Esempio n. 1
static void init_curIAT (void)
  char *h;
  char *r;

  h = (char *) strdup (cur_libname);
  while ((r = strchr (h, '.')) != NULL)
    *r = '_';
  cur_dllsym = unifyStr (h);
  free (h);

  cur_IAT = unifyCat ("__IAT_", cur_dllsym);
Esempio n. 2
static int
parseit (void)
  int r;
  char *dot = NULL;

  if (!exports_seen)
      if ((r = lexit2 ()) == -1)
	return 0;
      if (r == TK_EXPORTS)
	  r = expect_newline ("EXPORTS");
	  return (r != -1 ? 1 : 0);
      if (r == TK_LIBRARY)
	  r = lexit2 ();
	  if (r != TK_STRING && r != TK_NAME)
	      fprintf (stderr, "Expect name/string after LIBRARY keyword.\n");
	      return (r != -1 ? 1 : 0);

	  cur_libname = unifyStr (t_buf);
	  if ((dot = strchr (t_buf, '.')) != NULL)
	      *dot = '\0';
	      cur_libbasename = unifyStr (t_buf);

	  fprintf (stderr, "Current library-name set to %s'\n", cur_libname);
	  cur_outlibbasename = unifyCat (cur_libbasename, SUFFIX);

	  r = expect_newline ("LIBRARY");
	  return (r != -1 ? 1 : 0);
      if ((r = lexit2 ()) == -1)
	return 0;
      if (r != TK_NAME)
	  fprintf (stderr,
		   "Unexpected token ,%s'.  Would have expected a string/name.\n",
	  return (expect_newline ("UNKNOWN") == -1 ? 0 : 1);
      cur_symbol = unifyStr (t_buf);
      cur_alias = "";
      cur_libsymbol = "";
      cur_srcfile = "";
      cur_data = 0;
      while ((r = lexit2 ()) != -1 && r != TK_NL)
	  if (r == TK_DATA)
	    cur_data = 1;
	  else if (r == TK_EQUAL)
	      r = lexit2 ();
	      if (r != TK_NAME)
		  fprintf (stderr, "Expected name after = expression.\n");
		  if (r != -1 && r != TK_NL)
		    r = expect_newline ("SYMBOL");
		  return (r == -1 ? 0 : 1);
	      cur_libsymbol = unifyStr (t_buf);
	  else if (r == TK_EQUALEQUAL)
	      r = lexit2 ();
	      if (r != TK_NAME)
		  fprintf (stderr, "Expected name after == expression.\n");
		  if (r != -1 && r != TK_NL)
		    r = expect_newline ("SYMBOL");
		  return (r == -1 ? 0 : 1);
	      cur_alias = unifyStr (t_buf);
	  else if (r == TK_SOURCEFILENAME)
	      cur_srcfile = unifyStr (t_buf);
	      fprintf (stderr, "Unknown token ,%s'.\n", t_buf);

      addSymbol (cur_symbol, cur_libsymbol, cur_alias, cur_srcfile, cur_data);

  return (r != -1 ? 1 : 0);
Esempio n. 3
outputSyms (void)
  FILE *fp;
  sSymbol *l;
  const char *pth = unifyCat ("./s_", cur_libname);

  _mkdir (pth);

  init_curIAT ();

  pth = unifyCat (pth, "/");

  fp = fopen (unifyCat (pth, "do_init.c"), "wb");
  generate_stub_c (fp);
  fclose (fp);

  fp = fopen (unifyCat (pth, "sec_start.S"), "wb");
  printHeader (fp);

  fprintf (fp, "\t.section .rdata, \"dr\"\n");
  fprintf (fp, "__def_module:\n");
  fprintf (fp, "\t.ascii \"%s\"\n", cur_libname);
  fprintf (fp,"\t.section .rdata$imp.%s, \"dr\"\n", cur_libname);
  fprintf (fp, "#ifdef __x86_64__\n");
  fprintf (fp, "\t.align 16\n");
  fprintf (fp, "\t.globl %s\n%s:\n", cur_IAT, cur_IAT);
  fprintf (fp, "\t.quad __def_module, 0\n");
  fprintf (fp, "#elif __i386__\n");
  fprintf (fp, "\t.align 8\n");
  fprintf (fp, "\t.globl _%s\n_%s:\n", cur_IAT, cur_IAT);
  fprintf (fp, "\t.long __def_module, 0\n");
  fprintf (fp, "#else\n#error \"Unknown target\"\n#endif\n");
  fprintf (fp, "\n");
  fprintf (fp,"\t.section .rdata$imp.xxxxxxxx, \"dr\"\n", cur_libname);
  fprintf (fp,"\t.linkonce\n");
  fprintf (fp, "#ifdef __x86_64__\n");
  fprintf (fp, "\t.align 8\n");
  fprintf (fp, "\t.quad 0, 0\n");
  fprintf (fp, "#elif __i386__\n");
  fprintf (fp, "\t.align 4\n");
  fprintf (fp, "\t.long 0, 0\n");
  fprintf (fp, "#else\n#error \"Unknown target\"\n#endif\n");
  fclose (fp);

  l = t_sym;
  while (l != NULL)
      const char *hname = unifyCat (l->sym, ".S");

      if (l->is_data == 0)
	fp = fopen (unifyCat (pth, unifyCat ("stub_", hname)), "wb");

	printStubCode (fp, hname, l->sym);

	fclose (fp);
      fp = fopen (unifyCat (pth, unifyCat ("imp_", hname)), "wb");

      printHeader (fp);

      fprintf (fp, "\t.file \"imp_%s\"\n", hname);

      fprintf (fp, "#ifdef __x86_64__\n");
      fprintf (fp, "\t.section .data$%s.iat.%s,\"w\"\n", cur_libname, l->sym);
      fprintf (fp,"\t.globl __imp_%s\n", l->sym);
      fprintf (fp, "\t.align 8\n");
      fprintf (fp, "__imp_%s:\n", l->sym);
      fprintf (fp, "\t.quad %s\n", (l->libsym[0] != 0 ? l->libsym : "0"));
      fprintf (fp, "\t.section .rdata, \"dr\"\n");
      fprintf (fp, "__imp_%s_name:\n", l->sym);
      fprintf (fp, "\t.ascii \"%s\"\n", l->sym);
      fprintf (fp, "\t.section .rdata$imp.%s.%s, \"dr\"\n", cur_libname, l->sym);
      fprintf (fp, "\t.align 8\n");
      fprintf (fp, "\t.quad __imp_%s_name, __imp_%s\n", l->sym, l->sym);

      fprintf (fp, "#elif __i386__\n");
      fprintf (fp, "\t.section .data$%s.iat.%s, \"w\"\n", cur_libname, l->sym);
      fprintf (fp, "\t.align 4\n");
      fprintf (fp,"\t.globl __imp__%s\n", l->sym);
      fprintf (fp, "__imp__%s:\n", l->sym);
      fprintf (fp, "\t.long %s%s\n",
	       (l->libsym[0] != 0 ? "_" : ""),
	       (l->libsym[0] != 0 ? l->libsym : "0"));
      fprintf (fp, "\t.section .rdata, \"dr\"\n");
      fprintf (fp, "__imp__%s_name:\n", l->sym);
      fprintf (fp, "\t.ascii \"%s\"\n", l->sym);
      fprintf (fp, "\t.section .rdata$imp.%s.%s, \"dr\"\n", cur_libname, l->sym);
      fprintf (fp, "\t.align 4\n");
      fprintf (fp, "\t.long __imp_%s__name, __imp__%s\n", l->sym, l->sym);

      fprintf (fp, "#else\n#error \"Unknown target\"\n#endif\n");

      fclose (fp);

      if (l->subs != NULL)
	sSymbol *p;

	p = l->subs;
	while (p != NULL)
	  const char *hn = unifyCat (p->sym, ".S");
	  fp = fopen (unifyCat (pth, unifyCat ("stub_", hn)), "wb");

	  printStubCode (fp, hn, p->sym);

	  fclose (fp);

	  p = p->next;
	p = l->subs;
	while (p != NULL)
	  const char *hn = unifyCat (p->sym, ".S");
	  fp = fopen (unifyCat (pth, unifyCat ("imp_", hn)), "wb");

	  printHeader (fp);
	  fprintf (fp, "\t.file \"imp_%s\"\n", hn);

	  fprintf (fp, "#ifdef __x86_64__\n");
	  fprintf (fp, "\t.section .data$%s.iat.%s,\"w\"\n", cur_libname, p->sym);
	  fprintf (fp,"\t.globl __imp_%s\n", p->sym);
	  fprintf (fp, "\t.align 8\n");
	  fprintf (fp, "__imp_%s:\n", p->sym);
	  fprintf (fp, "\t.quad %s\n", (p->libsym[0] != 0 ? p->libsym : (l->libsym[0] != 0 ? l->libsym : "0")));

	  fprintf (fp, "\t.section .rdata$imp.%s.%s, \"dr\"\n", cur_libname, p->sym);
	  fprintf (fp, "\t.align 8\n");
	  fprintf (fp, "\t.quad __imp_%s, 1, __imp_%s, 0\n", l->sym, p->sym);

	  fprintf (fp, "#elif __i386__\n");
	  fprintf (fp, "\t.section .data$%s.iat.%s, \"w\"\n", cur_libname, p->sym);
	  fprintf (fp, "\t.align 4\n");
	  fprintf (fp,"\t.globl __imp__%s\n", p->sym);
	  fprintf (fp, "__imp__%s:\n", p->sym);
	  fprintf (fp, "\t.long %s\n", (p->libsym[0] != 0 ? p->libsym : (l->libsym[0] != 0 ? l->libsym : "0")));

	  fprintf (fp, "\t.section .rdata$imp.%s.%s, \"dr\"\n", cur_libname, p->sym);
	  fprintf (fp, "\t.align 4\n");
	  fprintf (fp, "\t.long __imp__%s, 1, __imp__%s, 0\n", l->sym, p->sym);

	  fprintf (fp, "#else\n#error \"Unknown target\"\n#endif\n");

	  fclose (fp);

	  p = p->next;

      l = l->next;