Esempio n. 1
static void
msdosfs_times(struct msdosfsmount *pmp, struct denode *dep,
    const struct stat *st)
	struct timespec at = st->st_atimespec;
	struct timespec mt = st->st_mtimespec;
	struct timespec at = { st->st_atime, 0 };
	struct timespec mt = { st->st_mtime, 0 };
	unix2dostime(&at, pmp->pm_gmtoff, &dep->de_ADate, NULL, NULL);
	unix2dostime(&mt, pmp->pm_gmtoff, &dep->de_MDate, &dep->de_MTime, NULL);
Esempio n. 2
/* ===========================================================================
 * If file *f does not exist, return 0.  Else, return the file's last
 * modified date and time as an MSDOS date and time.  The date and
 * time is returned in a long with the date most significant to allow
 * unsigned integer comparison of absolute times.  Also, if a is not
 * a NULL pointer, store the file attributes there, with the high two
 * bytes being the Unix attributes, and the low byte being a mapping
 * of that to DOS attributes.  If n is not NULL, store the file size
 * there.  If t is not NULL, the file's access and modification time
 * are stored there as UNIX time_t values.
 * If f is "-", use standard input as the file. If f is a device, return
 * a file size of -1
	*f :: Name of file to get info on.
	*a :: Return value: file attributes.
	*n :: Return value: file size.
	*t :: Return value: access and modification time.
ulg filetime( char *f, ulg *a, long *n, ztimbuf *t, struct Globals *pG ) {
	struct stat s;        /* results of stat() */
	char   name[FNMAX];
	int    len = lstrlen( f ), isstdin = !strcmp( f, "-" );

	if ( f == pG->label ) {
		if ( a != NULL ) *a = pG->label_mode;
		if ( n != NULL ) *n = -2L;        /* convention for a label name */
		if ( t != NULL )  t->actime = t->modtime = pG->label_utim;
		return pG->label_time;
	lstrcpy( name, f );
	/* not all systems allow stat'ing a file with / appended, so remove it */
	if ( name[len - 1] == '\\' ) name[len - 1] = '\0';		// SLASH
	/* Accept about any kind of file including directories */
	if ( LSSTAT( GetFullPath( pG, name ), &s ) != 0 ) return 0; // error in stat!

	if ( a != NULL ) {
		*a = ( (ulg)s.st_mode << 16) | (isstdin ? 0L : (ulg)GetFileMode( pG, name ) );
	if ( n != NULL ) *n = (s.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG ? s.st_size : -1L;
	if ( t != NULL ) {
		t->actime  = s.st_atime;
		t->modtime = s.st_mtime;
	return unix2dostime( (time_t *)&s.st_mtime );
Esempio n. 3
/** \brief Get the MS-DOS date/time of this entry.
 * This function returns the date and time of the entry in MSDOS
 * date/time format.
 * \note
 * An MS-DOS date is limited to 127 years starting on 1980.
 * So it will be over after Dec 31, 2107.
 * \return The date and time of the entry in MS-DOS format.
FileEntry::dostime_t FileEntry::getTime() const
    return unix2dostime(m_unix_time);
Esempio n. 4
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // define program name
    g_progname = argv[0];
    char *e(strrchr(g_progname, '/'));
        g_progname = e + 1;
    e = strrchr(g_progname, '\\');
        g_progname = e + 1;

    // check the various command line options
    time_mode_t mode(time_mode_t::DOS);
    for(int i(1); i < argc; ++i)
        if(argv[i][0] == '-')
            if(strcmp(argv[i], "--help") == 0
            || strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0)
            if(strcmp(argv[i], "--version") == 0)
                // version of this tool (compiled with this version)
                // it should be the same as the --version
                std::cout << ZIPIOS_VERSION_STRING << std::endl;
            if(strcmp(argv[i], "--dec") == 0)
                std::cout << std::dec;
            else if(strcmp(argv[i], "--dos") == 0)
                mode = time_mode_t::DOS;
            else if(strcmp(argv[i], "--hex") == 0)
                std::cout << std::hex;
            else if(strcmp(argv[i], "--unix") == 0)
                mode = time_mode_t::UNIX;
            // TODO: test that the argument is a valid number
            int64_t const t(atoll(argv[i]));
            int64_t r(0);
            time_t dt(t);
            case time_mode_t::DOS:
                r = unix2dostime(t);

            case time_mode_t::UNIX:
                r = dos2unixtime(t);
                dt = r;

            struct tm *dtm(localtime(&dt));
            char buf[256];
            if(dt == -1)
                strcpy(buf, "- -");
                strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%Y/%m/%d %T", dtm);
            buf[255] = '\0';
            std::cout << t << " " << r << " " << buf << std::endl;

    return 0;
Esempio n. 5
msdosfs_setattr(void *v)
	struct vop_setattr_args *ap = v;
	int error = 0;
	struct denode *dep = VTODE(ap->a_vp);
	struct vattr *vap = ap->a_vap;
	struct ucred *cred = ap->a_cred;

	printf("msdosfs_setattr(): vp %08x, vap %08x, cred %08x, p %08x\n",
	    ap->a_vp, vap, cred, ap->a_p);
	if ((vap->va_type != VNON) || (vap->va_nlink != VNOVAL) ||
	    (vap->va_fsid != VNOVAL) || (vap->va_fileid != VNOVAL) ||
	    (vap->va_blocksize != VNOVAL) || (vap->va_rdev != VNOVAL) ||
	    (vap->va_bytes != VNOVAL) || (vap->va_gen != VNOVAL) ||
	    (vap->va_uid != VNOVAL) || (vap->va_gid != VNOVAL)) {
		printf("msdosfs_setattr(): returning EINVAL\n");
		printf("    va_type %d, va_nlink %x, va_fsid %x, va_fileid %x\n",
		    vap->va_type, vap->va_nlink, vap->va_fsid, vap->va_fileid);
		printf("    va_blocksize %x, va_rdev %x, va_bytes %x, va_gen %x\n",
		    vap->va_blocksize, vap->va_rdev, vap->va_bytes, vap->va_gen);
		printf("    va_uid %x, va_gid %x\n",
		    vap->va_uid, vap->va_gid);
		return (EINVAL);
	 * Directories must not ever get their attributes modified
	if (ap->a_vp->v_type == VDIR)
		return (0);

	if (vap->va_size != VNOVAL) {
		error = detrunc(dep, (uint32_t)vap->va_size, 0, cred, ap->a_p);
		if (error)
			return (error);
	if (vap->va_atime.tv_sec != VNOVAL || vap->va_mtime.tv_sec != VNOVAL) {
		if (cred->cr_uid != dep->de_pmp->pm_uid &&
		    (error = suser_ucred(cred)) &&
		    ((vap->va_vaflags & VA_UTIMES_NULL) == 0 ||
		    (error = VOP_ACCESS(ap->a_vp, VWRITE, cred, ap->a_p))))
			return (error);
		if (!(dep->de_pmp->pm_flags & MSDOSFSMNT_NOWIN95)
		    && vap->va_atime.tv_sec != VNOVAL)
			unix2dostime(&vap->va_atime, &dep->de_ADate, NULL, NULL);
		if (vap->va_mtime.tv_sec != VNOVAL)
			unix2dostime(&vap->va_mtime, &dep->de_MDate, &dep->de_MTime, NULL);
		dep->de_Attributes |= ATTR_ARCHIVE;
		dep->de_flag |= DE_MODIFIED;
	 * DOS files only have the ability to have their writability
	 * attribute set, so we use the owner write bit to set the readonly
	 * attribute.
	if (vap->va_mode != (mode_t)VNOVAL) {
		if (cred->cr_uid != dep->de_pmp->pm_uid &&
		    (error = suser_ucred(cred)))
			return (error);
		/* We ignore the read and execute bits. */
		if (vap->va_mode & VWRITE)
			dep->de_Attributes &= ~ATTR_READONLY;
			dep->de_Attributes |= ATTR_READONLY;
		dep->de_flag |= DE_MODIFIED;
	 * Allow the `archived' bit to be toggled.
	if (vap->va_flags != VNOVAL) {
		if (cred->cr_uid != dep->de_pmp->pm_uid &&
		    (error = suser_ucred(cred)))
			return (error);
		if (vap->va_flags & SF_ARCHIVED)
			dep->de_Attributes &= ~ATTR_ARCHIVE;
			dep->de_Attributes |= ATTR_ARCHIVE;
		dep->de_flag |= DE_MODIFIED;
	return (deupdat(dep, 1));
Esempio n. 6
// Process -o and -m options (if specified), free up malloc'ed stuff, and
//   exit with the code e. e :: Exit code.
static void finish(struct Globals *pG)
  int r; // return value from trash()
  ulg t; // latest time in zip file
  struct zlist *z; // pointer into zfile list

  // If latest, set time to zip file to latest file in zip file
  if (pG->latest && pG->zipfile && strcmp(pG->zipfile, "-"))
    diag("changing time of zip file to time of latest file in it", pG);

    // find latest time in zip file
    if (pG->zfiles == NULL)
      Inform(pG, 0, IWARNING,
        "zip file is empty, can't make it as old as latest entry");
      t = 0;
      for (z = pG->zfiles; z != NULL; z = z->nxt)
      // Ignore directories in time comparisons
      #ifdef USE_EF_UX_TIME
        if (z->zname[z->nam - 1] != '\\')
          // SLASH
          ztimbuf z_utim;
          ulg z_tim;

          z_tim = (get_ef_ux_ztime(z, &z_utim) ? unix2dostime(&z_utim.modtime):
          if (t < z_tim)
            t = z_tim;

        if (z->zname[z->nam - 1] != '\\' && t < z->tim)
          t = z->tim;
        // SLASH

      // set modified time of zip file to that time
      if (t != 0)
        stamp(pG->zipfile, t);
        Inform(pG, 0, IWARNING,
          "zip file has only directories, can't make it as old as latest entry")

  if (pG->tempath != NULL)
    pG->tempath = NULL;

  if (pG->zipfile != NULL)
    pG->zipfile = NULL;

  // If dispose, delete all files in the zfiles list that are marked
  if (pG->dispose && !pG->global_abort_sw)
    // v1.6017
    diag("deleting files that were added to zip file", pG);
    if ((r = trash(pG)) != ZEN_OK)
      ziperr(r, pG);
    return ;

  #ifdef CRYPT                  // RCV: 1.604 added
    if (pG->user_key)
    // p release user password
      pG->user_key = NULL;


  // Done!