cap is linear in its height), we
  // can use the squared length, rescaled to [-1, 1], as the Z value (latitude).
  z = 2 * m2 - 1;

  // x and y now locate the longitude of the point after scaling to lie on the sphere
  Real s = 2 * std::sqrt(1 - m2);  // this factor ensures x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 1
  x *= s;
  y *= s;
Esempio n. 2
void RNG::disk(double r_min, double r_max, double& x, double& y)
  double a = uniform01();
  double b = uniform01();
  double r = std::sqrt(a * r_max * r_max + (1 - a) * r_min * r_min);
  double theta = 2 * boost::math::constants::pi<double>() * b;
  x = r * std::cos(theta);
  y = r * std::sin(theta);
Esempio n. 3
		/** Randomly rounds a float up or down s.t. the expected value is the given value */
		inline unsigned int RandomRound(float x)
			if(x <= 0.0f) {
				return 0;
			float a = std::floor(x);
			float r = x - a;
			boost::variate_generator<boost::mt19937&, boost::uniform_real<float> > uniform01(
					Rnd(), boost::uniform_real<float>(0.0f,1.0f));
			return a + (uniform01() >= r ? 0.0f : 1.0f);
Esempio n. 4
Random::cosPowHemi(Real const k, Real & x, Real & y, Real & z)
  Real const e1 = uniform01();
  Real const e2 = uniform01();

  Real const cos_theta = std::pow(e1, 1.0f / (k + 1.0f));
  Real const sin_theta = std::sqrt(1.0f - Math::square(cos_theta));
  Real const phi = 6.28318531f * e2;

  x = std::cos(phi) * sin_theta;
  y = std::sin(phi) * sin_theta;
  z = cos_theta;
Esempio n. 5
void Tree::generate(uint8_t limit)

  const uint8_t m_trunkHeight = uniformUINT8(MIN_TRUNK, limit);

  bool smalltree = false;
  uint8_t type = 0;

  if (m_trunkHeight < BRANCHING_HEIGHT)
    smalltree = true;

  if (uniform01() > 0.5) // 1/2 chance
    if (uniform01() > 0.5) // 1/4

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i + 1 < m_trunkHeight /* Trunk Height */; ++i)
    if (smalltree)
      const TrunkPtr v(new Trunk(_x, _y + i, _z, _map, type));
      if (i >= MIN_TRUNK - 1)
        m_Branch[n_branches++] = v;
      const TrunkPtr v(new Trunk(_x, _y + i, _z, _map, type));
      if (i > BRANCHING_HEIGHT - 1)
        m_Branch[n_branches++] = v;

  const TrunkPtr v(new Trunk(_x, _y + m_trunkHeight - 1, _z, _map, type));
  m_Branch[n_branches++] = v;
Esempio n. 6
double simulator::drawNextEventInterval()
	/// Draw the next event time
	// Infection
	double A_S = _beta*_count_I*_count_S/_popSize;
	if(_count_I !=_prevalence[_prevalence.size()-1]){
	cout<< "_count_I:"<<_count_I << "; prevalence[t]:"<<_prevalence[_prevalence.size()-1]<<endl;
	// Latency progressions
	double A_E = 0.0;
	for(int i=1; i<=_nE; i++)
		A_E += _sigma[i-1]*census_status(i);
	// Infectiousness progressions
	// and ultimately recovery
	double A_I = 0.0;
	for(int i=_nE+1; i<=_nE+_nI; i++)
		A_I += _gamma[i-1-_nE]*census_status(i);
	// Sum of all rates
	double A = A_S+A_E+A_I;
	double u = uniform01();
	return -log(u)/A;
Esempio n. 7
void RNG::ball(double r_min, double r_max, double& x, double& y, double& z)
  double a = uniform01();
  double b = uniform01();
  double c = uniform01();
  double r = std::pow(a * r_max * r_max * r_max + (1 - a) * r_min * r_min * r_min, 1 / 3.0);
  double theta = std::acos(1 - 2 * b);
  double phi = 2 * boost::math::constants::pi<double>() * c;
  double costheta = std::cos(theta);
  double sintheta = std::sin(theta);
  double cosphi = std::cos(phi);
  double sinphi = std::sin(phi);
  x = r * costheta;
  y = r * sintheta * cosphi;
  z = r * sintheta * sinphi;
Esempio n. 8
 static double pareto(double xm, double k, double max) {
     // xm > 0 and k > 0
     double r;
         r = xm / std::pow(uniform01(), 1.0 / k);
     while (r > max);
     return r;
Esempio n. 9
std::vector<int> RNG::NchooseM(int n, int m) {
  std::vector<int> ret(m, 100);
  int ctr = m;
  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    if (uniform01(gen) < ctr * 1.0 / (n - i))
      ret[m - ctr--] = i;
  return ret;
Esempio n. 10
void Tree::generateCanopy()
  uint8_t block, meta;
  uint8_t canopySize;

  uint8_t canopy_type = 0;

  int32_t t_posx, t_posy, t_posz;

  if (uniform01() > 0.5) // 1/2
    if (uniform01() > 0.5) // 1/4
  canopySize = 3;
  //canopySize = (BetterRand()*(MAX_CANOPY - MIN_CANOPY)) + MIN_CANOPY;

  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < n_branches; i++)
    for (int8_t xi = (-canopySize); xi <= canopySize; xi++)
      for (int8_t yi = (-canopySize); yi <= canopySize; yi++)
        for (int8_t zi = (-canopySize); zi <= canopySize; zi++)
          if (abs(xi) + abs(yi) + abs(zi) <= canopySize)
            t_posx = m_Branch[i]->_x + xi;
            t_posy = m_Branch[i]->_y + yi;
            t_posz = m_Branch[i]->_z + zi;

            if (ServerInstance->map(_map)->getBlock(t_posx, t_posy, t_posz, &block, &meta, true) && block == BLOCK_AIR)
              Canopy u(t_posx, t_posy, t_posz, _map, canopy_type);
Esempio n. 11
Random::cosHemi(Real & x, Real & y, Real & z)
  Real const e1 = uniform01();
  Real const e2 = uniform01();

  // Jensen's method
  Real const sin_theta = std::sqrt(1.0f - e1);
  Real const cos_theta = std::sqrt(e1);
  Real const phi = 6.28318531f * e2;

  x = std::cos(phi) * sin_theta;
  y = std::sin(phi) * sin_theta;
  z = cos_theta;

  // We could also use Malley's method (pbrt p.657), since they are the same cost:
  //  r = sqrt(e1);
  //  t = 2*pi*e2;
  //  x = cos(t)*r;
  //  y = sin(t)*r;
  //  z = sqrt(1.0 - x*x + y*y);
Esempio n. 12
void Tree::generateBranches(TrunkPtr wrap)
  int32_t x = wrap->_x;
  uint8_t y = wrap->_y;
  int32_t z = wrap->_z;

  uint32_t schanse = BRANCHING_CHANCE;

  if (uniform01() > 1.0 - (1.0 / BRANCHING_CHANCE))
    const double r = uniform01();
    if (r < 0.2)
    else if (r < 0.4)
    else if (r < 0.6)
    else if (r < 0.8)
    if (r > 0.5)

    const TrunkPtr v(new Trunk(x, y, z, _map));
    m_Branch[n_branches++] = v;
Esempio n. 13
void NetherGen::AddDeposit(int x, int y, int z, int map, uint8_t block, int depotSize)
  for (int bX = x; bX < x + depotSize; bX++)
    for (int bY = y; bY < y + depotSize; bY++)
      for (int bZ = z; bZ < z + depotSize; bZ++)
        if (uniform01() < 0.5)
          ServerInstance->map(map)->sendBlockChange(bX, bY, bZ, block, 0);
          ServerInstance->map(map)->setBlock(bX, bY, bZ, block, 0);
Esempio n. 14
 // Return a random int in interval [min, max] with step
 static int uniform(int min, int max, int step = 1) {
     int r = min + step * ((int)std::ceil(std::floor((double)(max - min) / (double)step + 1.0) * uniform01()) - 1);
     return r;
Esempio n. 15
double tools_uniform01()
  return uniform01();
Esempio n. 16
unsigned int simulator::drawEventType()
	/// Determine which event type occurs
	/// (after an event time has been drawn)
	vector<double> x;
	// sufficiently small such that probability to fall
	// b/w x and x+tiny is pratically 0 but large enough
	// that a 'double comparison' recognizes it
	// (used when no indiv in a given status)
	double tiny = 1E-10;
	// Anchor at 0
	// New infection event
	double tmp = at_least_one_S_and_I()?_beta*_count_I*_count_S/_popSize:tiny;
	// Migrations through the E[k]
	for(int i=0; i<_nE; i++)
		double tmp = (census_status(i+1)>0)?_sigma[i]*census_status(i+1):tiny;
	// Migrations through the I[k]
	for(int i=0; i<_nI; i++)
		double tmp = (census_status(_nE+1+i)>0)?_gamma[i]*census_status(_nE+1+i):tiny;
	// draw a uniform on sum of all rates and
	// see where it lands -> that's the drawn event type
	double u = uniform01()*sumElements(x);
	//	cout<<"drawEventType: "<<u<<" :: " <<sumElements(x)<<endl;
	// vector of cumulative sum of x elements
	vector<double> cumx;
	for(int i=0; i<x.size(); i++)
		// initialize sum at 0
		// Calculate cumulative value
		for(int j=0; j<=i; j++) cumx[i]+=x[j];
	unsigned int idx = 0;
	bool found = false;
	for(int i=0; i<cumx.size(); i++)
			idx = i;
			found = true;
	stopif(!found, "can't find index");
	// Make sure there is an individual
	// in the drawn event (they may be very close, see 'tiny')
	if (census_status(idx)==0)
		unsigned int idx2 = idx;
		while (census_status(idx2)==0) idx2=idx2-1;
	return idx;
Esempio n. 17
 static double exponential(double mean) {
     double r = - std::log(uniform01()) * mean;
     return r;
Esempio n. 18
 // Return a random double in interval (min, max]
 static double uniform(double min, double max) {
     double r = min + (max - min) * uniform01();
     return r;
Esempio n. 19
int RNG::bernoulli(float p) {
  if (uniform01(gen) < p)
    return 1;
    return 0;
Esempio n. 20
float RNG::uniform(float a, float b) { return a + (b - a) * uniform01(gen); }
Esempio n. 21
void BiomeGen::AddTrees(int x, int z, int map)
  int32_t xBlockpos = x << 4;
  int32_t zBlockpos = z << 4;
  int blockX, blockZ;
  uint8_t blockY, block, meta;

  bool empty[16][16]; // is block empty 

  memset(empty, 1, 256);

  uint8_t trees = uint8_t(uniform01() * 7 + 13);
  uint8_t i = 0;
  while (i < trees)
    uint8_t a = uint8_t(uniform01() * 16);
    uint8_t b = uint8_t(uniform01() * 16);

    if (empty[a][b])
      blockX = a + xBlockpos;
      blockZ = b + zBlockpos;
      blockY = heightmap_pointer[(b<<4)+a];

      // Another dirty haxx!
      if (blockY > 120)
      ServerInstance->map(map)->getBlock(blockX, blockY, blockZ, &block, &meta);

      int biome = int(BiomeSelect.GetValue(blockX / 100.0, 0, blockZ / 100.0));
      if (biome == 1 &&
          treenoise.GetValue(blockX, 0, blockZ) > -0.3 &&
          ((rand() % 16) < 7)) // Dirty haxx!
        // Desert, make cactus
        int count = 3;
        if ((count + blockY) > 126)
          //LOGLF("testing reed area");
          ServerInstance->map(map)->getBlock(blockX, (blockY + i), blockZ, &block, &meta);
          if(block == BLOCK_SAND){
            ServerInstance->map(map)->setBlock(blockX, (blockY + 1 + i), blockZ, (char)BLOCK_CACTUS, (char)meta);
            ServerInstance->map(map)->setBlock(blockX, (blockY + 2 + i), blockZ, (char)BLOCK_CACTUS, (char)meta);
            ServerInstance->map(map)->setBlock(blockX, (blockY + 3 + i), blockZ, (char)BLOCK_CACTUS, (char)meta);
            //printf("successful cactus! x%d y%d z%d\n", blockX, blockY, blockZ);

        // Check that it's not in water
        /*ServerInstance->map(map)->getBlock(blockX, ++blockY, blockZ, &block, &meta);
        if (!(block == BLOCK_WATER || block == BLOCK_STATIONARY_WATER))
          sChunk* chunk = ServerInstance->map(map)->getChunk(x, z);

          uint8_t* curBlock;
          int count = (fastrand() % 3) + 3;
          if (count + blockY > 127)
          curBlock = &(chunk->blocks[(a << 7) + (b << 11) + blockY]);
          for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            curBlock[i] = BLOCK_CACTUS;
      else if (biome == 4 &&
               block != BLOCK_WATER &&
               block != BLOCK_STATIONARY_WATER &&
               treenoise.GetValue(blockX, 0, blockZ) > -0.2)
        //Reed forest
        int count = 3;
        if ((count + blockY) > 126)
          //LOGLF("testing reed area");
        int xOffset = 0;
        ServerInstance->map(map)->getBlock(blockX + xOffset, (blockY + i), blockZ, &block, &meta);
          if(block == BLOCK_DIRT || block == BLOCK_REED || block == BLOCK_GRASS){
            if(block == BLOCK_GRASS){
              ServerInstance->map(map)->setBlock(blockX + xOffset, (blockY + i), blockZ, (char)BLOCK_DIRT, (char)meta);
              block = BLOCK_DIRT;
            ServerInstance->map(map)->setBlock(blockX + xOffset, (blockY + 1 + i), blockZ, (char)BLOCK_REED, (char)meta);
            ServerInstance->map(map)->setBlock(blockX + xOffset, (blockY + 2 + i), blockZ, (char)BLOCK_REED, (char)meta);
            ServerInstance->map(map)->setBlock(blockX + xOffset, (blockY + 3 + i), blockZ, (char)BLOCK_REED, (char)meta);
            //printf("successful reed! x%d y%d z%d\n", blockX + xOffset, blockY, blockZ);

      else if (biome == 2 || biome == 3)
        if (block == BLOCK_DIRT || block == BLOCK_GRASS)
          // Trees only grow on dirt and grass? =b
          ServerInstance->map(map)->getBlock(blockX, ++blockY, blockZ, &block, &meta);
          if (block == BLOCK_AIR || block == BLOCK_SNOW)
            if (treenoise.GetValue(blockX, 0, blockZ) > -0.4)
              Tree tree(blockX, blockY, blockZ, map);
      for (int8_t u = -2; u < 2; u++)
        for (int8_t v = -2; v < 2; v++)
          //Check for array boundaries
          if((a+u) >= 0 && (b+v) >= 0 &&
             (a+u) < 16 && (b+v) < 16)
            empty[a+u][b+v] = false;
Esempio n. 22
void KmeansClusterer::chooseInitialClusterCenters(RefArrayXXd sample, RefArrayXXd centers, unsigned int Nclusters)
    unsigned int Npoints = sample.cols();

    // Set up a some random generators
    uniform_real_distribution<> uniform01(0.0, 1.0);
    uniform_int_distribution<> uniform(0, Npoints-1);

    // Picking the initial centers randomly is prone to leading to a local rather than 
    // the global minumum. Choosing k centers as far away from each other as possible 
    // is prone to outliers. We therefore adopt the method of Arthur & Vassilvitskii (2007)
    // which instead of always choosing a new center farthest from those picked so far, 
    // chooses each center at random with a probability proportional to its (squared) 
    // distance from the centers chosen already.

    // Choose the first center randomly

    int randomPointIndex = uniform(engine);
    int k;
    double distanceToClosestCenter[Npoints];
    double sumOfDistancesToClosestCenters;
    double distance;
    double uniform01Number;
    double cumulativeDistance;
    centers.col(0) = sample.col(randomPointIndex);

    // Select the other initial centers probabilistically 

    for (int n = 1; n < Nclusters; ++n)
        // For each of the points in the sample, determine the distance to
        // its closest center 
        sumOfDistancesToClosestCenters = 0.0;
        for (int k = 0; k < Npoints; ++k)
            for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
                distance = metric.distance(sample.col(k), centers.col(j));
                if (j == 0)
                    // This is the very first center we're checking, so let's adopt
                    // this initially as the closest center. 
                    distanceToClosestCenter[k] = distance;
                    // Compare with the previous distance to the closest center.
                    // If it is even smaller, we've found an even closer center.
                    // In that case, keep the distance value.
                    if (distance < distanceToClosestCenter[k])
                        distanceToClosestCenter[k] = distance;
            sumOfDistancesToClosestCenters += distanceToClosestCenter[k];

        // Normalize the distances
        for (int k = 0; k < Npoints; ++k)
            distanceToClosestCenter[k] /= sumOfDistancesToClosestCenters;

        // Generate a uniform random number between 0 and 1
        uniform01Number = uniform01(engine);

        // Select the point that makes the cumulative distance greater than the random
        // number. Those points with a larger distance to their closest center, will have 
        // a greater chance to be chosen as the next cluster center point, than the others.
        cumulativeDistance = distanceToClosestCenter[0];
        k = 0;
        while (cumulativeDistance < uniform01Number)
            cumulativeDistance += distanceToClosestCenter[k];

        centers.col(n) = sample.col(k);

    } // end loop of selecting initial cluster centers
Esempio n. 23
 static double normal(double mu, double sigma) {
     const double pi = 3.14159265358979323846;   //approximate value of pi
     double r = mu + sigma * std::sqrt(-2.0 * std::log(uniform01())) * std::cos(2.0 * pi * uniform01());
     return r;